51% America Makes Less Than $30K

No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...

This is patently false, and I can give you a perfect example:

Several years ago I had a side business I was engaging in during the height of the recession. My car broke down and it was going to cost $800 to fix. I was short on cash at time time, and was going to have to wait almost two weeks before I'd be able to afford to pay the mechanic. Then, a $1000 job came my way for the upcoming weekend, but I would have to be able to get out of town for it. The solution was simple. I put the car in the shop right away, I pulled out the credit card and rented a car for the weekend. Cost me $100 for the rental. Went and did the job, came back and paid $500 more on the card for the mechanic, and $300 in cash. Paid the credit card debt a month later. Going into debt allowed me to make money that I would not have been able to make otherwise.
Better yet, have the cash already on hand. Being able to pay outright is always better for everyone involved...
Welcome to capitalism, baby. Capitalists love cheap labor and there is no such thing as a middle-class in capitalism...

Socialists love egregious regulation, unlimited liability, high taxes, and setting wages arbitrarily. I am a capitalist and the best way to raise and sustain high wages is when the market is driving it, not politicians. When companies cant higher because of true low unemployment, market pressure pushes wages upwards. Limit regulation and liability, lower taxes. raise wages.
IOU's, because that is all the us treasury has... A bunch of IOU's from the federal government.

They are just exchanging IOU's...
Government "IOUs" are called Bonds and they have never defaulted on a single one in spite of republican's best efforts over the last few years.
Of course I learned that In grade school...
You should not have dropped out right after that. If you had stayed in school and paid attention you would know that household economics do not apply to the Federal reserve system and the national budget.
Success by any standard is measured by, "in the red or in the black" no matter the size.
Size does not matter, red = bad, black = good simple as that.
Easiest thing in economics knowing the difference...
We've already established that you do not know how global economics works, you do not need to keep reminding us.
Another deflection...
You are clearly one of those who thinks government finances are just a vastly scaled-up version of a household. Go back to school or read up on it or something, you are embarrassing yourself with ignorance.
Na, living with in ones means is the easiest of tasks to do. Just adding and subtracting... Simple as that.

Even a fool can balance a check book...
And that's why you sound like a retard when discussing government finances you think it's all like a great big household.
No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...

What fools the Founding Fathers were to borrow money to finance a military!
The morons!
Any banana republic can spend/tax/print to excess, see Argentina and chili in the not so distant past.

Spending more than taking in is ALWAYS a bad thing in any economics, try and do anything well with an fiscal gap. I dare you, prove where it has been done??
Here, for decades. It's because the world demand for American debt is higher than ever. You probably think that Obama has to get on the phone to China for a loan when in reality we sell every bond we issue at ridiculously low interest rates and could sell a lot more. Countries with more unstable currencies depend on us to shelter their reserves by loaning us money.
Na, living with in ones means is the easiest of tasks to do. Just adding and subtracting... Simple as that.

Even a fool can balance a check book...
And that's why you sound like a retard when discussing government finances you think it's all like a great big household.
No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...

What fools the Founding Fathers were to borrow money to finance a military!
The morons!
Any banana republic can spend/tax/print to excess, see Argentina and chili in the not so distant past.

Spending more than taking in is ALWAYS a bad thing in any economics, try and do anything well with an fiscal gap. I dare you, prove where it has been done??

Car loan
Home Applicances

What counts is Future Income (Unrealized Gain), NOT the Deferred Payment.
Financial Institutions exist on Deferred Payments.
Just like those things you listed, postponing reality you can't do any better than that??
he government is bringing in 30 million Mexican peasants and depressing the labor market on behalf of cronies.
What a load of horse shit! Worthless lying scum CON$ just make up ALL their stats.


So you're claiming only 140,000 illegals are in the nation?


The shit you communists come up with..

