51% America Makes Less Than $30K

Now any other PROG GENIUSES want to take a crack at giving an example of a GOVERNMENT AGENCY that isn't in the RED?

Need everyone be reminded, the government is $18.5 TRILLION in DEBT! How do you think it got that way? Well, by SPENDING MONEY IT DOESN'T HAVE is how.
If NASA was allowed to keep the profits from the patents it owns it would not have to beg congress for money just to keep the lights on.
Your messiah obama shut down NASA, and turned it into a muslim outreach center.
Name ONE THING... just ONE THING, that the government has it's GREEDY fingers in that's turning a PROFIT.

Defense contractors.
Sorry, no, the government doesn't run defense contractors. They're capitalists also that are making a killing raking our government over the coals.
Defense contractors are anything but capitalist. They build, at a guaranteed profit most times, exactly what we tell them to. They are Centrally Controlled, in a big fucking way because they wouldn't be building most of what they do if we weren't handing them the check before they even figured out how to build the damn things...
Again, to repeat myself, they are the PRIVATE SECTOR that has BOUGHT AND PAID FOR POLITICIANS, that are also lining the own pockets with the profits from their corruption.

It's called CRONY CAPITALISM, and you know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about.
I'm not interested in your drama queen act. Either discuss economics in a rational way or forget it.
Now any other PROG GENIUSES want to take a crack at giving an example of a GOVERNMENT AGENCY that isn't in the RED?

Need everyone be reminded, the government is $18.5 TRILLION in DEBT! How do you think it got that way? Well, by SPENDING MONEY IT DOESN'T HAVE is how.
If NASA was allowed to keep the profits from the patents it owns it would not have to beg congress for money just to keep the lights on.
Your messiah obama shut down NASA, and turned it into a muslim outreach center.
Case in point. You are not worth bothering with.
What's the matter, afraid to talk about the record of socialism and the trail of despair and poverty it leaves behind wherever it touches?

In America? The Socialism in America? The Capitalist Nation is being called Socialist when its producing more low wage workers?

This is like calling a flower a cat and asking people to pet it. Just stupid as shit.

Capitalism rocks! Oh, Majority only makes $30k? Well, yanno....THATS Socialism
We are an socialist nation... See the fiscal gap, wages, debt and amount disproportionate spent on socialist programs.

All products of progressive/socialist government...

Right! And only the Socialism is responsible for low wages, not the Capitalism! Thats awesome no matter what the numbers say!

Just blame it on something else! Its the repub-accuser way
Socialism has made us what we are... Failed country only a little over two century's as an civilization and we are past the piont of no return.

Very short time as an civilization to already see the start of the end...
Name ONE THING... just ONE THING, that the government has it's GREEDY fingers in that's turning a PROFIT.

Defense contractors.
Sorry, no, the government doesn't run defense contractors. They're capitalists also that are making a killing raking our government over the coals.
Defense contractors are anything but capitalist. They build, at a guaranteed profit most times, exactly what we tell them to. They are Centrally Controlled, in a big fucking way because they wouldn't be building most of what they do if we weren't handing them the check before they even figured out how to build the damn things...
Again, to repeat myself, they are the PRIVATE SECTOR that has BOUGHT AND PAID FOR POLITICIANS, that are also lining the own pockets with the profits from their corruption.

It's called CRONY CAPITALISM, and you know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about.
I'm not interested in your drama queen act. Either discuss economics in a rational way or forget it.
You're not interested in admitting the truth and anyone proving you wrong.

Fuck off.
Defense contractors.
Sorry, no, the government doesn't run defense contractors. They're capitalists also that are making a killing raking our government over the coals.
Defense contractors are anything but capitalist. They build, at a guaranteed profit most times, exactly what we tell them to. They are Centrally Controlled, in a big fucking way because they wouldn't be building most of what they do if we weren't handing them the check before they even figured out how to build the damn things...
Again, to repeat myself, they are the PRIVATE SECTOR that has BOUGHT AND PAID FOR POLITICIANS, that are also lining the own pockets with the profits from their corruption.

It's called CRONY CAPITALISM, and you know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about.
I'm not interested in your drama queen act. Either discuss economics in a rational way or forget it.
You're not interested in admitting the truth and anyone proving you wrong.

