51% America Makes Less Than $30K

Is that the hope or the change?

But don’t worry, we’re bringing in lots of immigrants who’ll be happy to work for less than even that.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

Indeed. Obama's Socialism is working. He is destroying the Middle Class. He is establishing his own wealthy group and the poor - a two-class system. The Obamas are firmly entrenched into the wealthy class and Hollywood elite.
So, is wealth inequality a bad thing now?
I thought it either didn't exist, it didn't matter or you just had to work harder.
When did the narrative change?
Welcome to capitalism, baby. Capitalists love cheap labor and there is no such thing as a middle-class in capitalism...

Capitalism has been around since the beginning of this country. It made us strong. It created the middle class. It's socialism and communism that cannot exist with a middle class. It's the liberal policies that are killing middle class. Obamacare alone killed off many small businesses. This is Obama's America, not true capitalism.

You fail to acknowledge the difference between real capitalism and crony capitalism.

Look at all the liberal hypocrites, who live like kings while saying the rest of us should pay our fair share. People like Al Sharpton get away with not paying taxes, while the little people pick up the tab. People like Gore and some Hollywood folks bitch about the environment and point fingers at SUV drivers as they jet around and ride in their limos. George Soros is the most unscrupulous ass to ever walk the planet, but the left loves his ill-gotten money. Then we have Hillary, who talks about the gap between the wealthy and the poor, yet charges ridiculous speaking fees to charities that help the poor.

Capitalists do not necessarily love cheap labor. Most want good people who do their jobs well and that doesn't come cheap.

I don't get the left. They want higher wages, or so they say, but then they argue that illegal aliens do the work that Americans won't do. Truth is that Americans will do jobs for decent pay, but it's the illegal immigration that tempted many businesses to hire them for less. A lot of farmers do that, too. And they aren't all Republican companies. Tyson is guilty of finding cheap labor and they supported Dems.
Your point? Except for the oil sheikdoms, they're all capitalist countries.
America is not the highest, by a long fucking shot...

It no longer is because it is quickly swirling down the socialist toilet bowl, thanks to Obama. #2, #3, and #4 are all very capitalist countries. Qatar is sitting over an ocean of oil. It's wealth has nothing to do with the sort of economics it practices.
Capitalism in America has done some very good things, and some very bad ones. Obama hasn't changed that in the slightest.

Of course he has. Obama has destroyed the greatest medical system the world has ever seen. He has also single-handedly destroyed the coal industry.

Those are only a couple of the disasters Obama has inflicted on this country.
Utter and complete BS, and we were never the best medical system in the world. We are advanced, but not good.

So all infant mortality rates are because of our medical care system? It has nothing to do with the fact we have women using dope while pregnant? Nothing to do with the fact that other countries don't consider a birth if the child is born with defects? Nothing to do with the fact Americans don't eat well and many are overweight?

It must be our medical care system. LOL!
So all infant mortality rates are because of our medical care system? It has nothing to do with the fact we have women using dope while pregnant? Nothing to do with the fact that other countries don't consider a birth if the child is born with defects? Nothing to do with the fact Americans don't eat well and many are overweight?

It must be our medical care system. LOL!
Yes, in most cases it is.
Of course USMB cons love to blame Obama for this yet they can't name a single policy of his that caused it and are too immature to admit the wealth gap has been widening for decades because of republican policies.

No, they are widening because we have more things to buy today.

Back when I was a teen in the 70's, most homes were one car homes. We had a television set, some furniture and an antenna on top of the house if you were lucky. We went to fast food about two or three times a year for a treat.

Look at us today and what we spend our money on; Cable, cell phones, pay-per-view, internet service, a car for every member of the family, fast food a standard of dinner because of two-parent working homes, video games and so on.

We beg the wealthy to take our money, and in fact, every one of us here today will transfer our wealth to the top sometime this week. You, I, everybody here.
So all infant mortality rates are because of our medical care system? It has nothing to do with the fact we have women using dope while pregnant? Nothing to do with the fact that other countries don't consider a birth if the child is born with defects? Nothing to do with the fact Americans don't eat well and many are overweight?

It must be our medical care system. LOL!
Yes, in most cases it is.

