5 Best Moments from MSNBC's Apocalyptic Night


<--- Pic is not me
Jan 23, 2010
Cincinnati, OH
Election Media Coverage: Video of MSNBC's Apocalyptic Night - The Daily Beast

Video's at the link but to sum them up....

Matthews to Bachmann: Are You Hypnotized?

The pundits of MSNBC unleashed their frustration on Tuesday night as they lamented the mounting Democratic losses. During a particularly thorny interview, Chris Matthews repeatedly asked victorious Minnesota Tea Party Rep. Michele Bachmann if she was in a trance. When she refused to indulge his comments, Matthews was the one left seeing red.

O&#8217;Donnell: Rand Paul Will Bring the Apocalypse

After Rand Paul won a Senate seat in Kentucky, an unusually feisty&#8212;and fearful&#8212;Lawrence O&#8217;Donnell appeared convinced the Tea Partier&#8217;s win would lead to the demise of civilization. &#8220;That is a man on a very fast collision course with his principles,&#8221; said O&#8217;Donnell. We&#8217;re guessing he&#8217;s not about to bow down to Aqua Buddha anytime soon.

John Boehner, Crybaby

MSNBC&#8217;s talking heads didn&#8217;t see anything genuine or touching in the presumptive House speaker&#8217;s victory speech about following the American dream. &#8220;John Boehner, by his own admission, will cry at a supermarket opening,&#8221; quipped Keith Olbermann. Who&#8217;s the one with the crocodile tears now?

More at the link, plus videos. I was lucky enough to be watching MSNBC via streaming internet and it really was a riot at many points in the evening. Hat tip to The Daily Beast for keeping those moments alive forever. (some nights you just don't want to forget)

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Funniest part was a pic while Olbermann was talking

GA Senate
Rep 75% Dem 25%
Too Close to Call

I was laughing for hours.

Oh, and how they didn't stop talking about Delaware either
I thought Bachmann ripping on Matthews on his "Thrill up my Leg" stuff was hilarious. They even had the signs up behind Bachmann during the interview. Matthews was clearly flustered & pissed. It really was funny. He asked an incredibly offensive and idiotic question anyway. She just ignored the Dunce and then ripped him. Classic TV moment. Also right after that,the Madcow loon started ranting about how NBC isn't in the tank for Obama & the Democrats. WTF? NBC IS the Democratic Party. NBC has become their Goebbels mouthpiece for God's sake. How could she make such a claim? I thought that was pretty funny too. They're a joke and anyone with common sense knows that.
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Seriously though,that Madcow chick really is scary. She is the epitome of a heinous Moveon.org skank. When you think of a loony Moveon.org skank,you think of ole Madcow right away. Perfect Mascot for them. Yikes!
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And then of course we have Paul Begala on CNN saying:

"In 2008 the question was were we ready for a black president this year in 2010 the question is are we ready for an orange speaker"?

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I watched a few segments. It was entertaining in a sad, angry kind of way. The smugness of the hosts was unbearable. Chris Matthews is a seething raging angry ball of slime - he actually made Olbermann look reasonable!!
The first vid isn't something I would be passing around with a smug look on my face if I were conservative. Bachmann was caught in one of those scenarios where she said something really stupid, and now she can't back down at the risk of alienating all the stupid people that thought it was great.

She is trying to be PC by not indicating Y or N and ride the fence on an issue with an obvious answer. No, she isn't going to investigate congressmen for being anti-American.
Bachmann really did piss Matthews off. That was truly classic. He was so flustered. He just kept stuttering..."I I never said that. Really,I I I never said that." That was some funny shit. :)
I watched a few segments. It was entertaining in a sad, angry kind of way. The smugness of the hosts was unbearable. Chris Matthews is a seething raging angry ball of slime - he actually made Olbermann look reasonable!!

I thought exactly the same thing last night!
It was weird, sorta surreal...Olberman looked like a true professional next to the infant on his left...making Olberman look like a real commentator...that ain't easy, takes a special kind of idiot to accomplish that.
Seriously though,that Madcow chick really is scary. She is the epitome of a heinous Moveon.org skank. When you think of a loony Moveon.org skank,you think of ole Madcow right away. Perfect Mascot for them. Yikes!

I have dared you before to find one story where Rachel told an untruth. Her reporting is quite accurate. So I'll ask again. You're calling her all these names and not giving any reasons why. I challenge you to write something intelligent for a change.

When has she reported a story incorrectly or lied about something?? Why is she scary??
Seriously though,that Madcow chick really is scary. She is the epitome of a heinous Moveon.org skank. When you think of a loony Moveon.org skank,you think of ole Madcow right away. Perfect Mascot for them. Yikes!

