4th of july racist?

There is not much that can be done to make the left wingers happy.
We could ban flags, but they would still be angry racist crackpots.
The Democrat Party is pushing a racist cultural revolution on Americans.
They are using the Press, Academia, Entertainment, Sports, and the Internet to incite hate, racism and violence.
History will not be kind to the Democrats.

The majority of us agreed (both Party's) that the last election was for 'all of the marbles'.
That's why the Dimm's took advantage of the pandemic w/ mass mail-in ballots and cheated in the battleground states.
Their current level of corruption could be insurmountable.

people like this need to get out if they ondt like it in the us.

No, they don't have to get out, you can live in the US with a grievance.

Its ok for her to have a grievance. She can believe whatever she wants, but she still sounds like such an idiot. Her seeing the American flag anywhere and she says it "screams racism"

Funny how every other country in the world is allowed to be proud of their flag, and they can proudly display it right here in the U.S. from their car or wherever... but the up and coming mindset with all the woke people is the flag is racist, the anthem is racist.... if you respect them you are most likely racist too.. hell, now we have learned the highway system is racist...
The entire United States is racist.... honestly, why dont we do away with all U.S. holidays of any sort? Our military is racist too right? Bart Simpson definately has to be racist... ive seen how they mock Indian people... so you know... you really ought to change that Avitar of yours or do you just insist on exercising your white priveledge?

It's just a flag and nothing else.

moonglow goes to market View attachment 508470



people like this need to get out if they ondt like it in the us.

No, they don't have to get out, you can live in the US with a grievance.

Its ok for her to have a grievance. She can believe whatever she wants, but she still sounds like such an idiot. Her seeing the American flag anywhere and she says it "screams racism"

Funny how every other country in the world is allowed to be proud of their flag, and they can proudly display it right here in the U.S. from their car or wherever... but the up and coming mindset with all the woke people is the flag is racist, the anthem is racist.... if you respect them you are most likely racist too.. hell, now we have learned the highway system is racist...
The entire United States is racist.... honestly, why dont we do away with all U.S. holidays of any sort? Our military is racist too right? Bart Simpson definately has to be racist... ive seen how they mock Indian people... so you know... you really ought to change that Avitar of yours or do you just insist on exercising your white priveledge?

It's just a flag and nothing else.

moonglow goes to market View attachment 508470


yeah i deleted it lol !

people like this need to get out if they ondt like it in the us.

No, they don't have to get out, you can live in the US with a grievance.

Its ok for her to have a grievance. She can believe whatever she wants, but she still sounds like such an idiot. Her seeing the American flag anywhere and she says it "screams racism"

Funny how every other country in the world is allowed to be proud of their flag, and they can proudly display it right here in the U.S. from their car or wherever... but the up and coming mindset with all the woke people is the flag is racist, the anthem is racist.... if you respect them you are most likely racist too.. hell, now we have learned the highway system is racist...
The entire United States is racist.... honestly, why dont we do away with all U.S. holidays of any sort? Our military is racist too right? Bart Simpson definately has to be racist... ive seen how they mock Indian people... so you know... you really ought to change that Avitar of yours or do you just insist on exercising your white priveledge?

It's just a flag and nothing else.

moonglow goes to market View attachment 508470




people like this need to get out if they ondt like it in the us.

No, they don't have to get out, you can live in the US with a grievance.

Its ok for her to have a grievance. She can believe whatever she wants, but she still sounds like such an idiot. Her seeing the American flag anywhere and she says it "screams racism"

Funny how every other country in the world is allowed to be proud of their flag, and they can proudly display it right here in the U.S. from their car or wherever... but the up and coming mindset with all the woke people is the flag is racist, the anthem is racist.... if you respect them you are most likely racist too.. hell, now we have learned the highway system is racist...
The entire United States is racist.... honestly, why dont we do away with all U.S. holidays of any sort? Our military is racist too right? Bart Simpson definately has to be racist... ive seen how they mock Indian people... so you know... you really ought to change that Avitar of yours or do you just insist on exercising your white priveledge?

It's just a flag and nothing else.

moonglow goes to market View attachment 508470




well no, but it is the internetz and it had a nice back drop.

people like this need to get out if they ondt like it in the us.

No, they don't have to get out, you can live in the US with a grievance.

Its ok for her to have a grievance. She can believe whatever she wants, but she still sounds like such an idiot. Her seeing the American flag anywhere and she says it "screams racism"

Funny how every other country in the world is allowed to be proud of their flag, and they can proudly display it right here in the U.S. from their car or wherever... but the up and coming mindset with all the woke people is the flag is racist, the anthem is racist.... if you respect them you are most likely racist too.. hell, now we have learned the highway system is racist...
The entire United States is racist.... honestly, why dont we do away with all U.S. holidays of any sort? Our military is racist too right? Bart Simpson definately has to be racist... ive seen how they mock Indian people... so you know... you really ought to change that Avitar of yours or do you just insist on exercising your white priveledge?

