536 children died in car accidents, and another 349 died in pool drownings. 26 American children under the age of 15 have died from COVID

Why should we keep kids out of school over 26 deaths? It's pure insanity

The excuses of the COVID hysteria mongers are getting thinner and thinner. Now they all sound like paranoid conspiratorialists.
For those who don’t get the outrage, let me try to put it in simple terms.
Yes, COVID-19 is dangerous, especially to our elderly population and those who are high-risk. Yes, there will be some young, healthy people who die from COVID, as is true with the 38,000 people who die from car accidents each year, or the 2,000 children who died last year from cancer.
As of June 17, 26 American children under the age of 15 have died from COVID. That is not a misprint: 26 children under the age of 15. By comparison, in the first six months of this year, an estimated 122 children under the age of 15 died from the flu, 536 children died in car accidents, and another 349 died in pool drownings. I don’t hear anyone saying we should stop putting kids in cars or letting them swim in pools.
We are stealing our children’s youth and ultimately will be stealing their adulthood, because they will lack the education and social skills to succeed, and we are saddling them with a greater and greater amount of debt as we destroy our economy. Disrupting schooling also forces parents to try to homeschool their children and work their job at the same time.
The effects will be more pronounced in poor communities that lack the technical infrastructure to allow children to access and be successful in distance learning. For the social justice warriors who have understandably been working for equal opportunity in society, this is the sword to die on.
Every person I know in his 70s—every single one—says kids should go back to school. I cannot imagine a single grandparent in this country who would not sacrifice isolating himself for the next six months so his grandchildren can have the joy of playing tag with their friends on the playground or dissecting a frog with their lab partners.
Yes, teachers are at greater risk than students. Doctors and nurses, many of whom are also high risk, continue to go to work every day treating actual COVID patients because that is their job. Individuals working in meat plants are keeping America fed, often under dangerous working circumstances.
Workers put themselves at risk by stocking the shelves at the supermarkets to ensure Americans survive. I cannot imagine teachers not willing to make the same sacrifices. Behind ensuring Americans have food, ensuring our children are well educated is a very close second in top priorities as a society.
You are an American, and you have the following choice every single day: if you are not comfortable with the progression of COVID, you should isolate yourself. Everyone else, put on your mask and practice good social distancing, but it is time to get back to work and life.

Is it about the virus COVID-19 or is it just ALL POLITICAL from these Neo-Marxist loons?

Such as the Neo-Marxist loons of the LA Teachers Union who are saying that schools can ONLY REOPEN when Charter Schools are shut down, the Police are defunded, there is a Wealth Tax and other Gibs Me Dat things:





If they do go back, teachers should teach behind glass, no contact with kids. Kids eat outside and social distancing as best as possible. Temperature checks every morning for entry. No sports.
Kids do not carry COVID -19. Germany kept the schools open and suffered 0 deaths of kids under 17.
Damn straight....I agree

If everyone would wear masks, social distance and practice good hygiene
we can shut down not only SARS Cov 2 but the common cold and influenza

I mean shit, why should anyone think a vaccine is the answer to SARS COV 2
Vaccines haven't prevented Influenza yet

The common cold accounts for more visits to the doctor than any other condition
and is the leading cause of absences from school and work than any other illness each year.
On average adults get 2-4 colds every year and children 6-8 colds every year

Actually, gloves should be mandatory and using cash should be eliminated
Do you know how many germs reside on money

When you get to 2-4% mortality rate with the cold and flu, let me know.
Otherwise, take your covidiot snark and make like you're bringing a UV light into your body "in some other way". :)
That is the REPORTED death toll.
But because you're a mortal Moron, let me remind you......

The CDC and most hospitals in Blue states decided to lump ALL deaths under the COVID 19 umbrella. Now, why would they do that?
For the exact same reason they would accuse Trump of Russian collusion.
The economy was doing fantastic and the Dems and Chinese came up with a "Get rid of Trump scheme" and called it COVID19

The ACTUAL COVID19 death toll is still most likely BELOW the seasonal flu count. Maybe 50k - 60k at this point.

ALL THE OTHER DEATHS were underlying mortality causes such as heart disease etc.

Every time some left tard likes to claim the covid19 death toll as some outrageous inflated number,
without ANY consideration of mitigating circumstances, you know you've found another parroting moron.
Lol you’re such an idiot. You couldn’t back up any of those claims with evidence if your life depended on it.
Unless the children go to Private School, think of this as an opportunity to Home School to get them AWAY from the Neo-Marxist Brainwashing of teaching them to Self-Hate, to Hate Their Ancestors, to Hate their Heritage and to deliberately CONFUSE them about being a boy or a girl with all the LGBTQ Propaganda about boys can also have a period and girls can also have testicles etc
Oh My God, Lucy Hamilton, take that Austrian Flag off your profile, because you do not represent the Osterreich of the Kaiser, the Big Gay Kaiser. Kids have the right to know that Samesexuality is Natural, and Historical. Part of a person's genetics.