Fuck off.
To prove me wrong you'd have to know what the hell you are talking about, which you don't. And if you did know then you'd know I'm not wrong.
Now any other PROG GENIUSES want to take a crack at giving an example of a GOVERNMENT AGENCY that isn't in the RED?

Need everyone be reminded, the government is $18.5 TRILLION in DEBT! How do you think it got that way? Well, by SPENDING MONEY IT DOESN'T HAVE is how.
If NASA was allowed to keep the profits from the patents it owns it would not have to beg congress for money just to keep the lights on.
Your messiah obama shut down NASA, and turned it into a muslim outreach center.
Case in point. You are not worth bothering with.
Sorry you can't handle the truth.

I'm not into your PC crap, revisionist history and lies.
Sorry, no, the government doesn't run defense contractors. They're capitalists also that are making a killing raking our government over the coals.
Defense contractors are anything but capitalist. They build, at a guaranteed profit most times, exactly what we tell them to. They are Centrally Controlled, in a big fucking way because they wouldn't be building most of what they do if we weren't handing them the check before they even figured out how to build the damn things...
Again, to repeat myself, they are the PRIVATE SECTOR that has BOUGHT AND PAID FOR POLITICIANS, that are also lining the own pockets with the profits from their corruption.

It's called CRONY CAPITALISM, and you know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about.
I'm not interested in your drama queen act. Either discuss economics in a rational way or forget it.
You're not interested in admitting the truth and anyone proving you wrong.

Fuck off.
To prove me wrong you'd have to know what the hell you are talking about, which you don't.
Really? I've shut your ass down.

Then they ought to plan better, including finishing high school, going to college and getting a degree in something worthwhile and taking other necessary steps to find a fucking job. The income numbers are largely due to 2 factors. First, millennials are useless little creeps who have had everything given to them. Now that they are facing a little adversity they freak out. When I had to look for a job I busted my ass to find one. Today these little pukes decide it's best to scrap our system and become communists. Pretty fucking pathetic. "Now I know why tigers eat their young". Rodney Dangerfield.

Secondly, there is no incentive for many to work anymore. If you can get by on unemployment benefits, food stamps, SSI, SS disability, TANF, Section 8 housing assistance, etc..., or some combination thereof, then why get up in the morning and worry about getting a job? Hell, many are financially better off being on public assistance, at least until McFuck universally adopts a minimum wage of $15/hr.
Defense contractors are anything but capitalist. They build, at a guaranteed profit most times, exactly what we tell them to. They are Centrally Controlled, in a big fucking way because they wouldn't be building most of what they do if we weren't handing them the check before they even figured out how to build the damn things...
Again, to repeat myself, they are the PRIVATE SECTOR that has BOUGHT AND PAID FOR POLITICIANS, that are also lining the own pockets with the profits from their corruption.

It's called CRONY CAPITALISM, and you know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about.
I'm not interested in your drama queen act. Either discuss economics in a rational way or forget it.
You're not interested in admitting the truth and anyone proving you wrong.

Fuck off.
To prove me wrong you'd have to know what the hell you are talking about, which you don't.
Really? I've shut your ass down.

No, my little man, all you've done is made yourself look like an irrational moron, with no understanding of the real world or economic systems.
Those who refuse to see the downsides of capitalism are the most enthusiastic participants in it's eventual downfall. Anyone who thinks this voodoo will last forever without causing massive social upheaval are fooling themselves.
It's a house of cards, that stays together largely because people treat it like it's a real house. Lose the faith and down it goes. That's capitalism for ya.
Yeah these true believers need to ask themselves why so many are losing faith in our economic system rather than diverting the discussion to socialism as if we cannot have a mixture of both.
Mixed economies are common sense. Use capitalism for what's it's good at, and correct for what it's bad at.
Nothing good can be said for socialism... The maker of dictators.

Embrace the suck
Just another boring true believer in the plutocratic faith. Mixed economies are more stable during the constant boom and bust cycles that only seem to hurt people who work for a living and only seem to benefit the wealthy.
Not really...
Is that the hope or the change?

