5000 a day So called Deal from Biden

Do you Trust the Senate Immigration bill?

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How would you know? You didn’t even know the easily refutable lie you’re being told is a lie. I had to show you. Now you’re an expert on it? Why do you accept being made a fool of by the GOP? You’re just a tribe cheerleader.
Here’s the deal

Biden will allow 1,825,000 illegal aliens masquerading as asylum seekers into the US each year

And thats unacceptable

Zero is the only appropriate number
How would you know? You didn’t even know the easily refutable lie you’re being told is a lie. I had to show you. Now you’re an expert on it? Why do you accept being made a fool of by the GOP? You’re just a tribe cheerleader.
In the thread by back again shows the bill.
Here’s the deal

Biden will allow 1,825,000 illegal aliens masquerading as asylum seekers into the US each year

And thats unacceptable

Zero is the only appropriate number

It sounds like a good reason to have more caseworkers on Aslyum, so it doesn't take 4 years to get a hearing.

Oh, wait, it calls for that, too.

Current law, all they have to do is say, "I am seeking asylum". Then they are entitled to a hearing. Most of them would probably qualify under our laws. You can't impose crippling sanctions on Venezuela for "human rights abuses" and then complain when they show up at your door.
I read the section from the bill. 4000 to 5000 a day. Or 5000 over 7 days triggers a lock dowm.
It authorizes immigration to handle the surge differently so it doesn’t put the courts years behind. The baseline normal procedures adds agents and courts and funding to control the amount of immigrants who are handled.
It sounds like a good reason to have more caseworkers on Aslyum, so it doesn't take 4 years to get a hearing.

Oh, wait, it calls for that, too.

Current law, all they have to do is say, "I am seeking asylum". Then they are entitled to a hearing. Most of them would probably qualify under our laws. You can't impose crippling sanctions on Venezuela for "human rights abuses" and then complain when they show up at your door.

It sounds like we need the trump/Abbott wall and more police along the border
Here’s the deal

Biden will allow 1,825,000 illegal aliens masquerading as asylum seekers into the US each year

And thats unacceptable

Zero is the only appropriate number
It does not fucking say that bitch. Here is the fucking link.

Emergency powers limits the applicants to basically people who might be tortured if returned during a surge and defines a surge in numbers. It doesn’t let a single person in who isn’t a legal asylum applicant if less than that. A narrower definition of a refugee during a surge. It’s bullshit that the dems would offer that up but it expires in 3 years. Pubs will never get an offer like this again. Democrats hate this bill.

It does not fucking say that bitch. Here is the fucking link.

Emergency powers limits the applicants to basically people who might be tortured if returned during a surge and defines a surge in numbers. It doesn’t let a single person in who isn’t a legal asylum applicant if less than that. A narrower definition of a refugee during a surge. It’s bullshit that the dems would offer that up but it expires in 3 years. Pubs will never get an offer like this again. Democrats hate this bill.

It does not say biden cant admit that many either

But it does admit that dems could close the border, aka activate emergency powers, at zero if they wanted to
It does not say biden cant admit that many either

But it does admit that dems could close the border, aka activate emergency powers, at zero if they wanted to
Biden can’t admit a single immigrant. The courts have that power. They determine what a legal applicant is and who can stay. Not Biden.
Biden can’t admit a single immigrant. The courts have that power. They determine what a legal applicant is and who can stay. Not Biden.
When he turns them loose inside our border they have been admitted
When he turns them loose inside our border they have been admitted
Like I said. You have no argument. You are just making shit up. Asylum applicants get a hearing. Right now it is 3 years away. This bill fixes that. If you like the current system then keep it. This new bill is way worse off for immigrants. I hope it does fail. But saying it’s not strong enough or it admits 1.8m immigrants is a lie.
Sec. 3301. Border emergency authority.
• Creates Sec. 244B of the Immigration and Nationality Act which grants the Secretary of
Homeland Security new emergency authority to respond to extraordinary migration
circumstances. The “border emergency authority” may be exercised if the 7-day average
number of cumulative encounters of inadmissible aliens is between 4,000 and 5,000 per day
and must be exercised if the 7-day average is above 5,000 per day. Exercise of the authority
also required if the number of encounters on a single day exceeds 8,500. Unaccompanied
minors from non-contiguous countries are not included in the total number of encounters for
the purposes of this section.
• When use of the emergency authority is authorized, the Secretary has the authority to
prohibit the entry into the U.S. of all individuals, except unaccompanied minors, between
ports of entry and may only screen individuals for eligibility for withholding of removal or
protection under the Convention Against Torture. Concurrently, U.S. Customs and Border
Protection is required to continue processing a minimum of 1,400 inadmissible aliens per day
across southwest land ports of entry under expedited removal or the 235B non-custodial
removal proceedings contained in this title, ensuring that access to the asylum system
remains available.
5000 a day for 7 days or 8500 in one day MUST BE SHUT DOWN.

But...MUST STILL PROCESS 1400 a day.
Like I said. You have no argument. You are just making shit up. Asylum applicants get a hearing. Right now it is 3 years away. This bill fixes that. If you like the current system then keep it. This new bill is way worse off for immigrants. I hope it does fail. But saying it’s not strong enough or it admits 1.8m immigrants is a lie.
I have a better fix

Whatever method biden promises to use after turning 5,000 phony asylum seekers lose every day should be used to stop anyone from crossing the border

I wonder why that is so difficult for you to understand

Give them a number for their turn to have their case to be reviewed and let them wait in mexico
So when they get past the useless wall and meets the policeman, all they have to do is say, "I ask for asylum", and they have to be processed in that system.

You didn't think this through at all, did you?
As i keep saying, give them a number and return them to mexico to wait for their hearing
I have a better fix

Whatever method biden promises to use after turning 5,000 phony asylum seekers lose every day should be used to stop anyone from crossing the border

I wonder why that is so difficult for you to understand

Give them a number for their turn to have their case to be reviewed and let them wait in mexico

It also has clauses saying States cant deport...and only Fed has authority.

Even when in Lockdown they MUST PROCESS 1400 a day.

Not to mention the nrw judges will be appointed by Biden So they will put hacks in and grant Asylum in mass.

Oh and all coming in must get Work permits as they leave.
I have a better fix

Whatever method biden promises to use after turning 5,000 phony asylum seekers lose every day should be used to stop anyone from crossing the border

I wonder why that is so difficult for you to understand

Give them a number for their turn to have their case to be reviewed and let them wait in mexico
Change the law, and we'll think about it.

(Or they'll just go back to just avoiding the police and border patrol).

As i keep saying, give them a number and return them to mexico to wait for their hearing
Except Mexico isn't cooperating with that anymore.

If I'm Mexico, I'm happy to help them cross the border.

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