5000 a day So called Deal from Biden

Do you Trust the Senate Immigration bill?

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Except it doesn't make them obey the law.

Stupid laws get broken, whether it be kids smoking pot, hookers on the street corner, or people hiring undocumented immigrants because, unlike Americans, they have a work ethic.

If you guys really want to enforce the law, tighten workplace requirements.

Now, I worked for a company that hired a bunch of undocumented immigrants to do light assembly and housekeeping. They were hired through a labor agency. They did a pretty good job.

Then the company was bought out by a bigger company. The bigger company wasn't comfortable with undocumented labor, so they insisted that the labor agency only send people who were verifiable citizens.

Well, let me tell you how THAT worked out. The only white people they could find were a bunch of tweaker methheads. These people were genuinely scary, to the point where the customer service girls asked one of the guys in the office to walk them out to their cars at night. What was worse, is when they got paid, they went out, got high, and forgot they were supposed to return the following Monday, so every few weeks they got a new set of Tweakers.
You are making excuse for law breakers! I have two sons in their 20's both hard workers, as are my wife and I. Spare me your work ethic B.S. If any of those coming in ever ask for help whether it be medical or financial or food they should get shipped back correct?
You are making excuse for law breakers! I have two sons in their 20's both hard workers, as are my wife and I. Spare me your work ethic B.S. If any of those coming in ever ask for help whether it be medical or financial or food they should get shipped back correct?
Are they cleaning offices? Packing meat? Gutting fish?

For pennies an hour?

This bill allows for up to 3 million illegals per year?


How is that a law?

Should we allow shoplifters to steal up to $8500 per day and then we close the store?

You Extreme Biden Cult Fucks are INSANE. YOU ARE CRAZY PEOPLE.
You are making excuse for law breakers! I have two sons in their 20's both hard workers, as are my wife and I. Spare me your work ethic B.S. If any of those coming in ever ask for help whether it be medical or financial or food they should get shipped back correct?
We should have universal health care for everyone. The absurdity that you only get health care if you are healthy enough to work for a corporation and make them money is untenable. We spend more than any other country on health care, and we get some of the worst results.

The law is stupid; that's why it's not only being broken by the immigrants, but by the people who hire them to do awful jobs white people don't want to do.

I don't want to gut fish. (I don't even like doing it when I go recreational fishing, which I rarely do anymore.) Or clean toilets. Or pick lettuce. Or change the diapers of rich yupppies who can't be bothered to raise their own kids.

If you guys want real immigration reform, then go after the people who hire them, but also create a guest worker program and verifiable identification to fill the labor needs.
Again, your bigotry isn't my problem.

My father was an immigrant. He served his country in WWII as a medic and a translator, went on to build a family, worked very hard all of his life in an unpleasant job, and died young due to Asbestos exposure.

My wife is an immigrant. She was doing just fine before she met me, but I would say we've greatly improved each other's lives. (Still not used to her funky food, though.)

Immigrants make America better and stronger. That we aren't being as welcoming as we should be, when we both need them and should be acting better, is our problem, not theirs.
Managed immigration of highly skilled persons and their immediate family is ok

Your willy-nilly come one come all idea of low skill or no skill immigrants is only good for your personal situation, not America as a whole
It does not fucking say that bitch. Here is the fucking link.

Emergency powers limits the applicants to basically people who might be tortured if returned during a surge and defines a surge in numbers. It doesn’t let a single person in who isn’t a legal asylum applicant if less than that. A narrower definition of a refugee during a surge. It’s bullshit that the dems would offer that up but it expires in 3 years. Pubs will never get an offer like this again. Democrats hate this bill.

The INS figures aren’t easy to find.

But how many people seeking (legally or illegally) to cross our southern border at any point of entry (legal or not) seek asylum versus ordinary permission?

I do know that many claim to be seeking “asylum” because even making that a formal part of their request affords them some procedural and other advantages.

But lots of asylum requests also get denied because what they are seeking doesn’t qualify for the generous granting of asylee status. Instead, many of them aren’t seeking to avoid persecution at all. The just want what they see America as offering.
We should have universal health care for everyone. The absurdity that you only get health care if you are healthy enough to work for a corporation and make them money is untenable. We spend more than any other country on health care, and we get some of the worst results.

