51% America Makes Less Than $30K

Mixed economies are common sense. Use capitalism for what's it's good at, and correct for what it's bad at.
Nothing good can be said for socialism... The maker of dictators.

Embrace the suck
Typical irrational dogma, showing no understanding of the real world or the various economic systems in it.
...other than socialism has never worked for the good of anyone but dictators in all of history.

So what's your point??
Socialism works just fine, at least the version I'd have here (AKA Sweden) all over the damn place.
Name one contribution to civilization Sweden has made since the Vasa. And Sweden has the highest suicide rate in the world.
They have not around long enough to run out of others money...lol
I have no issues discussing socialism but in your case the problem is not socialism, it's capitalism, which you seem to be unable to get your tiny mind around. The government isn't forcing people to work for 30k, it's all they can manage, in a capitalist system eh?

If we actually had free market capitalism, we wouldn't be discussing this.
So very true, socialist programs and a three term president put us past the point of no return...
Even more dogma.
As an country we fu#%ed up, got in over our heads with the trap that is socialism. It's happened to many, many other civilizations, we were not the first and will not be the last to make such an evident mistake, don't worry grasshopper it's a human thing that being in our nature. game over

...and your point is??
The OP shows that we have too little socialism, not too much. Capitalism would be even more pleased if most made 20K, as long as they could still buy the shit for sale...
Nice deflection...
If we actually had free market capitalism, we wouldn't be discussing this.
So very true, socialist programs and a three term president put us past the point of no return...
Even more dogma.
As an country we fu#%ed up, got in over our heads with the trap that is socialism. It's happened to many, many other civilizations, we were not the first and will not be the last to make such an evident mistake, don't worry grasshopper it's a human thing that being in our nature. game over

...and your point is??
The OP shows that we have too little socialism, not too much. Capitalism would be even more pleased if most made 20K, as long as they could still buy the shit for sale...
Nice deflection...
Nope, it's entirely true. Wages, and government supports for workers, are too low, just what most capitalists want, usually.
Is that the hope or the change?

But don’t worry, we’re bringing in lots of immigrants who’ll be happy to work for less than even that.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

Indeed. Obama's Socialism is working. He is destroying the Middle Class. He is establishing his own wealthy group and the poor - a two-class system. The Obamas are firmly entrenched into the wealthy class and Hollywood elite.
The middle class, a creation of government and unions not capitalism, has been falling about for decades. Obama has done his best to milk it along.


Unemployment in 1939 was like 17%

In 1943 it was around 1.9%

Only liberals speak half truths
War, AKA very large government outlays, will do that. And full employment in capitalism is 5% unemployment. Anything under that cause wage inflation.

And only in capitalism can you get an unemployment figure that high, or higher. One of its downsides.
Socialism is 100% unemployment... Cause no one works in "utopia". Lol
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Is that the hope or the change?

But don’t worry, we’re bringing in lots of immigrants who’ll be happy to work for less than even that.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

that's what happens when rightwingers keep voting against things that would bolster the middle class.

thanks for pointing it out,
In socialism there is no middle class... No class at all.lol
The wealthy now control the US, it doesn't matter who the President is. The rest of us are peons in their utopia. The weathy are the ones who hire these contract "mercenaries", who hired the ones at Benghazi. It's never what it seems.

The weathy are the ones who hire these contract "mercenaries", who hired the ones at Benghazi.

Wow! Your news meds aren't working, get them adjusted.

Who hired them? what they now call the Annex Security Team (ex blackwater), they were not gov. employees. So the state department hired them to protect the compound?

This is off topic.

The topic is the wealthy run the show.

Sorry, I thought you were claiming the Muslim terrorists were hired by the wealthy.
Never mind.
Is that the hope or the change?

But don’t worry, we’re bringing in lots of immigrants who’ll be happy to work for less than even that.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

that's what happens when rightwingers keep voting against things that would bolster the middle class.

thanks for pointing it out,
In socialism there is no middle class... No class at all.lol

no. that is the theoretical reality of communism, not socialism and it doesn't work there either. actually knowing what things mean might be helpful to you.
So very true, socialist programs and a three term president put us past the point of no return...
Even more dogma.
As an country we fu#%ed up, got in over our heads with the trap that is socialism. It's happened to many, many other civilizations, we were not the first and will not be the last to make such an evident mistake, don't worry grasshopper it's a human thing that being in our nature. game over

...and your point is??
The OP shows that we have too little socialism, not too much. Capitalism would be even more pleased if most made 20K, as long as they could still buy the shit for sale...
Nice deflection...
Nope, it's entirely true. Wages, and government supports for workers, are too low, just what most capitalists want, usually.
No one builds a business to hire employees dumb a$$, as it should be.
Employees are part of the building of an business not the other way around... How those employees are treated is up to the business OWNER yes, an individual.
So, yes you deflected
Even more dogma.
As an country we fu#%ed up, got in over our heads with the trap that is socialism. It's happened to many, many other civilizations, we were not the first and will not be the last to make such an evident mistake, don't worry grasshopper it's a human thing that being in our nature. game over

...and your point is??
The OP shows that we have too little socialism, not too much. Capitalism would be even more pleased if most made 20K, as long as they could still buy the shit for sale...
Nice deflection...
Nope, it's entirely true. Wages, and government supports for workers, are too low, just what most capitalists want, usually.
No one builds a business to hire employees dumb a$$, as it should be.
Employees are part of the building of an business not the other way around... How those employees are treated is up to the business OWNER yes, an individual.
So, yes you deflected

your comments bear no relation to his post.

what are you talking a bout?
What's the matter, afraid to talk about the record of socialism and the trail of despair and poverty it leaves behind wherever it touches?

