5000 a day So called Deal from Biden

Do you Trust the Senate Immigration bill?

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I'm all for the senate bill, but if Trump's minions are going to block it - let them have H.R. 2 and see how it works.

It's better that then they continue to withhold funding for Ukraine.
That does not account for the million or more that show up outside lawful ports of entry

Nor does it prevent biden from rubber stamping every fake asylum seeker at the ports of entry by using the excuse that the immigration judges are swamped and cant handle 5,000 cases a day
You really arent trying to understand. Like most uninformed Trumpers you just make up stuff for yourself. Biden doesnt get to chose who stays, the courts do. If they get swamped the bill gives the secretary power to handle it. Today we just add to the line of 3 years for a court case. You cant apply for asylum anywhere but ports of entry.

The biden plan leaves a lot of unanswered questions

And dont tell us to trust him because thats not an option
The GOP reps in on the negotiation liked it. The Dems thought it gave too much power to the immigration service but went along. I think it gives too much power to the non-courts so I wouldn’t sign myself.
Something that could easily be negotiated in the House but that’s not going to happen because the wingnuts are playing political games and not even willing to talk about it.
I thought that is what they negotiated.
I'm all for the senate bill, but if Trump's minions are going to block it - let them have H.R. 2 and see how it works.

It's better that then they continue to withhold funding for Ukraine.
Im against the Senate bill. Im for HR 2. Deal.
You really arent trying to understand. Like most uninformed Trumpers you just make up stuff for yourself. Biden doesnt get to chose who stays, the courts do. If they get swamped the bill gives the secretary power to handle it. Today we just add to the line of 3 years for a court case. You cant apply for asylum anywhere but ports of entry.
Biden knows the courts are years away from properly reviewing the largely fake asylum requests

And I think thats just the way libs want it

But so do I as long as the aliens remain in mexico where they belong
Nothing will stop them as long as biden is president

Or anyone else. Trump had more undocumented immigrants than Obama did.

Meaning chinese women who married an American citizen for instance?
Well, no, they'd be here on marriage visas, so that doesn't work.
Nearly all Mrs. B131's friends have American husbands, so I'm sure that ticks you off. You've probably heard things about sideways hoo-has.
Or anyone else. Trump had more undocumented immigrants than Obama did.

Well, no, they'd be here on marriage visas, so that doesn't work.
Nearly all Mrs. B131's friends have American husbands, so I'm sure that ticks you off.

You've probably heard things about sideways hoo-has.
Not at all

I can understand the attraction of men to attractive chinese women

But for a little fun and games in bed you want to flood America with aliens from all over the world

If you were thinking clearly you’d want limit the migrant scam instead of encouraging it
Not at all

I can understand the attraction of men to attractive chinese women

But for a little fun and games in bed you want to flood America with aliens from all over the world

If you were thinking clearly you’d want limit the migrant scam instead of encouraging it

Again, your bigotry isn't my problem.

My father was an immigrant. He served his country in WWII as a medic and a translator, went on to build a family, worked very hard all of his life in an unpleasant job, and died young due to Asbestos exposure.

My wife is an immigrant. She was doing just fine before she met me, but I would say we've greatly improved each other's lives. (Still not used to her funky food, though.)

Immigrants make America better and stronger. That we aren't being as welcoming as we should be, when we both need them and should be acting better, is our problem, not theirs.

Trump made a similar claim to reporters Tuesday: "That’s a terrible bill. Five thousand a day? That’s a lot. That’s, like, record-setting stuff."

But that's not actually what the bipartisan deal would do, according to negotiators who are finalizing the details before they release the full text of the legislation, possibly later this week. Here's what we know:

Migrants would not just be released into the U.S.​

Migrants would not be able to just cross the border illegally under the new bill. It would end the practice of "catch and release," in which Border Patrol agents release migrants into the U.S. while they await immigration hearings.

Instead, migrants who tried to cross the border illegally would be detained immediately, with their asylum claims decided while they were in detention. People would be removed immediately within 15 days if they failed their asylum claim interviews.
This is insane.

That’s what Republicans said they wanted and … no

Trump says no.

Solving this issue might help Biden so no.

Republicans would rather elect Trump than actual deal with the border
Again, your bigotry isn't my problem.

My father was an immigrant. He served his country in WWII as a medic and a translator, went on to build a family, worked very hard all of his life in an unpleasant job, and died young due to Asbestos exposure.

My wife is an immigrant. She was doing just fine before she met me, but I would say we've greatly improved each other's lives. (Still not used to her funky food, though.)

Immigrants make America better and stronger. That we aren't being as welcoming as we should be, when we both need them and should be acting better, is our problem, not theirs.
You are certainly confused by the word illegal!
As in it makes them obey law got it
Except it doesn't make them obey the law.

Stupid laws get broken, whether it be kids smoking pot, hookers on the street corner, or people hiring undocumented immigrants because, unlike Americans, they have a work ethic.

If you guys really want to enforce the law, tighten workplace requirements.

Now, I worked for a company that hired a bunch of undocumented immigrants to do light assembly and housekeeping. They were hired through a labor agency. They did a pretty good job.

Then the company was bought out by a bigger company. The bigger company wasn't comfortable with undocumented labor, so they insisted that the labor agency only send people who were verifiable citizens.

Well, let me tell you how THAT worked out. The only white people they could find were a bunch of tweaker methheads. These people were genuinely scary, to the point where the customer service girls asked one of the guys in the office to walk them out to their cars at night. What was worse, is when they got paid, they went out, got high, and forgot they were supposed to return the following Monday, so every few weeks they got a new set of Tweakers.
Naw, thats a very minute percentage. Again, quit with the propaganda.
What are you talking about? Small per centage?

Illegals make up the bulk of workers in those areas

You gonna gut fish 8 hrs a day for 5 bucks an hour?

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