53% of Democrats Hold a Favorable View of Socialism

Perhaps if we hadn't politicized, misapplied and perverted capitalism the way we have, there would be less interest in an obviously shitty alternative like socialism.

Naw, no way, can't be that, no way.

In SOCIALISM, there is no private property. The Sovereign owns all property, all factories, all farms, all hospitals, all schools and universities, all residential housing, etc. The individual owns NOTHING, except his clothing, trinkets, and other personal property.

Democrats, I suspect, long for the delusion they have of Swedish or Danish, or Norwegian "socialism" where everyone is prosperous, and the Government protects everyone from birth to death with "free" healthcare, guaranteed minimum wages, generous pensions, free education through university, and so on.

If you want an interesting discussion, try telling a Swede that his country is "socialist," then stand back, while he spends the next half hour telling you what a nitwit you are for believing that.

But I have no doubt that THAT is what Democrats see when they are asked if they favor "socialism." With all due respect, it is the choice for losers, which is why it is so dear to Democrats.

Not true at all.

Socialism, with a capital S, is when the means of production are in the hands of the government. That's it.

Private ownership either way has nothing to do with Socialism. You could have full on Socialism and people could still own private property.

COMMUNISM is a lack of private property. Communism and Socialism are two different things, and socialism (or socialized.....) is also different.
For years they've denied they are a pro-socialist party. Kind of hard to do that now when that view makes up the majority, isn't it?
Very detailed poll results, thanks. Looking at the numbers, the groups with the highest favorability were youths (very idealistic?) and Blacks (very dissatisfied with the way the economy is currently structured?). Both groups tend Democratic (but don't vote) so the numbers should be no real surprise.

I also wonder if anyone really knows what Socialism is and is it being confused with Democratic Socialism?
Every country in the world is a combination of socialism, capitalism. Everyone of us take advantage of socialist institutions, schools, infrastructure, military, social security, Medicare, fire departments, police. Every government agency that serves us is a form of socialism.
We have a capitalist economy that is not totally a free economy. In fact Trump wanted to close our economy substantially. That is what primary socialist countries have. A closed economy.

You people are absolute dumbasses. I give Trump credit for identifying a huge group of dumb people he could con to get him the most powerful job in the world.
During WWII, the US went almost totally Socialist with the Government controlling what you could produce, availability of supplies, who could work for you, wages and prices

It helped us win the war
How about that Coyote ?
In the other thread when I said you were the party of socialism you said I was "projecting". LOL.
How is socialism defined? Doesn’t define it in the poll. There are multiple types of socialism beyond the dictionary definition.

For many, supporting a strong, publicly funded safetynet, universal access to healthcare, and workers rights to collectively bargain within a democratic framework is socialism. Government regulation to maintain safe working conditions, safe products and good environmental practices often get labeled socialism.
Perhaps if we hadn't politicized, misapplied and perverted capitalism the way we have, there would be less interest in an obviously shitty alternative like socialism.

Naw, no way, can't be that, no way.

The best societies combine some of both. As a strictly economic system, socialism fails. But pure capitalism reduces human beings to “capital” and produces huge wealth inequalities.
How is socialism defined? Doesn’t define it in the poll. There are multiple types of socialism beyond the dictionary definition.

For many, supporting a strong, publicly funded safetynet, universal access to healthcare, and workers rights to collectively bargain within a democratic framework is socialism. Government regulation to maintain safe working conditions, safe products and good environmental practices often get labeled socialism.

The people support publicly funded schools, infrastructure, public safety, healthcare

But call them socialist and they oppose
Perhaps if we hadn't politicized, misapplied and perverted capitalism the way we have, there would be less interest in an obviously shitty alternative like socialism.

Naw, no way, can't be that, no way.


Yeah. The reality is that people want something different. But they're so unable to use the internet to find out what else exists out there.

