47 Republicans vote in support of same sex marriage

And people like Lesh doesn't want that... people like him or her wants us divided....
Everybody has an angle and a position to run up the flag pole and see if it waves. I think they are pretty serious about wanting to keep the right or have the right to marry who they please and want to make sure it is law before the midterm elections. If they have time, they'll probably protect interracial marriage also, as the Supremes could do away with that too, on the same reasoning, if they choose to hear a case. It's not like people have a right to privacy or something.
Now you retards are saying ANY gay person is a pedophile?

Like i said...you fringe loons are way out of step with the nation
Wow, now your saying all groomers are pedophiles? We already knew that....dumbass.

Republicans are out of step with the nation and catering to their homophobic base
Hahaha…typical leftist bullshit.
“Damn, I guess us disgusting backwards unAmerican fucks haven’t cultivated enough filth in America, these moral bastards still want to do shit right.”
Everybody has an angle and a position to run up the flag pole and see if it waves. I think they are pretty serious about wanting to keep the right or have the right to marry who they please and want to make sure it is law before the midterm elections. If they have time, they'll probably protect interracial marriage also, as the Supremes could do away with that too, on the same reasoning, if they choose to hear a case. It's not like people have a right to privacy or something.
Maybe what's best is for it to be a state issue.... with RvW... the top court gave up power and sent the issue where it belongs at the state level....
The supreme court made a bad unsound ruling when they adopted RvW.... and it was overturned... it took 50 years but it had to go....
Republicans are out of step with the nation and catering to their homophobic base

Not at all. Gays can get legal unions all they want, just don't CALL it a "marriage" because by definition for at least 2000 years, that meant a union between man and woman for the sake of having children. But thanks for using the term "homophobe" to describe your affinity for a perverted lifestyle by trying to put the blame on US for YOUR choice to live as a life of sin. The fault lays in YOU, not the other 99% normal people.
Maybe what's best is for it to be a state issue.... with RvW... the top court gave up power and sent the issue where it belongs at the state level....
The supreme court made a bad unsound ruling when they adopted RvW.... and it was overturned... it took 50 years but it had to go....
Right. That is what they are afraid of. People do not want their marriages wiped out, just on the whim of state republicans, as they cannot be trusted not to go for it, if they don't like it, and there are a lot of republicans controlling state legislatures that don't like it, to this day. They thought the law of the land was the law of the land, but now know, that if it is just based on a decision of the Supremes, it is only valid until there is a clear majority of the court and then everything the Supremes ruled on, is up for grabs. If people across the country are going to get to keep things, they thought were settled law rights, they will just have to get through Congress or see it go away, based on politics of the moment.
Don't sweat it. Legislation is how the country was supposed be run, not the whim of the court, carving out and then taking away, as they were never elected and almost impossible to get rid of. Simple law of averages points toward the fact, if they do something once, that they have never done before, the chances they could do a similar thing again, go up 100%.
Relax and watch the fun. If the Senate is blocked from passing this law protecting gay marriage, by conservative procedural trick, a hell of a lot of Republican seats (thought safe) will change in the fall, both at national office and state office, and everybody knows it, so best they be on the correct sided of it, whatever that might be.
Right. That is what they are afraid of. People do not want their marriages wiped out, just on the whim of state republicans, as they cannot be trusted not to go for it, if they don't like it, and there are a lot of republicans controlling state legislatures that don't like it, to this day. They thought the law of the land was the law of the land, but now know, that if it is just based on a decision of the Supremes, it is only valid until there is a clear majority of the court and then everything the Supremes ruled on, is up for grabs. If people across the country are going to get to keep things, they thought were settled law rights, they will just have to get through Congress or see it go away, based on politics of the moment.
Don't sweat it. Legislation is how the country was supposed be run, not the whim of the court, carving out and then taking away, as they were never elected and almost impossible to get rid of. Simple law of averages points toward the fact, if they do something once, that they have never done before, the chances they could do a similar thing again, go up 100%.
Relax and watch the fun. If the Senate is blocked from passing this law protecting gay marriage, by conservative procedural trick, a hell of a lot of Republican seats (thought safe) will change in the fall, both at national office and state office, and everybody knows it, so best they be on the correct sided of it, whatever that might be.
Laws have to be passed the right way... not with judicial activism... that's all the current supreme court said by removing R V W and it was the right thing to do... Conservative justices can be judicial activists too you know....
If the Supreme Court says marriage law is a state matter, Congress can't do a damn thing about it.
Today's supreme court is giving up power that their predecessors unconstitutionally gave the court... and that's a good thing.... the pro abortionists went too far and got challenged.... lets see if the gay lobby can control the Gender activists and keep that from happening with gay marriage.....
Laws have to be passed the right way... not with judicial activism... that's all the current supreme court said by removing R V W and it was the right thing to do... Conservative justices can be judicial activists too you know....
Good for you. You get it. That is what is being done, now, now that the people in affected groups know the Supreme Court cannot be counted on.
I would like to see some legislative laws banning civil asset forfeiture and banning revenue sharing on civil asset forfeiture, when no crime is proven or sometimes, not even charged. I remember when it was legal to have money. You could stick it in your mattress, or in a bank safe deposit box or carry it with you to make large purchases. Not anymore, and the feds along with state and local government can snatch if they know where it is, or discover it, then move it upstream to higher levels of government and control, while sharing in the proceeds for a tidy profit, while you spend money on legal bills chasing your money around the country, just to figure out who has custody and even then, you are not even looking at all of it, as it has been shared along the way and no one agency controls it all anymore.
This is why the fucking democrats will get their asses handed to them in November.

We have:

1. Record high inflation
2. Record high gas prices
3. Record high home prices with record low mortgage numbers
4. Record high mortgage rates
5. Record high vehicle repo's
6. Record high crime
7. Record high illegal border crossings
8. Record low number of new vehicles available
9. Record high food prices

And what bills do democrats pass? FUCKING GAY MARRAIGE.

Oh yea, November is gonna be a fun one.....
This is why the fucking democrats will get their asses handed to them in November.

We have:

1. Record inflation
2. Record gas prices
3. Record home prices with record low mortgage numbers
4. Record high mortgage rates
5. Record high vehicle repo's
6. Record high crime
7. Record high illegal border crossings
8. Record low number of new vehicles available

And what bills do democrats pass? FUCKING GAY MARRAIGE.

Oh yea, November is gonna be a fun one.....

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