50% of White People Racist

Prejudice is often mistaken for racism. If you believe your perceived race is superior then that's racism.
Then 50% of whites are racist.

(Oh, and the terms prejudice and racist are synonymous, it's just that "prejudice " is broad while racism is specifically talking about race prejudice. The "prejudice is morally better" argument you were trying to make is pretty weak, though)
Most non-whites do weaken culture.

Non-whites (primarily African slave stock, and Hispanics) consume more government services, commit more, often violent crime, have more children out of wedlock, and are less educated, despite programs which benefit them over whites.

Non-whites, with the exception of many Asian groups are a net drain on the system.

They are not fit for purpose in a modern society.

Many were brought here, or are illegally here to perform menial tasks under direct supervision.

This idea that they are somehow an equal contributor to, or a beneficial addition to the nation is a ruse.
I have a neighbor who flies the Confederate flag every day of the year. He has someone take care of his yard for him who happens to be one of his good friends from high school and also happens to be black

From a distance a lot of people would see "racism" in this scenario, but you see, these two people know each other personally and know there is no "racism" involved.
Then why is their a pew study that says it is only 15%, while blacks are literally 70% that only cares about race above everything else.

The fact that whites share our country with violent and screwed up people that destroy our cities is a pretty good sign that you're wrong.
Yesterday I asked you if it is racist to generalize white people. Every single one of you who voted said yes.

According to this poll, virtually 50% of white people are racist. Nearly half of whites say a majority nonwhite population will weaken American culture

Damn, I guess the woke are right after all. Can't with to see how the Conservative Marxists rationalize this one. When you do, just remember that facts don't care about your feelings.

What is the generalization made here?
So OP, since "racism" is a social construct are you are saying that 50% of whites are anti-black?

Now I can't speak to the exact percentage but nobody I know really wants to be around blacks and their "culture" if it can be avoided much less live near blacks and be exposed to same.

The social and wealth pecking order of whites does not really matter in that regard either. Nobody wants to be a victim of black "culture".

On the whole I think "whitey" has much more in common with Hispanics and other minorities than blacks. I know I'd rather live next to a family of Hispanics, Asians, east Asians, ME/Paki Muslims, etc., than one of blacks.

That's just the way it is. No shits given about how you feel about that either, just being honest. You people made your "culture of violence" over the past few decades so you can fuckin' well go and wallow in it on your own.

Funny thing, that was not always my view. There was a black enclave on the next street over when I was a kid and we played with each other at each other's homes and when we were old enough went down on the river fishing and what not.

Their parents were good hard working folks, most worked at the local Rayon plant. Everyone enjoyed each other's company at neighborhood cookouts and such. Hell a old black guy taught me the fine art of carp fishing. There were over 400 people at his graveside service....Mostly whites he had taught to fish over the decades.

Of course like old Mr. Walters they are mostly long dead.....Their "replacements" leave a lot to be desired.....Blacks should be ashamed of what they have become.

This is why I said define racist.

Racism is in a person's heart and is usually hard to "see" unless you know the individual personally.

You can't just assume a person is racist just because they fly a Confederate flag, wear a "racist" t-shirt, or tell a "racist" joke.

Inanimate objects and words are not racist. Only a person can hold that distinction.
So OP, since "racism" is a social construct are you are saying that 50% of whites are anti-black?

Now I can't speak to the exact percentage but nobody I know really wants to be around blacks and their "culture" if it can be avoided much less live near blacks and be exposed to same.

The social and wealth pecking order of whites does not really matter in that regard either. Nobody wants to be a victim of black "culture".

On the whole I think "whitey" has much more in common with Hispanics and other minorities than blacks. I know I'd rather live next to a family of Hispanics, Asians, east Asians, ME/Paki Muslims, etc., than one of blacks.

That's just the way it is. No shits given about how you feel about that either, just being honest. You people made your "culture of violence" over the past few decades so you can fuckin' well go and wallow in it on your own.

Funny thing, that was not always my view. There was a black enclave on the next street over when I was a kid and we played with each other at each other's homes and when we were old enough went down on the river fishing and what not.

Their parents were good hard working folks, most worked at the local Rayon plant. Everyone enjoyed each other's company at neighborhood cookouts and such. Hell a old black guy taught me the fine art of carp fishing. There were over 400 people at his graveside service....Mostly whites he had taught to fish over the decades.

Of course like old Mr. Walters they are mostly long dead.....Their "replacements" leave a lot to be desired.....Blacks should be ashamed of what they have become.
The culture we live in is American. Whites have been the most violent group. So you are a racist.

Modern racism is a belief that reflects an underlying prejudice towards black and non-white people in the United States. The difference in contemporary racism from Jim Crow racism is that the attacks focus on a group's culture instead of claiming genetic superiority. Modern racists will not express openly racist views. They believe racism is over and that racism is a thing of the past. Modern racism happens like this:
  • Avoiding any meaningful contact with the minority group.
  • Practicing racial discrimination when the circumstances allow it.
  • Rather than criticizing a minority group, those with racist beliefs will attack a policy or action, and use that as an outlet for their attitudes.
  • Making a distinction between groups in terms of their ‘values’6
The culture we live in is the most inclusive in the history of the world and has lifted more minorities out of poverty than any system that has ever existed.
& We put our Boys on the Moon over half a century ago ( To Drive a Dune Buggy & Play Golf_)

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