But don’t worry, we’re bringing in lots of immigrants who’ll be happy to work for less than even that.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

Indeed. Obama's Socialism is working. He is destroying the Middle Class. He is establishing his own wealthy group and the poor - a two-class system. The Obamas are firmly entrenched into the wealthy class and Hollywood elite.
The middle class, a creation of government and unions not capitalism, has been falling about for decades. Obama has done his best to milk it along.


Unemployment in 1939 was like 17%

In 1943 it was around 1.9%

Only liberals speak half truths
You guys are delusional dickheads. I dont have time to play pretend capitalism doesnt exist in America again with you fools
Then they ought to plan better, including finishing high school, going to college and getting a degree in something worthwhile and taking other necessary steps to find a fucking job. The income numbers are largely due to 2 factors. First, millennials are useless little creeps who have had everything given to them. Now that they are facing a little adversity they freak out. When I had to look for a job I busted my ass to find one. Today these little pukes decide it's best to scrap our system and become communists. Pretty fucking pathetic. "Now I know why tigers eat their young". Rodney Dangerfield.

Secondly, there is no incentive for many to work anymore. If you can get by on unemployment benefits, food stamps, SSI, SS disability, TANF, Section 8 housing assistance, etc..., or some combination thereof, then why get up in the morning and worry about getting a job? Hell, many are financially better off being on public assistance, at least until McFuck universally adopts a minimum wage of $15/hr.
All products of progressive/socialism...
Is that the hope or the change?

But don’t worry, we’re bringing in lots of immigrants who’ll be happy to work for less than even that.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

Indeed. Obama's Socialism is working. He is destroying the Middle Class. He is establishing his own wealthy group and the poor - a two-class system. The Obamas are firmly entrenched into the wealthy class and Hollywood elite.
The middle class, a creation of government and unions not capitalism, has been falling about for decades. Obama has done his best to milk it along.


Unemployment in 1939 was like 17%

In 1943 it was around 1.9%

Only liberals speak half truths
War, AKA very large government outlays, will do that. And full employment in capitalism is 5% unemployment. Anything under that cause wage inflation.

And only in capitalism can you get an unemployment figure that high, or higher. One of its downsides.
Yeah these true believers need to ask themselves why so many are losing faith in our economic system rather than diverting the discussion to socialism as if we cannot have a mixture of both.
Mixed economies are common sense. Use capitalism for what's it's good at, and correct for what it's bad at.
Nothing good can be said for socialism... The maker of dictators.

Embrace the suck
Typical irrational dogma, showing no understanding of the real world or the various economic systems in it.
...other than socialism has never worked for the good of anyone but dictators in all of history.

So what's your point??
Socialism works just fine, at least the version I'd have here (AKA Sweden) all over the damn place.
Na, not really. It never stand the test of time(by that I mean more than a few decades)
They too will run out of others money.
Eric Garner's "crime" was reselling cigarettes. And he died because Big Brother called that capitalist action a crime.
He died because the cops were fucking Nazis.
Government regulations killed Eric Garner. He just wanted to make some money and Big Government killed him in what shouldn't have even had government involvement.

Your socialist Utopia, Exhibit A: Eric Garner
No one wants a utopia, dumbass. Get back to capitalism.
Eric Garner = capitalism
Big Government = dead Eric Garner.

Simple enough for you?
Too simple, as usual. In your version you'd be mad because the government stopped me from running a child brothel. Capitalism is regulated, by every nation on earth. Get over it.
Muslims run child brothels...
Socialism works just fine, at least the version I'd have here (AKA Sweden) all over the damn place.
Yes indeed, there are VERY SUCCESSFUL socialistic countries.

But, of course, the righties try to throw in failed communist states as well as some socialist ones that didn't work out because of HUMAN GREED FOR POWER instead of learning from the socialist states that got it right.
For how long have they been successful dumb a$$??
Nice try grasshopper
Welcome to capitalism, baby. Capitalists love cheap labor and there is no such thing as a middle-class in capitalism...
Yes, I wish we had Socialist utopia like Cuba, where if you earn one penny over $25 a day your tossed in a hell hole prison to rot.
Your inability to be rational is noted. Now try posting something accurate like something related to the dark side of capitalism. It has one, like it or not.

I find that those who think capitalism does are the ones that failed in it.
Just like professors failed in real life...lol

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