53% of Democrats Hold a Favorable View of Socialism

The govt appropriates those tax monies to private contractors, civil engineering companies to build these interstate and highway systems. A socialist state that controls all aspects of production, sets price controls is something we aren't and should never be.
Our roads and bridges are still Socialism
You have a point the Government does own a lot of property.

Saying that in a lot of cases they need too or the people want them too...
Pop Quiz: Do you know which segment of our society I'm referring to when I said Communism is here in the US and it works?

Hint: it is very successful and well respected.
Government services aren't production, and unless healthcare finally becomes a government function it's still basically overhead.
Sorry but they are... The produce a service which is consumed.

Nearly all Government Services are socialist programs, Military (taxes paying for security), Schools(taxes paying for education)...
You can have your own private army and home school...

I know this drives Republicans mad, they have been told the evils of socialism all there lives and all this time they have been availing of these Socialist services... Republicans try and do everything in there power to convince people they are not benefiting from tax payers money but we are...

If you actually looked at employment numbers, State schools are probably the better example of economic fraction socialism, and those are all at the State level.
If any government level pays, it is a socialist program Local, State or Federal. There is more socialist and less socialist in its implementation.
As I said taxes pay for the Police and society benefits having a police force.

In the end, Democrats want more government interference in things, and most also wouldn't mind a nationalization or two, or fifty. That's why they have the warm and fuzzies for socialism.
Republicans favour a privatisation or two or fifty... Republicans believe in the big sell off... Let the corporates run everything...
Privatisations have a fair amount of disasters too... Doesn't mean they are all wrong, just have to be careful which ones you support...
Iraq War was private companies milking the US people,...
Sorry but they are... The produce a service which is consumed.

Nearly all Government Services are socialist programs, Military (taxes paying for security), Schools(taxes paying for education)...
You can have your own private army and home school...

I know this drives Republicans mad, they have been told the evils of socialism all there lives and all this time they have been availing of these Socialist services... Republicans try and do everything in there power to convince people they are not benefiting from tax payers money but we are...

If any government level pays, it is a socialist program Local, State or Federal. There is more socialist and less socialist in its implementation.
As I said taxes pay for the Police and society benefits having a police force.

Republicans favour a privatisation or two or fifty... Republicans believe in the big sell off... Let the corporates run everything...
Privatisations have a fair amount of disasters too... Doesn't mean they are all wrong, just have to be careful which ones you support...
Iraq War was private companies milking the US people,...

Socialism has only been around since Marx, those other things have been around for millenia before, how can they be socialism?

Means of PRODUCTION, not infrastructure.

No, it isn't. That's just trying to soften actual socialism to sell it.

You do know that in Europe things like the transit system is OWNED by the government, they are run by private companies, right?
None of those things are mentioned in the Constitution.
Actually for the time the main method of communication was the postal service and they stated that would have to be always nationalised..

Then again the Constitution didn't mention Airplanes, the internet... How can we have these if the Constitution never mentioned them..

By the way, where in the US constitution does it say you can't fuck your own horse?
Socialism has only been around since Marx, those other things have been around for millenia before, how can they be socialism?

Means of PRODUCTION, not infrastructure.

No, it isn't. That's just trying to soften actual socialism to sell it.

You do know that in Europe things like the transit system is OWNED by the government, they are run by private companies, right?

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

This is about production of a service owned by the taxpayer (they are paying for it) and regulated by the taxpayer...

In Europe loads of private operators are in transit
  • On profitable routes they pay to operate , the route is set by the government, various groups have free transport (young (u23), old (over 65), poor....)
  • On loss routes but they are heavily subsidised using public service obligation (PSO)
This is pseudo model where governments in Europe try and make them as private as possible but still have to meet public society obligations... I have been on half full plabnes in Ireland with the Governmetn paying €35 for every empty seat,,,
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

This is about production of a service owned by the taxpayer (they are paying for it) and regulated by the taxpayer...

In Europe loads of private operators are in transit
  • On profitable routes they pay to operate , the route is set by the government, various groups have free transport (young (u23), old (over 65), poor....)
  • On loss routes but they are heavily subsidised using public service obligation (PSO)
This is pseudo model where governments in Europe try and make them as private as possible but still have to meet public society obligations... I have been on half full plabnes in Ireland with the Governmetn paying €35 for every empty seat,,,

They make them private to avoid public workers, they can fire a company if they fuck up.
Socialism has only been around since Marx, those other things have been around for millenia before, how can they be socialism?

Means of PRODUCTION, not infrastructure.

No, it isn't. That's just trying to soften actual socialism to sell it.

You do know that in Europe things like the transit system is OWNED by the government, they are run by private companies, right?
The construct of society joining together to provide for a community has been around since we left the caves...

Here is the dictionary’s definition of Socialism: “a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.”

Since the community (me and you), in this case, pool our money together to pay the salaries of police (and firefighters and teachers and every single government worker) they are effectively working for the community. This is also the intent of our government -government of the people, government for the people. We pay their salaries, they work for us (by definition. I know the reality is far different).

Therefore, police and firefighters are socialist constructs by definition. You can take this a step further. Police, firefighters, teachers, etc,. are all unionized. Unions can be considered communist constructs. Power to the people, ownership in the hands of the workers, people being paid according to their ability and needs, etc.
No they're not. We pay for them. Its not socialism. The govt appropriates our tax dollars to the contractor who submits the lowest bid.
our tax dollars also pay for the social programs, lets face it our tax dollars pay for everything the various governments do....
The construct of society joining together to provide for a community has been around since we left the caves...

Here is the dictionary’s definition of Socialism: “a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.”

Since the community (me and you), in this case, pool our money together to pay the salaries of police (and firefighters and teachers and every single government worker) they are effectively working for the community. This is also the intent of our government -government of the people, government for the people. We pay their salaries, they work for us (by definition. I know the reality is far different).

Therefore, police and firefighters are socialist constructs by definition. You can take this a step further. Police, firefighters, teachers, etc,. are all unionized. Unions can be considered communist constructs. Power to the people, ownership in the hands of the workers, people being paid according to their ability and needs, etc.

That isn't production, police and fire are basically overhead.

If unions are communist constructs how come unions usually aren't allowed under communism?

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