51% America Makes Less Than $30K

Yes you will, a long with all the others motel owners, of course there will be a price war among all motel owners in your areas, you may undercut them just to stay full. You may work with shorter staff, and use cheaper towels and sheets. You will get it one way or another.

Oh, to the contrary. Instead of working with fewer staff, I will use more staff! Instead of cheaper linens, I will use more expensive linens! And I will rotate them out of use more often! I will provide better quality tangibles, and better quality service. That is how I will stay full when other hotels in the area are only at 70% occupancy. In fact, my hotel sets the rates for our comp. set, and leads occupancy while doing so.

As someone who travels a lot, I have noticed that the quality of hotels has gone up considerably in the last decade. They now all have flat screen televisions, and they have a lot better beds and bedding than they used to. 10 years ago most hotel beds hurt my back because they were so hard. Now a lot of them have pillow top beds and they have down comforters and 400 thread/inch Egyptian cotton sheets.

Yep. Instead of racing to the bottom rates we've raced to maintain demand through improved quality. Going cheap just isn't worth it. I'd rather convince people to stay with me at higher rates, so it makes more financial sense to provide a better product and maintain high rates, than to let quality suffer and then bottom out my rates in to try to beg people to buy.

And it's exactly the reason why I could double the the pay of every single person who works for me right now, and still come away with a very nice profit. But why should I? If people agree to work for $10/hr then that's what I'm going to pay them.

Going cheap and going quality are both strategies that have worked. Wal-Mart pursues the former.
No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...

What fools the Founding Fathers were to borrow money to finance a military!
The morons!
Any banana republic can spend/tax/print to excess, see Argentina and chili in the not so distant past.

Spending more than taking in is ALWAYS a bad thing in any economics, try and do anything well with an fiscal gap. I dare you, prove where it has been done??
Here, for decades. It's because the world demand for American debt is higher than ever. You probably think that Obama has to get on the phone to China for a loan when in reality we sell every bond we issue at ridiculously low interest rates and could sell a lot more. Countries with more unstable currencies depend on us to shelter their reserves by loaning us money.
A debt will always be an debt no matter how creatively you label it, there it is, it can only be an liability, a minus, a shortcoming.
Try to negotiate well when the only card you have is an liability, good luck on that.
The last couple of decades this country has LOST all of its negotiations because of our debt and liability management, which has sucked for many decades.

Being in debt is alway one sided, the bad side...
If we suddenly quit borrowing money the world banking system would rapidly collapse and the petrodollar would implode. Our federal reserve bank has the world economy hot-wired to benefit us in many different ways, fucking around with that would suck far more than our national debt.
I agree, the damage has already been done, the point of no return has been here and now is long gone.

Admit it we all are FUBAR
A perfect example of the complete stupidity of the Right.
The chart says ANNUAL immigration from Mexico and the stupid idiot reads that as the total number of Mexicans. :cuckoo:

So you posted an unrelated and irrelevant chart? :lol:

Yeah, we knew that edtheliar.

{If even one person is successful for every apprehension, it implies over 1 million foreigners per year illegally cross our southern border. In addition, there are roughly 30 million foreign nationals admitted to the U.S. each year on temporary visas. There are no data on the percentage of these visitors who overstay their visas, but data from the Australian Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs indicate about 8 percent of those admitted to that country on temporary visas overstay their visa and about 86 percent of those overstay by a year or more. If just 1 percent of the 30 million admitted on temporary visas to the U.S. do not leave as they are required to, that adds another 300,000 foreigners illegally in the U.S. each year.}

How many illegal aliens reside in the United States? | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research
Yes you will, a long with all the others motel owners, of course there will be a price war among all motel owners in your areas, you may undercut them just to stay full. You may work with shorter staff, and use cheaper towels and sheets. You will get it one way or another.

Oh, to the contrary. Instead of working with fewer staff, I will use more staff! Instead of cheaper linens, I will use more expensive linens! And I will rotate them out of use more often! I will provide better quality tangibles, and better quality service. That is how I will stay full when other hotels in the area are only at 70% occupancy. In fact, my hotel sets the rates for our comp. set, and leads occupancy while doing so.

