51% America Makes Less Than $30K

Stagnant and declining wages are the hallmarks of anemic economic growth and excessive government intervention.

Thanks Obama!
Is that the hope or the change?

But don’t worry, we’re bringing in lots of immigrants who’ll be happy to work for less than even that.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year
These figures may not mean what you think they mean. They come from W2s. They include all part time and temporary workers; that is they include all workers even your teenager who worked at a fast food restaurant for 2 weeks last summer. They do include those that are in business for themselves, nor do they include those paid via a 1099.
Here is what the figures look like in previous years.

1990 $14,498
1995 $16,850
2000 $20,957
2005 $23,962
2010 $26,397
2014 $28,851

Wage Statistics for 2014
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Stagnant and declining wages are the hallmarks of anemic economic growth and excessive government intervention.

Thanks Obama!

Or it could be, Corporate Fatcats choosing Slave Labor? I'm gonna go with that.

Big Government Corporatists are active partners with Big Government.

And they are not Free Market Capitalists.
Stagnant and declining wages are the hallmarks of anemic economic growth and excessive government intervention.

Thanks Obama!

Or it could be, Corporate Fatcats choosing Slave Labor? I'm gonna go with that.

Big Government Corporatists are active partners with Big Government.

And they are not Free Market Capitalists.

Yup, lots of Corporate Welfare in America. We're a Government/Corporate Complex now.
Stagnant and declining wages are the hallmarks of anemic economic growth and excessive government intervention.

Thanks Obama!

Or it could be, Corporate Fatcats choosing Slave Labor? I'm gonna go with that.

Big Government Corporatists are active partners with Big Government.

And they are not Free Market Capitalists.

Yup, lots of Corporate Welfare in America. We're a Government/Corporate Complex now.

What we are witnessing is the enslavement of a once free people.

Free, competitive markets have been the engine for both freedom and prosperity. In addition, free market capitalism is morally based on the principle of individual rights to life, liberty and honestly acquired property, in which all social relationships require the voluntary and mutual consent of the participants.

Private property rights are central to the free society. The most fundamental private property right is the right of each person to own himself – his mind, his body, his peaceful actions, and the fruits of his efforts either on his own or in interaction with others.

The opposite of owning yourself is slavery. Under a slave system some individuals assert the right to own and control the actions of others under the threat or use of force. The slave lives and works for and obeys the commands of another human being with violence the ultimate instrument of control.

Yeah these true believers need to ask themselves why so many are losing faith in our economic system rather than diverting the discussion to socialism as if we cannot have a mixture of both.
Mixed economies are common sense. Use capitalism for what's it's good at, and correct for what it's bad at.
Nothing good can be said for socialism... The maker of dictators.

Embrace the suck
Typical irrational dogma, showing no understanding of the real world or the various economic systems in it.
...other than socialism has never worked for the good of anyone but dictators in all of history.

So what's your point??
Socialism works just fine, at least the version I'd have here (AKA Sweden) all over the damn place.
If the entire world was like socialist Sweden we would be living just as when the Vasa sailed for 20 minutes and sank 600 years ago. Capitalism is linked to every technical advancement known to mankind.
Mixed economies are common sense. Use capitalism for what's it's good at, and correct for what it's bad at.
Nothing good can be said for socialism... The maker of dictators.

Embrace the suck
Typical irrational dogma, showing no understanding of the real world or the various economic systems in it.
...other than socialism has never worked for the good of anyone but dictators in all of history.

So what's your point??
Socialism works just fine, at least the version I'd have here (AKA Sweden) all over the damn place.
If the entire world was like socialist Sweden we would be living just as when the Vasa sailed for 20 minutes and sank 600 years ago. Capitalism is linked to every technical advancement known to mankind.
Nope, nuclear power and just about all nuclear physics research has been government funded. The Polio vaccine was a miracle of science that was entirely government funded. Antibiotics, space travel, jet powered flight, THE INTERNET, all these things were developed either through national defense or for the public good by the United States government.
Hardly surprising. The U.S. is a country made up largely of uneducated morons and ghetto trash. The more time I spend outside the U.S. the less I want to come back.
Nothing good can be said for socialism... The maker of dictators.

Embrace the suck
Typical irrational dogma, showing no understanding of the real world or the various economic systems in it.
...other than socialism has never worked for the good of anyone but dictators in all of history.

So what's your point??
Socialism works just fine, at least the version I'd have here (AKA Sweden) all over the damn place.
If the entire world was like socialist Sweden we would be living just as when the Vasa sailed for 20 minutes and sank 600 years ago. Capitalism is linked to every technical advancement known to mankind.
Nope, nuclear power and just about all nuclear physics research has been government funded. The Polio vaccine was a miracle of science that was entirely government funded. Antibiotics, space travel, jet powered flight, THE INTERNET, all these things were developed either through national defense or for the public good by the United States government.
Algore invented the interrrrnet...
Nothing good can be said for socialism... The maker of dictators.

Embrace the suck
Typical irrational dogma, showing no understanding of the real world or the various economic systems in it.
...other than socialism has never worked for the good of anyone but dictators in all of history.

So what's your point??
Socialism works just fine, at least the version I'd have here (AKA Sweden) all over the damn place.
If the entire world was like socialist Sweden we would be living just as when the Vasa sailed for 20 minutes and sank 600 years ago. Capitalism is linked to every technical advancement known to mankind.
Nope, nuclear power and just about all nuclear physics research has been government funded. The Polio vaccine was a miracle of science that was entirely government funded. Antibiotics, space travel, jet powered flight, THE INTERNET, all these things were developed either through national defense or for the public good by the United States government.
The federal government has no money dumb a$$, just debt.
Your messiah obama shut down NASA, and turned it into a muslim outreach center.
Actually that was your Messiah Reagan that did that, you know the same guy who turned us from a creditor nation into a debtor nation!

Reagan/Bush Used NASA for Muslim Outreach Before Obama


“Payload Specialist” Prince Sultan: Reagan/Bush Beat Obama to the Muslim NASA Outreach Punch
Mixed economies are common sense. Use capitalism for what's it's good at, and correct for what it's bad at.
Nothing good can be said for socialism... The maker of dictators.

Embrace the suck
Typical irrational dogma, showing no understanding of the real world or the various economic systems in it.
...other than socialism has never worked for the good of anyone but dictators in all of history.

So what's your point??
Socialism works just fine, at least the version I'd have here (AKA Sweden) all over the damn place.
If the entire world was like socialist Sweden we would be living just as when the Vasa sailed for 20 minutes and sank 600 years ago. Capitalism is linked to every technical advancement known to mankind.
Not true, but capitalism is a great little engine however you don't let the engine steer the car.
Hardly surprising. The U.S. is a country made up largely of uneducated morons and ghetto trash. The more time I spend outside the U.S. the less I want to come back.

Where are you spending time outside the U.S.? And what do you like about it? Are you working there or a tourist? That makes a big difference. Tourist areas are always a whole lot nicer than surrounding areas where the locals live and work.

If I had gazillions I'd move to Switzerland.

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