51% America Makes Less Than $30K

Nope, nuclear power and just about all nuclear physics research has been government funded. The Polio vaccine was a miracle of science that was entirely government funded. Antibiotics, space travel, jet powered flight, THE INTERNET, all these things were developed either through national defense or for the public good by the United States government.
The federal government has no money dumb a$$, just debt.
Is there something in my post you can dispute? No because it is entirely factual. The US government is responsible for many of the technological miracles of our age and they just gave it away for the good of the people. That's something no current conservative would ever do since they hate We The People.
Funded by what??
Oh I get it. You think the government is broke. You are a political and economic dumbass.
Printed money is not wealth... It's paper.

Even a fool can see that.
You are clearly one of those who thinks government finances are just a vastly scaled-up version of a household. Go back to school or read up on it or something, you are embarrassing yourself with ignorance.
You made my point.

How so? You're saying that if my labor costs double, I'll pass the cost along to the consumer. But I actually won't. What I charge will stay the same, because it's based on the maximum we expect we can get away with charging.
I always pass along costs to the customer, it's the only way.
That is if you want to stay in business... If not, you will not be in business for long, that being an successful business.
I always pass along costs to the customer, it's the only way.

No. What you do is correct your previously low prices, and call it a different name. If you can raise your prices 10% without causing a reduction in volume demand, then your prices were too low. You were doing it wrong from the beginning.
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Printed money is not wealth... It's paper.

Even a fool can see that.

Do you know who/what determines when and how much money to print?
IOU's, because that is all the us treasury has... A bunch of IOU's from the federal government.

They are just exchanging IOU's...
Government "IOUs" are called Bonds and they have never defaulted on a single one in spite of republican's best efforts over the last few years.
The federal government has no money dumb a$$, just debt.
Is there something in my post you can dispute? No because it is entirely factual. The US government is responsible for many of the technological miracles of our age and they just gave it away for the good of the people. That's something no current conservative would ever do since they hate We The People.
Funded by what??
Oh I get it. You think the government is broke. You are a political and economic dumbass.
Printed money is not wealth... It's paper.

Even a fool can see that.
You are clearly one of those who thinks government finances are just a vastly scaled-up version of a household. Go back to school or read up on it or something, you are embarrassing yourself with ignorance.
Na, living with in ones means is the easiest of tasks to do. Just adding and subtracting... Simple as that.

Even a fool can balance a check book...
Printed money is not wealth... It's paper.

Even a fool can see that.

Do you know who/what determines when and how much money to print?
IOU's, because that is all the us treasury has... A bunch of IOU's from the federal government.

They are just exchanging IOU's...
Government "IOUs" are called Bonds and they have never defaulted on a single one in spite of republican's best efforts over the last few years.
Of course I learned that In grade school...
Is there something in my post you can dispute? No because it is entirely factual. The US government is responsible for many of the technological miracles of our age and they just gave it away for the good of the people. That's something no current conservative would ever do since they hate We The People.
Funded by what??
Oh I get it. You think the government is broke. You are a political and economic dumbass.
Printed money is not wealth... It's paper.

Even a fool can see that.
You are clearly one of those who thinks government finances are just a vastly scaled-up version of a household. Go back to school or read up on it or something, you are embarrassing yourself with ignorance.
Na, living with in ones means is the easiest of tasks to do. Just adding and subtracting... Simple as that.

Even a fool can balance a check book...
And that's why you sound like a retard when discussing government finances you think it's all like a great big household.
Printed money is not wealth... It's paper.

Even a fool can see that.

Do you know who/what determines when and how much money to print?
IOU's, because that is all the us treasury has... A bunch of IOU's from the federal government.

They are just exchanging IOU's...


Wow, that was even more stupid than what I was expecting.
The federal government has more debt and liabilities than it can ever pay, thus IOU's is all they have to work with.

Face palm that...
Funded by what??
Oh I get it. You think the government is broke. You are a political and economic dumbass.
Printed money is not wealth... It's paper.

Even a fool can see that.
You are clearly one of those who thinks government finances are just a vastly scaled-up version of a household. Go back to school or read up on it or something, you are embarrassing yourself with ignorance.
Na, living with in ones means is the easiest of tasks to do. Just adding and subtracting... Simple as that.

Even a fool can balance a check book...
And that's why you sound like a retard when discussing government finances you think it's all like a great big household.
No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...
Is that the hope or the change?

But don’t worry, we’re bringing in lots of immigrants who’ll be happy to work for less than even that.

Goodbye Middle Class: 51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year
Because republican presidents and congresses have made it SOOOOO much better huh? People will never wake up and realize america's political system is rigged in favor of the rich and its paid for by the rich. Simple as that.
The federal government has more debt and liabilities than it can ever pay, thus IOU's is all they have to work with.

Face palm that...


I never asked you about the debt. I asked you whether you know who/what determines when/how much cash to print. Seeing as you're desperately trying to evade the question, I'm going to have to assume that the answer is "no."
Printed money is not wealth... It's paper.

Even a fool can see that.

Do you know who/what determines when and how much money to print?
IOU's, because that is all the us treasury has... A bunch of IOU's from the federal government.

They are just exchanging IOU's...
Government "IOUs" are called Bonds and they have never defaulted on a single one in spite of republican's best efforts over the last few years.
Of course I learned that In grade school...
You should not have dropped out right after that. If you had stayed in school and paid attention you would know that household economics do not apply to the Federal reserve system and the national budget.
The federal government has more debt and liabilities than it can ever pay, thus IOU's is all they have to work with.

Face palm that...


I never asked you about the debt. I asked you whether you know who/what determines when/how much cash to print. Seeing as you're desperately trying to evade the question, I'm going to have to assume that the answer is "no."
The two issues are the same... Broke is broke

You're the one deflecting
Nope, nuclear power and just about all nuclear physics research has been government funded. The Polio vaccine was a miracle of science that was entirely government funded. Antibiotics, space travel, jet powered flight, THE INTERNET, all these things were developed either through national defense or for the public good by the United States government.

Virtually everything you claim is false.

Nuclear, or rather atomic weapons were funded by the governments of Nazi Germany and the USA for the purpose of making weapons;

For energy, it was a different story:

{The first nuclear reactor to produce electricity (albeit a trivial amount) was the small Experimental Breeder reactor (EBR-1) designed and operated by Argonne National Laboratory and sited in Idaho, USA. The reactor started up in December 1951.}

History of Nuclear Energy

Polio takes the familiar path of public funding and private gains. The U.S. Government indeed funded the research for the vaccine, but the result was not put into the public domain, far from it. The well connected looters are Pfizer held patent on the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) until 1981.

As for antibiotics, Louis Pasture did not get grants from the federal confiscatory. This is the most amusing of your fallacious claims.

Then there is the internet - and sorry, but Algore did not create the internet.

You offer nothing but ignorance, which is typical of statests.
The rights war on unions is to blame . They take away the workers power and they all then get run over by big biz .

Unions put themselves out of business by overstepping and biting the hand that feeds them.

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