It's just a flag and nothing else.

In order to say the flag means nothing... what you can see going on today is people saying that our independence from England really meant nothing.
Whats great about America is the Idea of America... its the idea of the constitution, individual liberties and such... which has now been emulated around the world... all because of that idea of America.

So yes, maybe the flag is just an idea as well... and you can sure say it means nothing. People also say America means nothing as constituted... that we are all a bunch of racists and always have been... So to do away with one idea you are also getting rid of the other as well though along with all our other symbols... what the hell.. they are just statues.. they mean nothing.. just names... Wshington.. Jefferson... all imperfect so they really don't mean all that much..

Well guess what we are up against enemies in the world like China who truely are nationalists and are just waiting to eat our lunch when they are able to. I'm sure they would also support your position. they probably think we should be waving a Chinese flag and they are very happy to see us demoralized as a culture.. not believing in ourselves.
You need to take a lot into context, and the efforts our enemies have made inside our own U.S. acedemia to propogate these ideas.
They have the option and freedom to go to another country. Long as they can leave then they have no room to complain.

Don't like america? Then go somewhere else.
They have the option and freedom to go to another country. Long as they can leave then they have no room to complain.

Don't like america? Then go somewhere else.
That is just it, they don't have to like it and they don't have to leave. No one died and proclaimed you God of the US or the Earth.

people like this need to get out if they ondt like it in the us.

No, they don't have to get out, you can live in the US with a grievance.

Its ok for her to have a grievance. She can believe whatever she wants, but she still sounds like such an idiot. Her seeing the American flag anywhere and she says it "screams racism"

Funny how every other country in the world is allowed to be proud of their flag, and they can proudly display it right here in the U.S. from their car or wherever... but the up and coming mindset with all the woke people is the flag is racist, the anthem is racist.... if you respect them you are most likely racist too.. hell, now we have learned the highway system is racist...
The entire United States is racist.... honestly, why dont we do away with all U.S. holidays of any sort? Our military is racist too right? Bart Simpson definately has to be racist... ive seen how they mock Indian people... so you know... you really ought to change that Avitar of yours or do you just insist on exercising your white priveledge?

It's just a flag and nothing else.

In order to say the flag means nothing... what you can see going on today is people saying that our independence from England really meant nothing.
Whats great about America is the Idea of America... its the idea of the constitution, individual liberties and such... which has now been emulated around the world... all because of that idea of America.

So yes, maybe the flag is just an idea as well... and you can sure say it means nothing. People also say America means nothing as constituted... that we are all a bunch of racists and always have been... So to do away with one idea you are also getting rid of the other as well though along with all our other symbols... what the hell.. they are just statues.. they mean nothing.. just names... Wshington.. Jefferson... all imperfect so they really don't mean all that much..

Well guess what we are up against enemies in the world like China who truely are nationalists and are just waiting to eat our lunch when they are able to. I'm sure they would also support your position. they probably think we should be waving a Chinese flag and they are very happy to see us demoralized as a culture.. not believing in ourselves.
You need to take a lot into context, and the efforts our enemies have made inside our own U.S. acedemia to propogate these ideas.

We are demoralized as a culture because that is what our politicians have done and that is what inflames these threads on USMB. The Chinese and Russians join along to increase the conflict ratio in the US and you people suck it up and play the patsy perfectly.

Ever hear of divide and conquer? Look at this website it is infected with hate of yer fellow man because they wear red or because they wear blue. So, the flag doesn't matter because the focus of our differences is what divides us not what unites us.
AOC called a drug test racist.

The reason your nation is experiencing heavy division is you have idiots in your government who have a platform and come from unimpressive backgrounds before they con their way into positions of power.

I'm not sure I've heard any of the Squad name China for ANY wrongdoings. Meanwhile, they call America a polluter and racist. It's ironic to the point of not being funny. Their silence on the CCP should raise some alarm bells with someone.
A drug test is a form of control over a person's freedom and liberty.
Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.

Claiming that it's racism is just stupid.

people like this need to get out if they ondt like it in the us.

No, they don't have to get out, you can live in the US with a grievance.

Its ok for her to have a grievance. She can believe whatever she wants, but she still sounds like such an idiot. Her seeing the American flag anywhere and she says it "screams racism"

Funny how every other country in the world is allowed to be proud of their flag, and they can proudly display it right here in the U.S. from their car or wherever... but the up and coming mindset with all the woke people is the flag is racist, the anthem is racist.... if you respect them you are most likely racist too.. hell, now we have learned the highway system is racist...
The entire United States is racist.... honestly, why dont we do away with all U.S. holidays of any sort? Our military is racist too right? Bart Simpson definately has to be racist... ive seen how they mock Indian people... so you know... you really ought to change that Avitar of yours or do you just insist on exercising your white priveledge?