{My estimate of 38 million illegal aliens residing in the United States is calculated, however, using a conservative annual rate of entry (allowing for deaths and returns to their homelands) of three illegal aliens entering the United States for each one apprehended. My estimate includes apprehensions at the Southern Border (by far, the majority), at the Northern Border, along the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico coasts, and at seaports and airports. Taking the DHS average of 1.2 million apprehensions per year and multiplying it by 3 comes to 3.6 million illegal entries per year; then multiplying that number by 10 for the 1996–2005 period, my calculations come to 36 million illegal entries into the United States. Add to this the approximately 2 million visa overstays during the same period, and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States.}

How many illegal aliens reside in the United States? | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research
And that's why you sound like a retard when discussing government finances you think it's all like a great big household.
No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...

What fools the Founding Fathers were to borrow money to finance a military!
The morons!
Any banana republic can spend/tax/print to excess, see Argentina and chili in the not so distant past.

Spending more than taking in is ALWAYS a bad thing in any economics, try and do anything well with an fiscal gap. I dare you, prove where it has been done??

Car loan
Home Applicances

What counts is Future Income (Unrealized Gain), NOT the Deferred Payment.
Financial Institutions exist on Deferred Payments.
Just like those things you listed, postponing reality you can't do any better than that??

You made a statement.

Municipalities, States and the Federal Government CANNOT provide services that require Facilities, Equipment and Training before becoming operational.
And when spending that money in a GLOBAL economy, it's IMPOSSIBLE to guarantee the money will be there where payments become due.
Better yet, have the cash already on hand. Being able to pay outright is always better for everyone involved...

Actually, having cash on hand is a terrible way to live. The security requirements are expensive. Arrangements are difficult and clumsy. The risk of loss is comparably high. The ROI is nil.

Better to keep only a small amount of cash, and keep the rest of my money in banks and other institutions. For example, I have alot of my money in various investments that produce a return, which I could never get from cash sitting around at home. I eliminate risks by keeping money in the bank and accessible through other means. I can use a debit card, I can use checks. If I lose either of those, I don't have to worry about losing my money. I can cancel a debit card for free. I can instantly close a checking account and open a new one for free. If a fraudulent charge comes through I don't have to worry about it costing me anything. But if I lose a $100 bill, it's gone forever.
he government is bringing in 30 million Mexican peasants and depressing the labor market on behalf of cronies.
What a load of horse shit! Worthless lying scum CON$ just make up ALL their stats.


So you're claiming only 140,000 illegals are in the nation?


The shit you communists come up with..

{My estimate of 38 million illegal aliens residing in the United States is calculated, however, using a conservative annual rate of entry (allowing for deaths and returns to their homelands) of three illegal aliens entering the United States for each one apprehended. My estimate includes apprehensions at the Southern Border (by far, the majority), at the Northern Border, along the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico coasts, and at seaports and airports. Taking the DHS average of 1.2 million apprehensions per year and multiplying it by 3 comes to 3.6 million illegal entries per year; then multiplying that number by 10 for the 1996–2005 period, my calculations come to 36 million illegal entries into the United States. Add to this the approximately 2 million visa overstays during the same period, and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States.}

How many illegal aliens reside in the United States? | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research
Anyone can make up a phony calculation based on phony made up numbers.

Unauthorized Immigrant Totals Rise in 7 States, Fall in 14

Decrease in Unauthorized Immigrants from Mexico

Mexicans are a majority of unauthorized immigrants (52% in 2012), but both their numbers and share have declined in recent years, according to the Pew Research estimates. Although the U.S. population of unauthorized immigrants was stable from 2009 to 2012, the number of Mexicans in this population fell by about half a million people during those years.According to the new Pew Research Center estimates, there were 5.9 million Mexican unauthorized immigrants in 2012, compared with 6.4 million in 2009. The decline likely resulted from both an increase in departures to Mexico and a decrease in arrivals from Mexico (Passel, Cohn and Gonzalez-Barrera, 2012).
The March of Dimes owned the patent since it funded the development.

