5 more cops shot in 1 day; 3 in Mississippi, 2 in NY.

put on a badge and wear a gun and this is what you sometimes get

Texas Sheriff: Cops Get Their Authority from God

Forget the Texas Constitution, Hunt County Sheriff Randy Meeks, who you may remember from his departments excessive force incidents, wants you to know that his authority is granted by God and you must obey him because the Bible says so.

Just days after a Hunt County grand jury cleared one of his deputies in the beating of then pregnant Deanna Robinson, Sheriff Meeks strung a few sentences together in a print only edition letter to the Herald Banner, titled “Can no longer be silent about what country allows.”

Meeks still can’t comprehend why anyone would be outraged when they see, with their own eyes, a deputy repeatedly punch a pregnant woman in the back while her unborn child is pinned against a kitchen counter. Meeks conveys his distaste for the international spotlight that has recently been shined on his department by claiming that criminals are innocent until proven guilty, while his deputies are guilty until proven innocent.

Texas Sheriff: Cops Get Their Authority from God

How many times a day do you have to prove you're an asshole?

The assholes are the people who think just because you wear a government issued uniform and badge you are beyond reproach and criticism. The fact that so many people feel this way towards police these days should be tell them something. Instead of acting like a bunch of overgrown children maybe they should start listening to some of the criticism they are getting from the public and work to change some things. After all, they do work for us, don't they?
What. "so many people" are you talking about? BLM and who else?

Gee, why am I not even slightly surprised you're ignorant enough to believe it's just the BLM crowd.

In U.S., Confidence in Police Lowest in 22 Years
Wow...that's devastating....

Americans' confidence in the police was last at 52% in 1993, the first time Gallup included police in the list of institutions. That poll was conducted as four white Los Angeles police officers were being tried in federal court for violating Rodney King's civil rights in the 1991 beating of King. The four had earlier been acquitted of criminal charges in state court, which provoked riots in 1992. Two of the four officers were later found guilty of violating King's civil rights.

Democrats Show Largest Loss of Faith in Police


When almost half the country has no confidence in the police, yes, it is devastating.

Public trust in police low, criticism of militarization rises: poll
They start in a hole. No one likes people who have authority over them. Most peeps contact with police is when they've fucked up. That's been my only contact with them...drunk and disorderly in college...a few tickets over the last 62 years of driving. They've never had to save my life...so..
What of death penalty for shooting cops?
What of a save our cops day?
What of shoot a cop treated as a hate crime?

What of mayors, governors, congressmen and president at the funerals of cops instead of the criminals?
All cops need to go on strike for a month. A 30 day Purge, bitchez!

If they don't want to do the job, they don't need to be cops. Didn't St Ronald, the brain dead can air traffic controllers for going on strike?
Mississippi officer killed after standoff, suspect dead | Fox News
2 New York City police officers shot in Brooklyn | Fox News

5 more cops were shot today. 3 in Mississippi and 2 in NYC. May God be with their families.

Nice to see the Democrat Party basing half it's 2016 campaign on smearing cops, and Marco Rubio smearing cops; And of course...Obama inviting cop killing terrorists like BlackLivesMatter to the White House.

Nobody said being a cop was easy, but it's not as bad if you aren't stupid
Officer practicing 'quick draw' fires shot inside Des Moines Airport
How many times a day do you have to prove you're an asshole?

The assholes are the people who think just because you wear a government issued uniform and badge you are beyond reproach and criticism. The fact that so many people feel this way towards police these days should be tell them something. Instead of acting like a bunch of overgrown children maybe they should start listening to some of the criticism they are getting from the public and work to change some things. After all, they do work for us, don't they?

Ah. You mean listen to their demands that cops do what???

Stop defending themselves?
Stop policing high crime areas more than low crime areas?

Really the root of you anti cop whiners are those 2 things.

(Cue the "oh yeah what about THIS" where DTMB or some lib finds a link to a bad cop).

And yes....1,000,000 cops....there will be 40 or 50 bad ones a year do bad shit. That's unavoidable since police departments hire....you know....humans.
The assholes are the people who think just because you wear a government issued uniform and badge you are beyond reproach and criticism. The fact that so many people feel this way towards police these days should be tell them something. Instead of acting like a bunch of overgrown children maybe they should start listening to some of the criticism they are getting from the public and work to change some things. After all, they do work for us, don't they?
What. "so many people" are you talking about? BLM and who else?

Gee, why am I not even slightly surprised you're ignorant enough to believe it's just the BLM crowd.

In U.S., Confidence in Police Lowest in 22 Years
Wow...that's devastating....

