5 Moslems shot dead in mosque

So...latest news says of the two people detained, one is a suspect the other a witness who's been released. What they are saying is there was only one gunman, and they don't yet have a motive. The suspect was a college student. It sounds like there were some brave people who tried to stop him. There is very little insight into him, on his public media.

Alexandre Bissonnette: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Hamid Nadji, who spoke to a friend who was inside the mosque, told the Montreal Gazette the scene was a “carnage.”

Nadji told the newspaper, “From what we heard over the phone, one person had a weapon discharged in his face because he had wanted to jump on the man to stop him. And the three others died because they wanted to catch the man.”

The gunman left the mosque to reload and came back. He then ran out of bullets a second time, reloaded and returned for a third round of shooting, Nadji told the Gazette.

After a previous hate crime incident at the mosque, also called Grande Mosque de Québec, its leaders said they had several CCTV cameras on the building. It is not clear if the video shows the shooting or the suspects.
And, I'm pretty sure this will provide propaganda for ISIS' recruiting.
There at indications the shooter was Bissonnette and that he had expressed sympathy for rightist ideas and candidates, among them the current President of the U.S..
Quebec mosque shooters have been identified as Moroccan Muslim Mohamed Khadir and Alexandre Bissonnette (most probably a convert). The shooters in the Quebec mosque attack are Muslim, as is generally the case in these circumstances. The jihadis were shouting “Allahu akbar” as they gunned down men worshiping at a Quebec mosque.

Daily Beast FAKE NEWS: Names "White Supremacists" in Quebec Mosque Shooting - The Geller Report

Geller doesn't seem to jive with what the Quebec police are saying. They confirmed only one shooter. Khadir has been released and is considered a witness. Bissonnette turned himself in, and there is no evidence in any social media that he is a "convert".
So...latest news says of the two people detained, one is a suspect the other a witness who's been released. What they are saying is there was only one gunman, and they don't yet have a motive. The suspect was a college student. It sounds like there were some brave people who tried to stop him. There is very little insight into him, on his public media.

Alexandre Bissonnette: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Hamid Nadji, who spoke to a friend who was inside the mosque, told the Montreal Gazette the scene was a “carnage.”

Nadji told the newspaper, “From what we heard over the phone, one person had a weapon discharged in his face because he had wanted to jump on the man to stop him. And the three others died because they wanted to catch the man.”

The gunman left the mosque to reload and came back. He then ran out of bullets a second time, reloaded and returned for a third round of shooting, Nadji told the Gazette.

After a previous hate crime incident at the mosque, also called Grande Mosque de Québec, its leaders said they had several CCTV cameras on the building. It is not clear if the video shows the shooting or the suspects.
so the terrorist was a white christian and the Muslim is a witness to the terror
So...latest news says of the two people detained, one is a suspect the other a witness who's been released. What they are saying is there was only one gunman, and they don't yet have a motive. The suspect was a college student. It sounds like there were some brave people who tried to stop him. There is very little insight into him, on his public media.

Alexandre Bissonnette: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Hamid Nadji, who spoke to a friend who was inside the mosque, told the Montreal Gazette the scene was a “carnage.”

Nadji told the newspaper, “From what we heard over the phone, one person had a weapon discharged in his face because he had wanted to jump on the man to stop him. And the three others died because they wanted to catch the man.”

The gunman left the mosque to reload and came back. He then ran out of bullets a second time, reloaded and returned for a third round of shooting, Nadji told the Gazette.

After a previous hate crime incident at the mosque, also called Grande Mosque de Québec, its leaders said they had several CCTV cameras on the building. It is not clear if the video shows the shooting or the suspects.
so the terrorist was a white christian and the Muslim is a witness to the terror

Seems to be the case, but no motive has been released. His social media show nothing whacko.
Minorities make up 22% of Canada`s population but they don`t have a guns for all policy like the U.S. See the difference?

3% blacks, versus 13% for the US. Latinos barely over 1%, versus the US's 17+%.

The rest are all Asians, who aren't violent like blacks and Latinos.

Nice try though.

Of course Whitey's not violent...noooo!

This was my response to what you said...stupidly imo.

Some are; the vast bulk aren't. Goes with most any group unless you're talking about Isis or other scum like Hamas or Hezbollah.


You then went on an America bash. Pretty silly imo.

Of course it's not stupid to say the reason the US is violent is due to blacks and hispanics. That's not stupid...no.

Exactly. You brought up ISIS. I was not bashing the US. I was bashing the Orange Buffoon.
Minorities make up 22% of Canada`s population but they don`t have a guns for all policy like the U.S. See the difference?

