54% of Wisconsin Voters against Recall

Whether Wanker ends up losing the governorship or not, he will have gotten the message that he needs to work with people. The people forced a recall once, they can do it again.


heeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrre we go, when its down to 'whether he loses or not ' or,
'it sends a message'......kiss of death time...
Whether Wanker ends up losing the governorship or not, he will have gotten the message that he needs to work with people. The people forced a recall once, they can do it again.


heeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrre we go, when its down to 'whether he loses or not ' or,
'it sends a message'......kiss of death time...
He can be recalled in 2014.
I doubt anyone in WI will be eager for another recall once this load of bs is finished.

This recall is nothing but sour grapes from the Unions and the Dems.

If anyone should have been recalled it was thos Dems who fled the State rather than do their jobs. The jobs they were elected to do.

Bunch of chickensits. Hope they all lose come re-election time.
Whether Wanker ends up losing the governorship or not, he will have gotten the message that he needs to work with people. The people forced a recall once, they can do it again.


heeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrre we go, when its down to 'whether he loses or not ' or,
'it sends a message'......kiss of death time...
He can be recalled in 2014.

they call those 'elections'. They have one every 4 years.
What the hell is wrong with these union worker's ?
Their monthly retirement checks are not sustainable

All they care about is what they get, they don't care what anyone else does. Which is why they support the Democrats...
Walker is amassing a huge war chest to defend his governorship. How much of the "working man's" money will will Big Labor throw away?

Walker raises millions to fight recall effort - JSOnline

Walker raises millions to fight recall effort - JSOnline

Recall organizers submitted more than 1.9 million signatures in all against the six officials last week, including more than a million against Walker. Slightly more than 540,000 valid signatures must be counted for each of the recalls against Walker and Kleefisch before elections can proceed.

In just over a year, Walker has raised more than $12 million in campaign donations - more than he spent to win the seat in 2010 - and despite sizable spending in recent weeks still has $2.6 million in cash in the bank, according to figures released Monday by his campaign. The Republican governor has traveled the country to raise money in recent weeks and has benefited from a quirk in the state's election law that allows elected officials facing recalls to raise unlimited amounts.

Walker has been able to exploit that aspect of state law, raising $5.1 million in the second half of 2011.

But among the previously reported donations that Walker received were $250,000 from Bob Perry, owner of Perry Homes in Houston and one of the primary financial forces behind the Swift Boat Veterans ads that attacked U.S. Sen. John Kerry in the 2004 presidential campaign; $205,000 from Elizabeth and Richard Uihlein of Lake Forest, Ill., founders of the shipping supply company Uline; $175,075 from the Schuette family, which owns Wausau Homes and supports the state tea party movement; and $20,000 from H. Ross Perot Jr., son of the two-time presidential candidate. (Texas)

Walker and the other Republicans would automatically appear on the ballot.

Walker and the other Republicans would automatically appear on the ballot.

Big labour does not have to spend a dime for the recall, they have already made their point ...

Walker on the otherhand has indeed been a Busy-Beaver.

- all else is Speculative till the election date is posted.
You're ill informed. Big labor has already spend millions and will spend even more in attack ads against Walker.
Big Spending by Unions in Walker Recall Has Some Dems Worried | Common Dreams
Big labor does not give two shits about the working man that they pretend to represent, they just want the power to vote themselves more pay and benefits for less work. That is why Labor leaders like George Meany and even FDR opposed public sector unions.
It is impossible to bargain collectively with the government. Public sector unions insist on laws that serve their interests -- at the expense of the common good.
Labor will lose this battle, and rightfully so- public sector unions are wrong..
F.D.R. Warned Us About Public Sector Unions - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com
Whether Wanker ends up losing the governorship or not, he will have gotten the message that he needs to work with people. The people forced a recall once, they can do it again.


heeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrre we go, when its down to 'whether he loses or not ' or,
'it sends a message'......kiss of death time...