No, and you have no documentation to prove that. All you have is raw numbers with no explanation behind them.

Our US hospitals are loaded with foreigners--particularly from Canada where they can't take care of their people with serious illnesses. VIP's from all over the world fly here to get our quality care and advanced technology. Tell me where else you would rather be treated if you came down with a life-threatening illness. Cuba? Mexico? Germany?
So all infant mortality rates are because of our medical care system? It has nothing to do with the fact we have women using dope while pregnant? Nothing to do with the fact that other countries don't consider a birth if the child is born with defects? Nothing to do with the fact Americans don't eat well and many are overweight?

It must be our medical care system. LOL!
Yes, in most cases it is.

No, and you have no documentation to prove that. All you have is raw numbers with no explanation behind them.

Our US hospitals are loaded with foreigners--particularly from Canada where they can't take care of their people with serious illnesses. VIP's from all over the world fly here to get our quality care and advanced technology. Tell me where else you would rather be treated if you came down with a life-threatening illness. Cuba? Mexico? Germany?
Sweden, Germany, England, France, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Canada, and all of them better and all of them cheaper, a better bang for the buck. We have wonderful technology, and yet we let people die on the streets from the flu and babies go without their shots...
So all infant mortality rates are because of our medical care system? It has nothing to do with the fact we have women using dope while pregnant? Nothing to do with the fact that other countries don't consider a birth if the child is born with defects? Nothing to do with the fact Americans don't eat well and many are overweight?

It must be our medical care system. LOL!
Yes, in most cases it is.

No, and you have no documentation to prove that. All you have is raw numbers with no explanation behind them.

Our US hospitals are loaded with foreigners--particularly from Canada where they can't take care of their people with serious illnesses. VIP's from all over the world fly here to get our quality care and advanced technology. Tell me where else you would rather be treated if you came down with a life-threatening illness. Cuba? Mexico? Germany?
Sweden, Germany, England, France, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Canada, and all of them better and all of them cheaper, a better bang for the buck. We have wonderful technology, and yet we let people die on the streets from the flu and babies go without their shots...

Really? I've never attended a funeral of either and don't know of anybody that has. What I do know is that my sister is a supervisor at the Cleveland Clinic and has countless stories to tell about VIP's from other countries that come here for treatment. Canada alone spends a billion dollars a year for their citizens to get treated here.
So all infant mortality rates are because of our medical care system? It has nothing to do with the fact we have women using dope while pregnant? Nothing to do with the fact that other countries don't consider a birth if the child is born with defects? Nothing to do with the fact Americans don't eat well and many are overweight?

It must be our medical care system. LOL!
Yes, in most cases it is.

No, and you have no documentation to prove that. All you have is raw numbers with no explanation behind them.

Our US hospitals are loaded with foreigners--particularly from Canada where they can't take care of their people with serious illnesses. VIP's from all over the world fly here to get our quality care and advanced technology. Tell me where else you would rather be treated if you came down with a life-threatening illness. Cuba? Mexico? Germany?
Sweden, Germany, England, France, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Canada, and all of them better and all of them cheaper, a better bang for the buck. We have wonderful technology, and yet we let people die on the streets from the flu and babies go without their shots...

Really? I've never attended a funeral of either and don't know of anybody that has. What I do know is that my sister is a supervisor at the Cleveland Clinic and has countless stories to tell about VIP's from other countries that come here for treatment. Canada alone spends a billion dollars a year for their citizens to get treated here.
We have hot shit here, and good docs (if you can afford it that is) we just don't have quality public health. That's not open heart surgery, that's a flu shot and a well baby checkup, at no cost.
So how many libs will vote for Trump and help out the the little guy by getting rid of illegals............oooooops

they can't. that would be a sin to THE Party and their Democrat Masters would condemn them to hell
Libs don't have a party, but they do tend to vote for the Dems. They sure as hell as hell can't vote for the fucking morons you guys support.
So all infant mortality rates are because of our medical care system? It has nothing to do with the fact we have women using dope while pregnant? Nothing to do with the fact that other countries don't consider a birth if the child is born with defects? Nothing to do with the fact Americans don't eat well and many are overweight?

It must be our medical care system. LOL!
Yes, in most cases it is.

