47 year old MAN ditches wife, 7 kids so he can transform into a "6 yr old girl". Liberalism.

The bad part is how many liberals praise and celebrate him. You wanna go be a homo or be 47 and act like a 6 year old child...pshh...whatever...pay your bills and be a freak.

But...once you marry...and ESPECIALLY once you create 7 kids of your own....your sick dreams don't matter. But sure....embrace liberalism....ditch your family and go transform into a 6 year old girl.
The bad part is how many liberals praise and celebrate him. You wanna go be a homo or be 47 and act like a 6 year old child...pshh...whatever...pay your bills and be a freak.

But...once you marry...and ESPECIALLY once you create 7 kids of your own....your sick dreams don't matter. But sure....embrace liberalism....ditch your family and go transform into a 6 year old girl.

You have to remember, liberals are selfish
And furthermore..now that my blood pressure is rising and I am getting not only depressed but PISSED OFF that it depresses me this shit...I will say that this insane person (I won't call him an asshole cuz crazy people can't help being crazy) and his "adoptive parents" make me want to puke. ESPECIALLY the two freaktoids that are enabling his sickness and USING him for their own 15 minutes of fame. I mean, who adopts a FORTY SEVEN YEAR OLD MAN and lets him pretend to be 6 years old and are ok with it? Two more insane people that need to be in the nuthouse along with the rest of the mentally unstable people currently ensconced in one.

AND..it insults the very attempts of SANE lgbt's who try so hard to help young lgbt's committing suicide, living on the streets, have no one to turn to for help. THAT is what is pissing me off. And it should any SANE person as well.

Meh. Netflix time. If I wanted to see a freak show I would watch a stupid movie about it. I damn sure don't want to be subjected to it here in a thread.
I am SOOOO peeved right now. Mostly because I can't get the image out of my head of this old fuck dressing like a small child while two grown adults change his fucking diapers and play color book with him while some 15 year old is offing him/herself due to no support at all. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

When society praises shit like Bruce Jenner and give courage awards to it....it encourages it.

It's one thing to be a child or teen growing into it and being brave enough to just be that.

But when you're god damn 47 with a wife and bunch of kids.....it's too late. But the liberal freaks how goes on....
Jeeez. All this hate and not one fact.

She's not American.
Not liberal.
Not Democrat.
Not 47yo.

Just a human being trying to live her life as best she can. Walk a mile or two in her shoes before you judge her.

Or, try following the teachings of Jesus.

'I've gone back to being a child': Husband and father-of-seven, 52, leaves his wife and kids to live as a transgender SIX-YEAR-OLD girl named Stefonknee
  • Stefonknee Wolscht, 52, lived as Paul until she realized she was trans at age 46 and was not accepted by her family
  • After two suicide attempts and a bout of homelessness, she found hope in the transgender community in Toronto
  • She now resides with an adoptive 'mommy and daddy' and spends her time playing with dolls and the couple's young grandchildren

Read more: Canadian man leaves family to live as a transgender six-year-old girl
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Transgender AND Transager: 52 Year-Old Father Lives as a 6 Year-Old Girl

Thanks for the facts, but I doubt they will stifle this little NaziCon circle jerk. They have no honor or shame.
Walk a mile or two in her shoes before you judge her.


Or, try following the teachings of Jesus.

You'll have to explain that one.

Ask the so-called "christians" who are judging her, calling her vile names and demonizing her.

So much hate and she does none of you any harm.

I can't imagine why this is in the news but really, its between her and her family. What's wrong with "live and let live"?
Walk a mile or two in her shoes before you judge her.


Or, try following the teachings of Jesus.

You'll have to explain that one.

Ask the so-called "christians" who are judging her, calling her vile names and demonizing her.

So much hate and she does none of you any harm.

I can't imagine why this is in the news but really, its between her and her family. What's wrong with "live and let live"?
Walk a mile or two in her shoes before you judge her.


Or, try following the teachings of Jesus.

You'll have to explain that one.

Ask the so-called "christians" who are judging her, calling her vile names and demonizing her.

So much hate and she does none of you any harm.

I can't imagine why this is in the news but really, its between her and her family. What's wrong with "live and let live"?

NaziCon logic: She's different - must be destroyed.
And that pic encompasses men and women who are LGBTs doing the same thing for those in need, who suffer, are abused, killed AND some in the military as well. SANE people. Not some schmuck that is 47 years old with 7 kids and wants to be 6 years old and dresses like one.

DAYUM! And some of yall wonder why this world is sinking so fucking fast. Mental illness is the new "in" thing, I guess.
Walk a mile or two in her shoes before you judge her.


Or, try following the teachings of Jesus.

You'll have to explain that one.

Ask the so-called "christians" who are judging her, calling her vile names and demonizing her.

So much hate and she does none of you any harm.

I can't imagine why this is in the news but really, its between her and her family. What's wrong with "live and let live"?

NaziCon logic: She's different - must be destroyed.
So you approve of him abandoning his family? That makes you just as evil?
Walk a mile or two in her shoes before you judge her.


Or, try following the teachings of Jesus.

You'll have to explain that one.

Ask the so-called "christians" who are judging her, calling her vile names and demonizing her.

So much hate and she does none of you any harm.

I can't imagine why this is in the news but really, its between her and her family. What's wrong with "live and let live"?

NaziCon logic: She's different - must be destroyed.
So you approve of him abandoning his family? That makes you just as evil?

Compassionate conservatives will take care of his family. You know - Christian charity.

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