48%: The Democratic Party needs to face an ugly reality

Of course Nazis are leftists. NAZI stands for the socialist party, brainiac.

And Nazis had a centrally managed economy, which is socialism.

There was nothing "right" about Nazis at all, they are all yours

Actually, the Nazis stopped being "socialist" after the Night of the Long Knives, when Hitler expunged socialist leaning members like Roehm and Strasser and fully embraced the German Military Industrial Complex. All the big companies were fine with Hitler, such as Seimens, Krupp, Daimler, etc. Companies that still exist today.

The German war machine was still a centrally managed economy. It relied on the force of government guns to drive the economy.

Crony Capitalism is a form of SOCIALISM. It's still centrally managed.

The German people weren't going to the store and buying tanks instead of bread. Didn't happen
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often a
llowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

The Democrats need to retake control of their party, they need to tell the Neo-Marxists to GTFO because NO Western nation and ESPECIALLY America wants Marxism and wants to collapse Capitalism and replace it with Anarchy and a Communist System.

Why do you continue to use the RED SCARE?

Q. Do you have a clue about what Marxism is?

Q. Do you belief the Democratic Party will actually take over General Motors, Ford and other industries to control the means of production?

If you do I have a bridge for sale cheap, it spans the opening from the Pacific Coast into San Francisco Bay. There is even and Island about a mile west of the bridge, it once was a Federal Prison and I'm sure Trump&Co. will sell it to you.
It's hard to tell exactly what democrats mean, like Bernie Sanders, when he refers to socialism, because he refers to both countries like Sweden and Cuba as if they were one in the same, when they could not be more different.

That is what scares the hell out of people, and rightly so. Then throw in the AOC train wreck who can't even tie their shoes and you are left with a very bad feeling if these demagogues ever take power.

Sanders and Moore need to STFU unless they want people like you, Trump&Co., to continue to exploit their comments; the large part of the hate and fear doctrine used by Trump&Co.; Trump and his lap dogs and press secretaries use Big Lies and half-truths, rumors, innuendos and false assassinations of the character of all Democrats.

Calling AOC a train wreck is one more example of a Big Lie; the only train wreck today is Trump's Lies and efforts to spin his total failure to protect We the People from Covid; his effort to not panic the people is absurd.

Read FDR's first inauguration speech to the people, that is what real leaders do!

Sanders doesn't have to say anything at all....The DNC, and Biden by extension, have embraced his Marxist lunacy as their guiding principles.

He may now just go hang out at the third house that the DNC bought for him, in exchange for sitting down and shutting up like a good little party tool that he is.

Why don't you take you head out of your ass and STFU. You post nothing thoughtful or thought provoking; you must believe you are clever, you're not.

What you've done is to attack the DNC as a singular voice, which most everyone understands is stupid hyperbole.

^^^^ This:

Of course Nazis are leftists. NAZI stands for the socialist party, brainiac.

So by your fuktard standards, the fact that the USSR had "Republic" in the name means they were Republicans. Even by Trump cult standards, you're kind of dim.

And Nazis had a centrally managed economy, which is socialism.

You don't get to just make up kooky definitions of socialism to justify your big lie. You can try, but everyone will point and laugh.

There was nothing "right" about Nazis at all, they are all yours

Again, I know the purpose of your big lie.

The right wants to emulate the Nazis in most ways.

To do that, they have to rebrand Nazism.

So, they create a fictional version of Nazism, point to it, and yell "See! That's not us! That means we can't be like Nazis!".

It's not fooling anyone.

OK, brainless twat. I said NAZI stands for socialist, THEN I described why they were socialist.

So I didn't just rely on they said they were socialists, that's just you being an idiot.

Government schools, sheesh. Don't you want better than the shitty government education you got?

The rest is your your leftist hate rhetoric
And I agree. He is bad. Abysmally so. Yet voters chose him over Democrats in 2016. It could happen again.

Actually, the voters chose Hillary.

306 Political Hacks chose Trump.

The problem in 2016 is that people didn't like Hillary on a personal level, not enough to vote for her in an election the Media told them was a foregone conclusion. The horrors of a Trump presidency were pretty much an abstract. It wasn't real to them.

