5 year old boy and girl found naked together in class bathroom

I fail to see what the teacher did wrong here, except being able to watch all the kids all the time, even in the bathrooms.

Two things were wrong. One the school allows boys and girls in the same bathroom. Two, since this is modern liberal America it's shocking that the teacher wasn't in there showing the kids what to do.

In your misdirected mind you probably think that is the truth..

No, it wouldn't be the teacher. Maybe someone from planned parenthood. Make them proud.
Almost as bad as when I was 11 and found naked with the neighbor girl in a dark room. I gotz the switch for that one.

By the way, do you think homosexuality is a choice or genetically rooted or both?
Two things were wrong. One the school allows boys and girls in the same bathroom. Two, since this is modern liberal America it's shocking that the teacher wasn't in there showing the kids what to do.

In your misdirected mind you probably think that is the truth..

No, it wouldn't be the teacher. Maybe someone from planned parenthood. Make them proud.
kids "playing doctor" is as old as kids..it was around long before some sexually repressed ass hat said it was wrong.
At my church we had unisex bathrooms, and this was the 1960's.
My grandparents had a unisex bathroom at their church also, it was called an out-house.

Out-house, the moon glowing through the crescent moon cut out over the door. Your avi repeatedly dropping his drawers, mooning us all.

And the effluvia you disperse in every thread you visit.

Can there be any doubt?
Is there a transexual in this story somewhere? :dunno:

This question has already been asked two or three times in this thread. So far I see no transexual in this story. My only assumption is that somebody has hacked Novasteve's account, and has been posting non-tranny topics under his name.
Is there a transexual in this story somewhere? :dunno:

This question has already been asked two or three times in this thread. So far I see no transexual in this story. My only assumption is that somebody has hacked Novasteve's account, and has been posting non-tranny topics under his name.
that's evidenced by the fact that the term " libfag" is absent
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By the way, do you think homosexuality is a choice or genetically rooted or both?
look everybody the dead horse is being beaten again!

What are you talking about???

And that should have been, "beaten," shouldn't it?
New Jersey teacher may lose job after kindergartners found naked in bathroom | PIX 11

Teacher in hot water. I bet if it were same sex kids the teacher would win a. Lgbt award

Why did they put the teacher in hot water?

Are they making soup??

Sent from my white iPhone. I got rid of the black one because it wouldn't work.
yes! alphabet ......


Sent from my white iPhone. I got rid of the black one because it wouldn't work.
New Jersey teacher may lose job after kindergartners found naked in bathroom | PIX 11

Teacher in hot water. I bet if it were same sex kids the teacher would win a. Lgbt award

Mascio reported the incident to Principal Matthew Mazzoni, who advised police and the state Department of Youth and Family Services.

Read more: New Jersey teacher may lose job after kindergartners found naked in bathroom | PIX 11

Did you read your link? The teacher reported it immediately. Why would she report her supposed deviant behavior? Good grief, must be a slow news day.

I don't believe she did anything wrong TBH. If I were a parent at the school I would have to consider all circumstances.

She added that Sept. 30 was a highly unusual day, and children were moving in and out of Mascio’s classroom for MAPS benchmark testing.

Mullica kindergarten teacher could be fired after finding students naked in bathroom - pressofAtlanticCity.com: Breaking News

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