5000 a day So called Deal from Biden

Do you Trust the Senate Immigration bill?

  • Total voters
You state the obvious, and most conservatives agree with you. So is your point that since both dems and reps have screwed Americans over on this issue, that somehow makes it right?
Hell no. It means the expensive bandaids from both parties put on the wall that is our immigration system do not work! And doing the same shit over and over again has become equally futile.

Total reformation of our immigration system from both countries is apparently too much work for our politicians, so that's not going to happen either. :rolleyes:

I'm not convinced either party wants to 'solve' this issue.
It's when people like you defend them that allows it to continue with nothing being done.
Don't rope me into this shit. I'm not to blame here. I haven't defended illegal immigration ever. Besides having no argument, I don't know what the fuck you're trying to accomplish making this issue about me. :rolleyes:
Hell no. It means the expensive bandaids from both parties put on the wall that is our immigration system do not work! And doing the same shit over and over again has become equally futile.

Total reformation of our immigration system from both countries is apparently too much work for our politicians, so that's not going to happen either. :rolleyes:

I'm not convinced either party wants to 'solve' this issue.

Don't rope me into this shit. I'm not to blame here. I haven't defended illegal immigration ever. Besides having no argument, I don't know what the fuck you're trying to accomplish making this issue about me. :rolleyes:

You only seem to complain about R's, and point out their obvious flaws, never see much about the D's who are in fact enabling the complete abuse of it right now. We already have laws on the books, they're simply being ignored, especially by the current admin. Where is your criticism of them for allowing it on their watch?
You only seem to complain about R's, and point out their obvious flaws, never see much about the D's who are in fact enabling the complete abuse of it right now.
I complain about magaturds, not republicans. The two are not synonymous. I've complained about democrats too. Democrats are consistent in flat out ignoring the problem and republicans talk a big game while quietly ignoring the problem. What's better to you?
I complain about magaturds, not republicans. The two are not synonymous. I've complained about democrats too. Democrats are consistent in flat out ignoring the problem and republicans talk a big game while quietly ignoring the problem. What's better to you?

I can't converse with someone that uses 'magaturds', what are you, 2 years old? :rolleyes:

'Magaturds' want the border closed, reps and dems do not, they're being paid to not want it closed, they are working against America's best interests. So anyone that want to have a great America is a 'turd' in your book, you're exactly what I thought you were. :dunno: You side with those that want to keep an open border with millions of unvetted people pouring in every year, enjoy paying your taxes to support them.
I can't converse with someone that uses 'magaturds', what are you, 2 years old? :rolleyes:

'Magaturds' want the border closed, reps and dems do not, they're being paid to not want it closed, they are working against America's best interests. So anyone that want to have a great America is a 'turd' in your book, you're exactly what I thought you were. :dunno: You side with those that want to keep an open border with millions of unvetted people pouring in every year, enjoy paying your taxes to support them.
Boo hoo. Life is a bitch. Better get a helmet. Magaturds are populist morons that sold their conservative principles to an orange bag O' shit in order to win elected offices. Can't be a bigger disingenuous scumbag than that.

A permanent closure of the border is a pipe dream; a total non-starter. A temporary closure would be a stopgap at best, not anywhere near a long term solution, like, I dunno, reform? So pardon me if I don't believe a word out of their wretched, entitled maws and I sure as fuck don't want to do things their way, nor have them in charge of anything, really.

This does not mean I'm a leftist, nor does it mean I support, nor vote democrat. I'm a pragmatist and capitalist that would like to see any semblance towards accountability and fiscal responsibility from either party.

But I know when it's comes to democrats and fiscal responsibility, I might as well wish for a unicorn while I'm at it. :rolleyes: So that leaves us with republicans, and the magaturds have infiltrated their party, so no hope there either. Magaturds and their regressive left counterparts need to lose for a while, step aside and crawl back under their respective rocks.
The hidden 5000 a day deal from Biden. What a conplete JOKE.

Thats 1.8 million a year. Hardly a change and will not count those swimming across the RIO.

Border Control my ass. Not to mention as Normal the Written Version is Hidden like normal.

