53% of Democrats Hold a Favorable View of Socialism

The thing is we're on page five of this thread and none of them have denied it........
Our roads and bridges are still Socialism
The problem is if you approve trillions of dollars of pork and payouts to mostly Prog agendas and corrupted unions and states that closed their areas down and are bankrupting themselves, then give 110 billion dollars for road bridges in which nothing has been spent yet, well I understand your socialism sentence. Trillions of dollars in legislation by Prog since the dildo was installed. And 110 billion for roads and bridges and not a dollar has been spent on anything important. Joe will give the buddy buddy he is a working-class peasant speech again. But he is not that.
Democrats support social security and medicare. Republicans think that is socialism and want to end them.
That is not what socialism is... That's communism...

In truth many US citizens doesn't really understand what socialist programs are. They are when the taxpayer is paying for something that benefits the community or even another individual. Sweden have many socialist program while being generally a social democracy (not a democratic socialist). Another name for Social Democracy is Regulated Capitalism. But European Leaders are perfectly happy to say they believe in socialism as the people know effectively that means you believe in paying taxes for services that society can benefit from.
That is Infrastructure(Roads, Bridges,....), Education, Military, Policing, Healthcare...... To say you want no socialism is to say you don't want these services... They don't even want Government regulating them.

The US (especially the right) paints socialism as some huge authoritarian over lord when it is something they deal with every day. They are bred to hate it, it is the enemy... Then we explain that the public road in front of your house is the result of socialism they get angry... They like roads and how can something they have been taught to hate. BTW, Communist China has the most toll roads in the world...

Socialism and Capitalism is a balance... Anyone that says they want to get rid of one or the other should be ignored IMHO...
A socialist is a wannabe communist. Take socialism as a stepping stone towards communism.
Please don't embarrass yourself and deny it.
They probably think anything is better than this fascist corporatocracy that the duopoly has given us.
But then again, these stupid mother fuckers keep voting for it.
They make them private to avoid public workers, they can fire a company if they fuck up.
But the Government owe that means of production... They are paying for the bridge, it doesn't matter who physically builds it... Who is paying for it?... Who is agreeing it is built?
For years they've denied they are a pro-socialist party. Kind of hard to do that now when that view makes up the majority, isn't it?

Page 3

No one has ever denied being socialist, because all primates obviously are inherently socialist.
Humans in particular are tribal, which is even more socialist than just family sharing and cooperation.
There is no way any society can achieve any technology, like streets, harbors, bridges, schools, museums, parks, utilities, etc., without massive socialism. And that should include things like health care, pensions, etc.
They probably think anything is better than this fascist corporatocracy that the duopoly has given us.
But then again, these stupid mother fuckers keep voting for it.
Does that mean you never vote Republican?
But the Government owe that means of production... They are paying for the bridge, it doesn't matter who physically builds it... Who is paying for it?... Who is agreeing it is built?

Means of production implies heavy industry and agriculture.

The government still buys it's steel from private companies, or ironically the Chinese PLA factories that pump out steel.
A socialist is a wannabe communist. Take socialism as a stepping stone towards communism.
Please don't embarrass yourself and deny it.
How about you read the whole thread. You are kind of showing your ignorance..

US has a lot of socialist programs which are very popular... Things like roads and Police are very popular socilist programs...

So Meister you want to get rid of the Police and Roads...
Does that mean you never vote Republican?
I havent voted for a republican in 10 years. Except for writing in rand paul once. But he is a RINO so that doesnt even count.
I have in local elections. But those people dont destroy the country.
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In SOCIALISM, there is no private property. The Sovereign owns all property, all factories, all farms, all hospitals, all schools and universities, all residential housing, etc. The individual owns NOTHING, except his clothing, trinkets, and other personal property.

Democrats, I suspect, long for the delusion they have of Swedish or Danish, or Norwegian "socialism" where everyone is prosperous, and the Government protects everyone from birth to death with "free" healthcare, guaranteed minimum wages, generous pensions, free education through university, and so on.

If you want an interesting discussion, try telling a Swede that his country is "socialist," then stand back, while he spends the next half hour telling you what a nitwit you are for believing that.

But I have no doubt that THAT is what Democrats see when they are asked if they favor "socialism." With all due respect, it is the choice for losers, which is why it is so dear to Democrats.

In socialism the people decide what they want to invest in shared resources.
There is no such thing as "the Sovereign", as that only applies to a dictatorship under a monarchy.
Socialism does not have to be a republic, but always is.
In no way does socialism at all imply any lack of personal property.

Anyone who does not understand that Sweden is totally socialist, does not at all understand at all what socialism is. Swedes are anti Soviet, not at all anti-socialist. Its just a language confusion. The USSR was not at all socialist, but a Stalinist, capitalist, dictatorship.
How about you read the whole thread. You are kind of showing your ignorance..

US has a lot of socialist programs which are very popular... Things like roads and Police are very popular socilist programs...

So Meister you want to get rid of the Police and Roads...
Why do morons bring up roads and police when discussing socialism? It makes you sound so frikkin stupid.
How about you read the whole thread. You are kind of showing your ignorance..

US has a lot of socialist programs which are very popular... Things like roads and Police are very popular socilist programs...

So Meister you want to get rid of the Police and Roads...
I stand by my comment, you want to deflect, go ahead.
Means of production implies heavy industry and agriculture.

The government still buys it's steel from private companies, or ironically the Chinese PLA factories that pump out steel.
No it doesn't...

Service production is the process of delivering a service to customers. It is a common term in many industries that's analogous to product production by an assembly line...
Government Service production is done on tax payers money...

Are you saying that the only socialism in US is US owned factories? Can you give a list of Democrat quotes of them wanting to open government factories?

If your definition of socialism is so tiny them why are any body from the right even talking about it...
Of the 53%, 41% are in the somewhat favorable category. That's like support for the social safety net, SS and Medicare. The new Republicans support that at 5%. They want to get rid of Social Security and Medicare.
A socialist is a wannabe communist. Take socialism as a stepping stone towards communism.
Please don't embarrass yourself and deny it.

You don't know what socialism or communism is at all.
Communism is sharing resources, which all families always do.
It is totally voluntary.
Which implies a democratic republic.
When you have force, that is always the profit motive, of evil capitalism.
All dictatorship are always capitalist, or else there would be no motive for them to exist.
No one would ever remotely consider creating an evil dictatorship unless there was the capitalist profit motive for it.
All socialist or communist ways of life always pretty much have to be maximum freedom of democratic republic, since there is no profit motive to corrupt it.
If there is a profit motive, inequality, or use of force, it is not socialist or communist.

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