5 Moslems shot dead in mosque

S.I.C.K. has now announced that every time any variation of 'Allah Akbar' is shouted by anyone, the person is absolutely and without doubt Moslem.
-------------------------------------------------------------- probably true , especially after taking into account his place of birth and other factors . For example the guy from 'morocco' was probably muslim because morocco is a muslim majority country . I just heard that both were students and the guy other than the Moroccan may be a muslim convert '4eye' .
You SURE about that, bro??

S.I.C.K. has now announced that every time any variation of 'Allah Akbar' is shouted by anyone, the person is absolutely and without doubt Moslem.
-------------------------------------------------------------- probably true , especially after taking into account his place of birth and other factors . For example the guy from 'morocco' was probably muslim because morocco is a muslim majority country . I just heard that both were students and the guy other than the Moroccan may be a muslim convert '4eye' .
---------------------------------------------------------------------- some info on 'morocco' and the fact is that it is 99 percent 'muslim' 4eye. --- Culture, Religion and Customs of Morocco. ---
And since the shooters are probably muslims......this story will dissapear in 5....4....3.... 2.... 1....
Can't be...Canada has strict gun control. Must be a misreported story.
Criminals can find guns everywhere regardless of what the laws say!
--------------------------------------------------- i think that Canada's strict gun laws only really apply to handguns .

Our gun laws restrict the sale of handguns, and ban the private sale of automatic or semi-automatic rifles. Rifles, shotguns, and hunting rifles are perfectly legal if properly purchased, as are handguns subject to lock-restrictions.

Anyone with a handgun who isn't a cop, is likely to be a criminal.

So how do they get them?

Canada is experiencing increasing gun crime.....the major cities have more criminals using guns.......
S.I.C.K. has now announced that every time any variation of 'Allah Akbar' is shouted by anyone, the person is absolutely and without doubt Moslem.
-------------------------------------------------------------- probably true , especially after taking into account his place of birth and other factors . For example the guy from 'morocco' was probably muslim because morocco is a muslim majority country . I just heard that both were students and the guy other than the Moroccan may be a muslim convert '4eye' .
------------------------------------------------------------- nothing to disagree with though eh ' 4eye' ?? Morocco is 99 percent muslim and so it stands to reason that the [alleged] morrocan murderer was muslim eh ?? And the Moroccans student friend MAY be a muslim convert or perhaps a long time muslim '4eye' . :afro:
Quebec Mosque Shooting Suspects Identified as Alexandre Bissonnette and Mohamed Khadir

Canadian authorities have arrested two people in connection to the Sunday Quebec City mosque attack, identified by Canadian media as Alexandre Bissonnette and Mohamed Khadir.

Police arrested one of the suspects at the scene of the shooting. Per local media reports, the second was apprehended shortly afterwards when he called authorities distraught about what he had done and contemplating suicide. It isn’t entirely clear which suspect is which. Contrary to initial reports that perhaps three shooters were involved, police say all suspects are in custody.

Details about the shooters and their motive are still sparse, but authorities believe it was an act of terror. According to Fox News, Khadir is of Moroccan ancestry. One witness described at least one of the shooters shouting “Allahu Ackbar”– Arabic for “God is great”– and said that both had Quebecois accents.

UPDATE – 12:24 p.m. EST: The Canadian police states that they only consider one of the detained men as a suspect, while the other is considered a witness:
The ONLY places where there are epidemic shootings/murders using handguns, are in heavily negro and Latino populated inner city shitholes.
Yeah right, no crackers involved at all. You dudes will deny every piece of actual data in order to spew a bit of narrative.

Let's see. How many "crackers' have shot inner city negroes in Chicago in the last 12 months? Answer? Three and the shooting were in self defense.
You REALLY need to do a better job attempting to deflect from the FACTS.
Negroes have an average IQ in the low eighties. They are one half a step up the evolutionary ladders above Bonobos.
Fuck it. Fight it. Or steal it. That's the life of these negro gang banger thugs.
Can't be...Canada has strict gun control. Must be a misreported story.
Criminals can find guns everywhere regardless of what the laws say!
--------------------------------------------------- i think that Canada's strict gun laws only really apply to handguns .

Our gun laws restrict the sale of handguns, and ban the private sale of automatic or semi-automatic rifles. Rifles, shotguns, and hunting rifles are perfectly legal if properly purchased, as are handguns subject to lock-restrictions.

