51% America Makes Less Than $30K

Printed money is not wealth... It's paper.

Even a fool can see that.

Do you know who/what determines when and how much money to print?
IOU's, because that is all the us treasury has... A bunch of IOU's from the federal government.

They are just exchanging IOU's...
Government "IOUs" are called Bonds and they have never defaulted on a single one in spite of republican's best efforts over the last few years.
Of course I learned that In grade school...
You should not have dropped out right after that. If you had stayed in school and paid attention you would know that household economics do not apply to the Federal reserve system and the national budget.
Success by any standard is measured by, "in the red or in the black" no matter the size.
Size does not matter, red = bad, black = good simple as that.
Easiest thing in economics knowing the difference...
What you do with all these people who can't survive on such low wages?

Teach them how to negotiate.


I didn't say outsource the job and feed their entitlement complex to have someone else give them fish. I said teach them how to negotiate. For themselves! So they start getting it through their heads that it's their responsibility to pull their lives together!

They're not going away. In fact, their numbers are growing rapidly. $8-9 an hr. just ain't gonna cut it. They'll all be living in poverty. So what do you do? Let them starve to death?


You may wanna see that happen, but it won't. Many of us still believe we're a nation that takes care of its own.
Printed money is not wealth... It's paper.

Even a fool can see that.

Do you know who/what determines when and how much money to print?
IOU's, because that is all the us treasury has... A bunch of IOU's from the federal government.

They are just exchanging IOU's...
Government "IOUs" are called Bonds and they have never defaulted on a single one in spite of republican's best efforts over the last few years.

Ponzi schemes never default until they do.

The reality is that the government has already defaulted on Social Security.
Nope, nuclear power and just about all nuclear physics research has been government funded. The Polio vaccine was a miracle of science that was entirely government funded. Antibiotics, space travel, jet powered flight, THE INTERNET, all these things were developed either through national defense or for the public good by the United States government.

Virtually everything you claim is false.

Nuclear, or rather atomic weapons were funded by the governments of Nazi Germany and the USA for the purpose of making weapons;

For energy, it was a different story:

{The first nuclear reactor to produce electricity (albeit a trivial amount) was the small Experimental Breeder reactor (EBR-1) designed and operated by Argonne National Laboratory and sited in Idaho, USA. The reactor started up in December 1951.}

History of Nuclear Energy

Polio takes the familiar path of public funding and private gains. The U.S. Government indeed funded the research for the vaccine, but the result was not put into the public domain, far from it. The well connected looters are Pfizer held patent on the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) until 1981.

As for antibiotics, Louis Pasture did not get grants from the federal confiscatory. This is the most amusing of your fallacious claims.

Then there is the internet - and sorry, but Algore did not create the internet.

You offer nothing but ignorance, which is typical of statests.
Pasteur did not invent antibiotics, Alexander Fleming discovered it and the industrial process to manufacture it was a joint defense project (US and UK) that rivaled the Manhattan project in scale and cost. It was given to the world.
Nope, nuclear power and just about all nuclear physics research has been government funded. The Polio vaccine was a miracle of science that was entirely government funded. Antibiotics, space travel, jet powered flight, THE INTERNET, all these things were developed either through national defense or for the public good by the United States government.

Virtually everything you claim is false.

Nuclear, or rather atomic weapons were funded by the governments of Nazi Germany and the USA for the purpose of making weapons;

For energy, it was a different story:

{The first nuclear reactor to produce electricity (albeit a trivial amount) was the small Experimental Breeder reactor (EBR-1) designed and operated by Argonne National Laboratory and sited in Idaho, USA. The reactor started up in December 1951.}

History of Nuclear Energy

Polio takes the familiar path of public funding and private gains. The U.S. Government indeed funded the research for the vaccine, but the result was not put into the public domain, far from it. The well connected looters are Pfizer held patent on the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) until 1981.

As for antibiotics, Louis Pasture did not get grants from the federal confiscatory. This is the most amusing of your fallacious claims.

Then there is the internet - and sorry, but Algore did not create the internet.

You offer nothing but ignorance, which is typical of statests.

I thought the polio vaccine was funded by a private charity known as "The March of Dimes."
Oh I get it. You think the government is broke. You are a political and economic dumbass.
Printed money is not wealth... It's paper.