As someone who travels a lot, I have noticed that the quality of hotels has gone up considerably in the last decade. They now all have flat screen televisions, and they have a lot better beds and bedding than they used to. 10 years ago most hotel beds hurt my back because they were so hard. Now a lot of them have pillow top beds and they have down comforters and 400 thread/inch Egyptian cotton sheets.

Yep. Instead of racing to the bottom rates we've raced to maintain demand through improved quality. Going cheap just isn't worth it. I'd rather convince people to stay with me at higher rates, so it makes more financial sense to provide a better product and maintain high rates, than to let quality suffer and then bottom out my rates in to try to beg people to buy.

And it's exactly the reason why I could double the the pay of every single person who works for me right now, and still come away with a very nice profit. But why should I? If people agree to work for $10/hr then that's what I'm going to pay them.
I agree, selling short helps no one least of all the economy.

Being in business is about profit not on hiring employees, hiring employees is part of the building of business not THE reason for the starting of the business.

The liabilitys are on the business owner not on the employees, they have no skin in the game.
Yes you will, a long with all the others motel owners, of course there will be a price war among all motel owners in your areas, you may undercut them just to stay full. You may work with shorter staff, and use cheaper towels and sheets. You will get it one way or another.

Oh, to the contrary. Instead of working with fewer staff, I will use more staff! Instead of cheaper linens, I will use more expensive linens! And I will rotate them out of use more often! I will provide better quality tangibles, and better quality service. That is how I will stay full when other hotels in the area are only at 70% occupancy. In fact, my hotel sets the rates for our comp. set, and leads occupancy while doing so.

Were you staying full before the employee raises?

We haven't had substantial raises. I'm trying to push through approval to increase the pay for our line staff, because we've been too short on labor for too long, and the labor market just isn't as bountiful as it was a couple years ago. We have the sales ability to keep occupancy high. But in order to grow revenue we are going to need to have more staff to deliver better service so that people will be willing to pay even higher rates next year.
No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...

What fools the Founding Fathers were to borrow money to finance a military!
The morons!
Any banana republic can spend/tax/print to excess, see Argentina and chili in the not so distant past.

Spending more than taking in is ALWAYS a bad thing in any economics, try and do anything well with an fiscal gap. I dare you, prove where it has been done??

Car loan
Home Applicances

What counts is Future Income (Unrealized Gain), NOT the Deferred Payment.
Financial Institutions exist on Deferred Payments.
Just like those things you listed, postponing reality you can't do any better than that??

You made a statement.

Municipalities, States and the Federal Government CANNOT provide services that require Facilities, Equipment and Training before becoming operational.
And when spending that money in a GLOBAL economy, it's IMPOSSIBLE to guarantee the money will be there where payments become due.
Sounds like a personal problem??
Going cheap and going quality are both strategies that have worked. Wal-Mart pursues the former.

Well, that's true really. But going cheap is the strategy that chumps who can't produce quality rely upon. I feel dirty any time I go within 100 yards of a Walmart.
Better yet, have the cash already on hand. Being able to pay outright is always better for everyone involved...

Actually, having cash on hand is a terrible way to live. The security requirements are expensive. Arrangements are difficult and clumsy. The risk of loss is comparably high. The ROI is nil.

Better to keep only a small amount of cash, and keep the rest of my money in banks and other institutions. For example, I have alot of my money in various investments that produce a return, which I could never get from cash sitting around at home. I eliminate risks by keeping money in the bank and accessible through other means. I can use a debit card, I can use checks. If I lose either of those, I don't have to worry about losing my money. I can cancel a debit card for free. I can instantly close a checking account and open a new one for free. If a fraudulent charge comes through I don't have to worry about it costing me anything. But if I lose a $100 bill, it's gone forever.
I have in my adult life never had that problem, always have an trusty money clip full.
Never have come across a problem that I could not take care of then and there. 20+ years and running.
I have no credit rating what so ever so no worry about fraud, that being on purpose.
Is a Canon Rebel 5Si purchased at an expensive camera shop better quality than a Canon Rebel 5Si purchased at Walmart?

