52 Local Democrats Leave Party in 3 Days


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Maybe making Ilhan Omar and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi the face of the party was a bad idea.

Fifty-two local Democrats, including county commissioner, leave the party in three days.

Bullard confirmed that his switch was from Democrat to Republican, making him the second Republican commissioner on the seven-member board. Commissioner Edwin Russ changed his registration from Democrat to Republican on Dec. 10.

“It’s getting to where the Democratic Party is not like it used to be,” Bullard said Thursday to explain his switch. “It’s full of Muslims and full of people who believe in aborting babies up to the ninth month of pregnancy and even my pastor has been encouraging me to change my affiliation because of some of the Democratic Party beliefs. It was something I had planned on doing for a while. I hadn’t gone ahead and done it but, when the Jody Greene issue came up, I figured the time to do it is now.” . . .

“It’s a combination of what’s going on in Washington and what’s going on with the county with the sheriff’s race. People are just getting tired of it. It’s a lot of things and I think the sheriff’s race was just the straw that broke the camel’s back,” Hinson said. “I think a lot of people realize the Democratic Party is not the party it used to be and it doesn’t look like they will ever go back.”

Saturday’s courthouse rally will include speeches from Hinson and Greene, and Hinson said any elected officials who attend will be invited to speak. He estimated the event could last as long as three hours.
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Damnable New Dealers.They were just giving the voters what they wanted...
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.
No they're not....They're won because half of the electorate stays home.

If they were ever to have someone to vote for, it's be all over for the remocrats and depublicans.
Maybe making Ilhan Omar and Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi the face of the party was a bad idea.

Fifty-two local Democrats, including county commissioner, leave the party in three days.

Bullard confirmed that his switch was from Democrat to Republican, making him the second Republican commissioner on the seven-member board. Commissioner Edwin Russ changed his registration from Democrat to Republican on Dec. 10.

“It’s getting to where the Democratic Party is not like it used to be,” Bullard said Thursday to explain his switch. “It’s full of Muslims and full of people who believe in aborting babies up to the ninth month of pregnancy and even my pastor has been encouraging me to change my affiliation because of some of the Democratic Party beliefs. It was something I had planned on doing for a while. I hadn’t gone ahead and done it but, when the Jody Greene issue came up, I figured the time to do it is now.” . . .

“It’s a combination of what’s going on in Washington and what’s going on with the county with the sheriff’s race. People are just getting tired of it. It’s a lot of things and I think the sheriff’s race was just the straw that broke the camel’s back,” Hinson said. “I think a lot of people realize the Democratic Party is not the party it used to be and it doesn’t look like they will ever go back.”

Saturday’s courthouse rally will include speeches from Hinson and Greene, and Hinson said any elected officials who attend will be invited to speak. He estimated the event could last as long as three hours.

--------- And?
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.
No they're not....They're won because half of the electorate stays home.

If they were ever to have someone to vote for, it's be all over for the remocrats and depublicans.
You’re way off.

People only get off their asses to vote when things are really screwed up. Low voter turnout means things are going well.
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.

Do you actually think registered Democrats have to vote Democrat and registered Republicans have to vote Republican?
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.
No they're not....They're won because half of the electorate stays home.

If they were ever to have someone to vote for, it's be all over for the remocrats and depublicans.
You’re way off.

People only get off their asses to vote when things are really screwed up. Low voter turnout means things are going well.

No Spunky. It means people have looked at the choices and decided "what's the point?".

Here's a clue: as long as we have a single party pretending to be two different parties that dress alternately in red or blue, neither of those pseudoparties has any incentive to compete with the "other". They just run vaguely different copies of the Same Old Thing.
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.

Wait'll the Republicans start suffering the same thing. lolol. Reduce that whole fake two-party sideshow down to rubbles and take it over.
Democrats are understandably losing membership daily as their leadership continues to take anti-citizen anti-American pro-illegal stands.
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.

Do you actually think registered Democrats have to vote Democrat and registered Republicans have to vote Republican?
There is zero reason to vote Democrat unless you’re a delusional ant-American commie.
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.
No they're not....They're won because half of the electorate stays home.

If they were ever to have someone to vote for, it's be all over for the remocrats and depublicans.
You’re way off.

People only get off their asses to vote when things are really screwed up. Low voter turnout means things are going well.
I'm not way off....Most people stay home because they feel they have no real choice...The people who do vote are still living the lie that ther's an honest difference between the parties.

Even with the freewheeling populist Trump, the GOP leadership and insiders are doing their best to prevent him from making any real honest changes.
Just what the nation needs....More statist republicans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving watching the Democrat Party commit suicide before our eyes.....But those "Eisenhower republicans" are a large part of the reason we're in the mess we are today.
Elections are decided by independents. When one party has a good segment switching sides, you know where independents are going to go.

Do you actually think registered Democrats have to vote Democrat and registered Republicans have to vote Republican?
There is zero reason to vote Democrat unless you’re a delusional ant-American commie.

Are you afraid of the question?
Two things going on.

A. Progs are bad man, real bad. They've had this cloud over our heads for approaching a decade. People are wising up to it, or should be.

B. TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP........He's a true leader taking on DC and the BS left for him. He has 10 lb balls, lots of energy. His message is mostly solid, simple and straight forward. The polar opposite of prog-thought. Make no mistake, Trump is very intelligent and highly astute. If he's able to turn around a society purposely compromised by progs, wow are we better for it. He'd arguably be one of the 2-3 best POTUS we've ever had.
100% of sane White voters will vote for Trump in 2020.

Let us know what kind of mushrooms you're smoking because in the last election 45% of all eligible voters just said
"fuck it".

ShaQuita, DaShawn, Guadalupe and Humberto can’t be bothered by shit that matters...they have blunts to smoke and babies to make...You know this.

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