51% America Makes Less Than $30K

I thought the polio vaccine was funded by a private charity known as "The March of Dimes."

To the best of my knowlege, Jonas Salk, working on a federal grant at the University of Pittsburgh is considered the one who created the vaccine.
Yes and he purposely did not patent the production process leading to rapid progress against the disease in all parts of the world because it was not held by some greedy pharma company looking to squeeze profit from misery.
Your inability to be rational is noted. Now try posting something accurate like something related to the dark side of capitalism. It has one, like it or not.
What's the matter, afraid to talk about the record of socialism and the trail of despair and poverty it leaves behind wherever it touches?

"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
I have no issues discussing socialism but in your case the problem is not socialism, it's capitalism, which you seem to be unable to get your tiny mind around. The government isn't forcing people to work for 30k, it's all they can manage, in a capitalist system eh?
The founder of Home Depot was unemployed and decided to open a hardware store. The rest is history. And as he says, government regulations prevent anyone from again doing what he did.
The problem is government preventing people from prospering.
That is dogma, and pure crap.
You really
Your inability to be rational is noted. Now try posting something accurate like something related to the dark side of capitalism. It has one, like it or not.
What's the matter, afraid to talk about the record of socialism and the trail of despair and poverty it leaves behind wherever it touches?

"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
I have no issues discussing socialism but in your case the problem is not socialism, it's capitalism, which you seem to be unable to get your tiny mind around. The government isn't forcing people to work for 30k, it's all they can manage, in a capitalist system eh?
The founder of Home Depot was unemployed and decided to open a hardware store. The rest is history. And as he says, government regulations prevent anyone from again doing what he did.
The problem is government preventing people from prospering.
That is dogma, and pure crap.
You really think government regulations are not stricter than they were in 1978? Wow.

I guess corporate profits are down since 1978 with all that added regulation.
I thought the polio vaccine was funded by a private charity known as "The March of Dimes."

To the best of my knowlege, Jonas Salk, working on a federal grant at the University of Pittsburgh is considered the one who created the vaccine.
Yes and he purposely did not patent the production process leading to rapid progress against the disease in all parts of the world because it was not held by some greedy pharma company looking to squeeze profit from misery.

The March of Dimes owned the patent since it funded the development.
Yes and he purposely did not patent the production process leading to rapid progress against the disease in all parts of the world because it was not held by some greedy pharma company looking to squeeze profit from misery.

Brian already posted the fact that the March of Dimes, rather than the government funded Salk. (that's what I get for trusting Wiki.)
I guess corporate profits are down since 1978 with all that added regulation.

Regulations are crafted to benefit some corporations at the expense of competitors.

The process is simply, corporations bribe government hacks, elected or otherwise, with "contributions" or inside information, or cushy jobs when the "retire" from government. In return, government makes law to punish the competition.

More regulation is to the benefit of the well connected.
Yes and he purposely did not patent the production process leading to rapid progress against the disease in all parts of the world because it was not held by some greedy pharma company looking to squeeze profit from misery.

Brian already posted the fact that the March of Dimes, rather than the government funded Salk. (that's what I get for trusting Wiki.)
He's wrong. The march of dimes led immunization drives after it was available but the government spent megabucks developing the vaccine. Salk's lab alone was an industrial scale operation. BTW it was the march of dimes because America's most beloved president, Roosevelt who was a polio victim, was on the dime.
Yes and he purposely did not patent the production process leading to rapid progress against the disease in all parts of the world because it was not held by some greedy pharma company looking to squeeze profit from misery.

Brian already posted the fact that the March of Dimes, rather than the government funded Salk. (that's what I get for trusting Wiki.)
He's wrong. The march of dimes led immunization drives after it was available but the government spent megabucks developing the vaccine. Salk's lab alone was an industrial scale operation. BTW it was the march of dimes because America's most beloved president, Roosevelt who was a polio victim, was on the dime.

I just quoted a reference that says the March of Dimes funded the development.

You got nothing.
Yes you will, a long with all the others motel owners, of course there will be a price war among all motel owners in your areas, you may undercut them just to stay full. You may work with shorter staff, and use cheaper towels and sheets. You will get it one way or another.

Oh, to the contrary. Instead of working with fewer staff, I will use more staff! Instead of cheaper linens, I will use more expensive linens! And I will rotate them out of use more often! I will provide better quality tangibles, and better quality service. That is how I will stay full when other hotels in the area are only at 70% occupancy. In fact, my hotel sets the rates for our comp. set, and leads occupancy while doing so.
he government is bringing in 30 million Mexican peasants and depressing the labor market on behalf of cronies.
What a load of horse shit! Worthless lying scum CON$ just make up ALL their stats.

Yes you will, a long with all the others motel owners, of course there will be a price war among all motel owners in your areas, you may undercut them just to stay full. You may work with shorter staff, and use cheaper towels and sheets. You will get it one way or another.

Oh, to the contrary. Instead of working with fewer staff, I will use more staff! Instead of cheaper linens, I will use more expensive linens! And I will rotate them out of use more often! I will provide better quality tangibles, and better quality service. That is how I will stay full when other hotels in the area are only at 70% occupancy. In fact, my hotel sets the rates for our comp. set, and leads occupancy while doing so.

