4th Grade "Science" Quiz - Were you there?

Is this what you want your own children to be taught in school?

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this is most likely private school so what gets taught caters to the belief system of that school.

Personally I find it offensive that only evolution is taught in public schools that are funded with my tax dollars. There are more than one school of thought on how life on earth started and all are theories so all should be taught and let the kid decide. Only teaching evolution. promotes intolerance and atheist belief that does not s belong in school.
Possibile, yes. Scientific, no.

The Theory of Evolution uses the Scientific Method to develop conclusions. Creationism does not. You can't claim Creationism is scientific, because your initial belief, bible scripture is not subject to change. In real science, believe is always subject to change based on new evidence.

Creationism should be taught as part of theology because it's faith based. I have no problem if Creationism is taught in parochial school or church.
Evolution is pure conjecture. Remains that have common links with humans does not prove that we evolved from them. Kinda curious what indisputable observations do you have? What indisputable evidence should be taught in school? It doesn't exist. What you have is species with commonalities and 0 evidence that one became the other. You also can't prove a higher intelligence did or didn't make hybrids that you have mistaken for evolved creatures. Evolution is just as much faith based as Creationism and Alien theory. Need I remind everyone that science can be wrong. Science once thought the sun traveled around the earth and our solar system was the center of the universe. Problem with that type of thinking is it prevents the advancement of science.

No, evolution is well known and there is ample evidence to support it. The Gallapagos islands are an excellent microcosm of how and why evolution occurs. The Wallace line in Australasia is yet another example of evolution and evolutionary processes in operation.

Creationism is also well known. Microorganisms on an island are a far cry from evolving humans. Kinda like saying a positive result in lab rats equals a cure for humans. Explain the Wallace line cause I don't see it what a natural barrier has to evolution.

No, creationism is a faith based construct most commonly associated with the Bishop Ussher (died 1656 if memory serves) who calculated the age of the Earth based on the number of people written about in the Bible and how long they were reported to have lived.

The Bible itself, and its evolution makes for fascinating reading. The Catholic Church being responsible for major edits and choosing which books would be included, the Gospel of St. Thomas most famously being excluded.

No, there is no true evidence for creationism. There is considerable evidence for evolution and the methodology of evolution, below are a few examples....


What has the head of a crocodile and the gills of a fish?

A closer look at a classic ring species: The work of Tom Devitt
It wouldn't be taught with any religious text. Three basic theories,creationism,evolution and ancient alien theory. The dogma can be filled in at home to the families liking. Instead of arguing we should be accommodating each other but putting forward all theories and letting the individual decide which they believe to be true. All three are scientifically within the realm of possibility.

A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of knowledge that has been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment

Creationism--> is not a ‘theory.’ It is pure conjecture based on the religious tenants of many religions and other faith based sources. There is now observation and no repeatable experimentation.

evolution --> Is a valid theory. There are experiments, observable data and repeatable tests that challenge this theory. While being far from complete, it is well established as the best theory that we currently have.

ancient alien theory --> Again, not a theory. Based entirely on faith again as there is zero evidence to suggest that this is even remotely true.

Gravity is A THEORY! Creationism and Alien Creation are nowhere near that league.

So, what you are asking is that we give 2 faith based and unsubstantiated concepts equal footing with the mountains of evidence and observable data that we have for evolution? That makes zero sense. Perhaps we should also be teaching Copernicus’ theories of the universe next to modern cosmology, never mind that it has no basis in scientific fact…

Perhaps the real problem here is that schools don’t actually teach evolution. They tell you that we evolved from other forms of life through genetic mutation and that is about it. None of the actual evidence is really ever covered through high school so most people have a gross misunderstanding of what evolution actually is. That is also not to mention that we teach other things that are false as well like the idea of ‘kind’ and ‘family’ in biology where such definitions are moot after the discovery of DNA turned all those concepts on their heads.

