50YR Typography Expert Finds Proof Obama Used Different Birth Certificate For His Own


May 29, 2010
Now this guy knows his stuff. He has 50 years experience in typography and has uncovered evidence that Obama actually used someone elses Long Form Birth Certificate to create his own so it could be released to the public in order to decieve the public. His name is Paul Irey. He is convinced the Obama birth certificate released by the White House is a cut-and-paste composite created by using different parts of presumably authentic birth certificates that had been typed in Hawaii in 1961 on different typewriters.

To prove his point, Irey used as a source document the Xerox copy of the Obama birth certificate the White House press staff handed to the press assembled in the White House pressroom on April 27, as seen in Exhibit 1: Go to links below the pic of Mr. Irey to see what he is talking about and comment on this finding.

Paul Irey

Expert: Obama doc is 'proof'


Irey has concluded that the forgers worked from authentic Hawaii birth certificates from 1961.

"The forgers did not want to make the same mistake Dan Rather made," he said. "So, they used letters they picked up from actual 1961 birth certificates, making sure the typeface that appeared in the document was authentic to the era."

The mistake, Irey claims, was to use more than one birth certificate from which to select the letters.

"Even if the typeface was from the period," he said, "the mistake was to forget that each typewriter has its own fingerprint. No two typewriters, even of the same make and model, will type any given letter exactly the same."
Barry is also using a Social Security Number issued in Connecticut to a man who was born in 1890.

Barry is the Manchurian Candidate. Why else would he be doing the things he's doing?
Seems even WND is not getting the real reason The White House posted this obvious forgery. OK...Here's the deal...To insure his re-election chances, Obama needs his base to vote in numbers close to the 2008 turn out. His base?...Well, 75+% of Hispanics, 96%-98% of the Black vote. And the hard core White Democratic vote as well, ( 65%% of White Dem vote). With high turn out of those base votes and he gets as little as 10% of the Independent Vote...He might win re-election. If he gets a much higher percentage of the Independent vote and his base comes out in numbers near 2008...Obama will win re-election. Now we all know that most Obama supporters are not going to even question the Birth Certificate. Few will watch videos showing the document posted on the White House website is a fraud. They simply will assume that its a racial agenda to have the first Black Prez. removed from office, and I couldn't blame them. IF / When the time comes, The White House will make sure the Mainstream Media blows this thing up, drumming up the needed PASSION in Obama supporters, and thus getting them to the polls very similar to 2008 numbers. Or that's the way it is suppose to work. Time will only tell if it will work and not backfire in a big way.

The main problem with the plan is it actually could split this country in half...Civil unrest breaking out everywhere. Its a calculated and devious plan to be sure.

There's no way the the Prez of The United States couldn't get a much better forged document than this one.

That's my take on the question of why did TWH post such an obvious forged document on their site. Nothing else makes sense.
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Face it

Obama got one over on you. Live with it

You know what a sneaky rascal he is
Why was this moved to conspiracy theories?

There are a lot of Obama supporting Mods on here. They don't want evidence like this in the main forums where it will be exposed to more viewers so they hide it in a more obscure section of the forums. I call it censorship of free speech. They can't handle the truth and they support a usurper.
Why was this moved to conspiracy theories?

There are a lot of Obama supporting Mods on here. They don't want evidence like this in the main forums where it will be exposed to more viewers so they hide it in a more obscure section of the forums. I call it censorship of free speech. They can't handle the truth and they support a usurper.

i moved it.

blow me.
Why was this moved to conspiracy theories?

There are a lot of Obama supporting Mods on here. They don't want evidence like this in the main forums where it will be exposed to more viewers so they hide it in a more obscure section of the forums. I call it censorship of free speech. They can't handle the truth and they support a usurper.
I don't that's the case. Most people have the mindset of "That can't happen here, this is America!" Americans like to believe that we are in charge of our government and haven't realized that our country was hijacked by corporate interests and international bankers years ago. We probably haven't had a real President who works for the people since JFK.

But as more people wake up to these facts, you'll see it become more mainstream.
Why was this moved to conspiracy theories?

