5000 a day So called Deal from Biden

Do you Trust the Senate Immigration bill?

  • Total voters

No, it is the Democratic Party wet dream, fast track citizenship. And you know it.

LOL. '11 million'. That ancient figure is laughable and has been supplemented by Biden's Horde of Illegals numbering 8+ million and millions of others.

Democrats rewarding lawbreakers, 20+ million of them.
8 years by you if a fast track?

When my Grandfather immigrated here from Germany in 1925, he had US Citizenship by 1929. That's a fast track.
8 years by you if a fast track?

When my Grandfather immigrated here from Germany in 1925, he had US Citizenship by 1929. That's a fast track.
Naturalized citizens should not be allowed to vote

They should have every other right but not that
Naturalized citizens should not be allowed to vote

They should have every other right but not that
Again, the Constitution says otherwise, probably because the Founders realized they needed people to WANT to come over here.

You know, if you wingnuts spent half the time trying to sell minorities/women/poor people on your ideas that you spend trying to keep them from voting, you wouldn't be on your way to political oblivion.

Or are you just hoping Trump abolishes Democracy next time?
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Again, the Constitution says otherwise, probably because the Founders realized they needed people to WANT to come over here.

You know, if you wingnuts spent half the time trying to sell minorities/women/poor people on your ideas that you spend trying to keep them from voting, you wouldn't be on your way to political oblivion.

Or are you just hoping Trump abolishes Democracy next time?
Unfortunately thats true

It would take a constitutional amendment to change that

Naturalized immigrants are also allowed to engage in chain immigration

Which does not need an amendment to fix
Unfortunately thats true

It would take a constitutional amendment to change that

Naturalized immigrants are also allowed to engage in chain immigration

Which does not need an amendment to fix

Um, guy, do you realize how fucking difficult it is to sponsor a relative?

Again, I know you go ballistic when I bring up Mrs. B131, but I've had to file 200 pages of documents to be her sponsor and chuck out $4000 for legal fees and filings, and it's STILL going to be a year before she's in the clear.

This notion that "Chain Migration" is even a thing is laughable on it's face. The hoops you have to go through to get a relative here means it has to be a relative you really like.
Um, guy, do you realize how fucking difficult it is to sponsor a relative?

Again, I know you go ballistic when I bring up Mrs. B131, but I've had to file 200 pages of documents to be her sponsor and chuck out $4000 for legal fees and filings, and it's STILL going to be a year before she's in the clear.

This notion that "Chain Migration" is even a thing is laughable on it's face. The hoops you have to go through to get a relative here means it has to be a relative you really like.
You need to hire a sleazier ambulance chaser even though he will be more expensive
You need to hire a sleazier ambulance chaser even though he will be more expensive

Actually, our lawyer is probably one of the best in the field. The real problem is, there aren't a lot of lawyers who handle this sort of thing. I went to our family lawyer, and he didn't handle these cases and the guy he normally recommends retired a few years ago.
Actually, our lawyer is probably one of the best in the field. The real problem is, there aren't a lot of lawyers who handle this sort of thing. I went to our family lawyer, and he didn't handle these cases and the guy he normally recommends retired a few years ago.
I’m glad to hear of your troubles

Not you personally, but everyone applying for a marriage visa should have to pay their dues to become a citizen

The migrants are getting a free ride at your expense

And so are anchor babies who do not deserve automatic citizenship
I’m glad to hear of your troubles

Not you personally, but everyone applying for a marriage visa should have to pay their dues to become a citizen

The migrants are getting a free ride at your expense

And so are anchor babies who do not deserve automatic citizenship

Yes, why should anyone be miserable trying to do right by the person they love, that's just crazy talk, man.

The Migrants are more willing to work than lazy-ass Americans.

And like it or not, if you are born here, YOU ARE A CITIZEN. It's in the constitution you guys claim to love so much. Right in the same amendment that says a guy who led a rebellion can't be elected to public office.
Yes, why should anyone be miserable trying to do right by the person they love, that's just crazy talk, man.

The Migrants are more willing to work than lazy-ass Americans.