Evolution is pure conjecture. Remains that have common links with humans does not prove that we evolved from them. Kinda curious what indisputable observations do you have? What indisputable evidence should be taught in school? It doesn't exist. What you have is species with commonalities and 0 evidence that one became the other. You also can't prove a higher intelligence did or didn't make hybrids that you have mistaken for evolved creatures. Evolution is just as much faith based as Creationism and Alien theory. Need I remind everyone that science can be wrong. Science once thought the sun traveled around the earth and our solar system was the center of the universe. Problem with that type of thinking is it prevents the advancement of science.
Your problem comes from a lack of understanding what science is. You notice that I never used the term ‘indisputable’ at all. Such things DO NOT EXIST in science. There is no such thing as indisputable. Then you continue on to ask for negative evidence (aka – asking to prove that a higher intelligence did not make us). This is not only against science but completely impossible. You can’t prove a negative.

Finally, you states something correct – science can be wrong! We not only know this but accept it as the likely outcome. Science is always moving forward and evolution is no different. As a matter of fact, original evolutionary theories do not even resemble the current theory. We have made great strides since Darwin proposed the original ideas.

Again, I reiterate, gravity is a theory. In order for the 2 theories that you are proposing to be considered even remotely scientific they need to make predictions based on current theory and within experiments. So, what repeatable experiment have you designed to test alien theory and creationism? What are your scientific predictions to the outcome of those experiments?

Go on, show us how you possibly fit your round faith peg into a square science hole….

Evolution has done several of these predictions and experiments. Bacteria evolving resistance where no resistance is present before and the prediction of joined chromosomes are two of the common ones. The key here is that evolution is TESTABLE, your counters are not. They are not valid theories because they have zero evidence to support them. Evolution may not be correct and certainly is not perfect but it is the best theory that we have and currently there simply are no counter theories to challenge it.

Show me your 100%proof positive that evolution is fact. You can't because all that can be proven is there were once different breeds of ape that are now extinct. Truth is humans have commonalities with other mammals as well yet you don't claim we evolved from dogs or pigs.
What can't be proven by evolution is whether the bones of prior apes like Neanderthals are actually us or really close cousins.

Animals That Share Human DNA Sequences | eHow.com
Although chimpanzees are the nearest relatives of humans, a number of other mammals also share significant amounts of DNA with humans. Portions of the human chromosome 6 have a match in DNA samples from pigs, cows and domestic cats. Dogs, rats, mice and even chickens also share DNA sequences with humans. Since mapping of the human genome and those of other animals continues, more correspondences are expected to emerge.
Again with the absolutes. Gravity is NOT 100 percent proof positive fact. There is no such thing for scientific theories, just for faith based answers like Creationism. The other commonalities are not only expected but if they were not present would be another thing that DISPROVED evolution. The fact that there are commonalities certainly does not go against evolutionary theory.
They have any scientific evidence supporting evolution? All I've heard so far is the dogma of evolution by sheeple who drank the kool aid.

Only because you have already determined the answer and therefore refuse to acknowledge any actual evidence as fitting into anything other than your perceived notions.
No their is not. What you have is random bones of the ape family but what you don't have is proof that one became the other. A wolf and a Chihuahua are from the canine family but are completely different breeds. It can not be proven that the different bones evolved or are similar but different breeds. Nor can it be proven that we are or are not created hybrids by a higher intelligence and said bones are the product of that hybridization. All you have is old bones and one possibility when there are multiple possibilities. Honestly ruling out other positions without proving then incorrect is crappy science.

There are reams of fossil and biological evidence showing the evolution of various species from common ancestors

But the irrefutable evidence comes from DNA

Evolution is a fact

No it's not fact. All the fossil record shows is separate species that are closely related. DNA can't prove evolution either,only that certain creatures are closely related. You can't take Neanderthal DNA and call it Homo Sapien. Think about it. Would that logic stand in a court of law? No because the DNA isn't a match. They can look at it and say they are closely related but that's it. As I pointed out in another post humans have some of the same DNA as dogs,and pigs but nobody claims they are our distant relatives.

