48%: The Democratic Party needs to face an ugly reality

This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

43% approval is not enough to win unless your opponent is equally unpopular as happened in 2016. Biden is nowhere near as unpopular as Clinton was. Despite this, Trump narrowly won Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. In several states that Clinton won, she got fewer votes than Romney did in losing those states in 2012.

Elections are about contrasts. Cultural issues will not work. Not when we have a pandemic where the incumbent has failed to lead. Or race issues in which the incumbent makes worse.

Biden is center left which means he is closer to the middle than Trump is. Trump is the far right wing extremist.
There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close.

You are right, it shouldn't be close. Trump should be leading by a lot. The fact that he isn't is a testament to the effectiveness of the liberal brainwashing of our young(er) generations. The hippies of yore are a lost cause...all sensible folks ignore them anyway.

That you can make a statement like that is a tribute to your brainwashing. You are nothing but a weak minded cult member.
  • Funny
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This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

There is nothing in this iteration of the Dem party that even REMOTELY resembles the middle.
That you can make a statement like that is a tribute to your brainwashing. You are nothing but a weak minded cult member.
^^^ a cult member statement

The fact is that Trump is around 43% and Biden is doing much better at this point in the campaign than did Clinton.

If Trump does not wake up and do something magnificent, Biden and the Dems are going to sweep.
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

43% approval is not enough to win unless your opponent is equally unpopular as happened in 2016. Biden is nowhere near as unpopular as Clinton was. Despite this, Trump narrowly won Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. In several states that Clinton won, she got fewer votes than Romney did in losing those states in 2012.

Elections are about contrasts. Cultural issues will not work. Not when we have a pandemic where the incumbent has failed to lead. Or race issues in which the incumbent makes worse.

Biden is center left which means he is closer to the middle than Trump is. Trump is the far right wing extremist.
It's not all about the left/right spectrum.
Yeah I don't get it either. Maybe America in the recesses of our collective soul is as fascistic and authoritarian as any banana republic. Democracy is no longer reliably producing rich, white plutocratic politicians so it must be time to destroy it.
There's no doubt there is still a considerable amount of Americans who will fight to keep the status quo. There's clearly more than I thought. But the Left has a hand in this. Hell, the issues I pointed out played a role in getting Trump elected in the first place, and I don't see any acknowledgement or understanding of that.
Xi/Biden 2020

We both want to make China grow!

Unlike YOU, who consistently spouts Russian propaganda. Why is that Frank? Who do YOU parrot the lies and propaganda being promoted by Vladimir Putin and the criminal Russian government? Why are Russian agents working with your President's staff?

Make China Great Again!

Xi/Biden 2020!
There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close.

You are right, it shouldn't be close. Trump should be leading by a lot. The fact that he isn't is a testament to the effectiveness of the liberal brainwashing of our young(er) generations. The hippies of yore are a lost cause...all sensible folks ignore them anyway.

That you can make a statement like that is a tribute to your brainwashing. You are nothing but a weak minded cult member.

Says the person that is following the huge never Trump herd.
Biden is center left which means he is closer to the middle than Trump is. Trump is the far right wing extremist.

For starters you are wrong. He is only center left if compared to the AOC's of the world, which, incidentally, he seems to support. Secondly, Biden won't be president for long if elected. Harris will take over and she is nowhere near the center.
That's a common way in which conservatives justify their immoral behavior. They make up a story that the liberals are doing it too, which forced them to be criminals as well.
That’s your mirror
What you've done is to attack the DNC
Cool........I love doing that too..................They support terrorism and have only one motto..............vote for me because America Sucks............and Trump.

Wow..........let;s vote for the AMERICA SUCKS CROWD.

You are one funny guy.........lmao

You need to take your head out of your ass and STFU. You post nothing thoughtful or thought provoking - plus your use of syntax is ludicrous ...... you ...... can't even ......post anything definitive and echo the BIG LIES .......... you get from trump.... making evidence that you are a biddable fool.
You just experienced a Spasm out loud
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

This is all such bullshit. There is no "middle" in American politics. There is a white nationalist party which is busy enriching billionaires, and is allowing a vicious disease to run free throughout the country because it's makiing their donors so much richer, and another party.

It really doesn't matter what Democrats are doing because what Trump is doing is KILLING TENS OF THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS, and he just doesn't care.
So genius, why do all of the rich fat cats. like Soros, Gates, Bezos, Buffett, etc., big time democrats?

And why are all of the "rich" states blue?

Because not all of the rich people are entitled assholes like Trump and his buddies. Only some of them. And please note that the guys like Gates, Buffet, Soros, and Bezos are all self-made millionaires, unlike Trump and his right wing buddies who were all born rich and think that they rule by divine right.

