5 Voting Machines Found Tampered With


They're just hoping something...............anything falls into their laps. One state? Maybe with a prayer, Three states? Never in a million years.

Can you imagine the hell that will ensue if the Democrats try to steal this away from Trump? We will probably finally get our million armed man march.
Great chance to get all you fn nut jobs in one place and eliminate you

And just how would you do that?

They're just hoping something...............anything falls into their laps. One state? Maybe with a prayer, Three states? Never in a million years.

Can you imagine the hell that will ensue if the Democrats try to steal this away from Trump? We will probably finally get our million armed man march.

It would get ugly in some way, but let's hope it doesn't come to that. If it did, Hillary would have to be the most cautious President of all time. Stein? I wouldn't leave her house if I were her.

I would like to think that we Republicans/ Conservatives are much more civilized than liberals, but there are always a few flakes in every bunch. This election has been very emotional for both sides.

Wouldn't that be the most hilarious way to end the most entertaining election in the history of the Republic?

Like I said before the Moon Bats don't expect any kind of reversal. That ain't gonna happen. Their goal is to delay the certifications to force it to Congress so they can claim Trump is not legitimate or something.

These Moon Bats are fucking with our Republic now. Shame on them.

Supposedly, she is going to make the announcement of PA in front of Trump Towers on Monday. I find that interesting why there of all places.

Is she hoping to start a riot in NYC?
So now Snopes.com is lying when they show paperworks that ES&S /wasn't/ used in St. Croix?

the photo in the opening thread clearly show ES&S machines

And WI says those machines are not used in St. Croix County. - FACT CHECK: Wisconsin Recount Observers Find Voting Machines with Broken Seals



however this is what

Paid for by Jill Stein for President
PO Box 260197, Madison, WI 53726

website posted

clearly showing ES&S machines


as you can see stein is claiming they are ES&S machines

Wendy, St. Croix County

so she is a bigger fraud then known

maybe she needs to be charged with a crime
Perhaps? So WI is /lying/ to cover up what kinds of machines were used in St. Croix?

OR maybe like the Snopes article says, noone know's who the fuck this "windy" chick is that gave Jill Stein the pictures...
Perhaps? So WI is /lying/ to cover up what kinds of machines were used in St. Croix?

OR maybe like the Snopes article says, noone know's who the fuck this "windy" chick is that gave Jill Stein the pictures...

there are ES&S machines model 200 used in certain counties

i just read that the count as of tonight has trump up two more


one must remember that above all leftists are cheaters at heart
Looks like the Jill bitch is going to be able to pocket some of that money she raised.

Jill Stein Nixes Statewide Recount Effort In Pennsylvania

Jill Stein Nixes Statewide Recount Effort In Pennsylvania

The Green Party is dropping its court case seeking a recount of Pennsylvania’s Nov. 8 presidential election. It had wanted to explore whether voting machines and systems had been hacked and the election result manipulated.

The Green Party’s filing came Saturday, saying it couldn’t afford the $1 million bond the court had set. A Commonwealth Court hearing had been scheduled in the case for Monday, and the $1 million bond was due later that day.

The ReTrumplicans are so afraid that there will be proof of vote tampering they will do anything to stop the vote recount. Why?

Could it be they know that Trump might have "rigged" the election.

Accusing others of what you're doing is a great cover!
What organization would Trump have used to rig the election? Since rigging the elections is a democrat thing and the Republicans hardly stomached him let alone cheat for him I don't see how Trump could have done it.
Great chance to get all you fn nut jobs in one place and eliminate you

You little Libtard chickenshits are afraid of firearms. Whacha gonna do, run to your safe place?
LOL We're coming to take your guns away And you dorks believed that repub bs

We believed it enough to elect a President that will nominate Supreme Court justices to protect our gun rights, and you're laughing? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Great chance to get all you fn nut jobs in one place and eliminate you

You little Libtard chickenshits are afraid of firearms. Whacha gonna do, run to your safe place?
LOL We're coming to take your guns away And you dorks believed that repub bs

We believed it enough to elect a President that will nominate Supreme Court justices to protect our gun rights, and you're laughing? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You were never going to lose your gun rights unless you were certifiable You believed what the idiots told you to believe
Great chance to get all you fn nut jobs in one place and eliminate you

You little Libtard chickenshits are afraid of firearms. Whacha gonna do, run to your safe place?
LOL We're coming to take your guns away And you dorks believed that repub bs

We believed it enough to elect a President that will nominate Supreme Court justices to protect our gun rights, and you're laughing? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You were never going to lose your gun rights unless you were certifiable You believed what the idiots told you to believe

No, completely wrong. With a Commie majority in the Supreme Court, they could have ruled that we citizens do not have a constitutional rights to own or carry guns. That would have given cities and states a free ride to create any kind of gun restrictive laws they wanted, including a total outlaw of firearms. Without that constitutional protection, they could have taxed firearms, ammunition, force us to buy liability insurance, any number of things, many of which were either tried or suggested by Democrats in the past.
Great chance to get all you fn nut jobs in one place and eliminate you

You little Libtard chickenshits are afraid of firearms. Whacha gonna do, run to your safe place?
LOL We're coming to take your guns away And you dorks believed that repub bs

We believed it enough to elect a President that will nominate Supreme Court justices to protect our gun rights, and you're laughing? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You were never going to lose your gun rights unless you were certifiable You believed what the idiots told you to believe

No, completely wrong. With a Commie majority in the Supreme Court, they could have ruled that we citizens do not have a constitutional rights to own or carry guns. That would have given cities and states a free ride to create any kind of gun restrictive laws they wanted, including a total outlaw of firearms. Without that constitutional protection, they could have taxed firearms, ammunition, force us to buy liability insurance, any number of things, many of which were either tried or suggested by Democrats in the past.
Ray you're living in a dream world NOBODY including Dems wants to lose the right to own a gun ,, It's what I call a strawman argument by repubs

You were never going to lose your gun rights unless you were certifiable You believed what the idiots told you to believe

That stupid bitch you idiotic Moon Bats voted for said that she didn't even think the Second Amendment was an individual right and it should be repealed.

Of course we don't have to worry about that hateful confused bitch any more, do we? She needs to spend all her time left doing everything possible to stay out of jail.

Next time you Moon Bats need to pull your heads out of your ass and not nominate a corrupt dishonest incompetent asshole that had more baggage than Delta Airlines. You may stand a better chance of winning.
You little Libtard chickenshits are afraid of firearms. Whacha gonna do, run to your safe place?
LOL We're coming to take your guns away And you dorks believed that repub bs

We believed it enough to elect a President that will nominate Supreme Court justices to protect our gun rights, and you're laughing? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
You were never going to lose your gun rights unless you were certifiable You believed what the idiots told you to believe

No, completely wrong. With a Commie majority in the Supreme Court, they could have ruled that we citizens do not have a constitutional rights to own or carry guns. That would have given cities and states a free ride to create any kind of gun restrictive laws they wanted, including a total outlaw of firearms. Without that constitutional protection, they could have taxed firearms, ammunition, force us to buy liability insurance, any number of things, many of which were either tried or suggested by Democrats in the past.
Ray you're living in a dream world NOBODY including Dems wants to lose the right to own a gun ,, It's what I call a strawman argument by repubs

The Democrat party is the anti-firearm party. Why would you support a party that does want the elimination of guns if you say you don't support it? It's far from a straw man. If you would like, I can go to my gun folder and dig up stories of what Democrats tried and wanted to do in the past about guns.

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