We can take HomoSapien DNA and find Neanderthal in it


Where is your evidence of creation?
There are reams of fossil and biological evidence showing the evolution of various species from common ancestors

But the irrefutable evidence comes from DNA

Evolution is a fact

No it's not fact. All the fossil record shows is separate species that are closely related. DNA can't prove evolution either,only that certain creatures are closely related. You can't take Neanderthal DNA and call it Homo Sapien. Think about it. Would that logic stand in a court of law? No because the DNA isn't a match. They can look at it and say they are closely related but that's it. As I pointed out in another post humans have some of the same DNA as dogs,and pigs but nobody claims they are our distant relatives.

We can take HomoSapien DNA and find Neanderthal in it


Where is your evidence of creation?

Faith doesen't required evidence.
this is most likely private school so what gets taught caters to the belief system of that school.

Personally I find it offensive that only evolution is taught in public schools that are funded with my tax dollars. There are more than one school of thought on how life on earth started and all are theories so all should be taught and let the kid decide. Only teaching evolution. promotes intolerance and atheist belief that does not s belong in school.

All of them? You want your kids taught that Lord Krishna sleeps on a giant snake and the repeating cycle of the universe begins again when Lord Braham is born from the egg of life called Anda, which comes out of Krishna's navel?

Or, as Buddha taught, that the universe goes through an endless cycle of birth, destruction, rebirth? At a time of destruction, the existing creatures go to dwell in the Realm of Radiance to await the rebirth of the universe when they come back as human beings? (How's that for evolution!)

Or, that the earth is carried on the Great Turtle's back, as told by the Iroquois indians, or that it was birthed from a giant black egg, as some Chinese believe? Or, that the sun, moon and stars were vomited out by a giant diety, as the Bakuba Kingdom of the Congo thought?

I could go on and on, but you get the point. If we are to teach religious ideas about the origin of the universe, we must teach them all or be guilty of favoring one religion over another (see: 1st Amendment).

How about we just stick to known science and let the parents and churches teach whatever else they want their kids to learn and allow THEM to decide for themselves. Unless, of course, you want your kids being taught nothing else BUT religious dogma because by the time the schools get through teaching every conceivable religious explanation....why, the kids'll be out of high school!
No not all and not with the dogma attached. It needs to be simplified.

The three possibilities:

Creationism : a higher intelligence made us.
Evolution: we are the result of a series of mutations/adaptations
Ancient Alien Theory: life from another source came here and colonized Earth.

Those three in their base forms cover all. It could be easily taught,would back up everybody's personal beliefs,all three can be related to each other,and considering we really don't know it would leave all options open and be balanced and fair.

That's what I learned in my public school earth science class and then we spent the next few weeks going over the documented scientific evidence for evolution. Surprisingly that's how the subject was handled in Sunday School too, followed by a discussion of the Catholic Church's position that evolution does not contradict the Bible.
this is most likely private school so what gets taught caters to the belief system of that school.

Personally I find it offensive that only evolution is taught in public schools that are funded with my tax dollars. There are more than one school of thought on how life on earth started and all are theories so all should be taught and let the kid decide. Only teaching evolution. promotes intolerance and atheist belief that does not s belong in school.
Possibile, yes. Scientific, no.

The Theory of Evolution uses the Scientific Method to develop conclusions. Creationism does not. You can't claim Creationism is scientific, because your initial belief, bible scripture is not subject to change. In real science, believe is always subject to change based on new evidence.

Creationism should be taught as part of theology because it's faith based. I have no problem if Creationism is taught in parochial school or church.

But so far I haven't seen any of this so called evidence. All I've heard so far is the dogma that evolution is scientific. That makes it just as faith based as creationism and Ancient Alien Theory. Seriously dudes old bones that COULD have been a human ancestor? How is that any different?
No, evolution is well known and there is ample evidence to support it. The Gallapagos islands are an excellent microcosm of how and why evolution occurs. The Wallace line in Australasia is yet another example of evolution and evolutionary processes in operation.