All of the rich states are "blue states" because Democratic policies on infrastructure, labour, education, and research, create jobs and wealth. But Republican tax and labour policies funnell all of the wealth created to the top, leaving working class people dependent on government handouts. This benefits Republican donors because large corporations are using these social programs to supress wages in the manufacturing and hourly rated sectors.

More jobs were created under Obama and Clinton than under Reagan. Programs that put more money in the hands of the workers, will grow the economy. Republicans NEVER want to put money in the hands of workers. Raise wages and eliminate food stamps for working Americans.

80% of American income goes to the top 10%. When Reagan was elected, that number was less than 50%. In first world countries with the highest standards of living, that number is under 50% or close to it. In Canada, it's just under 40%, and during this pandemic, Canada has seen the smallest decline in GDP over any the EU, the USA, or other Western hemisphere countries.

What the pandemic has exposed is all of the weaknesses in the current American economic system: wealth and income inequity; lack of universal health care; lack of coordination of the public health care system.
There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close.

You are right, it shouldn't be close. Trump should be leading by a lot. The fact that he isn't is a testament to the effectiveness of the liberal brainwashing of our young(er) generations. The hippies of yore are a lost cause...all sensible folks ignore them anyway.

That you can make a statement like that is a tribute to your brainwashing. You are nothing but a weak minded cult member.
You are funny!

Trump's tax cuts helped billionaires pay less than the working ...
www.theguardian.com › business › oct › trump-tax-cuts-helped-billio...

Oct 9, 2019 - Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

I love that fake claim.

Maybe you ought to take back your claim that this is fake.

Watch CBSN Live

America's richest 400 families now pay a lower tax rate than the middle class
  • The 400 richest U.S. families now pay a lower overall tax rate than the middle-class, the first time that's happened in 100 years, according to economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman.
  • Factoring in federal, state and local taxes, those ultra-wealthy households pay a total rate of about 23% — that compares with just over 24% for the bottom half of households.
  • The U.S. now "looks like the tax system of a plutocracy," Saez and Zucman say.

And yet the top 1% pay over 40% of all federal income taxes and the middle class pay only a few percent.

Funny how you people keep putting up these claims without being able to show how it was calculated

Funny how you post this same claim and omit billion dollar corporations who don't pay any federal income tax, and the 1%ers paid less when the Tax Fraud passed by a lame duck GOP Congress eliminated permanently the top two tax brackets. Oh, and along the way removed full deductions for taxes paid on the state and local level, while expanding the standard deduction, the latter will sunset in 2027.

Oh, and along the way removed full deductions for taxes paid on the state and local level,

Trump, sticking it to the rich. Awful!!!
There's all sorts of insider trading going on in congress....It transcends party affiliation....Stopped being shocking back in the 1990s.

"Oddball justifies his side's criminal behavior by lying about how everyone does it. Film at 11."

That's a common way in which conservatives justify their immoral behavior. They make up a story that the liberals are doing it too, which forced them to be criminals as well.

Needless to say, liberals don't do the "Waaa! The other side made me do the crime!" thing. It's part of being an adult and taking responsibility, so the conservatives here won't be able to understand.

Another meltdown? This afternoon isn't going well for you, is it drama queen?
Why are you trolling? No one is melting down, and the Dems are ecstatic they are slowly pulling away from the Pubs and Trump.

Dems are pulling away? What color is the sky in your world?

And try not to cry, Jake. Steady nerves there
I know it is hard for you, but there it is: the Dems are pulling away.

It is good to see that McSally will lose in Arizona, which appears to be going blue. Tuberville in AL will balance with defeating Jones.

It's going to be a very good election for the Dems.

So you finally stopped pretending you're a Republican, huh?

Yes, you got it in the bank, Fakie Jakie. You can relax now, Trump is toast
And yet the top 1% pay over 40% of all federal income taxes and the middle class pay only a few percent.

Funny how you people keep putting up these claims without being able to show how it was calculated
The top 1% can afford it, and, yes, they will be paying more.

It's just a question of how bad you can soak them, huh?

Not like you need a job. You'll just work for poor people
You are funny!

Trump's tax cuts helped billionaires pay less than the working ...
www.theguardian.com › business › oct › trump-tax-cuts-helped-billio...

Oct 9, 2019 - Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

Economists calculate richest 400 families in US paid an average tax rate of 23% while the bottom half of households paid a rate of 24.2%

I love that fake claim.

Maybe you ought to take back your claim that this is fake.

Watch CBSN Live

America's richest 400 families now pay a lower tax rate than the middle class
  • The 400 richest U.S. families now pay a lower overall tax rate than the middle-class, the first time that's happened in 100 years, according to economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman.
  • Factoring in federal, state and local taxes, those ultra-wealthy households pay a total rate of about 23% — that compares with just over 24% for the bottom half of households.
  • The U.S. now "looks like the tax system of a plutocracy," Saez and Zucman say.