Actually Hillary ONLY got the Popular Vote via TWO States California and New York, it was the votes from those TWO States why she got more Popular Votes than The Donald and this is the REASON why Leftists aka Communists WANT to get rid of the Electoral College.

And it's why the rest of us want to keep it. Even those of us who despise Trump and won't vote Republican. The fact of the matter is, the electoral college - or rather than unequal distribution of electoral power inherent in the structure of the electoral college - worked exactly as it was supposed to in 2016. The entire point of that arrangement was to prevent populous urban centers from dominating federal policy - to encourage parties to appeal to a broad demographic, rather than just chasing raw votes. Democrats didn't get the memo.
Of course Nazis are leftists. NAZI stands for the socialist party, brainiac.

And Nazis had a centrally managed economy, which is socialism.

There was nothing "right" about Nazis at all, they are all yours

Actually, the Nazis stopped being "socialist" after the Night of the Long Knives, when Hitler expunged socialist leaning members like Roehm and Strasser and fully embraced the German Military Industrial Complex. All the big companies were fine with Hitler, such as Seimens, Krupp, Daimler, etc. Companies that still exist today.

The German war machine was still a centrally managed economy. It relied on the force of government guns to drive the economy.

Crony Capitalism is a form of SOCIALISM. It's still centrally managed.

The German people weren't going to the store and buying tanks instead of bread. Didn't happen
And when Junkers aircraft got a little wobbly about supporting the Nazis, BAM! the company gets nationalized.

A classic right-wing move!
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This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often a
llowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

The Democrats need to retake control of their party, they need to tell the Neo-Marxists to GTFO because NO Western nation and ESPECIALLY America wants Marxism and wants to collapse Capitalism and replace it with Anarchy and a Communist System.

Why do you continue to use the RED SCARE?

Q. Do you have a clue about what Marxism is?

Q. Do you belief the Democratic Party will actually take over General Motors, Ford and other industries to control the means of production?

If you do I have a bridge for sale cheap, it spans the opening from the Pacific Coast into San Francisco Bay. There is even and Island about a mile west of the bridge, it once was a Federal Prison and I'm sure Trump&Co. will sell it to you.
It's hard to tell exactly what democrats mean, like Bernie Sanders, when he refers to socialism, because he refers to both countries like Sweden and Cuba as if they were one in the same, when they could not be more different.

That is what scares the hell out of people, and rightly so. Then throw in the AOC train wreck who can't even tie their shoes and you are left with a very bad feeling if these demagogues ever take power.

Sanders and Moore need to STFU unless they want people like you, Trump&Co., to continue to exploit their comments; the large part of the hate and fear doctrine used by Trump&Co.; Trump and his lap dogs and press secretaries use Big Lies and half-truths, rumors, innuendos and false assassinations of the character of all Democrats.

Calling AOC a train wreck is one more example of a Big Lie; the only train wreck today is Trump's Lies and efforts to spin his total failure to protect We the People from Covid; his effort to not panic the people is absurd.

Read FDR's first inauguration speech to the people, that is what real leaders do!

^^^^ Sorry WHAT were you commenting again? I FORGOT ALREADY :rolleyes-41:

What else? Oh yes, this:

This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.
I’ve been talking to a lot of Republicans about this and I actually hear a lot of them say that they really don’t like the man Trump is or how he acts, but they dislike the Dems even more as they don’t believe in many of their extreme policy objectives. So they are voting for Trump because of the common enemy not because they support all he does and says.

I think you’re right about the way the wings play into this. If the Dems go hard on the progressive causes... anti-gun, PC, cancel culture, raising taxes, regulating energy etc they are going to isolate many swing voters and push them into Trumps camp.
Yeah I don't get it either. Maybe America in the recesses of our collective soul is as fascistic and authoritarian as any banana republic. Democracy is no longer reliably producing rich, white plutocratic politicians so it must be time to destroy it.
yes, you blacks/etc hate rich white people--we know
..you TEACH your kids to hate rich white people
they tell them not to respect the white's existence. I still say, if you don't respect me, don't expect me to respect you. It's really that simple.
Last edited:
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often a
llowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

The Democrats need to retake control of their party, they need to tell the Neo-Marxists to GTFO because NO Western nation and ESPECIALLY America wants Marxism and wants to collapse Capitalism and replace it with Anarchy and a Communist System.

