48%: The Democratic Party needs to face an ugly reality

You are funny!

Trump's tax cuts helped billionaires pay less than the working ...
www.theguardian.com › business › oct › trump-tax-cuts-helped-billio...

Oct 9, 2019 - Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

I love that fake claim.
What you've done is to attack the DNC
Cool........I love doing that too..................They support terrorism and have only one motto..............vote for me because America Sucks............and Trump.

Wow..........let;s vote for the AMERICA SUCKS CROWD.

You are one funny guy.........lmao

You need to take your head out of your ass and STFU. You post nothing thoughtful or thought provoking - plus your use of syntax is ludicrous ...... you ...... can't even ......post anything definitive and echo the BIG LIES .......... you get from trump.... making evidence that you are a biddable fool.
You are funny!

Trump's tax cuts helped billionaires pay less than the working ...
www.theguardian.com › business › oct › trump-tax-cuts-helped-billio...

Oct 9, 2019 - Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

I read the article and they didn't explain AT ALL how they calculated this.

Since 1% of taxpayers pay over 40% of taxes and 50% pay 0%, it's hard to see where they got the 23% rate. Even if you include FICA that's only about 8%.

How did 50% pay a 24.2% "effective rate" when they paid 8% with their federal income tax (0%) + FICA (8%)?

Don't bother reading the article, it doesn't tell you
There's all sorts of insider trading going on in congress....It transcends party affiliation....Stopped being shocking back in the 1990s.

"Oddball justifies his side's criminal behavior by lying about how everyone does it. Film at 11."

That's a common way in which conservatives justify their immoral behavior. They make up a story that the liberals are doing it too, which forced them to be criminals as well.

Needless to say, liberals don't do the "Waaa! The other side made me do the crime!" thing. It's part of being an adult and taking responsibility, so the conservatives here won't be able to understand.

Another meltdown? This afternoon isn't going well for you, is it drama queen?
Why are you trolling? No one is melting down, and the Dems are ecstatic they are slowly pulling away from the Pubs and Trump.
JoeB is correct. Trump will not get 48% of the vote. He may get 45%.
There is something wrong with the so called party of youth not having younger candidates who are likable. It speaks wonders with Hillary in 2016. And in2020 it is not like Biden was the star of that party. He fell into shit as Obama's running mate with an obvious election of color over character.
We are talking about Trump and the GOP's failures here in 2020 as the Dems slowly pull away.
There's all sorts of insider trading going on in congress....It transcends party affiliation....Stopped being shocking back in the 1990s.

"Oddball justifies his side's criminal behavior by lying about how everyone does it. Film at 11."

That's a common way in which conservatives justify their immoral behavior. They make up a story that the liberals are doing it too, which forced them to be criminals as well.

Needless to say, liberals don't do the "Waaa! The other side made me do the crime!" thing. It's part of being an adult and taking responsibility, so the conservatives here won't be able to understand.

Another meltdown? This afternoon isn't going well for you, is it drama queen?
Why are you trolling? No one is melting down, and the Dems are ecstatic they are slowly pulling away from the Pubs and Trump.
...and the Dems are ecstatic they are slowly pulling away from the Pubs and Trump.

You are funny!

Trump's tax cuts helped billionaires pay less than the working ...
www.theguardian.com › business › oct › trump-tax-cuts-helped-billio...

Oct 9, 2019 - Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

I love that fake claim.

Maybe you ought to take back your claim that this is fake.

America's richest 400 families now pay a lower tax rate than the middle class
  • The 400 richest U.S. families now pay a lower overall tax rate than the middle-class, the first time that's happened in 100 years, according to economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman.
  • Factoring in federal, state and local taxes, those ultra-wealthy households pay a total rate of about 23% — that compares with just over 24% for the bottom half of households.
  • The U.S. now "looks like the tax system of a plutocracy," Saez and Zucman say.
There's all sorts of insider trading going on in congress....It transcends party affiliation....Stopped being shocking back in the 1990s.

"Oddball justifies his side's criminal behavior by lying about how everyone does it. Film at 11."

That's a common way in which conservatives justify their immoral behavior. They make up a story that the liberals are doing it too, which forced them to be criminals as well.

Needless to say, liberals don't do the "Waaa! The other side made me do the crime!" thing. It's part of being an adult and taking responsibility, so the conservatives here won't be able to understand.

Another meltdown? This afternoon isn't going well for you, is it drama queen?
Why are you trolling? No one is melting down, and the Dems are ecstatic they are slowly pulling away from the Pubs and Trump.

Dems are pulling away? What color is the sky in your world?

And try not to cry, Jake. Steady nerves there
You are funny!

Trump's tax cuts helped billionaires pay less than the working ...
www.theguardian.com › business › oct › trump-tax-cuts-helped-billio...

Oct 9, 2019 - Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

I love that fake claim.

Maybe you ought to take back your claim that this is fake.

Watch CBSN Live

America's richest 400 families now pay a lower tax rate than the middle class
  • The 400 richest U.S. families now pay a lower overall tax rate than the middle-class, the first time that's happened in 100 years, according to economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman.
  • Factoring in federal, state and local taxes, those ultra-wealthy households pay a total rate of about 23% — that compares with just over 24% for the bottom half of households.
  • The U.S. now "looks like the tax system of a plutocracy," Saez and Zucman say.

And yet the top 1% pay over 40% of all federal income taxes and the middle class pay only a few percent.

Funny how you people keep putting up these claims without being able to show how it was calculated
The terms 'marxism' and 'socialism' do not scare Americans and will not help the GOP.
They do not scare those who have been indoctrinated by the media and academia because they were never taught the history of those two political ideologies

What is worse, they are told that the National Socialist Nazis were right wing.


What is unbelievable is your post. YOU are the one in need of learning the histories of these two forms of government because you think that both are the same and that both are negative.