They were all crowing about how they were going to "crush", "kill", and "destroy" Walker and the "evil" Republicans just a few weeks ago......:cuckoo:

Whether Wanker ends up losing the governorship or not, he will have gotten the message that he needs to work with people. The people forced a recall once, they can do it again.


heeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrre we go, when its down to 'whether he loses or not ' or,
'it sends a message'......kiss of death time...

They were all crowing about how they were going to "crush", "kill", and "destroy" Walker and the "evil" Republicans just a few weeks ago......:cuckoo:


Humph Bet the only thing the Unions get out of it is a big fat empty pocketbook.

Hope Walker kicks their asses come election time.

heeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrre we go, when its down to 'whether he loses or not ' or,
'it sends a message'......kiss of death time...
He can be recalled in 2014.

they call those 'elections'. They have one every 4 years.
That is what I meant Conservative. His campaign for reelection will take place in 2014. RECALL then if this effort fails, frequent ATTEMPTS at recall are a waste of time & resources.
Actually, it does not. Dr. House asked if there was anything showing Walker is complicit in any illegal activities. So far, the John Doe investigation has not turned up anything that directly or even indirectly implicate Walker himself.

So, while Walker underlings may have some issues here in this investigation, Walker so far has none.

Is that what house said at the beginning of this discussion? care to quote the post?

house asked for the other poster to cite a law that would supported his opinion that walker should be indicted. The poster cited an investigation which is still under way concerning staff of walkers in his office when he was milwaukee county executive which would involve his knowledge or lack there of concerning said illegal activities. Then house later asked that same poster if there as anything walker did that the poster felt was indictable.

The fact that they have to question walker of what he knew and when he knew it shows that he is being investigated whether he wants to admit it or not.

Furthermore, how do you kow what the investigation has turned up or not?? Do you actually believe that the DA would allow full disclosure of every aspect of their investigation?

First, I see you edited your post, removing the comments about me needing to 'learn to read'. Smart move.

Second, here is the initial exchange...
High stakes for either side, the edge is for the Democrats - The Republicans will be pummeled all the way to Nov. if they lose - and the 4 state senators and the Lt. Governor.

The Rs voted Grey out in California (recall) - who are they to complain - The same results are more than likely for Walker, especially when he is indicted for campaign violations and fraud.

Please cite the law that Walker personally violated that would necessitate his indictment...

Breeze said WHEN Walker is indicted...not IF... not MIGHT BE... but WHEN. It was a statement of fact, not of opinion.

Problem is, it was not fact, as there have been no reported acts by Walker himself that would necessitate his indictment.

House was perfectly correct in asking for a law that Walker violated that would 'necessitate his indictment'.

You really do suck at this, you know.

Wow you can quote it but you still fail to grasp it in the complete context of the whole discussion. Imagine that.

The other poster stated his OPINION that walker would be indicted and despite the fact that house states that he doesn't have to substantiate his opinions house asked the other poster to provide a law that walker could be indicted for. So the other poster posted a link to an article about an investigation into the acts that took place in walkers office when he was milwaukee county executive and the fact that they are questioning walker about his knowledge of said acts. If he was involved then he should be indicted along with his staff.

No one said that he was guilty by association to his former employees which was the original argument presented by house. He was wrong and you are a retard for trying to defend him as you take comments out of the context of the whole argument.
The fact that they have to question walker of what he knew and when he knew it shows that he is being investigated whether he wants to admit it or not.

Furthermore, how do you kow what the investigation has turned up or not?? Do you actually believe that the DA would allow full disclosure of every aspect of their investigation?

Do you believe the DA would publicize the investigation of Walker staffers, but NOT publicize the investigation of Walker himself?

Really, your suckage at this is now complete.

They publicized the fact that his staffers were CHARGED with a crime not that they were investigating them.

BTW do you actually believe that they would let him know that he was a target of the "john doe" investigation?? Do you actually believe that the DA is that incompetent??

