5.7 million illegal votes

The illegal vote is why the left fights hard against Voter I.D. laws..............Time and time again there are reports of illegals voting and illegals admitting they vote.

The actual numbers voting............probably just guessing but in the millions I'd have to agree...........

They are afraid of Voter I.D. for a reason, but always call it voter suppression when challenged...........Liberals are a bunch of Lying Sacks.

If only you could prove your delusions are real.

If only.

Look, View attachment 222455Brain,

Can you prove it false? Then you are the more deluded one to think that none of the 20 million illegals or only a few voted for Hillary when you have whole states like California making it legal and possible! Your entire empty belief that progressives are winning out is based on your hollow assertion that Hillary won the popular vote. Deep down inside you know that your phony theories can't hold a cup of water!

I don’t have to prove something doesn’t exist when you’re utterly incapable of proving it does.

Just like you don't have to prove a rape happened..........hmmm..........Guilty until proven innocent......

Oh.......never mind.......You were one of the few that actually owned up and said it was BS.........LOL
Yes, never mind. :badgrin:
I did give you a pat on the back for that..........LOL...........You said not your Brother's keeper when I asked you to call out the others for it......LOL
The illegal vote is why the left fights hard against Voter I.D. laws..............Time and time again there are reports of illegals voting and illegals admitting they vote.

The actual numbers voting............probably just guessing but in the millions I'd have to agree...........

They are afraid of Voter I.D. for a reason, but always call it voter suppression when challenged...........Liberals are a bunch of Lying Sacks.

If only you could prove your delusions are real.

If only.

If only you could get evidence on Russian Collusion.
Moron. Quote me saying trump colluded with Russia.....

Are you always this stupid? Must be to believe 6 million illegal aliens voted in the election and virtually all of them got away with it.
Your the one with the famous Avatar...........LOL

And yeah......I believe voter fraud exists massively in this country...........only some get caught.......

Why does the left hate voter I.D. laws........huh........Oh suppression of the vote right..........Oh the poor wouldn't have an I.d. to get it right.........Oh they can't get to the place to register right.......

Bunch of excuses..........everyone knows they are doing this shit............
Mueller’s my avatar because he pisses the shit out of rightards and that entertains me.

Are you sure that's not just a picture of Michael O'Hare from Babylon 5?


Here all this time, I just assumed it was. I didn't know Mueller was supposed to piss me off------ I think his constant inept failings and misfires over Trump's head a riot!
The illegal vote is why the left fights hard against Voter I.D. laws..............Time and time again there are reports of illegals voting and illegals admitting they vote.

The actual numbers voting............probably just guessing but in the millions I'd have to agree...........

They are afraid of Voter I.D. for a reason, but always call it voter suppression when challenged...........Liberals are a bunch of Lying Sacks.

If only you could prove your delusions are real.

If only.

Look, View attachment 222455Brain,

Can you prove it false? Then you are the more deluded one to think that none of the 20 million illegals or only a few voted for Hillary when you have whole states like California making it legal and possible! Your entire empty belief that progressives are winning out is based on your hollow assertion that Hillary won the popular vote. Deep down inside you know that your phony theories can't hold a cup of water!

I don’t have to prove something doesn’t exist when you’re utterly incapable of proving it does.


It's been proven several times. The failing is all yours for refusing to see it.
Illegal aliens/ Immigrants. Not synonymous. I love how my city, my state gave sanctuary to illegal aliens from federal immigration law. No referendums, no votes by the electorate. It wasn't even made an issue to be given yeah/ nay to, nope. It just magically happened. Just POOF. As if it was by public mandate.

Isn't this still a Democratic republic? So HOW does this happen? I have asked this question many times before, I still I have gotten no rational response to that question.
The illegal vote is why the left fights hard against Voter I.D. laws..............Time and time again there are reports of illegals voting and illegals admitting they vote.

The actual numbers voting............probably just guessing but in the millions I'd have to agree...........

They are afraid of Voter I.D. for a reason, but always call it voter suppression when challenged...........Liberals are a bunch of Lying Sacks.

If only you could prove your delusions are real.

If only.

