5 Voting Machines Found Tampered With

1. Who owns them / owns the company that makes them?
- Would that be Soros?

2. I still have not heard 1 case where machines switched votes from Hillary to Trump, only Trump to Hillary. Anyone got a link to where that happened?

I just find one-sided 'malfunctioning' machines a little hard to swallow...
Isn't it funny how the Moon Bats are claiming the Russians magically stole the election for Trump while completely ignoring the two million illegals that voted for Crooked Hillary?

If the Russians wanted anybody elected it would be Crooked Hillary. They know how incompetent and weak she is by that "reset" joke and the uranium deal. They would have another pussy in the White House like Obama.
Isn't it funny how the Moon Bats are claiming the Russians magically stole the election for Trump while completely ignoring the two million illegals that voted for Crooked Hillary?

If the Russians wanted anybody elected it would be Crooked Hillary. They know how incompetent and weak she is by that "reset" joke and the uranium deal. They would have another pussy in the White House like Obama.

Not only that, but if they were clever enough to hack the election, they sure as hell were clever enough to hack Hillary's toy server in her closet. So of course they would have wanted Hil-Liar to win. They probably have her emails she doesn't want the public to know about.

Not only that, but if they were clever enough to hack the election, they sure as hell were clever enough to hack Hillary's toy server in her closet. So of course they would have wanted Hil-Liar to win. They probably have her emails she doesn't want the public to know about.

Crooked Hillary was the biggest idiot to ever run for President. Imagine how stupid these Moon Bats are to have elected her in the Moon Bat primary. What were those idiots thinking?
They just didn't elect her in the Primary - they rigged the Primary so she would win (knowing she couldn't even beat Unca Bernie by herself :p)
The ReTrumplicans are so afraid that there will be proof of vote tampering they will do anything to stop the vote recount. Why?

Could it be they know that Trump might have "rigged" the election.

Accusing others of what you're doing is a great cover!

I thought the idea of the recount was to find if Russia was tampering with the machines.

These machines are not connected to any outside network and only attached to the master to tally individual machines to the whole. Hacking using an external network could not have been done with these machines. Only on site card tampering could be done..

Chances of Russian intrusion are extremely unlikely..

Absolutely. This Michigan professor used a machine right of of the box, inserted the ballot program he made on the internet where he installed malware, and showed that it could be done. He used the most ideal environment to create this farce. According to him, the computers they made the ballots on at the county levels could have been hacked by Russians, and undetected, those ballot samples could have been installed into the voting machines. They would activate during voting times, and then self-destruct after the polls closed leaving no trace of hacking behind.

Of course he has a lot of assumptions. One is that the computers to create these ballots had no malware protection, two is that they hacked enough computers throughout those states, and three that such a malware was indeed undetectable by the machines themselves.

Bottom like: It never happened. The Clinton team is praying for a miracle, and we all know how religious the Clinton's are.
actually, looking at those pictures, the auxiliary slot does not have any type of security on it. That means that if it works like any other computing device, when media is put into that slot, the first thing that the system is going to do is look at it, and initiate it for use. IF that happens and there is an auto loading program on that cartridge, there is a chance of introducing a virus into the machine without ever touching any of the security measures shown. That slot should be covered and also locked out with a security band, or it should have a cartridge in it from the start that will automatically take over if the main cartridge fills or becomes damaged in some way. it would actually be a good idea to have it in there to start with, that way every couple hours the main cartridge could be compressed and written to the secondary, if the main fails for any reason the results up to at least a minimal loss could still be recovered, doing it in a compressed file would leave space on the secondary to take over the recording if the first became full.

I just can't see having a recount based on "could haves." Sure, make the machines as secure as possible. Do you really think they didn't? I'm more than confident these machines are virtually impossible to hack. I'm sure everything has been thought of before hand. After all, these aren't the first machines we ever used for voting. Claims of similar fraud in the past were proven to be untrue, just speculation like this one.

I'm no computer expert for sure, and of course, don't know all the ins and outs of these machines, but what I do know is that input ports can be turned off electronically. I can't imagine any input ports being active during the voting period. Like I said, no expert, so maybe I'm wrong here.
The ReTrumplicans are so afraid that there will be proof of vote tampering they will do anything to stop the vote recount. Why?

Could it be they know that Trump might have "rigged" the election.

Accusing others of what you're doing is a great cover!

I thought the idea of the recount was to find if Russia was tampering with the machines.

These machines are not connected to any outside network and only attached to the master to tally individual machines to the whole. Hacking using an external network could not have been done with these machines. Only on site card tampering could be done..

Chances of Russian intrusion are extremely unlikely..

The software could have been modified and installed in the machines long before the election when they were first being prepared.

I just can't see having a recount based on "could haves." Sure, make the machines as secure as possible. Do you really think they didn't? I'm more than confident these machines are virtually impossible to hack. I'm sure everything has been thought of before hand. After all, these aren't the first machines we ever used for voting. Claims of similar fraud in the past were proven to be untrue, just speculation like this one.