Is there going to be substantial difference between the retail price at either shop? Just because a shop is itself a higher end establishment does not mean that the exact same products as found at Walmart will be substantially higher in price. Typically, the prices will be comparable, assuming that there is a competing Walmart in the area. The price from one Walmart to the next won't even be the same.

If I go to a local mom-and-pop camera shop I know that I can typically expect a higher level of service. If I have questions, I know the people there are probably going to be more knowledgeable than the high school dropout slob at Walmart. And if I decide I'm interested in the camera but the price is much higher than whatever Walmart is advertising as their day-to-day price, I know that all I have to do is say "Listen, I really appreciate all your help and I think I'm interested in this camera, but I know that Walmart has them for $X. Is there anything you can do on your price?" If his offer is reasonably close to Walmart, then I'll buy. Maybe he doesn't take anything off the price but offers a free case with my purchase. Or maybe he slaps a free 3 year warranty on. I'll buy.
Is a Canon Rebel 5Si purchased at an expensive camera shop better quality than a Canon Rebel 5Si purchased at Walmart?

Is there going to be substantial difference between the retail price at either shop? Just because a shop is itself a higher end establishment does not mean that the exact same products as found at Walmart will be substantially higher in price. Typically, the prices will be comparable, assuming that there is a competing Walmart in the area. The price from one Walmart to the next won't even be the same.

If I go to a local mom-and-pop camera shop I know that I can typically expect a higher level of service. If I have questions, I know the people there are probably going to be more knowledgeable than the high school dropout slob at Walmart. And if I decide I'm interested in the camera but the price is much higher than whatever Walmart is advertising as their day-to-day price, I know that all I have to do is say "Listen, I really appreciate all your help and I think I'm interested in this camera, but I know that Walmart has them for $X. Is there anything you can do on your price?" If his offer is reasonably close to Walmart, then I'll buy. Maybe he doesn't take anything off the price but offers a free case with my purchase. Or maybe he slaps a free 3 year warranty on. I'll buy.
What if the ma and pa shop will not serve gays??
What fools the Founding Fathers were to borrow money to finance a military!
The morons!
Any banana republic can spend/tax/print to excess, see Argentina and chili in the not so distant past.

Spending more than taking in is ALWAYS a bad thing in any economics, try and do anything well with an fiscal gap. I dare you, prove where it has been done??

Car loan
Home Applicances

What counts is Future Income (Unrealized Gain), NOT the Deferred Payment.
Financial Institutions exist on Deferred Payments.
Just like those things you listed, postponing reality you can't do any better than that??

You made a statement.

Municipalities, States and the Federal Government CANNOT provide services that require Facilities, Equipment and Training before becoming operational.
And when spending that money in a GLOBAL economy, it's IMPOSSIBLE to guarantee the money will be there where payments become due.
Sounds like a personal problem??
Nope...a reaction to your statement that nothing should be done without money on hand.
A completely unrealistic position to take.
Any banana republic can spend/tax/print to excess, see Argentina and chili in the not so distant past.

Spending more than taking in is ALWAYS a bad thing in any economics, try and do anything well with an fiscal gap. I dare you, prove where it has been done??

Car loan
Home Applicances

What counts is Future Income (Unrealized Gain), NOT the Deferred Payment.
Financial Institutions exist on Deferred Payments.
Just like those things you listed, postponing reality you can't do any better than that??

You made a statement.

Municipalities, States and the Federal Government CANNOT provide services that require Facilities, Equipment and Training before becoming operational.
And when spending that money in a GLOBAL economy, it's IMPOSSIBLE to guarantee the money will be there where payments become due.
Sounds like a personal problem??
Nope...a reaction to your statement that nothing should be done without money on hand.
A completely unrealistic position to take.
Your opinion...
Car loan
Home Applicances

What counts is Future Income (Unrealized Gain), NOT the Deferred Payment.
Financial Institutions exist on Deferred Payments.
Just like those things you listed, postponing reality you can't do any better than that??