Look, View attachment 222455Brain,

Can you prove it false? Then you are the more deluded one to think that none of the 20 million illegals or only a few voted for Hillary when you have whole states like California making it legal and possible! Your entire empty belief that progressives are winning out is based on your hollow assertion that Hillary won the popular vote. Deep down inside you know that your phony theories can't hold a cup of water!

I don’t have to prove something doesn’t exist when you’re utterly incapable of proving it does.


It's been proven several times. The failing is all yours for refusing to see it.

It’s been proven you’re batshit insane. It’s never been proven 6 million illegal aliens voted.

My hometown threw out commonsense and reason. Denver, Colorado. First, our illustrious leaders create this sanctuary for illegal aliens from federal immigration laws. Secondly, they create this Motor voter law (anyone with a drivers license can vote in elections) . THEN (drum roll please) They let illegal aliens get valid driver licenses. Letting illegals IN against the law and the will of the people , giving them sanctuary and then tampering with laws to allowing them to vote...
OH my freaking god, what could be wrong with that?
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Up to 5 million Russians voted for Trump in 2016
My hometown threw out commonsense and reason. Denver, Colorado. First, our illustrious leaders create this sanctuary for illegal aliens from federal immigration laws. Secondly, they create this Motor voter law (anyone with a drivers license can vote in elections) . THEN (drum roll please) They let illegal aliens get valid driver licenses. OH my freaking god, what could be wrong with that?

And on top of all that, you let people smoke dope.

You’re all going to Hell you know.
The illegal vote is why the left fights hard against Voter I.D. laws..............Time and time again there are reports of illegals voting and illegals admitting they vote.

The actual numbers voting............probably just guessing but in the millions I'd have to agree...........

They are afraid of Voter I.D. for a reason, but always call it voter suppression when challenged...........Liberals are a bunch of Lying Sacks.

If only you could prove your delusions are real.

If only.

Look, View attachment 222455Brain,

Can you prove it false? Then you are the more deluded one to think that none of the 20 million illegals or only a few voted for Hillary when you have whole states like California making it legal and possible! Your entire empty belief that progressives are winning out is based on your hollow assertion that Hillary won the popular vote. Deep down inside you know that your phony theories can't hold a cup of water!

I don’t have to prove something doesn’t exist when you’re utterly incapable of proving it does.


I have the names of the Illegals that voted for Crooked Hillary. Want to see a few of them?

José Luis,
Miguel Ángel,
José Francisco,
Jesús Antonio,
Juan Carlos,
My hometown threw out commonsense and reason. Denver, Colorado. First, our illustrious leaders create this sanctuary for illegal aliens from federal immigration laws. Secondly, they create this Motor voter law (anyone with a drivers license can vote in elections) . THEN (drum roll please) They let illegal aliens get valid driver licenses. Letting illegals IN against the law and the will of the people , giving them sanctuary and then tampering with laws to allowing them to vote...
OH my freaking god, what could be wrong with that?
Utter nonsense. Show the law in any state that gives illegal aliens a license and let’s them use that license to vote....
My hometown threw out commonsense and reason. Denver, Colorado. First, our illustrious leaders create this sanctuary for illegal aliens from federal immigration laws. Secondly, they create this Motor voter law (anyone with a drivers license can vote in elections) . THEN (drum roll please) They let illegal aliens get valid driver licenses. OH my freaking god, what could be wrong with that?

And on top of all that, you let people smoke dope.

You’re all going to Hell you know.
No real Coloradan wanted to legalize marijuana. That's a huge part of the influx of out of staters and millennials. And those people are the same shitheads that made Colorado a sanctuary for illegals, that same mindset. Those carpet baggers from Texas, California or just out of staters.
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My hometown threw out commonsense and reason. Denver, Colorado. First, our illustrious leaders create this sanctuary for illegal aliens from federal immigration laws. Secondly, they create this Motor voter law (anyone with a drivers license can vote in elections) . THEN (drum roll please) They let illegal aliens get valid driver licenses. Letting illegals IN against the law and the will of the people , giving them sanctuary and then tampering with laws to allowing them to vote...
OH my freaking god, what could be wrong with that?
Utter nonsense. Show the law in any state that gives illegal aliens a license and let’s them use that license to vote....
Yes, and yet it happens. Denver does, I don't fault you for your skepticism. But here we are.
The illegal vote is why the left fights hard against Voter I.D. laws..............Time and time again there are reports of illegals voting and illegals admitting they vote.