And the NAZI Party, under Adolf Hitler, was a right wing white nationalist party.

YOU need to go back to school and stop spouting the lies of the Republican Party. It is YOU who have been brainwashed by the billionaire owned right wing media.

Nazis were left win Socialists
Only the good is from the right, why they have never done anything bad not have they ever had any forms of govt. run by despots, give me a break from the stupid.

What do you have against Liberty and Freedom?
There's all sorts of insider trading going on in congress....It transcends party affiliation....Stopped being shocking back in the 1990s.

"Oddball justifies his side's criminal behavior by lying about how everyone does it. Film at 11."

That's a common way in which conservatives justify their immoral behavior. They make up a story that the liberals are doing it too, which forced them to be criminals as well.

Needless to say, liberals don't do the "Waaa! The other side made me do the crime!" thing. It's part of being an adult and taking responsibility, so the conservatives here won't be able to understand.

Another meltdown? This afternoon isn't going well for you, is it drama queen?
Why are you trolling? No one is melting down, and the Dems are ecstatic they are slowly pulling away from the Pubs and Trump.

Dems are pulling away? What color is the sky in your world?

And try not to cry, Jake. Steady nerves there
I know it is hard for you, but there it is: the Dems are pulling away.

It is good to see that McSally will lose in Arizona, which appears to be going blue. Tuberville in AL will balance with defeating Jones.

It's going to be a very good election for the Dems.
And yet the top 1% pay over 40% of all federal income taxes and the middle class pay only a few percent.

Funny how you people keep putting up these claims without being able to show how it was calculated
The top 1% can afford it, and, yes, they will be paying more.
You are funny!

Trump's tax cuts helped billionaires pay less than the working ...
www.theguardian.com › business › oct › trump-tax-cuts-helped-billio...

Oct 9, 2019 - Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

I love that fake claim.

Maybe you ought to take back your claim that this is fake.

Watch CBSN Live

America's richest 400 families now pay a lower tax rate than the middle class
  • The 400 richest U.S. families now pay a lower overall tax rate than the middle-class, the first time that's happened in 100 years, according to economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman.
  • Factoring in federal, state and local taxes, those ultra-wealthy households pay a total rate of about 23% — that compares with just over 24% for the bottom half of households.
  • The U.S. now "looks like the tax system of a plutocracy," Saez and Zucman say.
Ahhhh....The old tax rate as opposed to total tax bill shell game.

Guess what, Francis, the wealthy pay lower rates because their "income" comes from mostly passive sources not associated with wages and salaries....The wealthy STILL pay the most taxes by far, as a matter of total tax bills.

But you already know this, and are just being a disingenuous partisan class warrior shitbag.
There's all sorts of insider trading going on in congress....It transcends party affiliation....Stopped being shocking back in the 1990s.

"Oddball justifies his side's criminal behavior by lying about how everyone does it. Film at 11."

That's a common way in which conservatives justify their immoral behavior. They make up a story that the liberals are doing it too, which forced them to be criminals as well.

Needless to say, liberals don't do the "Waaa! The other side made me do the crime!" thing. It's part of being an adult and taking responsibility, so the conservatives here won't be able to understand.

Another meltdown? This afternoon isn't going well for you, is it drama queen?
Why are you trolling? No one is melting down, and the Dems are ecstatic they are slowly pulling away from the Pubs and Trump.

Fingers is slowly pulling away on the short bus.
You are funny!

Trump's tax cuts helped billionaires pay less than the working ...
www.theguardian.com › business › oct › trump-tax-cuts-helped-billio...

Oct 9, 2019 - Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

I love that fake claim.

Maybe you ought to take back your claim that this is fake.

America's richest 400 families now pay a lower tax rate than the middle class
  • The 400 richest U.S. families now pay a lower overall tax rate than the middle-class, the first time that's happened in 100 years, according to economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman.
  • Factoring in federal, state and local taxes, those ultra-wealthy households pay a total rate of about 23% — that compares with just over 24% for the bottom half of households.
  • The U.S. now "looks like the tax system of a plutocracy," Saez and Zucman say.

It's fake, why would I take it back?
We have Trump's goons in Congress taxing the working wealthy and the middle class to death to support the ultra-poor while letting the rich walk.

Boy are you one confused puppy.
The truth hurts you I know. The "ugly reality" in this OP is that the Dems are going to deliver a political round house to the GOP in Nov.

Did you get your spiffy Hillary Waffen SS uniform from the dry cleaners? Been there almost 4 years now. Remember, when you were going to round us all up?

Good times
You are funny!

Trump's tax cuts helped billionaires pay less than the working ...
www.theguardian.com › business › oct › trump-tax-cuts-helped-billio...

Oct 9, 2019 - Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

I love that fake claim.

Maybe you ought to take back your claim that this is fake.

Watch CBSN Live

America's richest 400 families now pay a lower tax rate than the middle class
  • The 400 richest U.S. families now pay a lower overall tax rate than the middle-class, the first time that's happened in 100 years, according to economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman.
  • Factoring in federal, state and local taxes, those ultra-wealthy households pay a total rate of about 23% — that compares with just over 24% for the bottom half of households.
  • The U.S. now "looks like the tax system of a plutocracy," Saez and Zucman say.

And yet the top 1% pay over 40% of all federal income taxes and the middle class pay only a few percent.

Funny how you people keep putting up these claims without being able to show how it was calculated

Funny how you post this same claim and omit billion dollar corporations who don't pay any federal income tax, and the 1%ers paid less when the Tax Fraud passed by a lame duck GOP Congress eliminated permanently the top two tax brackets. Oh, and along the way removed full deductions for taxes paid on the state and local level, while expanding the standard deduction, the latter will sunset in 2027.


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