5'2", 110lbs. Can you handle him?

"Still a high risk of the sitation turning out worse" Worse? The kid is dead.

So .... because people whine about cops doing their job, the cops stop doing their job? Please. Holding a gun on someone who had not pulled a weapon while another cop cautiously approaches them does work. All the time? No. Worth the risk? Yes. A better choice in this situation? Yes. Guaranteed positive outcome? No guarantees in life, we all know that. Likely better outcome (that would be an alive kid)? Yes.

... think more ... if the kid was armed, yes, more people would have been harmed and possibly dead, that's not worse?

In this specific situation, the kid did not pull a weapon on the cops. Stick with the story. The cops could have handled it differently.

1. The media doesn't report much of anything unless it will make people easily gullible watch it.

2. Pulling a weapon would have made it safer for them to apprehend the kid because then they would know what and where it is.

3. How could they have handled it differently without placing more people in danger? You still haven't come up with something better.
You know, some people will defend cops no matter what they do and some people will attack cops no matter what they do. The fact is, cops are pretty much like people, sometimes they make a wrong decision. In this case, I think they made a very wrong decision.
... think more ... if the kid was armed, yes, more people would have been harmed and possibly dead, that's not worse?

In this specific situation, the kid did not pull a weapon on the cops. Stick with the story. The cops could have handled it differently.

1. The media doesn't report much of anything unless it will make people easily gullible watch it.

2. Pulling a weapon would have made it safer for them to apprehend the kid because then they would know what and where it is.

3. How could they have handled it differently without placing more people in danger? You still haven't come up with something better.

So now the media is at fault? lol

The kid didn't pull a weapon because he didn't have one.

Asked and answered repeatedly. Go back and read.

Can you link the article?

Warren Police said the Detroit Kettering High School sophomore bailed out of the Dodge Stratus he was riding in during a traffic stop on Eight Mile near Schoenherr, and led officers on a half-block chase. He was stunned one time with a Taser for resisting when officers tried to pat him down. Shortly after, he became unresponsive and died.

Dead teen's family, friends march against Taser use | detnews.com | The Detroit News


Just in reading the part you quoted, the two grown and trained cops were in the process of patting the kid down . . . . and couldn't restrain him any other way other than using a taser? Bullfuckingshit.

What do those advocating that the cops couldn't have handled it differently say now? They weren't 50 feet from him, they had him and they could have restrained him. Two grown, trained cops. One 110 lb. short kid.
You know, some people will defend cops no matter what they do and some people will attack cops no matter what they do. The fact is, cops are pretty much like people, sometimes they make a wrong decision. In this case, I think they made a very wrong decision.

I defend cops when they follow their procedures, that's their job and they should only be in trouble when they don't. This time they followed their procedure as they were dictated by the people in the city, so they are not to blame. Also, there is no other logical way they could have dealt with the situation that would not have risked placing more people in danger. They did their job, they did what they were trained to do, they didn't make the mistake, if people want to blame someone, blame the people who dictated their procedures.
You know, some people will defend cops no matter what they do and some people will attack cops no matter what they do. The fact is, cops are pretty much like people, sometimes they make a wrong decision. In this case, I think they made a very wrong decision.

I defend cops when they follow their procedures, that's their job and they should only be in trouble when they don't. This time they followed their procedure as they were dictated by the people in the city, so they are not to blame. Also, there is no other logical way they could have dealt with the situation that would not have risked placing more people in danger. They did their job, they did what they were trained to do, they didn't make the mistake, if people want to blame someone, blame the people who dictated their procedures.

Two cops tasering a 110 pound kid is their job? They already had him, they weren't chasing him....you are on the wrong side this time. If that was my kid, I'd make sure the cops paid, big time. If two cops can't hand 1 110 pound kid, they have no business being cops.
You know, some people will defend cops no matter what they do and some people will attack cops no matter what they do. The fact is, cops are pretty much like people, sometimes they make a wrong decision. In this case, I think they made a very wrong decision.

I defend cops when they follow their procedures, that's their job and they should only be in trouble when they don't. This time they followed their procedure as they were dictated by the people in the city, so they are not to blame. Also, there is no other logical way they could have dealt with the situation that would not have risked placing more people in danger. They did their job, they did what they were trained to do, they didn't make the mistake, if people want to blame someone, blame the people who dictated their procedures.

Two cops tasering a 110 pound kid is their job? They already had him, they weren't chasing him....you are on the wrong side this time. If that was my kid, I'd make sure the cops paid, big time. If two cops can't hand 1 110 pound kid, they have no business being cops.

Really ... do you ever tackle unknown people acting crazy?
I defend cops when they follow their procedures, that's their job and they should only be in trouble when they don't. This time they followed their procedure as they were dictated by the people in the city, so they are not to blame. Also, there is no other logical way they could have dealt with the situation that would not have risked placing more people in danger. They did their job, they did what they were trained to do, they didn't make the mistake, if people want to blame someone, blame the people who dictated their procedures.

Two cops tasering a 110 pound kid is their job? They already had him, they weren't chasing him....you are on the wrong side this time. If that was my kid, I'd make sure the cops paid, big time. If two cops can't hand 1 110 pound kid, they have no business being cops.

Really ... do you ever tackle unknown people acting crazy?