Is that how Pfizer got it?
According to the internet: Pfizer had a patent for a particular strain of the virus and used it on their own version of the vaccine but globally the prevailing culture used was the one given away freely by the WHO.

Since 1981, when the patent expired.
Pfizer had the patent on the live-virus oral vaccine that came along in the 60s not the injectable killed virus vaccine Salk developed earlier.
Na, living with in ones means is the easiest of tasks to do. Just adding and subtracting... Simple as that.

Even a fool can balance a check book...
And that's why you sound like a retard when discussing government finances you think it's all like a great big household.
No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...

What fools the Founding Fathers were to borrow money to finance a military!
The morons!
Any banana republic can spend/tax/print to excess, see Argentina and chili in the not so distant past.

Spending more than taking in is ALWAYS a bad thing in any economics, try and do anything well with an fiscal gap. I dare you, prove where it has been done??
Here, for decades. It's because the world demand for American debt is higher than ever. You probably think that Obama has to get on the phone to China for a loan when in reality we sell every bond we issue at ridiculously low interest rates and could sell a lot more. Countries with more unstable currencies depend on us to shelter their reserves by loaning us money.
A debt will always be an debt no matter how creatively you label it, there it is, it can only be an liability, a minus, a shortcoming.
Try to negotiate well when the only card you have is an liability, good luck on that.
The last couple of decades this country has LOST all of its negotiations because of our debt and liability management, which has sucked for many decades.

Being in debt is alway one sided, the bad side...
he government is bringing in 30 million Mexican peasants and depressing the labor market on behalf of cronies.
What a load of horse shit! Worthless lying scum CON$ just make up ALL their stats.


So you're claiming only 140,000 illegals are in the nation?


The shit you communists come up with..
A perfect example of the complete stupidity of the Right.
The chart says ANNUAL immigration from Mexico and the stupid idiot reads that as the total number of Mexicans. :cuckoo:
And that's why you sound like a retard when discussing government finances you think it's all like a great big household.
No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...

What fools the Founding Fathers were to borrow money to finance a military!
The morons!
Any banana republic can spend/tax/print to excess, see Argentina and chili in the not so distant past.

Spending more than taking in is ALWAYS a bad thing in any economics, try and do anything well with an fiscal gap. I dare you, prove where it has been done??
Here, for decades. It's because the world demand for American debt is higher than ever. You probably think that Obama has to get on the phone to China for a loan when in reality we sell every bond we issue at ridiculously low interest rates and could sell a lot more. Countries with more unstable currencies depend on us to shelter their reserves by loaning us money.
A debt will always be an debt no matter how creatively you label it, there it is, it can only be an liability, a minus, a shortcoming.
Try to negotiate well when the only card you have is an liability, good luck on that.
The last couple of decades this country has LOST all of its negotiations because of our debt and liability management, which has sucked for many decades.

Being in debt is alway one sided, the bad side...

Can you be a bit more definitive on the negotiations we lost?
Yes and he purposely did not patent the production process leading to rapid progress against the disease in all parts of the world because it was not held by some greedy pharma company looking to squeeze profit from misery.

Brian already posted the fact that the March of Dimes, rather than the government funded Salk. (that's what I get for trusting Wiki.)
He's wrong. The march of dimes led immunization drives after it was available but the government spent megabucks developing the vaccine. Salk's lab alone was an industrial scale operation. BTW it was the march of dimes because America's most beloved president, Roosevelt who was a polio victim, was on the dime.
Roosevelt was nothing more than a communist... And a control freak.
There really putting nasty liabilities on the citizens of this country.
And that's why you sound like a retard when discussing government finances you think it's all like a great big household.
No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...

What fools the Founding Fathers were to borrow money to finance a military!
The morons!
Any banana republic can spend/tax/print to excess, see Argentina and chili in the not so distant past.