I mean, when I tell people on this forum about Proportional Representation, 19 out of every 20 responses is like talking to a rock. They don't want to know. It's not something they've heard of, or they think they already have it, and who wants to learn about different non-American stuff anyway.

Stoopid is as stoopid does.
We created a nation of “We the People”
We created a nation of the people, by the people and for the people.

We elect representatives to do what needs to be done for the general welfare of the nation
Collectively, we are stronger than we are as a group of individuals with every man for himself
For years they've denied they are a pro-socialist party. Kind of hard to do that now when that view makes up the majority, isn't it?

Page 3

I suspect that the United States will slowly-but-surely morph into a hybrid society of some kind, mixing capitalism and socialism in some way.

We are now a nation of 330,000,000 or more and the underlying social contract and economic modeling have been changing since the 1930s anyway.

There are a great many aspects of individual and community life that are best left untouched and best left to the individual citizen and his associations.

There are a great many aspects of community life that are best done collectively owing to economies and efficiencies of scale and complexity or diffuclty.

The trick is to find the best possible balance between the two polar opposites.

So far we have not been terribly successful in this regard, still hung over, it seems, from nearly a half-century -long Cold War to offset Communism.

We'll find that Middle Ground eventually, as America learns to tame and set aside and ignore both Left Wing LibProg flakes and Right Wingnuts.
Perhaps if we hadn't politicized, misapplied and perverted capitalism the way we have, there would be less interest in an obviously shitty alternative like socialism.

Naw, no way, can't be that, no way.

I think the problem is that people talk like there is Total Socialism or Total Capitalism.
That is nonsense, there are varying degrees of each and countries need to find how much or little they want of each on a kind of sliding scale (this simplifies it a lot)...

So some can which some social programs are cut or defunded more (e.g. Road Infrastructure) and others think that they are willing to pay more taxes to increase it. (A lot will say they are happy as they are)...
So better roads & higher taxes = more socialism/less capitalism
Worse roads & less taxes = more capitalism/more socialism

What I am saying to you is to ignore the people who want no roads (socialism is evil) OR everyone should only be able to drive on government supplied cars (capitalism is evil)..

As with many things in life, there needs to be a balance.
Very detailed poll results, thanks. Looking at the numbers, the groups with the highest favorability were youths (very idealistic?) and Blacks (very dissatisfied with the way the economy is currently structured?). Both groups tend Democratic (but don't vote) so the numbers should be no real surprise.

I also wonder if anyone really knows what Socialism is and is it being confused with Democratic Socialism?
OR confused the Social Democracy....

Social Democracy is the one most get confused with...
I think the problem is that people talk like there is Total Socialism or Total Capitalism.
That is nonsense, there are varying degrees of each and countries need to find how much or little they want of each on a kind of sliding scale (this simplifies it a lot)...

So some can which some social programs are cut or defunded more (e.g. Road Infrastructure) and others think that they are willing to pay more taxes to increase it. (A lot will say they are happy as they are)...
So better roads & higher taxes = more socialism/less capitalism
Worse roads & less taxes = more capitalism/more socialism

What I am saying to you is to ignore the people who want no roads (socialism is evil) OR everyone should only be able to drive on government supplied cars (capitalism is evil)..

As with many things in life, there needs to be a balance.
California will not be needing roads with those EVs
Every country in the world is a combination of socialism, capitalism. Everyone of us take advantage of socialist institutions, schools, infrastructure, military, social security, Medicare, fire departments, police. Every government agency that serves us is a form of socialism.
We have a capitalist economy that is not totally a free economy. In fact Trump wanted to close our economy substantially. That is what primary socialist countries have. A closed economy.

You people are absolute dumbasses. I give Trump credit for identifying a huge group of dumb people he could con to get him the most powerful job in the world.
The United States became rich protecting its industries.
That's why people in socialist dictatorships are trying to come to America.

And yet people in Sweden and Finland are perfectly happy with Socialist policies

Let the people decide what Government should do for them

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