I'm not a cop, nor am I trained to be one, but I know cops, and they can take down a fully grown 200 pound man without tasering him.
I defend cops when they follow their procedures, that's their job and they should only be in trouble when they don't. This time they followed their procedure as they were dictated by the people in the city, so they are not to blame. Also, there is no other logical way they could have dealt with the situation that would not have risked placing more people in danger. They did their job, they did what they were trained to do, they didn't make the mistake, if people want to blame someone, blame the people who dictated their procedures.

Two cops tasering a 110 pound kid is their job? They already had him, they weren't chasing him....you are on the wrong side this time. If that was my kid, I'd make sure the cops paid, big time. If two cops can't hand 1 110 pound kid, they have no business being cops.

Really ... do you ever tackle unknown people acting crazy?

Not a chance. If you surround him and he still doesn't give up, taser him.
You know, some people will defend cops no matter what they do and some people will attack cops no matter what they do. The fact is, cops are pretty much like people, sometimes they make a wrong decision. In this case, I think they made a very wrong decision.

I defend cops when they follow their procedures, that's their job and they should only be in trouble when they don't. This time they followed their procedure as they were dictated by the people in the city, so they are not to blame. Also, there is no other logical way they could have dealt with the situation that would not have risked placing more people in danger. They did their job, they did what they were trained to do, they didn't make the mistake, if people want to blame someone, blame the people who dictated their procedures.

Once they apprehended the kid, they should have put him in cuffs. That's procedure. The officer didnt point the gun at them, he was reaching for his badge. WTF did the cop think that he was pulling out another gun? He IDed himself as an officer. I've never heard a perp ID themself as an officer to an officer.
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I defend cops when they follow their procedures, that's their job and they should only be in trouble when they don't. This time they followed their procedure as they were dictated by the people in the city, so they are not to blame. Also, there is no other logical way they could have dealt with the situation that would not have risked placing more people in danger. They did their job, they did what they were trained to do, they didn't make the mistake, if people want to blame someone, blame the people who dictated their procedures.

Two cops tasering a 110 pound kid is their job? They already had him, they weren't chasing him....you are on the wrong side this time. If that was my kid, I'd make sure the cops paid, big time. If two cops can't hand 1 110 pound kid, they have no business being cops.

Really ... do you ever tackle unknown people acting crazy?

Two grown, trained cops. One 110 lb. short kid. The two cops had him in their hands, patting him down. What part of that don't you grasp? The taser was unnecessary; the two cops could have brought him down.
Two cops tasering a 110 pound kid is their job? They already had him, they weren't chasing him....you are on the wrong side this time. If that was my kid, I'd make sure the cops paid, big time. If two cops can't hand 1 110 pound kid, they have no business being cops.

Really ... do you ever tackle unknown people acting crazy?

Not a chance. If you surround him and he still doesn't give up, taser him.

The two cops weren't surrounding him -- they had him in their grasp, patting him down. Bullshit on the taser.
I think Kitty has a cop fantasy of some sort.

Cop kills kid, just doing his job.

Cop kills cop, have to side with the dead cop.

There is no consistancy with the logic, at all. Retarded kid should have been taught by his parents not to run. Veteran of the police force bears no blame for not dropping his weapon when ordered.

You're a head case kitten.
Two cops tasering a 110 pound kid is their job? They already had him, they weren't chasing him....you are on the wrong side this time. If that was my kid, I'd make sure the cops paid, big time. If two cops can't hand 1 110 pound kid, they have no business being cops.

Really ... do you ever tackle unknown people acting crazy?

I'm not a cop, nor am I trained to be one, but I know cops, and they can take down a fully grown 200 pound man without tasering him.

But would they if they didn't know what was going on?

The media is only giving highlights to draw in ratings, they don't tell the whole story, they won't tell the whole story because likely it's inane. If they can't paint someone important as the "bad guy" then the braindead masses won't watch it, read it, or listen to it, all newscasters/reporters have become Rush Limbaughs and Howard Sterns, and nothing more. Try thinking about more than their "facts" ... try considering what it would be like in their shoes, not knowing what is going on and seeing some kid running from a simple traffic stop, who wasn't even driving. Ignore what you know from the report and think of just that situation, would you tackle them? Would you wait until they acted first? Just think about what it was like for them, some whacko acting kid in the passenger seat darts out of the car for a typical traffic stop and runs into an abandoned building, probably acting nuts. That's 3 secs of time to determine what to do, once you catch up you have a tenths of a second to decide what to do, you rely on training only, so you go into reflex mode. That's what they did, that's what they are trained to do.
He's not retarded, he's learning disabled. And ADD, They toss those diagnoses around pretty freely in urban school systems. It just means they can get extra funding. And he can get prescription drugs.

Was he on his meds or off of them, Willy boy?
Instead of suing the cops, why not sue the quack school shrink who prescribed them and turned him into a monster?
No, they TRIED to pat him down. He resisted.

Point taken on the 'tried to pat him down'. Regardless, they were close enough to him to try and pat him down. They could have grabbed him and cuffed him without tasering him. Once again, TWO GROWN TRAINED COPS AND ONE 110 LB. SHORT KID. They used unnecessary force with the taser. I've restrained my 110 lb., 5'2", special needs 16 yr. old son, by myself. Two cops couldn't restrain this kid without using a taser? Nope, not buying it.

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