And like it or not, if you are born here, YOU ARE A CITIZEN. It's in the constitution you guys claim to love so much. Right in the same amendment that says a guy who led a rebellion can't be elected to public office.
I can understand why you want citizenship for your wife

But its bad for the nation as a whole

Some of the migrants are willing to do jobs that lazy welfare bums wont do

Other illegal aliens are lazy also and will milk the system themselves

Some of the illegal aliens are dangerous criminals

Others carry disease

And some illegal aliens are terrorists from countries such as iran

But you dont care as long as your own selfish needs are met
I can understand why you want citizenship for your wife
We are still on the fence on citizenship. We'd be happy with permanent residency. She is reluctant to give up her Chinese citizenship despite her bad experiences.
But its bad for the nation as a whole

Some of the migrants are willing to do jobs that lazy welfare bums wont do
Or regular Americans, for that matter. Of course, most people on "Welfare" are already doing some of these menial jobs. 40% of families on SNAP, for instance, have at least one household member with a job. Most of the rest are elderly, disabled or children.

Other illegal aliens are lazy also and will milk the system themselves
That sounds like a good reason to tighten up the system. I have no problem making entitlements for citizens only.
Some of the illegal aliens are dangerous criminals
Very few.
Others carry disease
Very, very few. Again, Covid didn't get into this country with illegals, it got in here because Trump was in a big hurry to return Americans from China and Europe without quarantining them.

And some illegal aliens are terrorists from countries such as iran

Oh, are they coming from Iran this week? You guys have been talking about these' Terrorists" since 2001, and the only people who have struck have either come in on legitimate visas or were Americans who were radicalized on line. Stop the fearmongering, it doesn't play here.

But you dont care as long as your own selfish needs are met
YOu mean I refuse to be governed by irrational fear.
I'm sure we've told the leaders of those countries our borders are closed.

The problem is, the people just didn't listen.

Now, if you guys were serious about controlling immigration, you'd go after the white people who keep hiring undocumented workers, and staff the immigration courts so it doesn't take 7 years to resolve an asylum case.

These illegal immigrants are living on the streets. This notion of these big corps hiring all these illegals is one of the myths that libs conjure up. Simply isn't true. Our leaders need to tell them not to come and if they do, they'll be left outside looking in. It really is that simple.
8 years by you if a fast track?

When my Grandfather immigrated here from Germany in 1925, he had US Citizenship by 1929. That's a fast track.
Did he have a trade or education? At that time immigrants had to have that and a sponsor in the states. Then were processed at places like Ellis Island. We are headed down and down some more.
These illegal immigrants are living on the streets. This notion of these big corps hiring all these illegals is one of the myths that libs conjure up. Simply isn't true. Our leaders need to tell them not to come and if they do, they'll be left outside looking in. It really is that simple.
You are full of shit.
Meat packing plants, fish and chicken processing plants… all staffed with illegals

Who the fuck do you think picks fruit on those corporate farms?
Florida just recently had to “apologize” to illegals who took them serious about the state going after them and leaving Florida.

Only kidding folks… is what they told them . Just playing politics
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These illegal immigrants are living on the streets. This notion of these big corps hiring all these illegals is one of the myths that libs conjure up. Simply isn't true. Our leaders need to tell them not to come and if they do, they'll be left outside looking in. It really is that simple.
Oh, no, it's not the big corporations that are hiring them.

The labor ready companies are hiring them and then contracting out to the big corporations.

But it's really the same thing, isn't it?

Trump made a similar claim to reporters Tuesday: "That’s a terrible bill. Five thousand a day? That’s a lot. That’s, like, record-setting stuff."

But that's not actually what the bipartisan deal would do, according to negotiators who are finalizing the details before they release the full text of the legislation, possibly later this week. Here's what we know:

Migrants would not just be released into the U.S.​

Migrants would not be able to just cross the border illegally under the new bill. It would end the practice of "catch and release," in which Border Patrol agents release migrants into the U.S. while they await immigration hearings.

Instead, migrants who tried to cross the border illegally would be detained immediately, with their asylum claims decided while they were in detention. People would be removed immediately within 15 days if they failed their asylum claim interviews.

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