Were you staying full before the employee raises?
Yes you will, a long with all the others motel owners, of course there will be a price war among all motel owners in your areas, you may undercut them just to stay full. You may work with shorter staff, and use cheaper towels and sheets. You will get it one way or another.

Oh, to the contrary. Instead of working with fewer staff, I will use more staff! Instead of cheaper linens, I will use more expensive linens! And I will rotate them out of use more often! I will provide better quality tangibles, and better quality service. That is how I will stay full when other hotels in the area are only at 70% occupancy. In fact, my hotel sets the rates for our comp. set, and leads occupancy while doing so.

As someone who travels a lot, I have noticed that the quality of hotels has gone up considerably in the last decade. They now all have flat screen televisions, and they have a lot better beds and bedding than they used to. 10 years ago most hotel beds hurt my back because they were so hard. Now a lot of them have pillow top beds and they have down comforters and 400 thread/inch Egyptian cotton sheets.
Yes you will, a long with all the others motel owners, of course there will be a price war among all motel owners in your areas, you may undercut them just to stay full. You may work with shorter staff, and use cheaper towels and sheets. You will get it one way or another.

Oh, to the contrary. Instead of working with fewer staff, I will use more staff! Instead of cheaper linens, I will use more expensive linens! And I will rotate them out of use more often! I will provide better quality tangibles, and better quality service. That is how I will stay full when other hotels in the area are only at 70% occupancy. In fact, my hotel sets the rates for our comp. set, and leads occupancy while doing so.

As someone who travels a lot, I have noticed that the quality of hotels has gone up considerably in the last decade. They now all have flat screen televisions, and they have a lot better beds and bedding than they used to. 10 years ago most hotel beds hurt my back because they were so hard. Now a lot of them have pillow top beds and they have down comforters and 400 thread/inch Egyptian cotton sheets.

So now , which hotels do you usually stay at? I guess your company pays right?
Printed money is not wealth... It's paper.

Even a fool can see that.
You are clearly one of those who thinks government finances are just a vastly scaled-up version of a household. Go back to school or read up on it or something, you are embarrassing yourself with ignorance.
Na, living with in ones means is the easiest of tasks to do. Just adding and subtracting... Simple as that.

Even a fool can balance a check book...
And that's why you sound like a retard when discussing government finances you think it's all like a great big household.
No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...

What fools the Founding Fathers were to borrow money to finance a military!
The morons!
Any banana republic can spend/tax/print to excess, see Argentina and chili in the not so distant past.

Spending more than taking in is ALWAYS a bad thing in any economics, try and do anything well with an fiscal gap. I dare you, prove where it has been done??
Yes you will, a long with all the others motel owners, of course there will be a price war among all motel owners in your areas, you may undercut them just to stay full. You may work with shorter staff, and use cheaper towels and sheets. You will get it one way or another.

Oh, to the contrary. Instead of working with fewer staff, I will use more staff! Instead of cheaper linens, I will use more expensive linens! And I will rotate them out of use more often! I will provide better quality tangibles, and better quality service. That is how I will stay full when other hotels in the area are only at 70% occupancy. In fact, my hotel sets the rates for our comp. set, and leads occupancy while doing so.

As someone who travels a lot, I have noticed that the quality of hotels has gone up considerably in the last decade. They now all have flat screen televisions, and they have a lot better beds and bedding than they used to. 10 years ago most hotel beds hurt my back because they were so hard. Now a lot of them have pillow top beds and they have down comforters and 400 thread/inch Egyptian cotton sheets.

So now , which hotels do you usually stay at? I guess your company pays right?

I stay at Hiltons or Marriots. I prefer Hiltons because they have better bedding and I have so many points that they kiss my ass when I stay there.
You are clearly one of those who thinks government finances are just a vastly scaled-up version of a household. Go back to school or read up on it or something, you are embarrassing yourself with ignorance.
Na, living with in ones means is the easiest of tasks to do. Just adding and subtracting... Simple as that.

Even a fool can balance a check book...
And that's why you sound like a retard when discussing government finances you think it's all like a great big household.
No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...

What fools the Founding Fathers were to borrow money to finance a military!
The morons!
Any banana republic can spend/tax/print to excess, see Argentina and chili in the not so distant past.

Spending more than taking in is ALWAYS a bad thing in any economics, try and do anything well with an fiscal gap. I dare you, prove where it has been done??

Car loan
Home Applicances

What counts is Future Income (Unrealized Gain), NOT the Deferred Payment.
Financial Institutions exist on Deferred Payments.
The March of Dimes owned the patent since it funded the development.

Is that how Pfizer got it?
According to the internet: Pfizer had a patent for a particular strain of the virus and used it on their own version of the vaccine but globally the prevailing culture used was the one given away freely by the WHO.

That's probably the Salk vaccine, which is based on a killed live virus. The Sabin vaccine can be taken orally. I don't know how that one is made.

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