"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
I have no issues discussing socialism but in your case the problem is not socialism, it's capitalism, which you seem to be unable to get your tiny mind around. The government isn't forcing people to work for 30k, it's all they can manage, in a capitalist system eh?

If we actually had free market capitalism, we wouldn't be discussing this.
So very true, socialist programs and a three term president put us past the point of no return...
Even more dogma.
As an country we fu#%ed up, got in over our heads with the trap that is socialism. It's happened to many, many other civilizations, we were not the first and will not be the last to make such an evident mistake, don't worry grasshopper it's a human thing that being in our nature. game over

...and your point is??

a purely capitalist system is a disaster and would create a Dickensian nightmare.

have you ever worked?
And the highly exalted, great American "job creators" are more than happy to hire them.
Yeppers. Capitalists love cheap labor, as cheap as can be found, which is why they're here in the first place.
In capitalism at least there is always a latter to top, that latter has to be earned never given as it should be.
Too bad progressives...

Embrace the suck
The so-called ladder to the top is not anything even the hardest working, most responsible worker can count on, embrace that suck.
Millions have climbed that ladder to good life, more so than other country's .
Embrace that good thing
Yeah so? I said that it is not to counted on or trusted. People do everything right and still fail in our system and you would yank the safety net out from under them and say "sucks to be you". In American capitalism especially it is not enough to win, there has to be a loser.
The only reason to build a business is for a very healthy profit, not nickel and dime sh!t... All other reasons are not to start an business.
Is that the hope or the change?

But don’t worry, we’re bringing in lots of immigrants who’ll be happy to work for less than even that.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

The article posts statistics but doesn't describe the problem. Why are so many compensated so poorly in the wealthiest nation in history?

The article leaves out ancillary issues which impact the working poor and middle class as much as their hourly wage / salary: examples of which include but are not limited to taxes and fees, the cost of housing, food, health care, transportation and higher education.

And, of course any good expository writing should include [IMO] a conclusion, an editorial comment by the author or the troll who posted this thread on potential solutions they have cogitated upon during their reading of the link.
As an country we fu#%ed up, got in over our heads with the trap that is socialism. It's happened to many, many other civilizations, we were not the first and will not be the last to make such an evident mistake, don't worry grasshopper it's a human thing that being in our nature. game over

...and your point is??
The OP shows that we have too little socialism, not too much. Capitalism would be even more pleased if most made 20K, as long as they could still buy the shit for sale...
Nice deflection...
Nope, it's entirely true. Wages, and government supports for workers, are too low, just what most capitalists want, usually.
No one builds a business to hire employees dumb a$$, as it should be.
Employees are part of the building of an business not the other way around... How those employees are treated is up to the business OWNER yes, an individual.
So, yes you deflected

your comments bear no relation to his post.

what are you talking a bout?
Socialism try's to build business with no profit in mind... Pay for employees always comes from taking others money thus covering their business fallacies.
The business is about the business are a part of it.

A business with no real profit(no nickel and dime sh!t either) has no business being in business...
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I have no issues discussing socialism but in your case the problem is not socialism, it's capitalism, which you seem to be unable to get your tiny mind around. The government isn't forcing people to work for 30k, it's all they can manage, in a capitalist system eh?

If we actually had free market capitalism, we wouldn't be discussing this.
So very true, socialist programs and a three term president put us past the point of no return...
Even more dogma.
As an country we fu#%ed up, got in over our heads with the trap that is socialism. It's happened to many, many other civilizations, we were not the first and will not be the last to make such an evident mistake, don't worry grasshopper it's a human thing that being in our nature. game over

...and your point is??

a purely capitalist system is a disaster and would create a Dickensian nightmare.

have you ever worked?
I own three businesses...
Welcome to capitalism, baby. Capitalists love cheap labor and there is no such thing as a middle-class in capitalism...
Yes, I wish we had Socialist utopia like Cuba, where if you earn one penny over $25 a day your tossed in a hell hole prison to rot.

Once again a simple simon can't differentiate a democratic republic from a totalitarian society, and by their ignorance allow our democratic republic to deteriorate into an Oligarchy, as the power of the dollar continues to grow and buy our Congress and State Legislatures.

We had a Republic but the simple simon's unwittingly conspired with the power elite to pack bodies of what should have been the representatives for We The People into shills for an American Aristocracy.

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