54 percent of Americans say President Biden will be remembered as worst US president: Poll

Jan 6 sealed his legacy
Democrats did January 6th every day for 5 years. Are you on medication?
Trump's Presidency, even now, was defined by a barrage of serious, unending, slanderous attacks, most conspicuously the totally political Russia Hoax. The slanders continued even after he left office, led by the worst Speaker in modern history.

The criticism was constant and vile, coming not only from Democrats, but from the entire non-Fox Media, and a small but irritating squad of "Never-Trump Republicans," about whom nobody cared before they were willing to go on record as hating the unorthodox President. It included constant criticism and ridicule from the entire entertainment industry, which fought like the pansies they are every day to make his Presidency miserable and to drum up vacuous hate for the President.

And yet, his accomplishments were monumental. He was the first President in fifty years (since Eisenhower) to take our own immigration laws seriously. He was the first President EVER to recognize the power of the Deep State and its destructive impacts on American business and, indirectly, American life. He was the first present in generations to speak to European "allies" as adults, expected to do what they promised to do and to take a significant role in their own defense.

He led a successful campaign to normalize and enhance the Internal Revenue Code, making the rates rational and eliminating the tedium of filing taxes for millions of middle-class taxpayers (by dramatically increasing the standard deduction).

He is the first President whose personal wealth decreased dramatically as a result of his time in office, despite unending claims of "corruption" from people who manifestly didn't even know the meaning of the word. He was impeached twice on bullshit accusations having nothing to do with any meaningful misconduct, a fact that will be more remembered for its pettiness than the "crimes" presented.

His critics kept logs and compilations of his "lies," none of which was an actual lie (as manifested when they were asked to provide the details), and some of which accusations contained lies in themselves.

Donald Trump is and was, not a "nice" man in many respects, and his critics - not very nice themselves, truth be told - liked to focus on his personal shortcomings because they could not rationally argue faults in his acts as President. How do you rationally criticize someone for trying to enforce existing immigration laws? For calling out NATO allies for refusing to meet their commitments, for making improvements to the tax code, for fighting to eliminate irrational, destructive Federal regulations? In short, you can't. You have to attack his personal life and foibles.
Weak backbone...hiding ALL the time. Mumbles when making public statements...
Blames everyone else for bad news.
Takes ALL credit for slightly positive news.
Obvious immigration violations.
Selling access to the White house.

Can't accurately plan and institute a recovery. Highest inflation in 50years.
Tried to violate everyone's basic human rights with vaccine mandates.
Worst foreign policy in decades. (Saber rattling by 3 different nations...war is imminent because of his blundering)

Oh his moniker of "Worst President" is extremely deserved.
Not protesting because the Democrats sent them
Trump attacked the Capitol

History will not be kind to him
Maxine Waters told people to attack Republicans,, Hakeem Jeffries,, your vice president set up a bail fund and let out someone that killed someone.. blm burned a building down and then murdered a 14-year-old girl. Was given a few years in jail.. you should change your news source.. you’re in for a rude awakening
too bad for Sleepy Joe

I was furious about the tens of millions of vote steal in 2020 until I realized that makes the PERFECT way to end the democrat as a National Party. They cheated their way in so they could screw over every American.



Vios con Satan
It's not fair to compare that stuttering puddle of piss and shit to actual human beings.

Dominion should be burned to the ground and carry the title of "worst fuckup in the history of mankind".
Maxine Waters told people to attack Republicans,, Hakeem Jeffries,, your vice president set up a bail fund and let out someone that killed someone.. blm burned a building down and then murdered a 14-year-old girl. Was given a few years in jail.. you should change your news source.. you’re in for a rude awakening

She told them to “get in their faces”
Hardly comparable to sending an angry mob on the Capitol
Except about 50% of those most likely had that opinion when the Trumpybears' loss was announced in Nov. of 2020.

The thing with Republicans is that as soon as a Democrat is inaugurated, they declare him “The worst President in History”

They did it with Clinton, did it with Obama, now Biden
Not waiting until he has actually done anything defines their credibility

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