It's just a flag and nothing else.

Well, also you know... ceremony sometimes is important to people. Though I myself am a rather unceremonious type of person... I do respect those to whom it means something to.

So when you see this video what do you see? an act of aggression against these poor legal citizens of various nationalities? do you see them as being forced to grovel in front of a racist symbol? or do you see them as happy to be admitted into a new country of their own choice?
DO you think this will horribly scar them for life, being forced to say a pledge that is border line racist? or do you think maybe this was a positive, meaningful moment for them?

Or would it just be better to go on with no ceremony? none of that bullshit.. just sign a paper , be a citizen.. ceremony means absolutely nothing?


people like this need to get out if they ondt like it in the us.

No, they don't have to get out, you can live in the US with a grievance.

Its ok for her to have a grievance. She can believe whatever she wants, but she still sounds like such an idiot. Her seeing the American flag anywhere and she says it "screams racism"

Funny how every other country in the world is allowed to be proud of their flag, and they can proudly display it right here in the U.S. from their car or wherever... but the up and coming mindset with all the woke people is the flag is racist, the anthem is racist.... if you respect them you are most likely racist too.. hell, now we have learned the highway system is racist...
The entire United States is racist.... honestly, why dont we do away with all U.S. holidays of any sort? Our military is racist too right? Bart Simpson definately has to be racist... ive seen how they mock Indian people... so you know... you really ought to change that Avitar of yours or do you just insist on exercising your white priveledge?

It's just a flag and nothing else.

Well, also you know... ceremony sometimes is important to people. Though I myself am a rather unceremonious type of person... I do respect those to whom it means something to.

So when you see this video what do you see? an act of aggression against these poor legal citizens of various nationalities? do you see them as being forced to grovel in front of a racist symbol? or do you see them as happy to be admitted into a new country of their own choice?
DO you think this will horribly scar them for life, being forced to say a pledge that is border line racist? or do you think maybe this was a positive, meaningful moment for them?

Or would it just be better to go on with no ceremony? none of that bullshit.. just sign a paper , be a citizen.. ceremony means absolutely nothing?

Have you always been such a drama queen?
AOC called a drug test racist.

The reason your nation is experiencing heavy division is you have idiots in your government who have a platform and come from unimpressive backgrounds before they con their way into positions of power.

I'm not sure I've heard any of the Squad name China for ANY wrongdoings. Meanwhile, they call America a polluter and racist. It's ironic to the point of not being funny. Their silence on the CCP should raise some alarm bells with someone.
A drug test is a form of control over a person's freedom and liberty.
Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.

Claiming that it's racism is just stupid.
It's all about the context of the individuals perception..

people like this need to get out if they ondt like it in the us.

No, they don't have to get out, you can live in the US with a grievance.

Its ok for her to have a grievance. She can believe whatever she wants, but she still sounds like such an idiot. Her seeing the American flag anywhere and she says it "screams racism"

Funny how every other country in the world is allowed to be proud of their flag, and they can proudly display it right here in the U.S. from their car or wherever... but the up and coming mindset with all the woke people is the flag is racist, the anthem is racist.... if you respect them you are most likely racist too.. hell, now we have learned the highway system is racist...
The entire United States is racist.... honestly, why dont we do away with all U.S. holidays of any sort? Our military is racist too right? Bart Simpson definately has to be racist... ive seen how they mock Indian people... so you know... you really ought to change that Avitar of yours or do you just insist on exercising your white priveledge?

It's just a flag and nothing else.

Well, also you know... ceremony sometimes is important to people. Though I myself am a rather unceremonious type of person... I do respect those to whom it means something to.

So when you see this video what do you see? an act of aggression against these poor legal citizens of various nationalities? do you see them as being forced to grovel in front of a racist symbol? or do you see them as happy to be admitted into a new country of their own choice?
DO you think this will horribly scar them for life, being forced to say a pledge that is border line racist? or do you think maybe this was a positive, meaningful moment for them?

Or would it just be better to go on with no ceremony? none of that bullshit.. just sign a paper , be a citizen.. ceremony means absolutely nothing?

Have you always been such a drama queen?

So you got no answer... ok
We need a declaration of independence from black demands, black neediness and black lack of ability to care for themselves.

Cutlery, butter knives, forks and spoons are racist.
Then there's this about the Olympian hero.


Donald Trump Jr.


Totally not all an act! She was definitely not protesting to get attention for herself and/or maybe some of those woke Nike sponsorship dollars. 100% legit and not at all a cottage industry victimization scheme we see so much of these days.


Tim Young

Gwen Berry's PR team forgot to update her website... https://gwenthrows.wordpress.com/2015/06/12/19/


4:16 PM · Jun 30, 2021



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