Why do you continue to use the RED SCARE?

Q. Do you have a clue about what Marxism is?

Q. Do you belief the Democratic Party will actually take over General Motors, Ford and other industries to control the means of production?

If you do I have a bridge for sale cheap, it spans the opening from the Pacific Coast into San Francisco Bay. There is even and Island about a mile west of the bridge, it once was a Federal Prison and I'm sure Trump&Co. will sell it to you.
It's hard to tell exactly what democrats mean, like Bernie Sanders, when he refers to socialism, because he refers to both countries like Sweden and Cuba as if they were one in the same, when they could not be more different.

That is what scares the hell out of people, and rightly so. Then throw in the AOC train wreck who can't even tie their shoes and you are left with a very bad feeling if these demagogues ever take power.

Sanders and Moore need to STFU unless they want people like you, Trump&Co., to continue to exploit their comments; the large part of the hate and fear doctrine used by Trump&Co.; Trump and his lap dogs and press secretaries use Big Lies and half-truths, rumors, innuendos and false assassinations of the character of all Democrats.

Calling AOC a train wreck is one more example of a Big Lie; the only train wreck today is Trump's Lies and efforts to spin his total failure to protect We the People from Covid; his effort to not panic the people is absurd.

Read FDR's first inauguration speech to the people, that is what real leaders do!

"Calling AOC a train wreck" "Covid"


This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.
I’ve been talking to a lot of Republicans about this and I actually hear a lot of them say that they really don’t like the man Trump is or how he acts, but they dislike the Dems even more as they don’t believe in many of their extreme policy objectives. So they are voting for Trump because of the common enemy not because they support all he does and says.

I think you’re right about the way the wings play into this. If the Dems go hard on the progressive causes... anti-gun, PC, cancel culture, raising taxes, regulating energy etc they are going to isolate many swing voters and push them into Trumps camp.
I can't really stand the man either, but I love what he stands for. ME!!!!!! MY FAMILY!!!! MY TOWN!!!! MY POLICE FORCE!!!!!MY JOB!!! MY SAVINGS!!!! MY COUNTRY!!!!! Now when the demofks start defending civilized americans come talk to me, until then, hitlery lost and you should really get over it.
Of course Nazis are leftists. NAZI stands for the socialist party, brainiac.

And Nazis had a centrally managed economy, which is socialism.

There was nothing "right" about Nazis at all, they are all yours

Actually, the Nazis stopped being "socialist" after the Night of the Long Knives, when Hitler expunged socialist leaning members like Roehm and Strasser and fully embraced the German Military Industrial Complex. All the big companies were fine with Hitler, such as Seimens, Krupp, Daimler, etc. Companies that still exist today.

The German war machine was still a centrally managed economy. It relied on the force of government guns to drive the economy.

Crony Capitalism is a form of SOCIALISM. It's still centrally managed.

The German people weren't going to the store and buying tanks instead of bread. Didn't happen
And when Junkers aircraft got a little wobbly about supporting the Nazis, BAM! the company gets nationalized.

A classic right-wing move!
Like the GOP Congress buying shares of banks?
Meanwhile, back in reality, the Democrats are beating Trump and his cult like a gong.


The Democrats offer concrete policies across the board, while the Trump cult offers only fear and hate.

The Democrats act like patriots and decent human beings, while the Trump cult acts like Nazi sociopaths. Q-anon, the current Republican philosophy, is literally a Nazi conspiracy theory repackaged.

We can't save the Republican party. The treason runs too deep there. They simply hate everyone outside of their fascist cult, because the hating gives them a thrill. Pity. The USA needs two parties. Hopefully, a sane conservative party will rise out of the wreckage of the GOP.

The Democrats act like patriots and decent human beings

Look everyone! More Democrat math.

Soon they will spend $100 trillion to combat the naturally occurring gas carbon dioxide, give us all free health care and college, and collect enough taxes from the evil 1% to pay for it all even though if they took all the money from the top 1% it would only cover about 0.00000001% of the money they will spend.