3% blacks, versus 13% for the US. Latinos barely over 1%, versus the US's 17+%.

The rest are all Asians, who aren't violent like blacks and Latinos.

Nice try though.

Of course Whitey's not violent...noooo!

Not true. Just look at the protests riots going on across the country by leftist whites. They love getting violent.
Then why single out blacks and hispanics. Now you're arguing against your own point. How dumb is that.
Just a grammar note; murder is necessarily of a person or people. "Murdering people" is redundant.

Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people, attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand when they have been posting about it for the last 2 days.

Thanks for listing the Donald Trump/Sean Spicer playbook...
Our gun laws restrict the sale of handguns, and ban the private sale of automatic or semi-automatic rifles. Rifles, shotguns, and hunting rifles are perfectly legal if properly purchased, as are handguns subject to lock-restrictions.

Anyone with a handgun who isn't a cop, is likely to be a criminal.
So you are claiming that the tens of thousands of owners of LEGAL handguns in Canada are in fact "criminals"?
You are a fucking idiot!
-------------------------------------------------------- I am no expert but I think that its illegal for private people to own handguns in Canada Danny !!
That's right. You are "no expert". Tens of THOUSANDS of Canadian citizens OWN LEGAL handguns.
-------------------------------------------------------- does that matter if the guns used were long ns like the AK47 DANNY ??
You fucking jerk-off. It was YOU who couldn't be bothered to ask Google if handguns were legal in Canada. Fucking GROW UP or piss off![/QUOTE]

No I am saying that anyone one the street with a handgun is likely to be a criminal because there is NO LEGAL CONCEALED CARRY law in Canada, unless you are in law enforcement. Unless you are a police officer, if you are carrying a handgun, in Canada, you are, in all likelihood, a criminal. Handguns are only legal if kept in a lockbox, and I believe the firing pins must be removed.
Five people were killed after gunmen opened fire in a Quebec City mosque during evening prayers, the mosque’s president told reporters on Sunday.


Quebec mosque shooters have been identified as Moroccan Muslim Mohamed Khadir and Alexandre Bissonnette (most probably a convert). The shooters in the Quebec mosque attack are Muslim, as is generally the case in these circumstances. The jihadis were shouting “Allahu akbar” as they gunned down men worshiping at a Quebec mosque.

Daily Beast FAKE NEWS: Names "White Supremacists" in Quebec Mosque Shooting - The Geller Report

Geller doesn't seem to jive with what the Quebec police are saying. They confirmed only one shooter. Khadir has been released and is considered a witness. Bissonnette turned himself in, and there is no evidence in any social media that he is a "convert".

I don't have a dog in this race and frankly I could care less about Moslems in mosques or who did the shooting but we'll see how it all plays out.
Five people were killed after gunmen opened fire in a Quebec City mosque during evening prayers, the mosque’s president told reporters on Sunday.


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So are you justifying the killing of innocent people by displaying this list?

You are saying that not me.

I'm asking a question...wondering why you posted that list.
Minorities make up 22% of Canada`s population but they don`t have a guns for all policy like the U.S. See the difference?

3% blacks, versus 13% for the US. Latinos barely over 1%, versus the US's 17+%.

The rest are all Asians, who aren't violent like blacks and Latinos.

Nice try though.

Of course Whitey's not violent...noooo!

Not true. Just look at the protests riots going on across the country by leftist whites. They love getting violent.
Then why single out blacks and hispanics. Now you're arguing against your own point. How dumb is that.

It is also a complete falsehood that the Asians are not violent. The Chinese Tong gangs are very violent. As are the Tamil Tigers. The Spadina Street Chinatown is one of the areas of Toronto that I am always very careful of walking alone in late at night.

It is also to be noted that blacks, Asians and Hispanics in Canada are very different from the blacks, Asians and Hispanics, living in the US. Most Hispanics living in Canada are from Central or South America, or Spain, not Mexico. We have a large Indian and Pakistani communities here, as well as Tamils. These three groups do not play well together, although there has been little trouble since the Air India bombing.

Do not compare Canada to the US, in terms of the nature of our cultures. We DO NOT SHARE the rugged individualist ideal of the US myth. We never have, we never will. Your denial of the interconnection of all of your citizens, and one for all and all for one, which is the root of our culture, could not be more diametrically opposed.

The shooter was a young, frightened, right-wing admirer of Donald Trump. Anyone wanting to suggest that Donald Trump is strictly an American problem, and Canadians have no right to an opinion on the topic, can go fuck themselves.

When the US sneezes, Canada gets a cold. When you people go bat shit stupid, we get stuck with the results.

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