50 degrees in San Fransisco? Where is that deadly heat?

In your OP you said, and I quote, "Cities are mini hotspots."
And that is true, San Fransisco is cool, and that cool is a degree or two or three higher because of the heat emitted by being a very dense major city.

Contradict on, lil cricket
I see..you take exception to the generalization being painted? You must recognize, that although these graphs don't have asterisks for every 6,000ft peak...or a 15 miles wide intercostal band, that the graphs are generally correct, right?

I don't doubt that there are those who are attempting to fit the weather into their propaganda..much as you are doing here eh? Most sane folks discount the extremists of both sides..and try to make their decisions based on the their needs and pocketbooks.

I doubt anyone serious is contemplating 'cooling the planet' anytime soon~

Anecdotally, my sister powers her entire house with a combination of wind and solar. Average temps don't seem to really make a diff, one way or the other. As long as your power storage component is capable of carrying you through non-generation periods...it appears to work.
Your sister? That would be cool, how about a thread with detailed pictures of the entire set up, I would actually like to see that. I have also never posted anything disagreeing with what people do on their private property with their own money. So, please, post pics, details, of the entire system, unless it is a government solar wind thing. Than it would be useless.

Take exception? Do you mean how you took exception to my post for daring to post the truth?

The graphics being used are pure propaganda, generalizing the 5 different climates withing California
You are normally in drag, anyway, yes
No, I live in the straight world so I must dress as a man to make money. Then at home, cause of my second business I have clients that come and go so again I cant be in drag. I also found that some will stalk me, repeatedly trying to engage me, so when I am in drag, and meet it must be at a motel or a gay bar friendly to trannys.

Keep sending me private messages, a slow horse is a deep fantasy of mine, your persistence has me more than interested
No, I live in the straight world so I must dress as a man to make money. Then at home, cause of my second business I have clients that come and go so again I cant. I also found that some will stalk me, repeatedly trying to engage me, so when I dress and meet it must be at a motel or a gay bar friendly to trannys.

Keep sending me private messages, a slow horse is a deep fantasy of mine, your persistence has me more than interested
You were sending me PMs. Now your secret life is out.
Them bastages got good weather there. My weather's good, too. Just in a different and very wet, and lightning, and very hot and humid kind of way..


Lowest temp in the forecast is 79 for the week.

That's like on Thursday in the middle of the night after a rainstorm.

Oh man, I am Southern Fried.
Same here, but with no breeze to speak of. Summer on the Gulf Coast is like 4 months in a sauna.
Just ignore him. Eddie Lying, dog-faced Slow Pony Soldier is an ignorant troll. You could link him to a dozen sites that say the same thing and he'd still turn himself into a pretzel trying to prove you wrong--a typical democrat.
Run to safety conservative wussies.
Run to safety conservative wussies.
Safety from the heat is easy in California, BART, the bay area rapid transit system extends all the way to the Central Valley where it is much warmer than on the Coast.
I have seen the graphics posted in other threads, I have watched, the weather, where they use a graphic with huge bands of red/danger/heat covering the entire area of California. Much of that area is literally cold, in comparison to the heat inland.

The graphics are dishonest, a deliberate lie, pure propaganda meant to scare people so that they believe we must build inefficient Wind Turbines and Solar panels to somehow cool the planet.

That is why the temperature in San Fransisco is important, they are lying about how hot it is when they show big bands of red across the entire state of California.

Let’s burn coal until SF is boiling too.

Stupid conservatives
Let’s burn coal until SF is boiling too.
Stupid conservatives
That is a point I make repeatedly. We have shutdown many coal plants. We have made coal plants run much cleaner. They are not what they were in the past.

Now, manufacturing Wind Turbines and Solar Panels has increased the use of coal, just when the use was going down. You can not manufacture Wind Turbines and Solar Panels without coal.

It seems to me, very stupid to build an inefficient wind turbine or solar panel that also increases the use of coal.
That is a point I make repeatedly. We have shutdown many coal plants. We have made coal plants run much cleaner. They are not what they were in the past.

Now, manufacturing Wind Turbines and Solar Panels has increased the use of coal, just when the use was going down. You can not manufacture Wind Turbines and Solar Panels without coal.

It seems to me, very stupid to build an inefficient wind turbine or solar panel that also increases the use of coal.

Enjoy your legacy pollution.

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