Spending more than taking in is ALWAYS a bad thing in any economics, try and do anything well with an fiscal gap. I dare you, prove where it has been done??
Here, for decades. It's because the world demand for American debt is higher than ever. You probably think that Obama has to get on the phone to China for a loan when in reality we sell every bond we issue at ridiculously low interest rates and could sell a lot more. Countries with more unstable currencies depend on us to shelter their reserves by loaning us money.
A debt will always be an debt no matter how creatively you label it, there it is, it can only be an liability, a minus, a shortcoming.
Try to negotiate well when the only card you have is an liability, good luck on that.
The last couple of decades this country has LOST all of its negotiations because of our debt and liability management, which has sucked for many decades.

Being in debt is alway one sided, the bad side...
If we suddenly quit borrowing money the world banking system would rapidly collapse and the petrodollar would implode. Our federal reserve bank has the world economy hot-wired to benefit us in many different ways, fucking around with that would suck far more than our national debt.
Yes you will, a long with all the others motel owners, of course there will be a price war among all motel owners in your areas, you may undercut them just to stay full. You may work with shorter staff, and use cheaper towels and sheets. You will get it one way or another.

Oh, to the contrary. Instead of working with fewer staff, I will use more staff! Instead of cheaper linens, I will use more expensive linens! And I will rotate them out of use more often! I will provide better quality tangibles, and better quality service. That is how I will stay full when other hotels in the area are only at 70% occupancy. In fact, my hotel sets the rates for our comp. set, and leads occupancy while doing so.

As someone who travels a lot, I have noticed that the quality of hotels has gone up considerably in the last decade. They now all have flat screen televisions, and they have a lot better beds and bedding than they used to. 10 years ago most hotel beds hurt my back because they were so hard. Now a lot of them have pillow top beds and they have down comforters and 400 thread/inch Egyptian cotton sheets.

Yep. Instead of racing to the bottom rates we've raced to maintain demand through improved quality. Going cheap just isn't worth it. I'd rather convince people to stay with me at higher rates, so it makes more financial sense to provide a better product and maintain high rates, than to let quality suffer and then bottom out my rates in to try to beg people to buy.

And it's exactly the reason why I could double the the pay of every single person who works for me right now, and still come away with a very nice profit. But why should I? If people agree to work for $10/hr then that's what I'm going to pay them.
No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...

What fools the Founding Fathers were to borrow money to finance a military!
The morons!
Any banana republic can spend/tax/print to excess, see Argentina and chili in the not so distant past.

Spending more than taking in is ALWAYS a bad thing in any economics, try and do anything well with an fiscal gap. I dare you, prove where it has been done??
Here, for decades. It's because the world demand for American debt is higher than ever. You probably think that Obama has to get on the phone to China for a loan when in reality we sell every bond we issue at ridiculously low interest rates and could sell a lot more. Countries with more unstable currencies depend on us to shelter their reserves by loaning us money.
A debt will always be an debt no matter how creatively you label it, there it is, it can only be an liability, a minus, a shortcoming.
Try to negotiate well when the only card you have is an liability, good luck on that.
The last couple of decades this country has LOST all of its negotiations because of our debt and liability management, which has sucked for many decades.

Being in debt is alway one sided, the bad side...

Can you be a bit more definitive on the negotiations we lost?
Nafta, Iran, and most every other trade deal done... In fact I can't think of one we have ever won.
Bush the younger really screwed the pouch with his total stupidity of spending money we did not have on all things, foreign aid there for not helping not a soul.

Hashtag this country has the worst poker face
The Fed does, as anyone who understands economics knows.

Actually, it's determined by statute, based on the public demand for cash.

It's purely up to the Fed Board of Governors. They determine the targets for M1, M2 and M3.

You are confusing money with cash. The Fed does not print cash.
No, I'm not confusing money with cash. I'm just playing a little loose with the language. The Fed sets reserve requirements, which have a large impact on the supply of money. It also creates money through FOMC operations (buying U.S. Treasury bonds). The Fed has a number of other levers to control the money supply. It's the only institution that does.

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