And yet the top 1% pay over 40% of all federal income taxes and the middle class pay only a few percent.

Funny how you people keep putting up these claims without being able to show how it was calculated

Funny how you post this same claim and omit billion dollar corporations who don't pay any federal income tax, and the 1%ers paid less when the Tax Fraud passed by a lame duck GOP Congress eliminated permanently the top two tax brackets. Oh, and along the way removed full deductions for taxes paid on the state and local level, while expanding the standard deduction, the latter will sunset in 2027.

Corporations don't pay taxes, Karl, they collect them.

Funny how you realize iron is a cost, but you don't realize that taxes are a cost they just charge to customers
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often allowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.
Yeah. This has been my main complaint for the last six months. It's seems like, if they really wanted to, the Democrats could erect a "tent" big enough to bury Trump. So why don't they?

Maybe I'm underestimating the challenge. To some extent, any movement to the "center", will cost them support from progressives. But on a one for one basis, that's a worthwhile trade. Progressives, even if they don't vote Biden, won't vote for Trump. Independents might.

But it's not all about left-right. There are cross cutting issues which might move independents and reluctant Trump voters their way, without costing them progressive votes. Abandoning the drug war, or at least dialing back on it, is something that would pull libertarian leaning voters their way. And what's wrong with simply admitting to past mistakes and correcting them? It might be a symbolic gesture at this point, but repealing the individual mandate, and acknowledging the basic wrongness of forcing people to buy insurance, would definitely get my attention.

But that's the problem. I don't think they really learned anything from 2016. They're selling us the same thing, hoping that the disaster of Trump's first term, and the entrenched Lo2e stupidity, will carry the day. They're doubling down on big government we-know-better-ism and interest group corporatism, with seemingly no awareness of how feed up people are with that shit.

Ultimately, I think they're just willing to stay the course and roll the dice. This is one of the biggest problems with the two-party death spiral. They have little interest in real consensus. They push their agenda as hard as they can, shooting for a slim majority rather than broad support.
Well, when I point out the role the PC/Identity Politics zealots played in getting Trump elected -- it was clear that the anger and frustration was growing on the Right about this -- they just dismiss it out of hand. That's just straight up denial.

It may be something as simple as wanting to keep their base happy, I don't know. But Trumpism -- and this ain't conservatism -- is so completely off the rails that there is simply no excuse for this.
Needless to say, liberals don't do the "Waaa! The other side made me do the crime!" thing. It's part of being an adult and taking responsibility, so the conservatives here won't be able to understand
So BLM are conservatives?
This is just a guess, of course, but somewhere around 48% of those who vote in November will be voting for Donald Trump. Without going into the laundry list of obvious examples or any of the standard talking points, there are certainly plenty of reasons not to. Yet he has a perfectly reasonable chance of winning.

Right now, polls show that about 43% of Americans approve of the job he's doing. This, after everything that has happened, and that number should be a very sobering indication of where this country is right now. Personally, I try to understand how these people can do this, but I still only understand some of it.

Anyway, here's the point: Elections are about contrasts. Choices. How can that many people support this disaster of a person? For many of them, they're looking at the alternative. And when those who provide their information and opinions for them point at things like PC and Identity Politics and Cancel Culture and an overall culture in decay, they can make reasonable points not to vote for the Democratic party. Even with, amazingly, this profoundly damaged person in the White House.

It's certainly too late to make any changes before November, but the Democratic party had a chance to take over the middle, and I don't see that happening. There is no excuse, zero, none, for the race to be this close. Regardless of who wins, the Democrats have too often a
llowed the wrong voices to represent them. It allows the Trumpsters to tie all the silliest crap coming from the hardcore Left to the milquetoast, feeble Biden.

This should be a learning experience, but I'm doubtful.

The Democrats need to retake control of their party, they need to tell the Neo-Marxists to GTFO because NO Western nation and ESPECIALLY America wants Marxism and wants to collapse Capitalism and replace it with Anarchy and a Communist System.

Why do you continue to use the RED SCARE?

Q. Do you have a clue about what Marxism is?

Q. Do you belief the Democratic Party will actually take over General Motors, Ford and other industries to control the means of production?

If you do I have a bridge for sale cheap, it spans the opening from the Pacific Coast into San Francisco Bay. There is even and Island about a mile west of the bridge, it once was a Federal Prison and I'm sure Trump&Co. will sell it to you.
They just repeat what talk radio tells them, and then scream BOOGA BOOGA at each other.

This should be simple. ESPECIALLY after Trump lied about the virus. If Trump gets more than 35%, anything above it is on the Dems for being so clueless.

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