50 degrees in San Fransisco? Where is that deadly heat?

There is something mighty fishy going on. I am hearing all these high temperatures but when I check the temperature in San Fransisco they have what must be a record low. It will be 50 degrees in San Fransisco tonight. Cities are mini hotspots.

It is obvious, the news is only reporting weather stations which are located just off the runway of an International airport or Death Valley.

View attachment 806188
It's 106 in Charleston and 110 in Phoenix.

What a stupid thread.
Meh, Virginia is experiencing normal Summer weather.....It would have been great here this Summer were in not for all that Canadian Smog.

Even notice that they are always quoting Phoenix, AZ or other desert/semi-desert area temps? It's a fuckin' desert, it's supposed to be unbearably hot. That humans decided to live there is besides the point. That's just all "arrogance of man" stuff.

I mean what a idea!.....Let's pave-over 517.9 square miles in the desert in AZ then bitch and moan on how hot it gets. :bang3:
The Chick has the right of it ... 100ºF Sacramento River water dumping out into the 40ºF Pacific Ocean causes fog ... lots and lots and lots of fog ... all day long all summer long ... none of the sea farers saw the entrance to The Bay ... it was Portola's land expedition that discovered this great harborage ...

My growing up was completely full of hearing that fog horn on the Golden Gate Bridge ...
There is something mighty fishy going on. I am hearing all these high temperatures but when I check the temperature in San Fransisco they have what must be a record low. It will be 50 degrees in San Fransisco tonight. Cities are mini hotspots.

It is obvious, the news is only reporting weather stations which are located just off the runway of an International airport or Death Valley.

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If you follow the weather reports you would have heard that the coastal regions of the entire West Coast would be cold and foggy. That was forecasted a month ago.
Oh, the conversation, my OP is now about the earth. Seeing how you asked California is the 6th largest economy in the world with the largest population in the USA.

California is also larger than all the European countries, the middle Eastern countries, and larger than the countries of IndoChina.

California is larger than most the countries in Africa.

California is larger than the countries of Central America and of some in South America.

California also exports the most food in the world.

Only 15% of the Earth is habitable, so you tell me how important California is.
In terms of weather verses climate explain California.
In terms of weather verses climate explain California.
california is a dry hot desert with billions of dollars spent to water it

california is extremely large, where the climate is the opposite from north to south, and east to west.

california is one of the wettest states in the country, yet california is the dryest state in the country.

california, you could surf in the morning, and ski in the afternoon

Care to know more
If you follow the weather reports you would have heard that the coastal regions of the entire West Coast would be cold and foggy. That was forecasted a month ago.
I lived in california, that is how I know what I see reported is so out of context that it led me to create this op
Meh, Virginia is experiencing normal Summer weather.....It would have been great here this Summer were in not for all that Canadian Smog.

Even notice that they are always quoting Phoenix, AZ or other desert/semi-desert area temps? It's a fuckin' desert, it's supposed to be unbearably hot. That humans decided to live there is besides the point. That's just all "arrogance of man" stuff.

I mean what a idea!.....Let's pave-over 517.9 square miles in the desert in AZ then bitch and moan on how hot it gets. :bang3:
Lived in Phx when I was a kid. I agree, whats all the hullabaloo about. Its summer in Phoenix and its hot. Same as it has been forever. Same for Las Vegas.
california is a dry hot desert with billions of dollars spent to water it

california is extremely large, where the climate is the opposite from north to south, and east to west.

california is one of the wettest states in the country, yet california is the dryest state in the country.

california, you could surf in the morning, and ski in the afternoon

Care to know more
Does California have its own climate or just its own weather?
The Chick has the right of it ... 100ºF Sacramento River water dumping out into the 40ºF Pacific Ocean causes fog ... lots and lots and lots of fog ... all day long all summer long ... none of the sea farers saw the entrance to The Bay ... it was Portola's land expedition that discovered this great harborage ...

My growing up was completely full of hearing that fog horn on the Golden Gate Bridge ...
If you could hear the fog horn, I will remind you, I forget too, that that is not fog, it's a marine layer, the opposite of fog.
The Sacramento River does not empty into the ocean, it empties into the Suisun bay, which empties into the Carquinez Straights, which empties into the San Pablo bay, which empties into the San Fransisco bay. The San Fransisco bay is very salty and cold. Because the tide pushes cold water into the bay from the ocean.

The Sacramento River temperature is 68°F to about 78°F, if you come up with 100°F check to see if you did not get Yuba City or Sacramento temperatures, instead of the river.

The San Fransisco Bay is 50°F to 60°F, not 100°F

The Marine Layer I forget how to explain, so I will not pretend and paraphrase, I will just quote.
The answer is equally intuitive as it is fascinating- as the California weather heats up, a low-pressure atmosphere is created due to heat rising. This in turn invites in cold air from the city's surrounding Pacific Ocean that gets sucked in through the easiest access point- our Golden Gate.

Air always wants to move from areas of high pressure to low. Our ideal low-pressure zone acts as a powerful vacuum to siphon in this moist seawater air that condenses from the heat, an upwelling that creates Karl and the famous marine layer that remains due to this temperature inversion.
A temperature inversion is when the air continues to warm as it rises, which is the complete opposite of what normally happens.

San Francisco's prime location by the water, its terrain, elevation, and pressure gradients all interact to enact this intriguing anomaly, with the warm air above keeping the cold marine layer and fog (specifically advection fog) below trapped, like a lid over the city.

california is a dry hot desert with billions of dollars spent to water it

california is extremely large, where the climate is the opposite from north to south, and east to west.

california is one of the wettest states in the country, yet california is the dryest state in the country.

california, you could surf in the morning, and ski in the afternoon

Care to know more
Also home to the oldest living organism, the tallest trees, biggest trees, the highest point in the continental US and the lowest point in the continental US
The OP is a hasty generalization fallacy. Come to the American wouthwest and south, mutton head.
I lived in california until 2017. I lived in Dana pt, Temecula, 29 Palms, Benicia. I have worked in Seattle, off and on in Phoenix. And of course, trips to Las Vegas.

In this thread, when someone stated that the Sacramento river dumped into the Pacific Ocean causing fog cause the water is 100°F I was able to correct them. I showed my knowledge explaining that the Sacramento river was 50 miles away from the Pacific ocean, and that the Bay of San Fransisco is 50°F. I also said that was not fog, but a Marine Layer which is formed by a process that is very much the opposite way fog is formed.

I engaged everyone here with respect and professionalism. The trolls which was one or two, three when I include you I did not insult in return, although I did respond with humor.

Nothing in my OP is not true, it is pure fact.

I appreciate you posting in my OP, without people like you attempting to disparage my OP it certainly would be a bit more dull and I am not have ever stepped up my game to be deadly accurate with my OP.

California is a diverse state, the climate is so different in so many places. I loved living on Red Mountain, east of Temecula, in the foothills of Mt. Jacinto. I could see Mt Palomar, Fallbrook, the Ortegas, San Bernardino mountains.

I lived kind of in a canyon ravine where the California Oak trees found enough water near the seasonal creek, seasonal being the few times it rained.

People are lucky to live in California, a shame such shit politicians are destroying much of California with so many government projects which are pure greed and corruption.

Fallacy, my knowledge is great, period.

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