51% America Makes Less Than $30K

And the highly exalted, great American "job creators" are more than happy to hire them.
Yeppers. Capitalists love cheap labor, as cheap as can be found, which is why they're here in the first place.
In capitalism at least there is always a latter to top, that latter has to be earned never given as it should be.
Too bad progressives...

Embrace the suck
The so-called ladder to the top is not anything even the hardest working, most responsible worker can count on, embrace that suck.
Millions have climbed that ladder to good life, more so than other country's .
Embrace that good thing
Yeah so? I said that it is not to counted on or trusted. People do everything right and still fail in our system and you would yank the safety net out from under them and say "sucks to be you". In American capitalism especially it is not enough to win, there has to be a loser.

In the system it appears you support, you can do everything wrong and someone else is still expected to take care of you.
Is that the hope or the change?

But don’t worry, we’re bringing in lots of immigrants who’ll be happy to work for less than even that.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

Indeed. Obama's Socialism is working. He is destroying the Middle Class. He is establishing his own wealthy group and the poor - a two-class system. The Obamas are firmly entrenched into the wealthy class and Hollywood elite.
The middle class, a creation of government and unions not capitalism, has been falling about for decades. Obama has done his best to milk it along.


Unemployment in 1939 was like 17%

In 1943 it was around 1.9%

Only liberals speak half truths
War, AKA very large government outlays, will do that. And full employment in capitalism is 5% unemployment. Anything under that cause wage inflation.

And only in capitalism can you get an unemployment figure that high, or higher. One of its downsides.

Yea but that was 3/4 th of the reason what created the middle class 50s through 70s. , the boys came back, the women went back to being barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.

No competition from Europe or Asia, no competition from women , no mass influx of cheap labor from mexico/ south America, lack of government regulations, no EPA...... And so forth...
Is that the hope or the change?

But don’t worry, we’re bringing in lots of immigrants who’ll be happy to work for less than even that.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

Overall, the American people have become apathetic about their own wages. Fewer and fewer people even attempt to negotiate for a wage. This puts the leverage squarely in the employer's hands. Yet, they turn around and complain about their wages.

Wake up America! Start advocating for yourself. Start being more assertive about your worth. Stop expecting the government to jump in and force your boss to pay you more, when you aren't willing to bother doing so yourself!
The founder of Home Depot was unemployed and decided to open a hardware store. The rest is history. And as he says, government regulations prevent anyone from again doing what he did.
The problem is government preventing people from prospering.

See, here is the problem with our modern government and economy. Everything is built to cater to big business. Too many Republicans claim they are "pro business" when what they mean is that they are pro big business. Meanwhile, Democrats claim to be against big business, but really all they do is stand in the way of small business.
The wealthy now control the US, it doesn't matter who the President is. The rest of us are peons in their utopia. The weathy are the ones who hire these contract "mercenaries", who hired the ones at Benghazi. It's never what it seems.

The weathy are the ones who hire these contract "mercenaries", who hired the ones at Benghazi.

Wow! Your news meds aren't working, get them adjusted.

Who hired them? what they now call the Annex Security Team (ex blackwater), they were not gov. employees. So the state department hired them to protect the compound?

This is off topic.

The topic is the wealthy run the show.

Sorry, I thought you were claiming the Muslim terrorists were hired by the wealthy.
Never mind.
Is that the hope or the change?

But don’t worry, we’re bringing in lots of immigrants who’ll be happy to work for less than even that.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

Overall, the American people have become apathetic about their own wages. Fewer and fewer people even attempt to negotiate for a wage. This puts the leverage squarely in the employer's hands. Yet, they turn around and complain about their wages.

Wake up America! Start advocating for yourself. Start being more assertive about your worth. Stop expecting the government to jump in and force your boss to pay you more, when you aren't willing to bother doing so yourself!

I really feel it too late. I mean the smart person, can negotiate more money than others who applied for an individual job, but if we all make more money, they just trickle it down to the consumer, so its a wash. They will not take it from their pocketbooks, or they put in machines to do our jobs.
I really feel it too late. I mean the smart person, can negotiate more money than others who applied for an individual job, but if we all make more money, they just trickle it down to the consumer, so its a wash. They will not take it from their pocketbooks, or they put in machines to do our jobs.

This is false. All your scenario does is shift the apathy elsewhere. What you're failing to understand is that all business transactions are about mutual agreement, and that the finances can be altered when there is a sufficient lack of agreement.

The notion that business will "pass the cost to the consumer," as it is constantly regurgitated by talking heads and in common political fodder nowadays, substantially is blown out of proportion nowadays. It is severely overstates the impact of operating costs on business operations, misunderstanding the mechanisms at play, and artificially inflates all the wrong factors. Generally speaking, any decent business worth it's salt already charges the consumer the maximum they can convince consumers to spend, and the margins are already phenomenal enough that it would take a catastrophic development for the business to be unable to remain profitable at current selling prices.

For example, I work in hotel management. If my costs go either up or down, my selling price for tonight's room stays the same. If I increase my selling price I discourage potential customers from doing business with me. If I had to double the labor spent by housekeeping today, my selling price would stay the same, and I would still be coming away with a very strong profit. By the same token, if I'm able to reduce labor by 1/2, I'm not going to lower my selling price. Why would I? Why should I? If I can sell 400 rooms tonight at $399, why would I settle for $299 just because was able to slash my labor costs?

I pay what people are willing to work for**. I sell what people are willing to buy for. These two remain 100% separate concerns.

**Technically speaking, I am currently paying less than what people are willing to work for, a my own superiors remain unwilling to approve pay increases as the labor market thins out, currently resulting in labor shortages.
My prediction is that half the country will be working low-skill entry-level jobs. In other words, half the country will be making $8-9 an hr. What you do with all these people who can't survive on such low wages? It's a question that's gonna have to be answered.
What you do with all these people who can't survive on such low wages?

Teach them how to negotiate.


I didn't say outsource the job and feed their entitlement complex to have someone else give them fish. I said teach them how to negotiate. For themselves! So they start getting it through their heads that it's their responsibility to pull their lives together!

They're not going away. In fact, their numbers are growing rapidly. $8-9 an hr. just ain't gonna cut it. They'll all be living in poverty. So what do you do? Let them starve to death?
What are you gonna do when half your country makes $8-9 an hr?

I'm gonna make damn sure I make more than that, so I can afford to pay my bills and feed myself.

Good for you, but the others aren't just gonna go away and die. They're still gonna be here. Will we let them starve to death? Or will we help our own? Stay tuned.

For the third time, I already told you how to help them. Teach them how to negotiate. Teach them to stop settling for such low pay that they can barely feed themselves. If they'd stop settling, then nobody starves, and nobody has to depend on a government handout.
What are you gonna do when half your country makes $8-9 an hr?

I'm gonna make damn sure I make more than that, so I can afford to pay my bills and feed myself.

Good for you, but the others aren't just gonna go away and die. They're still gonna be here. Will we let them starve to death? Or will we help our own? Stay tuned.

For the third time, I already told you how to help them. Teach them how to negotiate. Teach them to stop settling for such low pay that they can barely feed themselves. If they'd stop settling, then nobody starves, and nobody has to depend on a government handout.

Let me know when you get that done. Till then, you're gonna have a whole lot of Americans living in poverty.

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