The actual numbers voting............probably just guessing but in the millions I'd have to agree...........

They are afraid of Voter I.D. for a reason, but always call it voter suppression when challenged...........Liberals are a bunch of Lying Sacks.

If only you could prove your delusions are real.

If only.

Look, View attachment 222455Brain,

Can you prove it false? Then you are the more deluded one to think that none of the 20 million illegals or only a few voted for Hillary when you have whole states like California making it legal and possible! Your entire empty belief that progressives are winning out is based on your hollow assertion that Hillary won the popular vote. Deep down inside you know that your phony theories can't hold a cup of water!

I don’t have to prove something doesn’t exist when you’re utterly incapable of proving it does.


I have the names of the Illegals that voted for Crooked Hillary. Want to see a few of them?

José Luis,
Miguel Ángel,
José Francisco,
Jesús Antonio,
Juan Carlos,
No link means you’re full of shit, ya racist POS.

Even funnier, the reason you didn't post a link is because your link doesn't go to illegal alien voters -- it goes to common Mexican names...


And even funnier still -- even if your bullshit was real, and it's not, you're still 5,699,971 illegal aliens shy of your moronic claim that 5.7 million illegal aliens voted in the election.

I have been to the Denver DMV. When I had to renew my drivers license, I saw three Mexican males in a booth clearly marked (in English) Only ONE person Per booth. Also, one of which had a cell phone asking questions so that they didn't fail the test. Yeah. I ask questions I get the stink eye. Really, that is how this works. Don't ask questions? Why not?
My hometown threw out commonsense and reason. Denver, Colorado. First, our illustrious leaders create this sanctuary for illegal aliens from federal immigration laws. Secondly, they create this Motor voter law (anyone with a drivers license can vote in elections) . THEN (drum roll please) They let illegal aliens get valid driver licenses. Letting illegals IN against the law and the will of the people , giving them sanctuary and then tampering with laws to allowing them to vote...
OH my freaking god, what could be wrong with that?
Utter nonsense. Show the law in any state that gives illegal aliens a license and let’s them use that license to vote....
Yes, and yet it happens. Denver does, I don't fault you for your skepticism. But here we are.
Why shouldn't I be skeptical when you can't prove your bullshit; even after being challenged to prove it?
I have been to the Denver DMV. When I had to renew my drivers license, I saw three Mexican males in a booth clearly marked (in English) Only ONE person Per booth. Also, one of which had a cell phone asking questions so that they didn't fail the test. Yeah. I ask questions I qet the stink eye. Really, that is how this works. Don't ask questions? Why not?
Oh? And did you ask them if they were citizens?

And let's see you post the Colorado law that states non-U.S. citizens can use the driver's license issued by the state to register to vote....
My hometown threw out commonsense and reason. Denver, Colorado. First, our illustrious leaders create this sanctuary for illegal aliens from federal immigration laws. Secondly, they create this Motor voter law (anyone with a drivers license can vote in elections) . THEN (drum roll please) They let illegal aliens get valid driver licenses. Letting illegals IN against the law and the will of the people , giving them sanctuary and then tampering with laws to allowing them to vote...
OH my freaking god, what could be wrong with that?
Utter nonsense. Show the law in any state that gives illegal aliens a license and let’s them use that license to vote....
Yes, and yet it happens. Denver does, I don't fault you for your skepticism. But here we are.
Why shouldn't I be skeptical when you can't prove your bullshit; even after being challenged to prove it?
You should be skeptical. What proof do you require? What is bullshit?
Yea, we were right,

Study supports Trump: 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast illegal votes

A research group in New Jersey has taken a fresh look at postelection polling data and concluded that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is likely far greater than previous estimates.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.

View attachment 206252
Politi"fact" is so far left it runs in circles.

You hate facts almost as much as you hate education, don't you?
There are no facts in "Politifact."

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