Creationism is also well known. Microorganisms on an island are a far cry from evolving humans. Kinda like saying a positive result in lab rats equals a cure for humans. Explain the Wallace line cause I don't see it what a natural barrier has to evolution.

No, creationism is a faith based construct most commonly associated with the Bishop Ussher (died 1656 if memory serves) who calculated the age of the Earth based on the number of people written about in the Bible and how long they were reported to have lived.

The Bible itself, and its evolution makes for fascinating reading. The Catholic Church being responsible for major edits and choosing which books would be included, the Gospel of St. Thomas most famously being excluded.

No, there is no true evidence for creationism. There is considerable evidence for evolution and the methodology of evolution, below are a few examples....


What has the head of a crocodile and the gills of a fish?

A closer look at a classic ring species: The work of Tom Devitt
Where's this so called evidence that makes evolution valid scientific theory?
A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of knowledge that has been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment

Creationism--> is not a ‘theory.’ It is pure conjecture based on the religious tenants of many religions and other faith based sources. There is now observation and no repeatable experimentation.

evolution --> Is a valid theory. There are experiments, observable data and repeatable tests that challenge this theory. While being far from complete, it is well established as the best theory that we currently have.

ancient alien theory --> Again, not a theory. Based entirely on faith again as there is zero evidence to suggest that this is even remotely true.

Gravity is A THEORY! Creationism and Alien Creation are nowhere near that league.

So, what you are asking is that we give 2 faith based and unsubstantiated concepts equal footing with the mountains of evidence and observable data that we have for evolution? That makes zero sense. Perhaps we should also be teaching Copernicus’ theories of the universe next to modern cosmology, never mind that it has no basis in scientific fact…

Perhaps the real problem here is that schools don’t actually teach evolution. They tell you that we evolved from other forms of life through genetic mutation and that is about it. None of the actual evidence is really ever covered through high school so most people have a gross misunderstanding of what evolution actually is. That is also not to mention that we teach other things that are false as well like the idea of ‘kind’ and ‘family’ in biology where such definitions are moot after the discovery of DNA turned all those concepts on their heads.

Evolution is pure conjecture. Remains that have common links with humans does not prove that we evolved from them. Kinda curious what indisputable observations do you have? What indisputable evidence should be taught in school? It doesn't exist. What you have is species with commonalities and 0 evidence that one became the other. You also can't prove a higher intelligence did or didn't make hybrids that you have mistaken for evolved creatures. Evolution is just as much faith based as Creationism and Alien theory. Need I remind everyone that science can be wrong. Science once thought the sun traveled around the earth and our solar system was the center of the universe. Problem with that type of thinking is it prevents the advancement of science.
Your problem comes from a lack of understanding what science is. You notice that I never used the term ‘indisputable’ at all. Such things DO NOT EXIST in science. There is no such thing as indisputable. Then you continue on to ask for negative evidence (aka – asking to prove that a higher intelligence did not make us). This is not only against science but completely impossible. You can’t prove a negative.

Finally, you states something correct – science can be wrong! We not only know this but accept it as the likely outcome. Science is always moving forward and evolution is no different. As a matter of fact, original evolutionary theories do not even resemble the current theory. We have made great strides since Darwin proposed the original ideas.

Again, I reiterate, gravity is a theory. In order for the 2 theories that you are proposing to be considered even remotely scientific they need to make predictions based on current theory and within experiments. So, what repeatable experiment have you designed to test alien theory and creationism? What are your scientific predictions to the outcome of those experiments?

Go on, show us how you possibly fit your round faith peg into a square science hole….

Evolution has done several of these predictions and experiments. Bacteria evolving resistance where no resistance is present before and the prediction of joined chromosomes are two of the common ones. The key here is that evolution is TESTABLE, your counters are not. They are not valid theories because they have zero evidence to support them. Evolution may not be correct and certainly is not perfect but it is the best theory that we have and currently there simply are no counter theories to challenge it.