Anyone with a handgun who isn't a cop, is likely to be a criminal.
I do believe most gun owners are not criminals but there is an unfortunate gun culture in America.
THE ONLY people who are committing 'gun crimes', by the VAST majority, based on percent of population are negroes and latinos and 99.999% of these subhumans are living in inner city shitholes run by Democrats.
The fucking Dems somehow believe the sub-humans will one day get out of their Escalades and go into a voting station and vote DEM. Literally that's how fucking dumb the LIBs are.
If you can't accept these FACTS you are a fucking dummy!
Wrong, the person is responsible for what he/she does or write, ever heard of personal responsibility? Are you the type that blames everything you do or write on someone else? Do you need encouragement to be so nasty?
When politicians who are bigots run a country as Trump is doing, hate and prejudice are lent respectability.
Are you so unaware of the influence of Leaders, it must be asked.
My "leaders" have never influenced me to be what I am not. What I do or say, that's on me only, if other people are so influenced by their "leader" to be hateful or nasty, or violent, that's on them.
Perhaps you are exceptional.

Obviously you aren't!!

As long as you feel good insulting people you do not know, you should be happy typing on the internet.
Obviously you do read your own posts asshole!
At least 5 dead, children were there, and folks are busy blaming the victims or deflecting with Whataboutism.
5 Muslims who will never commit a terrorist act. Another news story for the "I don't give a damn bin"

Interesting. You support the murder of innocent people, even of children apparently What makes you any different then those you oppose?
At least 5 dead, children were there, and folks are busy blaming the victims or deflecting with Whataboutism.
5 Muslims who will never commit a terrorist act. Another news story for the "I don't give a damn bin"

Think deeper Death Angel:
Would you support a terrorist killing "5 innocent Americans" with the
"argument that it means those 5 people will never invade, occupy, or attack Muslims in Iraq or other countries"

The people blamed for unjustified warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan are MILITARY.
Are you saying it's okay to KILL CIVILIANS without any due process that they
had ANY involvement in acts by US MILITARY?

Well, you are saying that killing innocent Muslims without due process
is acceptable punishment for the acts of TERRORISTS Jihadists
who HAVE committed unlawful war crimes and violent killings and genocide.

When is it okay to kill INNOCENT Christians because of crimes committed by other Christians.
When is it okay to kill INNOCENT Americans because of Americans who have committed crimes?

Even in rules of engagement in war, the CIVILIANS ARE NOT TREATED THE SAME AS COMBATANT ENEMIES.
Where are you getting it's okay to start killing Civilians as punishment or prevention measures aimed at criminals terrorists or enemy combatants?

Where does this logic lead?

Is it okay to kill INNOCENT men to prevent them from committing rape, since most rapists are men?
If you believe abortion should be punishable as murder,
are you saying that "killing women" means at least THOSE women will never have abortions?

Where does it end?

Great post Emily! :clap:

Our gun laws restrict the sale of handguns, and ban the private sale of automatic or semi-automatic rifles. Rifles, shotguns, and hunting rifles are perfectly legal if properly purchased, as are handguns subject to lock-restrictions.

Anyone with a handgun who isn't a cop, is likely to be a criminal.
So you are claiming that the tens of thousands of owners of LEGAL handguns in Canada are in fact "criminals"?
You are a fucking idiot!
-------------------------------------------------------- I am no expert but I think that its illegal for private people to own handguns in Canada Danny !!
That's right. You are "no expert". Tens of THOUSANDS of Canadian citizens OWN LEGAL handguns.
-------------------------------------------------------- does that matter if the guns used were long ns like the AK47 DANNY ??
You fucking jerk-off. It was YOU who couldn't be bothered to ask Google if handguns were legal in Canada. Fucking GROW UP or piss off!
Our gun laws restrict the sale of handguns, and ban the private sale of automatic or semi-automatic rifles. Rifles, shotguns, and hunting rifles are perfectly legal if properly purchased, as are handguns subject to lock-restrictions.

Anyone with a handgun who isn't a cop, is likely to be a criminal.
So you are claiming that the tens of thousands of owners of LEGAL handguns in Canada are in fact "criminals"?
You are a fucking idiot!
-------------------------------------------------------- I am no expert but I think that its illegal for private people to own handguns in Canada Danny !!
That's right. You are "no expert". Tens of THOUSANDS of Canadian citizens OWN LEGAL handguns.
-------------------------------------------------------- does that matter if the guns used were long ns like the AK47 DANNY ??
You fucking jerk-off. It was YOU who couldn't be bothered to ask Google if handguns were legal in Canada. Fucking GROW UP or piss off!
----------------------------------------------------------------------- hey Danny [chuckle] , sounds like you are cwazy Danny !! ---------- :afro:

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