The law is stupid; that's why it's not only being broken by the immigrants, but by the people who hire them to do awful jobs white people don't want to do.

I don't want to gut fish. (I don't even like doing it when I go recreational fishing, which I rarely do anymore.) Or clean toilets. Or pick lettuce. Or change the diapers of rich yupppies who can't be bothered to raise their own kids.

If you guys want real immigration reform, then go after the people who hire them, but also create a guest worker program and verifiable identification to fill the labor needs.
Are they cleaning offices? Packing meat? Gutting fish?

For pennies an hour?

What is your point they can do that for pennies back home or force changes in their own country I should not be responsible for providing for them when they come here. They have it better than our own homeless
We should have universal health care for everyone. The absurdity that you only get health care if you are healthy enough to work for a corporation and make them money is untenable. We spend more than any other country on health care, and we get some of the worst results.

The law is stupid; that's why it's not only being broken by the immigrants, but by the people who hire them to do awful jobs white people don't want to do.

I don't want to gut fish. (I don't even like doing it when I go recreational fishing, which I rarely do anymore.) Or clean toilets. Or pick lettuce. Or change the diapers of rich yupppies who can't be bothered to raise their own kids.

If you guys want real immigration reform, then go after the people who hire them, but also create a guest worker program and verifiable identification to fill the labor needs.
Right which is why people come here for many treatments, why should I be forced to not only pay for my healthcare, but for that of people who don't even work, from another country. No thanks!
What is your point they can do that for pennies back home or force changes in their own country I should not be responsible for providing for them when they come here. They have it better than our own homeless
They can do neither. And thanks for admitting your previous claims were bullshit
Managed immigration of highly skilled persons and their immediate family is ok

Your willy-nilly come one come all idea of low skill or no skill immigrants is only good for your personal situation, not America as a whole
“Your personal situation situation”? WTF are you talking about?
Right which is why people come here for many treatments, why should I be forced to not only pay for my healthcare, but for that of people who don't even work, from another country. No thanks!
You are confused. RICH Foreigners come here for treatments your insurance won't cover.

It's like saying, "That restaurant is awesome, too bad they won't let me in."
He thinks it does and he may be right

The immigration courts are years behind thanks to all the fake asylum seekers and that affects everyone seeking residency
Well, that and your boy Trump dismantled the infrastructure to resolve these cases.

To me, a "Fake" claim is that German couple who claimed asylum because Germany doesn't allow Home Schooling.

Uwe and Hannelore Romeike immigrated to Morristown, Tennessee, in 2008 to home-school their five children for religious reasons, after they were fined for doing so in Germany. Two more Romeike children were born while in the U.S. and are U.S. citizens. An immigration judge initially granted their application for asylum in 2010, but it was denied on appeal two years later.

The family lacks legal status, but Homeland Security has allowed the Romeikes to stay in the country under indefinite deferred action status, which allows for prosecutorial discretion in decisions to deport individuals.

The Romeike family said an immigration agent told them on Sept. 6 that they had four weeks to secure passports to return to Germany.
Well, that and your boy Trump dismantled the infrastructure to resolve these cases.

To me, a "Fake" claim is that German couple who claimed asylum because Germany doesn't allow Home Schooling.

Uwe and Hannelore Romeike immigrated to Morristown, Tennessee, in 2008 to home-school their five children for religious reasons, after they were fined for doing so in Germany. Two more Romeike children were born while in the U.S. and are U.S. citizens. An immigration judge initially granted their application for asylum in 2010, but it was denied on appeal two years later.

The family lacks legal status, but Homeland Security has allowed the Romeikes to stay in the country under indefinite deferred action status, which allows for prosecutorial discretion in decisions to deport individuals.

The Romeike family said an immigration agent told them on Sept. 6 that they had four weeks to secure passports to return to Germany.
Religious persecution is normally considered a legit reason for asylum

But it was during the obama admin and the family were not muslims
This is insane.

That’s what Republicans said they wanted and … no

Trump says no.

Solving this issue might help Biden so no.

Republicans would rather elect Trump than actual deal with the border
Link us up to Republicans saying they want a minimum of 5000 illegals per day, simp.

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