Show me your 100%proof positive that evolution is fact. You can't because all that can be proven is there were once different breeds of ape that are now extinct. Truth is humans have commonalities with other mammals as well yet you don't claim we evolved from dogs or pigs.
What can't be proven by evolution is whether the bones of prior apes like Neanderthals are actually us or really close cousins.

Animals That Share Human DNA Sequences | eHow.com
Although chimpanzees are the nearest relatives of humans, a number of other mammals also share significant amounts of DNA with humans. Portions of the human chromosome 6 have a match in DNA samples from pigs, cows and domestic cats. Dogs, rats, mice and even chickens also share DNA sequences with humans. Since mapping of the human genome and those of other animals continues, more correspondences are expected to emerge.
Again with the absolutes. Gravity is NOT 100 percent proof positive fact. There is no such thing for scientific theories, just for faith based answers like Creationism. The other commonalities are not only expected but if they were not present would be another thing that DISPROVED evolution. The fact that there are commonalities certainly does not go against evolutionary theory.

If there is no such thing as indisputable in science then I dispute it. This of course means it is not fact AKA theory and by your own admission subject to being corrected and out right wrong.

Evidence should lead to theory but in evolutions case the theory has lead to millions of dollars of research proving the so called theory' s so called evidence. Whats wrong with that? No scientist would dare challenge such a profitable venture. The theory is so entrenched in the scientific community and been bought wholesale by every teaching institution anything suggesting it's incorrect is unthinkable and anyone challenging it would be laughed out of the scientific community. Now would you expect to find impartial findings coming from such a community? No because major credibility would be lost along with the cash. So that alone makes the theory about as questionable as any piece of legislation in Washington.

While the commonalities doesn't disprove it, neither does it prove it, the same as you can't disprove creationism or AAT.
They have any scientific evidence supporting evolution? All I've heard so far is the dogma of evolution by sheeple who drank the kool aid.

Only because you have already determined the answer and therefore refuse to acknowledge any actual evidence as fitting into anything other than your perceived notions.

I repeat what evidence? Bones that have close DNA to humans? Could be an extinct species that was closer to humans than orangutans. Isn't there evidence that can't be explained away as something else?
There are reams of fossil and biological evidence showing the evolution of various species from common ancestors

But the irrefutable evidence comes from DNA

Evolution is a fact

No it's not fact. All the fossil record shows is separate species that are closely related. DNA can't prove evolution either,only that certain creatures are closely related. You can't take Neanderthal DNA and call it Homo Sapien. Think about it. Would that logic stand in a court of law? No because the DNA isn't a match. They can look at it and say they are closely related but that's it. As I pointed out in another post humans have some of the same DNA as dogs,and pigs but nobody claims they are our distant relatives.

We can take HomoSapien DNA and find Neanderthal in it


Where is your evidence of creation?

you can take human DNA and find common genetic markers in dogs. Doesn't mean humans were ever dogs.
All of them? You want your kids taught that Lord Krishna sleeps on a giant snake and the repeating cycle of the universe begins again when Lord Braham is born from the egg of life called Anda, which comes out of Krishna's navel?

Or, as Buddha taught, that the universe goes through an endless cycle of birth, destruction, rebirth? At a time of destruction, the existing creatures go to dwell in the Realm of Radiance to await the rebirth of the universe when they come back as human beings? (How's that for evolution!)

Or, that the earth is carried on the Great Turtle's back, as told by the Iroquois indians, or that it was birthed from a giant black egg, as some Chinese believe? Or, that the sun, moon and stars were vomited out by a giant dburntit as the Bakuba Kingdom of the Congo thought?

I could go on and on, but you get the point. If we are to teach religious ideas about the origin of the universe, we must teach them all or be guilty of favoring one religion over another (see: 1st Amendment).