There are a lot of Obama supporting Mods on here. They don't want evidence like this in the main forums where it will be exposed to more viewers so they hide it in a more obscure section of the forums. I call it censorship of free speech. They can't handle the truth and they support a usurper.
I don't that's the case. Most people have the mindset of "That can't happen here, this is America!" Americans like to believe that we are in charge of our government and haven't realized that our country was hijacked by corporate interests and international bankers years ago. We probably haven't had a real President who works for the people since JFK.

But as more people wake up to these facts, you'll see it become more mainstream.

Good point. Since JFK every president we have had was worse than the one before.
Now this guy knows his stuff. He has 50 years experience in typography and has uncovered evidence that Obama actually used someone elses Long Form Birth Certificate to create his own so it could be released to the public in order to decieve the public. His name is Paul Irey. He is convinced the Obama birth certificate released by the White House is a cut-and-paste composite created by using different parts of presumably authentic birth certificates that had been typed in Hawaii in 1961 on different typewriters.

To prove his point, Irey used as a source document the Xerox copy of the Obama birth certificate the White House press staff handed to the press assembled in the White House pressroom on April 27, as seen in Exhibit 1: Go to links below the pic of Mr. Irey to see what he is talking about and comment on this finding.

Paul Irey

Expert: Obama doc is 'proof'


Irey has concluded that the forgers worked from authentic Hawaii birth certificates from 1961.

"The forgers did not want to make the same mistake Dan Rather made," he said. "So, they used letters they picked up from actual 1961 birth certificates, making sure the typeface that appeared in the document was authentic to the era."

The mistake, Irey claims, was to use more than one birth certificate from which to select the letters.

"Even if the typeface was from the period," he said, "the mistake was to forget that each typewriter has its own fingerprint. No two typewriters, even of the same make and model, will type any given letter exactly the same."

One source in this kind of debate isn't proof. Most of us aren't experts in the field, so why should we accept one person's view that different typewriters were used? I'm sure there are experts would call his analysis bogus or it would have been all over the media. Sorry, not buying into the conspiracy theory and YES the thread was properly moved for that reason alone.
Looks like you caught Obama dead to rights.....you know his dastardy ways

Too bad nothing will come of it. We have a Kenyan as president and he is doing a great job. Why change now?
Now this guy knows his stuff. He has 50 years experience in typography and has uncovered evidence that Obama actually used someone elses Long Form Birth Certificate to create his own so it could be released to the public in order to decieve the public. His name is Paul Irey. He is convinced the Obama birth certificate released by the White House is a cut-and-paste composite created by using different parts of presumably authentic birth certificates that had been typed in Hawaii in 1961 on different typewriters.

To prove his point, Irey used as a source document the Xerox copy of the Obama birth certificate the White House press staff handed to the press assembled in the White House pressroom on April 27, as seen in Exhibit 1: Go to links below the pic of Mr. Irey to see what he is talking about and comment on this finding.

Paul Irey

Expert: Obama doc is 'proof'


Irey has concluded that the forgers worked from authentic Hawaii birth certificates from 1961.

"The forgers did not want to make the same mistake Dan Rather made," he said. "So, they used letters they picked up from actual 1961 birth certificates, making sure the typeface that appeared in the document was authentic to the era."

The mistake, Irey claims, was to use more than one birth certificate from which to select the letters.

"Even if the typeface was from the period," he said, "the mistake was to forget that each typewriter has its own fingerprint. No two typewriters, even of the same make and model, will type any given letter exactly the same."

One source in this kind of debate isn't proof. Most of us aren't experts in the field, so why should we accept one person's view that different typewriters were used? I'm sure there are experts would call his analysis bogus or it would have been all over the media. Sorry, not buying into the conspiracy theory and YES the thread was properly moved for that reason alone.