Even a fool can see that.
You are clearly one of those who thinks government finances are just a vastly scaled-up version of a household. Go back to school or read up on it or something, you are embarrassing yourself with ignorance.
Na, living with in ones means is the easiest of tasks to do. Just adding and subtracting... Simple as that.

Even a fool can balance a check book...
And that's why you sound like a retard when discussing government finances you think it's all like a great big household.
No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...

What fools the Founding Fathers were to borrow money to finance a military!
The morons!
Nope, nuclear power and just about all nuclear physics research has been government funded. The Polio vaccine was a miracle of science that was entirely government funded. Antibiotics, space travel, jet powered flight, THE INTERNET, all these things were developed either through national defense or for the public good by the United States government.

Virtually everything you claim is false.

Nuclear, or rather atomic weapons were funded by the governments of Nazi Germany and the USA for the purpose of making weapons;

For energy, it was a different story:

{The first nuclear reactor to produce electricity (albeit a trivial amount) was the small Experimental Breeder reactor (EBR-1) designed and operated by Argonne National Laboratory and sited in Idaho, USA. The reactor started up in December 1951.}

History of Nuclear Energy

Polio takes the familiar path of public funding and private gains. The U.S. Government indeed funded the research for the vaccine, but the result was not put into the public domain, far from it. The well connected looters are Pfizer held patent on the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) until 1981.

As for antibiotics, Louis Pasture did not get grants from the federal confiscatory. This is the most amusing of your fallacious claims.

Then there is the internet - and sorry, but Algore did not create the internet.

You offer nothing but ignorance, which is typical of statests.

March of Dimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The March of Dimes Foundation is a United States nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of mothers and babies.[1] It was founded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938, as the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, to combat polio. It has since taken up promoting general health for pregnant women and babies.
The wealthy now control the US, it doesn't matter who the President is. The rest of us are peons in their utopia. The weathy are the ones who hire these contract "mercenaries", who hired the ones at Benghazi. It's never what it seems.

You're blaming the wealthy for Benghazi? Really?

Who were the mercenaries working for? Who was "Bob" the chief CIA who told them to stand down.

Yes I believe that investors were there to make deals with the transitional government. They hire security , aka ex marines, etc, paid mercenaries.
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Nope, nuclear power and just about all nuclear physics research has been government funded. The Polio vaccine was a miracle of science that was entirely government funded. Antibiotics, space travel, jet powered flight, THE INTERNET, all these things were developed either through national defense or for the public good by the United States government.

Virtually everything you claim is false.

Nuclear, or rather atomic weapons were funded by the governments of Nazi Germany and the USA for the purpose of making weapons;

For energy, it was a different story:

{The first nuclear reactor to produce electricity (albeit a trivial amount) was the small Experimental Breeder reactor (EBR-1) designed and operated by Argonne National Laboratory and sited in Idaho, USA. The reactor started up in December 1951.}

History of Nuclear Energy

Polio takes the familiar path of public funding and private gains. The U.S. Government indeed funded the research for the vaccine, but the result was not put into the public domain, far from it. The well connected looters are Pfizer held patent on the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) until 1981.

As for antibiotics, Louis Pasture did not get grants from the federal confiscatory. This is the most amusing of your fallacious claims.

Then there is the internet - and sorry, but Algore did not create the internet.

You offer nothing but ignorance, which is typical of statests.

March of Dimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The March of Dimes Foundation is a United States nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of mothers and babies.[1] It was founded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938, as the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, to combat polio. It has since taken up promoting general health for pregnant women and babies.
Promotion is not development.
No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...

This is patently false, and I can give you a perfect example:

Several years ago I had a side business I was engaging in during the height of the recession. My car broke down and it was going to cost $800 to fix. I was short on cash at time time, and was going to have to wait almost two weeks before I'd be able to afford to pay the mechanic. Then, a $1000 job came my way for the upcoming weekend, but I would have to be able to get out of town for it. The solution was simple. I put the car in the shop right away, I pulled out the credit card and rented a car for the weekend. Cost me $100 for the rental. Went and did the job, came back and paid $500 more on the card for the mechanic, and $300 in cash. Paid the credit card debt a month later. Going into debt allowed me to make money that I would not have been able to make otherwise.
Do you know who/what determines when and how much money to print?
IOU's, because that is all the us treasury has... A bunch of IOU's from the federal government.