You made a statement.

Municipalities, States and the Federal Government CANNOT provide services that require Facilities, Equipment and Training before becoming operational.
And when spending that money in a GLOBAL economy, it's IMPOSSIBLE to guarantee the money will be there where payments become due.
Sounds like a personal problem??
Nope...a reaction to your statement that nothing should be done without money on hand.
A completely unrealistic position to take.
Your opinion...

Really? You don't live in a city?
There's no way that city started out without owing money.
No one including governments should ever spend more than they take in, only a fool spend more than they have. Can not be more Simple than that.

Being debt free is as good as it gets on this earth anyway...

What fools the Founding Fathers were to borrow money to finance a military!
The morons!
Any banana republic can spend/tax/print to excess, see Argentina and chili in the not so distant past.

Spending more than taking in is ALWAYS a bad thing in any economics, try and do anything well with an fiscal gap. I dare you, prove where it has been done??
Here, for decades. It's because the world demand for American debt is higher than ever. You probably think that Obama has to get on the phone to China for a loan when in reality we sell every bond we issue at ridiculously low interest rates and could sell a lot more. Countries with more unstable currencies depend on us to shelter their reserves by loaning us money.
A debt will always be an debt no matter how creatively you label it, there it is, it can only be an liability, a minus, a shortcoming.
Try to negotiate well when the only card you have is an liability, good luck on that.
The last couple of decades this country has LOST all of its negotiations because of our debt and liability management, which has sucked for many decades.

Being in debt is alway one sided, the bad side...
If we suddenly quit borrowing money the world banking system would rapidly collapse and the petrodollar would implode.

Horseshit. Somehow the world managed to function before WW II without every country in the World going into debt.

Our federal reserve bank has the world economy hot-wired to benefit us in many different ways, fucking around with that would suck far more than our national debt.

We've "fucked around" with the Federal Reserve just about every election. Why should we stop now?
Last edited:
What if the ma and pa shop will not serve gays??

Then I would not want to do business with them in the first place. If my gay friends aren't good enough for them, then they're not good enough for me. Free markets. Ain't they grand?
Just like those things you listed, postponing reality you can't do any better than that??

You made a statement.

Municipalities, States and the Federal Government CANNOT provide services that require Facilities, Equipment and Training before becoming operational.
And when spending that money in a GLOBAL economy, it's IMPOSSIBLE to guarantee the money will be there where payments become due.
Sounds like a personal problem??
Nope...a reaction to your statement that nothing should be done without money on hand.
A completely unrealistic position to take.
Your opinion...

Really? You don't live in a city?
There's no way that city started out without owing money.

Of course they did. Most American cities started simply because a number of people decided to stay in a given location rather than move further West.
What if the ma and pa shop will not serve gays??

Then I would not want to do business with them in the first place. If my gay friends aren't good enough for them, then they're not good enough for me. Free markets. Ain't they grand?
See this is the way it should be, standing your ground and never moving I can respect that.
Poach all moderates(Rinos,blue dogs)
You made a statement.

Municipalities, States and the Federal Government CANNOT provide services that require Facilities, Equipment and Training before becoming operational.
And when spending that money in a GLOBAL economy, it's IMPOSSIBLE to guarantee the money will be there where payments become due.
Sounds like a personal problem??
Nope...a reaction to your statement that nothing should be done without money on hand.
A completely unrealistic position to take.
Your opinion...

Really? You don't live in a city?
There's no way that city started out without owing money.

Of course they did. Most American cities started simply because a number of people decided to stay in a given location rather than move further West.

You are referring to small Towns and Villages.

You are not referring to modern day cities with reservoirs, gas and electric grids, road, avenues, boulevards, traffic lights, stop signs, police and fire departments, sanitation infrastructure?
Nope, you're referring to Dodge City.
No matter it's origin, there's no city in the US today that adheres to Federal Code that was built with money on hand.

I for one, do not wish to live in a fire trap or flood zone.

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