I'm no computer expert for sure, and of course, don't know all the ins and outs of these machines, but what I do know is that input ports can be turned off electronically. I can't imagine any input ports being active during the voting period. Like I said, no expert, so maybe I'm wrong here.

This recount BS isn't about votes. The Moon Bats know they are not going to somehow come up with enough votes in any of the states to reverse it.

It is about keeping the states from certifying the election in time so that the EC will not have enough votes to elect Trump, throwing it into the Congress to have it voted along party lines. Nothing but typical Libtard filth. The scum of America.
The ReTrumplicans are so afraid that there will be proof of vote tampering they will do anything to stop the vote recount. Why?

Could it be they know that Trump might have "rigged" the election.

Accusing others of what you're doing is a great cover!

I thought the idea of the recount was to find if Russia was tampering with the machines.

These machines are not connected to any outside network and only attached to the master to tally individual machines to the whole. Hacking using an external network could not have been done with these machines. Only on site card tampering could be done..

Chances of Russian intrusion are extremely unlikely..

Wrong wrong wrong and wrong. They have to be loaded with ballot software that is obtained off of computers that are connected to the internet. Therefor any infected data from that machine can be transferred to these machines when the ballot software is moved to them using a removable data storage device.
The master is loaded with the ballot data and checked for malware. Only then are the drones connected and loaded with the ballot data.

You really don't have clue how these things work do you?
The ReTrumplicans are so afraid that there will be proof of vote tampering they will do anything to stop the vote recount. Why?

Could it be they know that Trump might have "rigged" the election.

Accusing others of what you're doing is a great cover!

I thought the idea of the recount was to find if Russia was tampering with the machines.

These machines are not connected to any outside network and only attached to the master to tally individual machines to the whole. Hacking using an external network could not have been done with these machines. Only on site card tampering could be done..

Chances of Russian intrusion are extremely unlikely..

The software could have been modified and installed in the machines long before the election when they were first being prepared.

The master machine checks each unit for proper software prior to loading the ballot data.. It's near impossible to get a hacked machine if protocols are followed.
Did the lefties even read the freaking label which seems o be the center of alleged tampering? It says "removal of the label voids the warrantee" not the election. Live with it and embrace it lefties, you LOST.
The ReTrumplicans are so afraid that there will be proof of vote tampering they will do anything to stop the vote recount. Why?

Could it be they know that Trump might have "rigged" the election.

Accusing others of what you're doing is a great cover!

I thought the idea of the recount was to find if Russia was tampering with the machines.

These machines are not connected to any outside network and only attached to the master to tally individual machines to the whole. Hacking using an external network could not have been done with these machines. Only on site card tampering could be done..

Chances of Russian intrusion are extremely unlikely..

Wrong wrong wrong and wrong. They have to be loaded with ballot software that is obtained off of computers that are connected to the internet. Therefor any infected data from that machine can be transferred to these machines when the ballot software is moved to them using a removable data storage device.
The master is loaded with the ballot data and checked for malware. Only then are the drones connected and loaded with the ballot data.

You really don't have clue how these things work do you?
The average person does not need to know how this stuff works. It's not their job to know.
Did the lefties even read the freaking label which seems o be the center of alleged tampering? It says "removal of the label voids the warrantee" not the election.

The loons are grasping at anything hoping to avoid the inevitable....President Donald Trump :banana:
The ReTrumplicans are so afraid that there will be proof of vote tampering they will do anything to stop the vote recount. Why?

Could it be they know that Trump might have "rigged" the election.

Accusing others of what you're doing is a great cover!

I thought the idea of the recount was to find if Russia was tampering with the machines.

These machines are not connected to any outside network and only attached to the master to tally individual machines to the whole. Hacking using an external network could not have been done with these machines. Only on site card tampering could be done..

Chances of Russian intrusion are extremely unlikely..

Wrong wrong wrong and wrong. They have to be loaded with ballot software that is obtained off of computers that are connected to the internet. Therefor any infected data from that machine can be transferred to these machines when the ballot software is moved to them using a removable data storage device.
The master is loaded with the ballot data and checked for malware. Only then are the drones connected and loaded with the ballot data.

You really don't have clue how these things work do you?
The average person does not need to know how this stuff works. It's not their job to know.
I disagree..

IT goes to the average Joe knowing that the election is fair and that each vote made is counted correctly.
A good sign this is BS is it's not on any major news sources. The loons have been duped again
And it begins:

Wendy, St. Croix County

Photos of 2 of them, followed by photos of the serial numbers.





With the leftstream media literally crying that Trump won, none of them are reporting this? You have to get it from occupydemocrat and other liberal blogs?

BTW, note in our ongoing conversations, you didn't source this. I did exactly as I said I do and Googled it before asking, lazy ass
You can't click the big fucking red letters that say Wendy, St. Croix County?

How stupid are you, anyway?

Oh, that's right - you're a Libertarian. Never mind.

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