No, and you have no documentation to prove that. All you have is raw numbers with no explanation behind them.

Our US hospitals are loaded with foreigners--particularly from Canada where they can't take care of their people with serious illnesses. VIP's from all over the world fly here to get our quality care and advanced technology. Tell me where else you would rather be treated if you came down with a life-threatening illness. Cuba? Mexico? Germany?
Sweden, Germany, England, France, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Canada, and all of them better and all of them cheaper, a better bang for the buck. We have wonderful technology, and yet we let people die on the streets from the flu and babies go without their shots...
Come on, you can't force shots on anyone... Way wrong.
So how many libs will vote for Trump and help out the the little guy by getting rid of illegals............oooooops

they can't. that would be a sin to THE Party and their Democrat Masters would condemn them to hell
Libs don't have a party, but they do tend to vote for the Dems. They sure as hell as hell can't vote for the fucking morons you guys support.
You progressives have done nothing for any Indian res... No room for you to talk.
So all infant mortality rates are because of our medical care system? It has nothing to do with the fact we have women using dope while pregnant? Nothing to do with the fact that other countries don't consider a birth if the child is born with defects? Nothing to do with the fact Americans don't eat well and many are overweight?

It must be our medical care system. LOL!
Yes, in most cases it is.

No, and you have no documentation to prove that. All you have is raw numbers with no explanation behind them.

Our US hospitals are loaded with foreigners--particularly from Canada where they can't take care of their people with serious illnesses. VIP's from all over the world fly here to get our quality care and advanced technology. Tell me where else you would rather be treated if you came down with a life-threatening illness. Cuba? Mexico? Germany?
Sweden, Germany, England, France, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Canada, and all of them better and all of them cheaper, a better bang for the buck. We have wonderful technology, and yet we let people die on the streets from the flu and babies go without their shots...
Come on, you can't force shots on anyone... Way wrong.
The hell I can't. Vaccines work, and well worth the risk for all but a few, and especially worthwhile for society. The last thing we need are sick kids.
So all infant mortality rates are because of our medical care system? It has nothing to do with the fact we have women using dope while pregnant? Nothing to do with the fact that other countries don't consider a birth if the child is born with defects? Nothing to do with the fact Americans don't eat well and many are overweight?

It must be our medical care system. LOL!
Yes, in most cases it is.

No, and you have no documentation to prove that. All you have is raw numbers with no explanation behind them.

Our US hospitals are loaded with foreigners--particularly from Canada where they can't take care of their people with serious illnesses. VIP's from all over the world fly here to get our quality care and advanced technology. Tell me where else you would rather be treated if you came down with a life-threatening illness. Cuba? Mexico? Germany?
Sweden, Germany, England, France, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Canada, and all of them better and all of them cheaper, a better bang for the buck. We have wonderful technology, and yet we let people die on the streets from the flu and babies go without their shots...
Come on, you can't force shots on anyone... Way wrong.
The hell I can't. Vaccines work, and well worth the risk for all but a few, and especially worthwhile for society. The last thing we need are sick kids.
They don't for everyone...
So how many libs will vote for Trump and help out the the little guy by getting rid of illegals............oooooops

they can't. that would be a sin to THE Party and their Democrat Masters would condemn them to hell
Libs don't have a party, but they do tend to vote for the Dems. They sure as hell as hell can't vote for the fucking morons you guys support.
You progressives have done nothing for any Indian res... No room for you to talk.
Talk the progs about that. I'm a liberal and they didn't have too many reservations (pun intended) about slaughtering you either. Whitey doesn't much care for darkies, especially when you're on land they want. Between that and exposing you to filthy bodies and diseases you'd never been exposed to, we managed to wipe out 98 or 99 of 100 of you in no time at all. Hitler didn't admire that part of US history for no reason, it inspired him, he even said so.

Sorry Rez-boy, your immigration policy stank. You should have been cutting off heads, and didn't. It's all over but the shouting now, and the poverty and legacy of suffering still down on the Rez. You are the Palestinians of America, only no longer sitting on anything anyone gives a flying fuck about. If you all suddenly died off tomorrow, whitey wouldn't give a damn. That would just one less thing for him to deal with eh?

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