How about we just stick to known science and let the parents and churches teach whatever else they want their kids to learn and allow THEM to decide for themselves. Unless, of course, you want your kids being taught nothing else BUT religious dogma because by the time the schools get through teaching every conceivable religious explanation....why, the kids'll be out of high school!
No not all and not with the dogma attached. It needs to be simplified.

The three possibilities:

Creationism : a higher intelligence made us.
Evolution: we are the result of a series of mutations/adaptations
Ancient Alien Theory: life from another source came here and colonized Earth.

Those three in their base forms cover all. It could be easily taught,would back up everybody's personal beliefs,all three can be related to each other,and considering we really don't know it would leave all options open and be balanced and fair.

That's what I learned in my public school earth science class and then we spent the next few weeks going over the documented scientific evidence for evolution. Surprisingly that's how the subject was handled in Sunday School too, followed by a discussion of the Catholic Church's position that evolution does not contradict the Bible.
it's not a question of who's right or does it fit. It's the question of whether a theory,possibly flawed,should have a monopoly when there are other possibilities. I haven't seen evidence that can't be disputed. I'm saying that in the absence of proof positive other theories should be presented. The fact that humans can make hybrids and test tube babies leaves open the possibility we are in fact created as many ancient cultures claim. Surely if we can do it so can aliens or a higher intelligence.
If there is no such thing as indisputable in science then I dispute it. This of course means it is not fact AKA theory and by your own admission subject to being corrected and out right wrong.

Evidence should lead to theory but in evolutions case the theory has lead to millions of dollars of research proving the so called theory' s so called evidence. Whats wrong with that? No scientist would dare challenge such a profitable venture. The theory is so entrenched in the scientific community and been bought wholesale by every teaching institution anything suggesting it's incorrect is unthinkable and anyone challenging it would be laughed out of the scientific community. Now would you expect to find impartial findings coming from such a community? No because major credibility would be lost along with the cash. So that alone makes the theory about as questionable as any piece of legislation in Washington.

While the commonalities doesn't disprove it, neither does it prove it, the same as you can't disprove creationism or AAT.
Ah, you dispute it. That is fine, there are a lot of disputes against it. There are many problems as well that the theory of evolution is not able t tackle at this moment BUT tat was not really the challenge was it. These are just basic realities but you evaded the CORE of what you need to do in order to put up your opposing ideas against evolution:
So, what repeatable experiment have you designed to test alien theory and creationism? What are your scientific predictions to the outcome of those experiments?

Go on, show us how you possibly fit your round faith peg into a square science hole….

You have to accomplish the above first. BTW: this is the SECOND time that you have mentions ‘disproving’ creationism. This is also the second time that I have to tell you that is simply impossible. You are focusing on that idea because you want to avoid the above.
No it's not fact. All the fossil record shows is separate species that are closely related. DNA can't prove evolution either,only that certain creatures are closely related. You can't take Neanderthal DNA and call it Homo Sapien. Think about it. Would that logic stand in a court of law? No because the DNA isn't a match. They can look at it and say they are closely related but that's it. As I pointed out in another post humans have some of the same DNA as dogs,and pigs but nobody claims they are our distant relatives.

We can take HomoSapien DNA and find Neanderthal in it


Where is your evidence of creation?

you can take human DNA and find common genetic markers in dogs. Doesn't mean humans were ever dogs.

No, but it does mean we are both mammals and shared a common ancestor

Got yer scientific support of creation or aliens?
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If there is no such thing as indisputable in science then I dispute it. This of course means it is not fact AKA theory and by your own admission subject to being corrected and out right wrong.

Evidence should lead to theory but in evolutions case the theory has lead to millions of dollars of research proving the so called theory' s so called evidence. Whats wrong with that? No scientist would dare challenge such a profitable venture. The theory is so entrenched in the scientific community and been bought wholesale by every teaching institution anything suggesting it's incorrect is unthinkable and anyone challenging it would be laughed out of the scientific community. Now would you expect to find impartial findings coming from such a community? No because major credibility would be lost along with the cash. So that alone makes the theory about as questionable as any piece of legislation in Washington.