Open the schools to get the kids away from neo-nazi brainwashing in nazi homes.
26 deaths without school. With school you’re going to see more deaths involving kids and everyone else. Again, I believe that kids in certain places might be able to get back to school in the fall, but it really depends on what we do from now until then.
Within the first month of the new school year
my son got sick without fail

When he was sick and I kept him home,
the school gave me so much shit

One year school officials closed down his school for 2 weeks to disinfect
because more than half of the students were at home, sick

Every year he came down with strep throat as well
One year the school reported me to DCFS
because I kept him home BECAUSE HE HAD STREP...
Shit hit the fan, believe that

Frankly, I do not understand why kids aren't getting infected
Why should we keep kids out of school over 26 deaths? It's pure insanity

The excuses of the COVID hysteria mongers are getting thinner and thinner. Now they all sound like paranoid conspiratorialists.
For those who don’t get the outrage, let me try to put it in simple terms.
Yes, COVID-19 is dangerous, especially to our elderly population and those who are high-risk. Yes, there will be some young, healthy people who die from COVID, as is true with the 38,000 people who die from car accidents each year, or the 2,000 children who died last year from cancer.
As of June 17, 26 American children under the age of 15 have died from COVID. That is not a misprint: 26 children under the age of 15. By comparison, in the first six months of this year, an estimated 122 children under the age of 15 died from the flu, 536 children died in car accidents, and another 349 died in pool drownings. I don’t hear anyone saying we should stop putting kids in cars or letting them swim in pools.
We are stealing our children’s youth and ultimately will be stealing their adulthood, because they will lack the education and social skills to succeed, and we are saddling them with a greater and greater amount of debt as we destroy our economy. Disrupting schooling also forces parents to try to homeschool their children and work their job at the same time.
The effects will be more pronounced in poor communities that lack the technical infrastructure to allow children to access and be successful in distance learning. For the social justice warriors who have understandably been working for equal opportunity in society, this is the sword to die on.
Every person I know in his 70s—every single one—says kids should go back to school. I cannot imagine a single grandparent in this country who would not sacrifice isolating himself for the next six months so his grandchildren can have the joy of playing tag with their friends on the playground or dissecting a frog with their lab partners.
Yes, teachers are at greater risk than students. Doctors and nurses, many of whom are also high risk, continue to go to work every day treating actual COVID patients because that is their job. Individuals working in meat plants are keeping America fed, often under dangerous working circumstances.
Workers put themselves at risk by stocking the shelves at the supermarkets to ensure Americans survive. I cannot imagine teachers not willing to make the same sacrifices. Behind ensuring Americans have food, ensuring our children are well educated is a very close second in top priorities as a society.
You are an American, and you have the following choice every single day: if you are not comfortable with the progression of COVID, you should isolate yourself. Everyone else, put on your mask and practice good social distancing, but it is time to get back to work and life.
Of all the deaths from the mass poisoning event, how do you know how many are children, and how many are not? Yeah, I tested the water, it's toxicly shocked by bleach. I'm pro testing the water. (George) Floyd the Barber (Manke), maybe the police were trying to tell you something.

We are now at 1000 dying a day!
We can accelerate that exponentially putting the kids back to school!
Kids, Teachers & Administrators will start dying, then their parents and grand parents!
We are now at 1000 dying a day!
We can accelerate that exponentially putting the kids back to school!
Kids, Teachers & Administrators will start dying, then their parents and grand parents!
Well, Ol Koala Bear, whether they go to school or not won't matter, since it's the tap water that's poisoned. If schools give them bottled spring water to drink, then they might live longer. But, they are at risk from school shootings, since a certain segment of the population appears to be not for public education. In fact, their laws specifically mention the type of education they want their children to receive.

"Can. 1366 Parents or those who take the place of parents who hand offer their children to be baptized or educated in a non Catholic religion are to be punished with a censure or other just penalty."

As a part of Good Public Education. I requested that My alma mater school start to teach about these continents being Atlantis (meaning they are taught by Platonic and Walum Olam texts). About the great East Asian Migration in the 600's to Atlantis, led by Zhen Xing Qi as Shi Zu sent his sons to the cold territory of the Yu khan where a Chief Black Raven housed refugees during the time of Taiozong, Tenger Khan. This is in the Yuanshi of the Chinese Histories.

I also requested that they teach about Leif Erikson, by having students read the Saga of Erik the Red; and about Jean Cousin. I included French and Austrian language teachers so that if the History teachers balked; the French and Austrian teachers could teach about Leif Erikson and Jean Cousin since they are connected to French and Teutonic colonization here.

This is actually really important since the Spanish/Portuguese are claiming much of the world through the Roman See authored Treaty of Tordesillas, which Argentina and Chile of Franco's Organization of Ibero-American states are invoking now. And in terms of their own Doctrine of Discovery, meaning Christian discovery, Leif Erikson under the commission of King Olaf of Ireland, Norway, and Russia; and the Norman Jean Cousin under the Commission of Charles VIII of France?

Maybe breakfast croissants should be served at school?
I don't know what the answer is but I also do not understand why people intentionally mislead.

The problem wouldn't be kids dying. It would be kids contracting the virus and then taking it home to others.

26 deaths without school. With school you’re going to see more deaths involving kids and everyone else. Again, I believe that kids in certain places might be able to get back to school in the fall, but it really depends on what we do from now until then.
None of you shutdown goons gave a damn when 525 kids died in car accidents, so why are you so concerned about kids dying all of a sudden? We all know you don't really give a damn. You just want an excuse to keep the shutdown in place.
Damn straight....I agree

If everyone would wear masks, social distance and practice good hygiene
we can shut down not only SARS Cov 2 but the common cold and influenza

I mean shit, why should anyone think a vaccine is the answer to SARS COV 2
Vaccines haven't prevented Influenza yet

The common cold accounts for more visits to the doctor than any other condition
and is the leading cause of absences from school and work than any other illness each year.
On average adults get 2-4 colds every year and children 6-8 colds every year

Actually, gloves should be mandatory and using cash should be eliminated
Do you know how many germs reside on money

When you get to 2-4% mortality rate with the cold and flu, let me know.
Otherwise, take your covidiot snark and make like you're bringing a UV light into your body "in some other way". :)
The actual mortality rate for adults is something like 0.1%, and the rate for kids under 15 is 0.000001%

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