Americans' confidence in the police was last at 52% in 1993, the first time Gallup included police in the list of institutions. That poll was conducted as four white Los Angeles police officers were being tried in federal court for violating Rodney King's civil rights in the 1991 beating of King. The four had earlier been acquitted of criminal charges in state court, which provoked riots in 1992. Two of the four officers were later found guilty of violating King's civil rights.

Democrats Show Largest Loss of Faith in Police


When almost half the country has no confidence in the police, yes, it is devastating.

Public trust in police low, criticism of militarization rises: poll
They start in a hole. No one likes people who have authority over them. Most peeps contact with police is when they've fucked up. That's been my only contact with them...drunk and disorderly in college...a few tickets over the last 62 years of driving. They've never had to save my life...so..

That's right. Mature people understand that. Its why Hilary and Bernie praise the military and rip the police....because the Army has no authority over us. If the Army and Marines were tasked with domestic policing....the lefties and DTMB would rip "racist soldiers" instead. And the people who display the strongest hatred for cops are the most immature. It's like a teenage phase they never grew out of.
Mississippi officer killed after standoff, suspect dead | Fox News
2 New York City police officers shot in Brooklyn | Fox News

5 more cops were shot today. 3 in Mississippi and 2 in NYC. May God be with their families.

Nice to see the Democrat Party basing half it's 2016 campaign on smearing cops, and Marco Rubio smearing cops; And of course...Obama inviting cop killing terrorists like BlackLivesMatter to the White House.

Nobody said being a cop was easy, but it's not as bad if you aren't stupid
Officer practicing 'quick draw' fires shot inside Des Moines Airport
How many times a day do you have to prove you're an asshole?

The assholes are the people who think just because you wear a government issued uniform and badge you are beyond reproach and criticism. The fact that so many people feel this way towards police these days should be tell them something. Instead of acting like a bunch of overgrown children maybe they should start listening to some of the criticism they are getting from the public and work to change some things. After all, they do work for us, don't they?

Ah. You mean listen to their demands that cops do what???

Stop defending themselves?
Stop policing high crime areas more than low crime areas?

Really the root of you anti cop whiners are those 2 things.

(Cue the "oh yeah what about THIS" where DTMB or some lib finds a link to a bad cop).

And yes....1,000,000 cops....there will be 40 or 50 bad ones a year do bad shit. That's unavoidable since police departments hire....you know....humans.

The bad cops are the only ones that we need to get rid of. Them and the otherwise good cops who lie and cover for the bad ones.
The assholes are the people who think just because you wear a government issued uniform and badge you are beyond reproach and criticism. The fact that so many people feel this way towards police these days should be tell them something. Instead of acting like a bunch of overgrown children maybe they should start listening to some of the criticism they are getting from the public and work to change some things. After all, they do work for us, don't they?
What. "so many people" are you talking about? BLM and who else?

Gee, why am I not even slightly surprised you're ignorant enough to believe it's just the BLM crowd.

In U.S., Confidence in Police Lowest in 22 Years
Wow...that's devastating....

Americans' confidence in the police was last at 52% in 1993, the first time Gallup included police in the list of institutions. That poll was conducted as four white Los Angeles police officers were being tried in federal court for violating Rodney King's civil rights in the 1991 beating of King. The four had earlier been acquitted of criminal charges in state court, which provoked riots in 1992. Two of the four officers were later found guilty of violating King's civil rights.

Democrats Show Largest Loss of Faith in Police


When almost half the country has no confidence in the police, yes, it is devastating.

Public trust in police low, criticism of militarization rises: poll
They start in a hole. No one likes people who have authority over them. Most peeps contact with police is when they've fucked up. That's been my only contact with them...drunk and disorderly in college...a few tickets over the last 62 years of driving. They've never had to save my life...so..

You think they don't know that when they take the job? They are still required to behave professionally.
Police trust is at an all-time low because the vast majority of Americans are CRIMINALS at this point.... so they have no reason to trust police.
Mississippi officer killed after standoff, suspect dead | Fox News
2 New York City police officers shot in Brooklyn | Fox News

5 more cops were shot today. 3 in Mississippi and 2 in NYC. May God be with their families.

Nice to see the Democrat Party basing half it's 2016 campaign on smearing cops, and Marco Rubio smearing cops; And of course...Obama inviting cop killing terrorists like BlackLivesMatter to the White House.

Nobody said being a cop was easy, but it's not as bad if you aren't stupid
Officer practicing 'quick draw' fires shot inside Des Moines Airport
How many times a day do you have to prove you're an asshole?

