5000 a day So called Deal from Biden

Do you Trust the Senate Immigration bill?

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Make them wait for their hearing in mexico
When that happened under Trump they either came back and applied over and over or disappeared into the desert and crossed that way.

Just doesn’t work so of course you want that

"The agreement is expected to give the executive branch a new legal authority to effectively suspend asylum in between official ports of entry when migrant crossings surpass certain thresholds. That would affect remote areas in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas where migrants regularly cross into the U.S. illegally to surrender themselves to overtaxed federal immigration officials who often release them because they don't have the resources to screen everyone for asylum.
The power, which Mr. Biden referred to as an authority to "shut down the border" on Friday, would be mandated after average daily migrant crossings hit 5,000 over seven days, or 8,500 in a single day. It could also be activated on a discretionary basis after average daily crossings surpass 4,000 in a week. There would also be a limit on the number of days each year the president could invoke the authority. "

It is an improvement over the current situation, but then again, the situation is far worse than I think anyone would have anticipated. The argument I'm making is that the asylum claims should be stopped completely with no minimum legally allowed. We've already let in about 8 million illegals over the last few months, so that should be more than enough let in for quite some time.
8 million over the last few months?

Try 2.5 million in all of 2023
There should be ZERO illegals crossing the border.

That is the acceptable number.

I post this constantly….we have the secure fence act of 2006. Enforce the laws that Schumer, Hillary, and Biden all voted for. THEY VOTED FOR THE LAW….ENFORCE IT.
No. I do NOT trust the Senate Bill on Immigration.

I have had a bellyful of the idiotic goddamned Democrats opening the floodgates to our very great detriment.

Having voted for Biden in 2020 I am now abandoning him and his dereliction-of-duty DHS Secretary.

I will not vote for the Orange Baboon but neither Old Joe get my vote this time around.
Clinton was able to do a lot of good things with shrinking government because most of his time in office involved a Republican Congress. But I agree that Bush did screw all of that up. Neocons aren't really conservative at all. They're very much statists, and unfortunately, they're trying to retake the party with people like Nikki Haley.

You mean the few sane Republicans are trying to retake the party away from the Religious Zealots, Gun Fetishists, and Libertarian Children who have taken it over?

Why that would be horrible. The Republican party might even go back to being a party that passes laws and addresses problems instead of causing them.
When that happened under Trump they either came back and applied over and over or disappeared into the desert and crossed that way.

Just doesn’t work so of course you want that
Your side refused to fund the wall and now you sneer at Americans after making it easier for illegals to continue the invasion

Dont blame trump when you are causing the problem
8 million over the last few months?

Try 2.5 million in all of 2023
You are just guessing and engaging in wishful thinking

No one knows how many illegals crossed due to the open border that you and biden have created
You are just guessing and engaging in wishful thinking

No one knows how many illegals crossed due to the open border that you and biden have created
I looked it up moron. Unlike the asshole that claimed 8 million in a couple months
Your side refused to fund the wall and now you sneer at Americans after making it easier for illegals to continue the invasion

Dont blame trump when you are causing the problem
The wall is an eighth grade solution to a grad level problem . How did the wall work in Gaza?
There should be ZERO illegals crossing the border.

That is the acceptable number.

I post this constantly….we have the secure fence act of 2006. Enforce the laws that Schumer, Hillary, and Biden all voted for. THEY VOTED FOR THE LAW….ENFORCE IT.
Business would no longer accept that than they would deporting the ones already here
I looked it up moron. Unlike the asshole that claimed 8 million in a couple months
You just told us that migrants can evade detection and cross when necessary

You dont even remember your own bs from one post to the next
You just told us that migrants can evade detection and cross when necessary

You dont even remember your own bs from one post to the next
They evade CAPTURE. BP can detect them but don’t have the resources to capture them in remote areas.

Look up “gotaways”

Or just continue with your eighth grade arguments
It does? And you can prove that how?

How’d the one on Gaza work?
Well enough that it didnt happen before and hasnt happened since

Are you comparing murderous terrorists to migrants from mexico?

Of course walls like the ones in Texas or Israel have to be supplemented the military or Border Patrol agents to make it work

And that's what we intend to do
They evade CAPTURE. BP can detect them but don’t have the resources to capture them in remote areas.

Look up “gotaways”

Or just continue with your eighth grade arguments
And for every one they see how many are not seen?

Please gaze into your lib crystal ball and tell us
And for every one they see how many are not seen?

Please gaze into your lib crystal ball and tell us
I have read that the technology is such that they have a really good idea of what is happening all along the border but have nowhere near the resources it would take to respond to all of it.

You have what to dispute that? Nothing? Trump? Joe Rogan?
I have read that the technology is such that they have a really good idea of what is happening all along the border but have nowhere near the resources it would take to respond to all of it.

You have what to dispute that? Nothing? Trump? Joe Rogan?

I can see that you sort of understand how we could stop the migrant invasion if we tried

Lets not hire 88,000 new IRS agents and give those jobs to the Border Patrol instead
I can see that you sort of understand how we could stop the migrant invasion if we tried

Lets not hire 88,000 new IRS agents and give those jobs to the Border Patrol instead
IRS agents have zero to do with any of this

Stop being stupid

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