Funny how you desperately try to claim my "suckage" is now complete when you are the one sticking your foot in your mouth.
where did poor misunderstood DrSmith go? Did the smack down hurt him that much? :rofl:

WOW! Are you actually bragging about making a fool of yourself?? LOL

I log off for the evening and you think that means that I ran away from your inept and moronic attempts to insult me?? Really?? LOL
Whether Wanker ends up losing the governorship or not, he will have gotten the message that he needs to work with people. The people forced a recall once, they can do it again.

He represents the entire state...

Not just the minority who belong to unions....

How can he "represent the entire state" when his railing against public sector workers was meant to divide the state??

His whole argument was based on an attempt to pit the public sector against the private sector and the right wingers comparing how much better public sector jobs pay and benefits were better than private sector jobs pay and benefits were engaging in the the class warfare for him.
He divided the population instead of trying to represent them as a whole.
Whether Wanker ends up losing the governorship or not, he will have gotten the message that he needs to work with people. The people forced a recall once, they can do it again.

He represents the entire state...

Not just the minority who belong to unions....

How can he "represent the entire state" when his railing against public sector workers was meant to divide the state??
That's your opinion...

His whole argument was based on an attempt to pit the public sector against the private sector and the right wingers comparing how much better public sector jobs pay and benefits were better than private sector jobs pay and benefits were engaging in the the class warfare for him.
He divided the population instead of trying to represent them as a whole.
The more you post, the more it becomes blatently obvious you know NOTHING about the recall other than the little leftist snippets that are spoon fed you...

Now go away, you dumbfuck...
And Walker's aides made use of TAXPAYER money for their misdeeds. Since Walker refused to do anything about it, the COST is his by choice.
I have posted the many groups against his ...uh...PERFORMANCE in office. Unions may be a part, but others in the State are tired of his CHOSEN employees placing personal wants before public WORK. So he know nothing about the activities of those close to him; in the case he is INCAPACITATED.

This recall is NOT about his aides, no matter how badly you want it to be... I understand why you are taking this tact... It's pretty stupid, but I recognize that as well...

The policies instituted by Walker are showing good results for Wisconsin and running against that is even dumber...

LOL what policies?? He touted the job numbers for his first yearas governor of WI because over his first year they did end on a positive number.
However, the growth occured for the first 6 months of his first year and then it declined for the last 6 months of his first year in office. The only reason he could claim a positive number was because the gains in the first 6 months, before most of his policies took effect, were higher then the number of losses in the last 6 months when his policies actually started taking effect.

So do you have anything specific or are vague generalites all that you have to offer?
Whether Wanker ends up losing the governorship or not, he will have gotten the message that he needs to work with people. The people forced a recall once, they can do it again.
And Walker's aides made use of TAXPAYER money for their misdeeds. Since Walker refused to do anything about it, the COST is his by choice.

Well, you really have no proof he even knew about anything that may or may not have happened at this point. All you really have is your opinion. Luckily, we have a system for determining guilt or innocence in possible criminal matters, and that process is being followed.

I don't suppose we could, you know, let the process come to it's conclusion BEFORE we pass sentence/judgement, could we???

So are you now admitting that walker is being investigated based on how they are trying to find out what he knew and when he knew it??

Do you offer those on the left the same consideration when they are being "investigated" too?
This recall is NOT about his aides, no matter how badly you want it to be... I understand why you are taking this tact... It's pretty stupid, but I recognize that as well...

The policies instituted by Walker are showing good results for Wisconsin and running against that is even dumber...
I have read several articles concerning the numerous felony and misdemeanor charges pending. Thus, I see farther than UNIONS. You choose not to. No doubt many union members favor recall but union members make up only 14% of the population of the state. Thus the 46% in favor of recall cannot possibly be all union members.

The recall was not initiated due to the actions of Walker's aides when he was a county executive...

You can pretend it was, but well laugh at you...

Is she saying that the recall was "initiated" due to the actions of walkers aides or is she saying that those actions have contributed to the recall having as much support as it does?

Do you always feel the need to "redefine" the position of others so you can criticize them for something that they never said or is this a new fad of yours? The

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