The assholes are the people who think just because you wear a government issued uniform and badge you are beyond reproach and criticism. The fact that so many people feel this way towards police these days should be tell them something. Instead of acting like a bunch of overgrown children maybe they should start listening to some of the criticism they are getting from the public and work to change some things. After all, they do work for us, don't they?

Ah. You mean listen to their demands that cops do what???

Stop defending themselves?
Stop policing high crime areas more than low crime areas?

Really the root of you anti cop whiners are those 2 things.

(Cue the "oh yeah what about THIS" where DTMB or some lib finds a link to a bad cop).

And yes....1,000,000 cops....there will be 40 or 50 bad ones a year do bad shit. That's unavoidable since police departments hire....you know....humans.

The bad cops are the only ones that we need to get rid of. Them and the otherwise good cops who lie and cover for the bad ones.

Well according to the Obama Admin DOJ....they estimate that at 0.5% of them.
Police trust is at an all-time low because the vast majority of Americans are CRIMINALS at this point.... so they have no reason to trust police.

Hmmm....that is indeed an interesting view point. It's not police getting worse....it's the public behaving worse.
It's a war. The police need to start acting like it. We all need to start acting like it.
It's a war. The police need to start acting like it. We all need to start acting like it.

Yep. The left wing and a few isolated members of the right wing want a war on cops. They've tried all they can to stir one up.

And so far in 2016....police deaths by gunfire are up a staggering 900%!!!!! (www.odmp.org)
Hmmm....that is indeed an interesting view point. It's not police getting worse....it's the public behaving worse.

Yep. The public behaving worse and being upset when the police call them on it. It shows in the number of people who won't help police, who actively protect criminals, and who side with criminals over tbe police/Justice.
Nobody said being a cop was easy, but it's not as bad if you aren't stupid
Officer practicing 'quick draw' fires shot inside Des Moines Airport
How many times a day do you have to prove you're an asshole?

The assholes are the people who think just because you wear a government issued uniform and badge you are beyond reproach and criticism. The fact that so many people feel this way towards police these days should be tell them something. Instead of acting like a bunch of overgrown children maybe they should start listening to some of the criticism they are getting from the public and work to change some things. After all, they do work for us, don't they?

Ah. You mean listen to their demands that cops do what???

Stop defending themselves?
Stop policing high crime areas more than low crime areas?

Really the root of you anti cop whiners are those 2 things.

(Cue the "oh yeah what about THIS" where DTMB or some lib finds a link to a bad cop).

And yes....1,000,000 cops....there will be 40 or 50 bad ones a year do bad shit. That's unavoidable since police departments hire....you know....humans.

The bad cops are the only ones that we need to get rid of. Them and the otherwise good cops who lie and cover for the bad ones.

Well according to the Obama Admin DOJ....they estimate that at 0.5% of them.

Keep peddling that .5% lie.

Why Cops Aren’t Whistleblowers
Hmmm....that is indeed an interesting view point. It's not police getting worse....it's the public behaving worse.

Yep. The public behaving worse and being upset when the police call them on it. It shows in the number of people who won't help police, who actively protect criminals, and who side with criminals over tbe police/Justice.

A whole generation was raised with no discipline and raised in an environment where rules don't exist or are always negotiable. They got raised by video games and by teachers who also weren't allowed to discipline them.

Now....they're adults and acting like children still.
How many times a day do you have to prove you're an asshole?

The assholes are the people who think just because you wear a government issued uniform and badge you are beyond reproach and criticism. The fact that so many people feel this way towards police these days should be tell them something. Instead of acting like a bunch of overgrown children maybe they should start listening to some of the criticism they are getting from the public and work to change some things. After all, they do work for us, don't they?

Ah. You mean listen to their demands that cops do what???

Stop defending themselves?
Stop policing high crime areas more than low crime areas?

Really the root of you anti cop whiners are those 2 things.

(Cue the "oh yeah what about THIS" where DTMB or some lib finds a link to a bad cop).

And yes....1,000,000 cops....there will be 40 or 50 bad ones a year do bad shit. That's unavoidable since police departments hire....you know....humans.

The bad cops are the only ones that we need to get rid of. Them and the otherwise good cops who lie and cover for the bad ones.

Well according to the Obama Admin DOJ....they estimate that at 0.5% of them.

Keep peddling that .5% lie.

Why Cops Aren’t Whistleblowers

The DOJ said that not me.

Why don't good cops turn in bad ones? As YOUR LINK says....the bad ones are "few and far between"....and like other criminals...they hide their crimes. Like for example....your neighbor hasn't turned you in for your crimes because he doesn't know about them. That doesn't mean your whole street is bad. (Now....cue an anonymous survey citing cops who say they see corruption regularly....with no way to verify the survey results or if it even happened)
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