Dont piss down my back and tell me its raining Biden.

Sen. Rick Scott: Republicans Cannot Let Bidenâs Open Border Policies Become Law.
Even Barry Hussein's DHS Sec said 1000 per day would be a disaster.

So Tater wants to legalize 5X that disaster EVERY DAY.

And we all know that Puddinhead would not shut down the border once they hit 5000 each day. Only single digit IQ Dimwinger Bidenista Cultists buy that claptrap.
Even Barry Hussein's DHS Sec said 1000 per day would be a disaster.

So Tater wants to legalize 5X that disaster EVERY DAY.

And we all know that Puddinhead would not shut down the border once they hit 5000 each day. Only single digit IQ Dimwinger Bidenista Cultists buy that claptrap.
Its Garbage
Boo hoo. Life is a bitch. Better get a helmet. Magaturds are populist morons that sold their conservative principles to an orange bag O' shit in order to win elected offices. Can't be a bigger disingenuous scumbag than that.

A permanent closure of the border is a pipe dream; a total non-starter. A temporary closure would be a stopgap at best, not anywhere near a long term solution, like, I dunno, reform? So pardon me if I don't believe a word out of their wretched, entitled maws and I sure as fuck don't want to do things their way, nor have them in charge of anything, really.

This does not mean I'm a leftist, nor does it mean I support, nor vote democrat. I'm a pragmatist and capitalist that would like to see any semblance towards accountability and fiscal responsibility from either party.

But I know when it's comes to democrats and fiscal responsibility, I might as well wish for a unicorn while I'm at it. :rolleyes: So that leaves us with republicans, and the magaturds have infiltrated their party, so no hope there either. Magaturds and their regressive left counterparts need to lose for a while, step aside and crawl back under their respective rocks.

So you're just another asshole in the middle that only criticizes those on the right that support Trump, but has nothing to say about the morons that back and support the nearly dead puppet currently occupying the WH who's fucking the country over. Imagine that. :rolleyes:
So you're just another asshole in the middle that only criticizes those on the right that support Trump, but has nothing to say about the morons that back and support the nearly dead puppet currently occupying the WH who's fucking the country over. Imagine that. :rolleyes:
Dimwingers never admit they are Dimwingers.
8 million over the last few months?

Try 2.5 million in all of 2023
The official stats claim that the 8 million encounters only amount to 2.3 million migrants. I find that hard to believe, but even if we assume that it's just 2.3 million or 2.5, that's still a lot of people. And it takes far less than a million to overwhelm local resources, as both NYC and Chicago have discovered.
The official stats claim that the 8 million encounters only amount to 2.3 million migrants. I find that hard to believe, but even if we assume that it's just 2.3 million or 2.5, that's still a lot of people. And it takes far less than a million to overwhelm local resources, as both NYC and Chicago have discovered.
So let’s get the Senate bill passed
You mean the few sane Republicans are trying to retake the party away from the Religious Zealots, Gun Fetishists, and Libertarian Children who have taken it over?

Why that would be horrible. The Republican party might even go back to being a party that passes laws and addresses problems instead of causing them.
The fact that your side likes the neocons is evidence enough that they can't be trusted.
Republicans have been parroting these very same talking points for 5 decades now. Even when they are a majority, they don't get these things done.
No argument here. The tactic seems to be one where they keep the problem active to get voters to support them.

It's like how Democrats intentionally try to inflame racial tensions to get minorities to vote for them.
No argument here. The tactic seems to be one where they keep the problem active to get voters to support them.

It's like how Democrats intentionally try to inflame racial tensions to get minorities to vote for them.
So you admit that Republicans have no intention of dealing with illegal immigration
We dont want a BS bill.

Supposed to be out tomorrow. Quotas???? Bye bye

TRUMP doesn’t want it because he’s terrified that it would help Biden.

So of course being the good little cultist that you are… you toe the line

TRUMP doesn’t want it because he’s terrified that it would help Biden.

So of course being the good little cultist that you are… you toe the line
BS Biden dont need this FUCKING BILL. He can lock down the border tomorrow with an EO.

Trying to blame us for the Border.

Up Yours...Biden did this shit

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