5000 a day So called Deal from Biden

Do you Trust the Senate Immigration bill?

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Nice dance. Why hasnt potato head fixed it in 50 years.

Hes a LIAR and you are making excuses for it.
I haven’t made one excuse… just calling out your bullshit. One man in Congress doesn’t have the ability to fix decades of immigration issues. For you to imply that he could shows how clueless you are.
I think it's 5K a week but fuck that noise too.

I heard it is per day.

It is all gaslighting. We know what is in the dem's heart.

America is over people!

confucius fan greets shit.jpg

I haven’t made one excuse… just calling out your bullshit. One man in Congress doesn’t have the ability to fix decades of immigration issues. For you to imply that he could shows how clueless you are.
They know exactly what they are doing. He reversed Trump measures day 1. Sold wall components.

Dont piss down my back and tell me its raining.
Nice dance. Why hasnt potato head fixed it in 50 years.

Hes a LIAR and you are making excuses for it.

You are right. I was thinking 3 years, but he has been in DC for 50 years.

What needs to be done is to go to war with the filthy dems. Ship all illegals to sanctuary dem cities and states and implode the fuckers.

soros (21).jpg

They know exactly what they are doing. He reversed Trump measures day 1. Sold wall components.

Dont piss down my back and tell me its raining.
Yes he did that and has done a crappy job since managing the border. But that doesn’t excuse shutting down a potential bipartisan bill that actually could help things before anybody could read and debate it just because Trump wouldn’t get credit. That just shows that you care more about the politics than the policy
Yes he did that and has done a crappy job since managing the border. But that doesn’t excuse shutting down a potential bipartisan bill that actually could help things before anybody could read and debate it just because Trump wouldn’t get credit. That just shows that you care more about the politics than the policy
Show the damn bill then. Oh thats right. Have to pass it to see whats in it.
Show the damn bill then. Oh thats right. Have to pass it to see whats in it.
There we agree. Show the bill. Why yall pissing on it and saying it’s crap without even seeing it?

Cause yall are pathetic Trump puppets.
I'll be damned if that's so. That dog don't hunt.

Nobody is falling for 5K illegals a week plus the Uke grift.

Everyone knows that Tater can unfuck the border the same as he fucked it up to start with.

Again, you guys can't claim the border is a crisis, Ukraine is a crisis, Israel is a crisis, and then hold up funding for these things. Makes you look like hypocrites.
We are long past the time when we should have stopped chain migration. What will become necessary as things deteriorate here is internal enforcement, and if we can even admit it we will not have the stomach for it.

Again, works on the assumption that Migration is a "Crisis" or even a problem.

I mean, I know it's a problem for you, living in mortal terror a Mexican might move in next door.
1) Why do we need to change course.
2) I have no problem going after the people who hire them, but that would probably include many of the white people screaming the loudest.
3) Mexico isn't the enemy, and we don't need to militarize the border.
Number 2 is dead on
Actually, he told them to stay home and illegally removed 3 million under them abusing Title 42.

But they are going to come anyway, largely because our policies have made a fucking mess of their home countries.
He told them to surge our border, you loons lie so easily now.
Again, works on the assumption that Migration is a "Crisis" or even a problem.

I mean, I know it's a problem for you, living in mortal terror a Mexican might move in next door.
Show us good faith and put all illegals in not just Prog states, in Prog areas and neighborhoods. After a while we will go from there. The red flags are that all the agendas are not allowed in well to do Prog enclaves. No illegals and windfarms just to start. In coastal areas they live like elites have always done. We can even put a few abortion clinics with welfare offices for all to see along with the low-income housing. People spout one thing and live lies for the way they want things.
No he didn’t. That’s another fake talking point you drones like to repeat. Bunch of liars you are
Then you should look at the democrat debate when he told illegals if he is elected they should surge our border. Maybe you should stop worring about Trump so much and pay attention to your own. You have to be the most uninformed person on this forum.

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