53% of Democrats Hold a Favorable View of Socialism

What is socialism?

You have socialism which is the government controlling the means of production.
You have socialism which is like nationalized healthcare.

Which one do people mean?
Probably they mean both. Probably they aren't even sure what they mean.
Most people have no idea what socialism is.
Yes we do Dimmer.
That isn't socialism, that is government functions.
It is socialism...

The Government produces something (i.e. Service) for the benefit of the community....

I know you have been taught that all socialism is bad and how can roads be bad... But that is the truth...

You have noticed I have not said all Capitalism is bad.... Too much capitalism is bad, just like too much socialism..

Government Functions are in a lot of cases socialist programs..
It is socialism...

The Government produces something (i.e. Service) for the benefit of the community....

I know you have been taught that all socialism is bad and how can roads be bad... But that is the truth...

You have noticed I have not said all Capitalism is bad.... Too much capitalism is bad, just like too much socialism..

Government Functions are in a lot of cases socialist programs..

That is government, not socialism.

a road is not a means of production, or a significant part of the economy.
The welfare State isn't socialism, it still sucks, but its not a means of production, nor a major component of the economy.
It produces a service which is consumed by the general public..

Government Services are a huge part of the economy...
Every country in the world is a combination of socialism, capitalism. Everyone of us take advantage of socialist institutions, schools, infrastructure, military, social security, Medicare, fire departments, police. Every government agency that serves us is a form of socialism.
We have a capitalist economy that is not totally a free economy. In fact Trump wanted to close our economy substantially. That is what primary socialist countries have. A closed economy.

You people are absolute dumbasses. I give Trump credit for identifying a huge group of dumb people he could con to get him the most powerful job in the world.
Just couldn't make it thru ONE post without crying about Trump, huh?
It produces a service which is consumed by the general public..

Government Services are a huge part of the economy...

Government services aren't production, and unless healthcare finally becomes a government function it's still basically overhead.

If you actually looked at employment numbers, State schools are probably the better example of economic fraction socialism, and those are all at the State level.

In the end, Democrats want more government interference in things, and most also wouldn't mind a nationalization or two, or fifty. That's why they have the warm and fuzzies for socialism.
Not true at all.

Socialism, with a capital S, is when the means of production are in the hands of the government. That's it.

Private ownership either way has nothing to do with Socialism. You could have full on Socialism and people could still own private property.

COMMUNISM is a lack of private property. Communism and Socialism are two different things, and socialism (or socialized.....) is also different.
Sure, the lords over all own the property dimwit.
That is not what socialism is... That's communism...

In truth many US citizens doesn't really understand what socialist programs are. They are when the taxpayer is paying for something that benefits the community or even another individual. Sweden have many socialist program while being generally a social democracy (not a democratic socialist). Another name for Social Democracy is Regulated Capitalism. But European Leaders are perfectly happy to say they believe in socialism as the people know effectively that means you believe in paying taxes for services that society can benefit from.
That is Infrastructure(Roads, Bridges,....), Education, Military, Policing, Healthcare...... To say you want no socialism is to say you don't want these services... They don't even want Government regulating them.

The US (especially the right) paints socialism as some huge authoritarian over lord when it is something they deal with every day. They are bred to hate it, it is the enemy... Then we explain that the public road in front of your house is the result of socialism they get angry... They like roads and how can something they have been taught to hate. BTW, Communist China has the most toll roads in the world...

Socialism and Capitalism is a balance... Anyone that says they want to get rid of one or the other should be ignored IMHO...
None of those things are mentioned in the Constitution.
Yeah, this is creating your own fantasy world and living in it. Voting for the fantasy world. Happened in Germany in 1990. Helmot Kohl said "vote for me, it'll be amazing" so they did. What they got was something completely different, and they weren't prepared for it.

That's the problem. If you vote for something that's not real, how will you get something good?
How is socialism defined? Doesn’t define it in the poll. There are multiple types of socialism beyond the dictionary definition.

For many, supporting a strong, publicly funded safetynet, universal access to healthcare, and workers rights to collectively bargain within a democratic framework is socialism. Government regulation to maintain safe working conditions, safe products and good environmental practices often get labeled socialism.
Sorry commie, not interested.
The best societies combine some of both. As a strictly economic system, socialism fails. But pure capitalism reduces human beings to “capital” and produces huge wealth inequalities.
You mean you might have to get a job and support yourself.
Yeah. The reality is that people want something different. But they're so unable to use the internet to find out what else exists out there.

I mean, when I tell people on this forum about Proportional Representation, 19 out of every 20 responses is like talking to a rock. They don't want to know. It's not something they've heard of, or they think they already have it, and who wants to learn about different non-American stuff anyway.

Stoopid is as stoopid does.
All we get from wackos like you is non American stuff. So go somewhere that is not America.
Neither is Capitalism
Constitution says nothing about the rights of business
If it isn't specifically mentioned in the Constitution as a responsibility of the Fed gov it is left to the states and b the people, Simp.

There are only 17 things that fits that descriotion.
You agree every one can walk down the roads for free?

The Government using taxpayers money built and maintains the roads for the benefit of society...
The road is the product provided solely by the government as means of transport between two points.

So roads are a socialist program...

To make that capitalism and private entity would build the road and charge people to use the road...

The govt appropriates those tax monies to private contractors, civil engineering companies to build these interstate and highway systems. A socialist state that controls all aspects of production, sets price controls is something we aren't and should never be.

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