I have dared you before to find one story where Rachel told an untruth. Her reporting is quite accurate. So I'll ask again. You're calling her all these names and not giving any reasons why. I challenge you to write something intelligent for a change.

When has she reported a story incorrectly or lied about something?? Why is she scary??

lol! Ole Madcow is a heinous Moveon.org skank. Nuff said.
Seriously though,that Madcow chick really is scary. She is the epitome of a heinous Moveon.org skank. When you think of a loony Moveon.org skank,you think of ole Madcow right away. Perfect Mascot for them. Yikes!

I have dared you before to find one story where Rachel told an untruth. Her reporting is quite accurate. So I'll ask again. You're calling her all these names and not giving any reasons why. I challenge you to write something intelligent for a change.

When has she reported a story incorrectly or lied about something?? Why is she scary??

Maddow is not a "reporter" - she is a pundit. She is accurate in the same way the Satan can quote from the bible - she takes molehills and builds mountains (in her mind) out of them.

For instance - she was in Alaska recently - heavily pimping the idea that the longshot Democrat candidate had a "real chance" at winning the election because of the "republican Civil War". Huh?? There is no "Civil War" in the GOP. Murkowski lost the primary and ran as an independent. Did Maddow report that Joe Lieberman's run as an Independent was a "Civil war" in the Democratic party? Of course not!!

She is not scary. She is just wrong.
I have dared you before to find one story where Rachel told an untruth. Her reporting is quite accurate. So I'll ask again. You're calling her all these names and not giving any reasons why. I challenge you to write something intelligent for a change.

When has she reported a story incorrectly or lied about something?? Why is she scary??

Holy SHIT! Ever heard of GOOGLE?!?

Let me google that for you

Not the LEAST of which is Madcow's claim that our Constitution Does NOT have a Preamble!!! :rofl:

No kidding ~ she actually MOCKED Boehner about it!!! :lol:
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This just in...apparently Chris Matthews was taken in an ambulance a few minutes ago.
Here is a shot of him just as he was about to go into the ambulance...


  • $Total-Recall-Bulge-Eyes-300.jpg
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Seriously though,that Madcow chick really is scary. She is the epitome of a heinous Moveon.org skank. When you think of a loony Moveon.org skank,you think of ole Madcow right away. Perfect Mascot for them. Yikes!

I have dared you before to find one story where Rachel told an untruth. Her reporting is quite accurate. So I'll ask again. You're calling her all these names and not giving any reasons why. I challenge you to write something intelligent for a change.

When has she reported a story incorrectly or lied about something?? Why is she scary??

Maddow is not a "reporter" - she is a pundit. She is accurate in the same way the Satan can quote from the bible - she takes molehills and builds mountains (in her mind) out of them.

For instance - she was in Alaska recently - heavily pimping the idea that the longshot Democrat candidate had a "real chance" at winning the election because of the "republican Civil War". Huh?? There is no "Civil War" in the GOP. Murkowski lost the primary and ran as an independent. Did Maddow report that Joe Lieberman's run as an Independent was a "Civil war" in the Democratic party? Of course not!!

She is not scary. She is just wrong.

Your right about her being a pundit..got strange about her being "Satan" and then blew it when you said she was wrong.

I don't remember her even being on the air when Lieberman ran..but being a pundit..is she even obligated to cover that story?
Not the LEAST of which is Madcow's claim that our Constitution Does NOT have a Preamble!!! :rofl:

She mocked Boehner because he said he had a copy of his constitution right here (pulled one out of his pocket) and the preamble said "We hold these truths to be self evident." :rofl:
I have dared you before to find one story where Rachel told an untruth. Her reporting is quite accurate. So I'll ask again. You're calling her all these names and not giving any reasons why. I challenge you to write something intelligent for a change.

When has she reported a story incorrectly or lied about something?? Why is she scary??

Maddow is not a "reporter" - she is a pundit. She is accurate in the same way the Satan can quote from the bible - she takes molehills and builds mountains (in her mind) out of them.

For instance - she was in Alaska recently - heavily pimping the idea that the longshot Democrat candidate had a "real chance" at winning the election because of the "republican Civil War". Huh?? There is no "Civil War" in the GOP. Murkowski lost the primary and ran as an independent. Did Maddow report that Joe Lieberman's run as an Independent was a "Civil war" in the Democratic party? Of course not!!

She is not scary. She is just wrong.

Your right about her being a pundit..got strange about her being "Satan" and then blew it when you said she was wrong.

I don't remember her even being on the air when Lieberman ran..but being a pundit..is she even obligated to cover that story?

I didn't say anything about her being "satan"... and she is wrong.

As for her being obligated to report a story, what kind of moronic question is that? She can cover any story she wants, hardly anyone is watching her anyway.

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