They are just exchanging IOU's...
Government "IOUs" are called Bonds and they have never defaulted on a single one in spite of republican's best efforts over the last few years.
Of course I learned that In grade school...
You should not have dropped out right after that. If you had stayed in school and paid attention you would know that household economics do not apply to the Federal reserve system and the national budget.
Success by any standard is measured by, "in the red or in the black" no matter the size.
Size does not matter, red = bad, black = good simple as that.
Easiest thing in economics knowing the difference...
We've already established that you do not know how global economics works, you do not need to keep reminding us.
Nope, nuclear power and just about all nuclear physics research has been government funded. The Polio vaccine was a miracle of science that was entirely government funded. Antibiotics, space travel, jet powered flight, THE INTERNET, all these things were developed either through national defense or for the public good by the United States government.

Virtually everything you claim is false.

Nuclear, or rather atomic weapons were funded by the governments of Nazi Germany and the USA for the purpose of making weapons;

For energy, it was a different story:

{The first nuclear reactor to produce electricity (albeit a trivial amount) was the small Experimental Breeder reactor (EBR-1) designed and operated by Argonne National Laboratory and sited in Idaho, USA. The reactor started up in December 1951.}

History of Nuclear Energy

Polio takes the familiar path of public funding and private gains. The U.S. Government indeed funded the research for the vaccine, but the result was not put into the public domain, far from it. The well connected looters are Pfizer held patent on the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) until 1981.

As for antibiotics, Louis Pasture did not get grants from the federal confiscatory. This is the most amusing of your fallacious claims.

Then there is the internet - and sorry, but Algore did not create the internet.

You offer nothing but ignorance, which is typical of statests.

March of Dimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The March of Dimes Foundation is a United States nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of mothers and babies.[1] It was founded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938, as the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, to combat polio. It has since taken up promoting general health for pregnant women and babies.
Promotion is not development.

The March of Dimes funded the research of Dr. Jonas Salk who invented the vaccine.

In 1938, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the world's most recognized victim of the disease, had founded the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (known as March of Dimes Foundation since 2007), an organization that would fund the development of a vaccine. In 1947, Salk accepted an appointment to the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. In 1948, he undertook a project funded by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis to determine the number of different types of polio virus.
You made my point.

How so? You're saying that if my labor costs double, I'll pass the cost along to the consumer. But I actually won't. What I charge will stay the same, because it's based on the maximum we expect we can get away with charging.

Yes you will, a long with all the others motel owners, of course there will be a price war among all motel owners in your areas, you may undercut them just to stay full. You may work with shorter staff, and use cheaper towels and sheets. You will get it one way or another.
Nope, nuclear power and just about all nuclear physics research has been government funded. The Polio vaccine was a miracle of science that was entirely government funded. Antibiotics, space travel, jet powered flight, THE INTERNET, all these things were developed either through national defense or for the public good by the United States government.

Virtually everything you claim is false.

Nuclear, or rather atomic weapons were funded by the governments of Nazi Germany and the USA for the purpose of making weapons;

For energy, it was a different story:

{The first nuclear reactor to produce electricity (albeit a trivial amount) was the small Experimental Breeder reactor (EBR-1) designed and operated by Argonne National Laboratory and sited in Idaho, USA. The reactor started up in December 1951.}

History of Nuclear Energy

Polio takes the familiar path of public funding and private gains. The U.S. Government indeed funded the research for the vaccine, but the result was not put into the public domain, far from it. The well connected looters are Pfizer held patent on the inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) until 1981.

As for antibiotics, Louis Pasture did not get grants from the federal confiscatory. This is the most amusing of your fallacious claims.

Then there is the internet - and sorry, but Algore did not create the internet.

You offer nothing but ignorance, which is typical of statests.

March of Dimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The March of Dimes Foundation is a United States nonprofit organization that works to improve the health of mothers and babies.[1] It was founded by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938, as the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, to combat polio. It has since taken up promoting general health for pregnant women and babies.
Promotion is not development.

The March of Dimes funded the research of Dr. Jonas Salk who invented the vaccine.

In 1938, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the world's most recognized victim of the disease, had founded the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (known as March of Dimes Foundation since 2007), an organization that would fund the development of a vaccine. In 1947, Salk accepted an appointment to the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. In 1948, he undertook a project funded by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis to determine the number of different types of polio virus.

I stand corrected.

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