While the commonalities doesn't disprove it, neither does it prove it, the same as you can't disprove creationism or AAT.
Ah, you dispute it. That is fine, there are a lot of disputes against it. There are many problems as well that the theory of evolution is not able t tackle at this moment BUT tat was not really the challenge was it. These are just basic realities but you evaded the CORE of what you need to do in order to put up your opposing ideas against evolution:
So, what repeatable experiment have you designed to test alien theory and creationism? What are your scientific predictions to the outcome of those experiments?

Go on, show us how you possibly fit your round faith peg into a square science hole….

You have to accomplish the above first. BTW: this is the SECOND time that you have mentions ‘disproving’ creationism. This is also the second time that I have to tell you that is simply impossible. You are focusing on that idea because you want to avoid the above.

If science can't prove a theory than its just an Idea,mythology,fairy tail,dogma, and absolutely no different than a faith based theory. There is no question that the earth travels around the sun. But there are big questions about evolution that quite frankly for myself and for many others take FAITH to believe in it.

I want to know if we are evolving where is it today? Homo Sapiens have been around for how long? Where's the new changes?

I also expect better evidence then whats been presented before I stop believing in creationism and AAT.

I do genealogy and even that has a much higher rate of proof than evolution. That's sad. In genealogy if you can't prove direct descent your not considered related. Evolution has not proven an unbroken direct descent between humans and apes. I doubt that it ever will. But the evidence presented so far is spotty at best. Your evidence really isn't any less questionable than the evidence that a higher intelligence created us. This evidence is quite simply,if we can clone,grow human trachea' s,in vitro fertilization,transplant surgery,what could a higher intelligence do? The evidence for creationism is our own technology which can be 100% proven by tangible results.
Creationism is also well known. Microorganisms on an island are a far cry from evolving humans. Kinda like saying a positive result in lab rats equals a cure for humans. Explain the Wallace line cause I don't see it what a natural barrier has to evolution.

No, creationism is a faith based construct most commonly associated with the Bishop Ussher (died 1656 if memory serves) who calculated the age of the Earth based on the number of people written about in the Bible and how long they were reported to have lived.

The Bible itself, and its evolution makes for fascinating reading. The Catholic Church being responsible for major edits and choosing which books would be included, the Gospel of St. Thomas most famously being excluded.

No, there is no true evidence for creationism. There is considerable evidence for evolution and the methodology of evolution, below are a few examples....


What has the head of a crocodile and the gills of a fish?

A closer look at a classic ring species: The work of Tom Devitt
Where's this so called evidence that makes evolution valid scientific theory?

Read and learn. Creationism as a whole doesn't exist till 1600. The Catholic Church never preached it. In fact they actively support scientific exploration into evolutionary science. No, "creationism" is the construct of evangelical church goers, with no basis in scripture or fact.
In science we are taught to question our beliefs and modify those beliefs as new evidence is found. In religion, we are taught not to question the word of God and certainly not to change it but rather to defend it. That is exactly what the Creationist does, presents evidence to defend the faith, but never to modify it.
If science can't prove a theory than its just an Idea,mythology,fairy tail,dogma, and absolutely no different than a faith based theory.

If that's true, then we would have to add to your list of fairy tales the atomic theory and the germ theory because they can't be proved because proof only exist in mathematics. Science can only offer evidence and there is huge amount of evidence of evolution. Much of the evidence is very technical from a number of fields. However there is much evidence of natural selection which is a key element in the theory of evolution that can be observed today.

The theory of evolution consist of a number of postulates and many conclusions. The postulates are accepted by almost all scientists. The conclusion drawn from those postulates, which there are thousands vary in their degree of acceptance. This is the case with all scientific theories.

I could spend all day listing links with evidence of evolution from dozens of different scientific disciplines, but judging from your posts it would be a waste of energy.

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