5000 a day So called Deal from Biden

Do you Trust the Senate Immigration bill?

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Washington is sick of voters having the power to fire them, so they are importing millions of foreign illegals they can bribe, to cancel out the votes of Americans. It's that simple, election rigging.
Washington is sick of voters having the power to fire them, so they are importing millions of foreign illegals they can bribe, to cancel out the votes of Americans. It's that simple, election rigging.
Illegals can’t and don’t vote. Under the BEST of circumstances the few that can navigate the path to citizenship and gain the right to vote , would take more than a decade.

That’s quite the long game. Assuming that they would even vote reliably Dem… which is doubtful.
You never got into a fight in High School?
Yes, but I wasn't attacked en masse by a mob of Middle Eastern illegal aliens who began systematically beating teachers and coaches trying to break up the fight and then began destroying the school.
Yes, but I wasn't attacked en masse by a mob of Middle Eastern illegal aliens who began systematically beating teachers and coaches trying to break up the fight and then began destroying the school.
Really, where did that happen? Because All I saw was the two girls fighting and refusing to release when the teachers tried to pull them apart. At least one of them had a pretty clear American accent.
Ah, "Neo-con". What is a neo-con, exactly? A Repulican who believes in strong national defense? I remember that was one of the things you guys liked about Reagan, the only Republican you guys will admit to supporting at this point. (Other than Trump, but you will all deny ever supporting him in a few years.)
Neocons are hawks that originate from the Cold War era. George W. Bush is the best example of a modern one, although Reagan surely fit that label as well. As I've already said, I'm not a fan of Reagan overall, nor was I a fan of Bush. To be honest, the last Republican president I liked before Trump was Eisenhower. He was hawkish about certain things, but by the end of his time in office, he warned us about the power of the military industrial complex.

I actually voted for Obama in 2008, because I was sick of Bush and didn't want McCain (who was pretty similar to Bush) in there. I didn't vote for Obama in 2012, because I realized my mistake, but I didn't vote for Romney either.

I didn't start voting Republican until populism became the predominant focus of the party. Before that, I tended to favor Libertarians. Before even that, I liked 90s Democrats, because about half of the party then was populist. Bill Clinton was more or less a populist, for example. If you compare his party platform in 1996 to Trump's in 2016, they were pretty similar. Clinton was for border security, for example.
Illegals can’t and don’t vote. Under the BEST of circumstances the few that can navigate the path to citizenship and gain the right to vote , would take more than a decade.

That’s quite the long game. Assuming that they would even vote reliably Dem… which is doubtful.

But they are [stupidly] counted for purposes of apportionment.

And Democrats plan on a fast track to citizenship. Surely you know these things?
sounds like it's a policy that reflect reality.

If someone knows that if their asylum claim will be resolved in six months AND if it's bogus, they'll be deported, they won't bother to show up to start with.

We don't have the leaders with the balls to tell these countries that our border is closed. They hum haw around and do nothing. We have illegals receiving free everything while our own citizens are kicked out of housing so that these same illegals have a free place to stay. Our leaders have done this. They are despicable.
Document this “fast track”

Democrats have already talked about it. Camel's nose under the tent proposals at first (of course).

And they benefit from Biden's Horde of Illegals for apportionment, as they already lost several seats following the 2020 Census and are projected to lose more following the 2030 Census.

So inundate America with 8+ million illegals and prevent the loss. Everything for Democratic Party power, nothing for the American people.
Democrats have already talked about it. Camel's nose under the tent proposals at first (of course).

And they benefit from Biden's Horde of Illegals for apportionment, as they already lost several seats following the 2020 Census and are projected to lose more following the 2030 Census.

So inundate America with 8+ million illegals and prevent the loss. Everything for Democratic Party power, nothing for the American people.
So during COVID a couple congressman alluded to it for front line workers?

It’s not in this bill
So during COVID a couple congressman alluded to it for front line workers?

It’s not in this bill

As I said, camel's nose under the tent.

And you know I'm right that they will push this once they give them amnesty if they can.
So it’s basically a fantasy.

It’s not in this bill and you know it


No, it is the Democratic Party wet dream, fast track citizenship. And you know it.

LOL. '11 million'. That ancient figure is laughable and has been supplemented by Biden's Horde of Illegals numbering 8+ million and millions of others.

Democrats rewarding lawbreakers, 20+ million of them.
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We don't have the leaders with the balls to tell these countries that our border is closed. They hum haw around and do nothing. We have illegals receiving free everything while our own citizens are kicked out of housing so that these same illegals have a free place to stay. Our leaders have done this. They are despicable.

I'm sure we've told the leaders of those countries our borders are closed.

The problem is, the people just didn't listen.

Now, if you guys were serious about controlling immigration, you'd go after the white people who keep hiring undocumented workers, and staff the immigration courts so it doesn't take 7 years to resolve an asylum case.

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