But not to worry, it won't harm the economy in any way cuz all you have to do it print the money.

It's like magic!

Not to worry though Mac because I can't vote for Trump cuz he says silly things and has silly hair and is a meanie
they can't generate enough money. they don't understand that without private business, this implodes.
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

48%: The Democratic Party needs to face an ugly reality

Well, they nominated Hillary the last time.

This is not a new problem.
Of course Nazis are leftists. NAZI stands for the socialist party, brainiac.

And Nazis had a centrally managed economy, which is socialism.

There was nothing "right" about Nazis at all, they are all yours

Actually, the Nazis stopped being "socialist" after the Night of the Long Knives, when Hitler expunged socialist leaning members like Roehm and Strasser and fully embraced the German Military Industrial Complex. All the big companies were fine with Hitler, such as Seimens, Krupp, Daimler, etc. Companies that still exist today.

The German war machine was still a centrally managed economy. It relied on the force of government guns to drive the economy.

Crony Capitalism is a form of SOCIALISM. It's still centrally managed.

The German people weren't going to the store and buying tanks instead of bread. Didn't happen
And when Junkers aircraft got a little wobbly about supporting the Nazis, BAM! the company gets nationalized.

A classic right-wing move!
Like the GOP Congress buying shares of banks?
There's all sorts of insider trading going on in congress....It transcends party affiliation....Stopped being shocking back in the 1990s.

You moonbat chumps seriously need some new material.
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often a
llowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

The Democrats need to retake control of their party, they need to tell the Neo-Marxists to GTFO because NO Western nation and ESPECIALLY America wants Marxism and wants to collapse Capitalism and replace it with Anarchy and a Communist System.

Why do you continue to use the RED SCARE?

Q. Do you have a clue about what Marxism is?

Q. Do you belief the Democratic Party will actually take over General Motors, Ford and other industries to control the means of production?

If you do I have a bridge for sale cheap, it spans the opening from the Pacific Coast into San Francisco Bay. There is even and Island about a mile west of the bridge, it once was a Federal Prison and I'm sure Trump&Co. will sell it to you.
It's hard to tell exactly what democrats mean, like Bernie Sanders, when he refers to socialism, because he refers to both countries like Sweden and Cuba as if they were one in the same, when they could not be more different.

That is what scares the hell out of people, and rightly so. Then throw in the AOC train wreck who can't even tie their shoes and you are left with a very bad feeling if these demagogues ever take power.

Sanders and Moore need to STFU unless they want people like you, Trump&Co., to continue to exploit their comments; the large part of the hate and fear doctrine used by Trump&Co.; Trump and his lap dogs and press secretaries use Big Lies and half-truths, rumors, innuendos and false assassinations of the character of all Democrats.

Calling AOC a train wreck is one more example of a Big Lie; the only train wreck today is Trump's Lies and efforts to spin his total failure to protect We the People from Covid; his effort to not panic the people is absurd.

Read FDR's first inauguration speech to the people, that is what real leaders do!

"Calling AOC a train wreck" "Covid"

View attachment 388544

View attachment 388545
OK, brainless twat. I said NAZI stands for socialist, THEN I described why they were socialist.

And everyone laughed hard at that big lie, because you just invented a new definition for "socialist".

Government schools, sheesh. Don't you want better than the shitty government education you got?

I'm sure that in your little fascist head, the public schools that are as old as the USA qualify as socialism. That's how crazy you are.

The rest is your your leftist hate rhetoric

So, pegged you right on, I did. Dang, I'm good.
Yeah I don't get it either. Maybe America in the recesses of our collective soul is as fascistic and authoritarian as any banana republic. Democracy is no longer reliably producing rich, white plutocratic politicians so it must be time to destroy it.

Once again we are a representative republic.
Are we? I would question that assessment when our representatives in government do not seem to be concerned with anyone except billionaires and those who try to represent The People are branded as evil socialists.

Your problem is you beleive giving americans more and more free stuff is representing them.
Your problem is that you think money rightfully buys power and the rich are fully entitled to the handouts their pet politicians give them.

I was on the money with my post. Yours isn't even close. Class warfare is all you have.

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