50 RINOS sign letter , Trump not fit for office. Political stunt

Right now, I am not a fan of anything or any one. But like I said..the more they bitch and whine about Trump, the more I want him to win. Period. End of story.

Kinda like the way the rest of us felt about Megyn Kelly.
And Serge Kovaleski.
And the Chicago Cubs.
And Rosie O'Donnell, whoever she is.
And John McCain.
etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.....
"The rest of you"? You speak for everyone else, do you?

Yup. I'm trying it out, since posters here are so generous with handing out blanket statements.

Feels kinda icky though. Are you supposed to wear gloves or sump'm?
I was reading comments somewhere else and ran across one that really made sense. In essence, is said:

"The media is running this show. It's quite obvious by now so why are people following every word they say on their reports? This is no longer about Hillary or Trump. This is about the media leading everyone the way they want them to go. STOP".

Made sense to me.

The letter was signed by a bunch of "former" nobodies

The only one I heard of was Taft IV , and that's because he's related to Taft I.

Politicians from 20 years ago saying Trump doesn't understand the Constitution, that's a laugh riot!

...nice try, go crawl back under your rock

You never heard of Michael Chertoff? Michael Hayden? Tom Ridge? John Negroponte? Funny, they've all been in powerful positions.
A long list of irrelevant neocons from the Bush years...*yawn*

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