Many more than one source. Just Google it. And this was meant to be a obvious fake, as I stated in post above It was created by individual(s) who knew how to use Photoshot. These people knew how to use Photoshop, but were not World Class document forgers as you would expect, or if so, they wanted it to be obvious enough. Printed with a laser color printer directly from the Photoshot App. , While the document was still a work in progress. (Not saved and then open up in any other viewer and then printed). Electronicaly date stamped as a Photoshop document, with the last changes made at 8:36 AM the morning of the day Obama released the "Long Form Birth Certificate", the Photoshop date stamp is there because it was never saved then opened up with another viewer and then printed. And a scanned in copy of the printed document was soon after posted on the WH website servers. With all the layers and Photoshop datestamp still intact and there to be seen if you open the document in the downloadable form with Adobe Illustrator.
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Give it a rest... yeesh :rolleyes:

I cant believe that I am actually agreeing with Diamond Dave,the troll kid who is afraid of the truth about government corruption going on in the world such as the kennedy assassination and 9/11.

but yeah,give it a rest Pole Rider,-yes folks,this is Pole Riders sock puppet,with your obsession over Obama and you really need to get over your hatred over blacks and stop being a racist.you obvioulsy are since you never say ANYTHING negative about any of the other presidents.:rolleyes:
Why was this moved to conspiracy theories?

There are a lot of Obama supporting Mods on here. They don't want evidence like this in the main forums where it will be exposed to more viewers so they hide it in a more obscure section of the forums. I call it censorship of free speech. They can't handle the truth and they support a usurper.
I don't that's the case. Most people have the mindset of "That can't happen here, this is America!" Americans like to believe that we are in charge of our government and haven't realized that our country was hijacked by corporate interests and international bankers years ago. We probably haven't had a real President who works for the people since JFK.

But as more people wake up to these facts, you'll see it become more mainstream.

so are NOW ready to admit you have been afraid of the truth about 9/11 and have only seen what you WANT to see on that event? I mean,this has got to be someone else who knows you password posting here,this doesnt sound anything at all like the mad scientist i have always known who would only post moronic posts,this post is actually an intelligent one.my god i cant believe it.
Why was this moved to conspiracy theories?

There are a lot of Obama supporting Mods on here. They don't want evidence like this in the main forums where it will be exposed to more viewers so they hide it in a more obscure section of the forums. I call it censorship of free speech. They can't handle the truth and they support a usurper.

so very true.Like many posters here,they cant handle the truth Pole Rider.and you are still a racist who hates blacks which is why you have an obsession over Obama.
There are a lot of Obama supporting Mods on here. They don't want evidence like this in the main forums where it will be exposed to more viewers so they hide it in a more obscure section of the forums. I call it censorship of free speech. They can't handle the truth and they support a usurper.
I don't that's the case. Most people have the mindset of "That can't happen here, this is America!" Americans like to believe that we are in charge of our government and haven't realized that our country was hijacked by corporate interests and international bankers years ago. We probably haven't had a real President who works for the people since JFK.

But as more people wake up to these facts, you'll see it become more mainstream.

Good point. Since JFK every president we have had was worse than the one before.

excellent post.so very true.you nailed it.with the exception of Carter.He was corrupt but he wasnt near as bad or corrupt as the others.Like JFK,he also tried to get rid of the CIA.In his last year as president he was making moves to get rid of them as well but since it was so late in his time as president,he did not have time to implement the plans.They got rid of carter as well in a different way of course.He was set up with the october surprise to get removed form office which is why he only served one term.If he had been re elected,they would have assassinated him as well. so yeah with the exception of Carter,that is so true,every president we have had since Jfk has been worse than the one before.:clap2:
Because its a conspiracy theory.


yes its a conspiracy THEORY of the governments that Obama is a us citizen and was born in hawaii so yeah a conspiracy theory of the governments like this one does belong in the conspiracy section.:lol:
Why was this moved to conspiracy theories?

There are a lot of Obama supporting Mods on here. They don't want evidence like this in the main forums where it will be exposed to more viewers so they hide it in a more obscure section of the forums. I call it censorship of free speech. They can't handle the truth and they support a usurper.

i moved it.

blow me.

I should have known. Tell me something. Have you ever put your life on the line for your country? Are you patriotic like Sarah Palin and I? Do you appreciate Patriotic Servants of your country? Why do you treat veterans of foreign wars this way and why do you support this usurping negro? Elaborate Emu

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