545 Catholic Choir Boys Molested & Beaten by 49 Pedophiles at School

Well the Catholic Institution is in reality a continuance of the Mystery Babylonian Occult which is why their Latin Masses translate in English to the worship of Lucifer. Anywhere you find the occult you are going to find the abuse of children. It began with Nimrod and it continues under the protection of the Roman Catholic Institution. The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. They have no idea what is going on because they were raised in it and led to believe it is a Christian religion. It is not. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It's responsible for more souls going to hell than any other organization on earth.

" The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. "

Even more non-Catholics fail to recognize it for what it is. It is the fulfillment of Revelation 17&18.
Most non-RCs don't know that ... many in denial .... many are in denial because they know the fulfillment confirms truth of Jesus.
To be fair you have to keep in mind that the Roman Catholic Institution forbid their own people from reading the Holy Bible for centuries and that included even their own priests and nuns. To this day they are told to read their own book and not the KJV Holy Bible. Clearly the Vatican does not want the Catholic people to learn the truth because those who do find out leave and become born again Christians.

Lets see, it was in Latin and most could not read. You should thank the RCC for even bringing you the Bible and Christianity.
Well the Catholic Institution is in reality a continuance of the Mystery Babylonian Occult which is why their Latin Masses translate in English to the worship of Lucifer. Anywhere you find the occult you are going to find the abuse of children. It began with Nimrod and it continues under the protection of the Roman Catholic Institution. The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. They have no idea what is going on because they were raised in it and led to believe it is a Christian religion. It is not. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It's responsible for more souls going to hell than any other organization on earth.

" The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. "

Even more non-Catholics fail to recognize it for what it is. It is the fulfillment of Revelation 17&18.
Most non-RCs don't know that ... many in denial .... many are in denial because they know the fulfillment confirms truth of Jesus.
Yes, Ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera covered this in his testimony exposing the Jesuits and Vatican. He was a very high level Jesuit, trained by Cardinal Bea and he (Rivera) answered to the Pope directly. His assignment was to infiltrate Protestant churches in America and destroy their reputations with the help of others who were assigned to go in and make false allegations against the leadership. In other assignments he was used to make sure Catholicism would be legitimized and accepted /validated by the Protestants as a legitimate religion. The Protestant churches / charismatic evangelicals who went along with it were given millions of dollars from the Vatican. TBN was one of them. They even offered rosaries as gifts for offerings on their network. They regularly invited priests and nuns as guests. Kenneth Copeland is another one. The founder of the Full Gospel Businessman's group worldwide was another one - his name was Demas (can't remember his last name) and there were many, many more. Katherine Kuhlman was an agent for the Jesuit General of Rome. They infiltrated everywhere which is why so many churches today are no longer preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

None of which you can prove and Rivera is not credible. if I were the RCC I'd say come out when it happens or no more money.
Rivera is 100% genuine and his testimony has withstood every false accusation the cult of Rome ever threw at him.
Well the Catholic Institution is in reality a continuance of the Mystery Babylonian Occult which is why their Latin Masses translate in English to the worship of Lucifer. Anywhere you find the occult you are going to find the abuse of children. It began with Nimrod and it continues under the protection of the Roman Catholic Institution. The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. They have no idea what is going on because they were raised in it and led to believe it is a Christian religion. It is not. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It's responsible for more souls going to hell than any other organization on earth.

" The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. "

Even more non-Catholics fail to recognize it for what it is. It is the fulfillment of Revelation 17&18.
Most non-RCs don't know that ... many in denial .... many are in denial because they know the fulfillment confirms truth of Jesus.
To be fair you have to keep in mind that the Roman Catholic Institution forbid their own people from reading the Holy Bible for centuries and that included even their own priests and nuns. To this day they are told to read their own book and not the KJV Holy Bible. Clearly the Vatican does not want the Catholic people to learn the truth because those who do find out leave and become born again Christians.

Lets see, it was in Latin and most could not read. You should thank the RCC for even bringing you the Bible and Christianity.
They had nothing to do with it. The early Christians had the Scriptures before Constantine was ever born. By centuries.
Well the Catholic Institution is in reality a continuance of the Mystery Babylonian Occult which is why their Latin Masses translate in English to the worship of Lucifer. Anywhere you find the occult you are going to find the abuse of children. It began with Nimrod and it continues under the protection of the Roman Catholic Institution. The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. They have no idea what is going on because they were raised in it and led to believe it is a Christian religion. It is not. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It's responsible for more souls going to hell than any other organization on earth.

" The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. "

Even more non-Catholics fail to recognize it for what it is. It is the fulfillment of Revelation 17&18.
Most non-RCs don't know that ... many in denial .... many are in denial because they know the fulfillment confirms truth of Jesus.

The Book of Rev has nothing to do about today. Nothing. Its not prophecy. These are old claims that can't be proved and also everyone is out for money. One comes out, and I was there and it happened to me to. Lawyers go looking for this stuff.
Rev. 17 & 18 clearly identify the church of Rome as the Whore of Babylon. Buy a KJV Holy Bible and read it.

Of course it was, the new Babylon. Even the RCC admits it in their 2011 Nabre Bible.
Well the Catholic Institution is in reality a continuance of the Mystery Babylonian Occult which is why their Latin Masses translate in English to the worship of Lucifer. Anywhere you find the occult you are going to find the abuse of children. It began with Nimrod and it continues under the protection of the Roman Catholic Institution. The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. They have no idea what is going on because they were raised in it and led to believe it is a Christian religion. It is not. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It's responsible for more souls going to hell than any other organization on earth.

" The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. "

Even more non-Catholics fail to recognize it for what it is. It is the fulfillment of Revelation 17&18.
Most non-RCs don't know that ... many in denial .... many are in denial because they know the fulfillment confirms truth of Jesus.
To be fair you have to keep in mind that the Roman Catholic Institution forbid their own people from reading the Holy Bible for centuries and that included even their own priests and nuns. To this day they are told to read their own book and not the KJV Holy Bible. Clearly the Vatican does not want the Catholic people to learn the truth because those who do find out leave and become born again Christians.

Lets see, it was in Latin and most could not read. You should thank the RCC for even bringing you the Bible and Christianity.
But the point was, they wanted to keep it that way. Which, they did. Until pope D decided to have it translated for the common man..
Well the Catholic Institution is in reality a continuance of the Mystery Babylonian Occult which is why their Latin Masses translate in English to the worship of Lucifer. Anywhere you find the occult you are going to find the abuse of children. It began with Nimrod and it continues under the protection of the Roman Catholic Institution. The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. They have no idea what is going on because they were raised in it and led to believe it is a Christian religion. It is not. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It's responsible for more souls going to hell than any other organization on earth.

" The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. "

Even more non-Catholics fail to recognize it for what it is. It is the fulfillment of Revelation 17&18.
Most non-RCs don't know that ... many in denial .... many are in denial because they know the fulfillment confirms truth of Jesus.
What I find disturbing is that when these stories continue to surface I rarely find any Catholic who is willing to address the horror of what these children suffered. Their first response is always to protect the Roman Catholic Institution. It's clearly a sign of how deeply imbedded the brainwashing effect is on their minds. It's identical to the way Muslims react when they find out their own children have been molested by their Mosque leaders, Islamic teachers, etc. Always denial.
Well the Catholic Institution is in reality a continuance of the Mystery Babylonian Occult which is why their Latin Masses translate in English to the worship of Lucifer. Anywhere you find the occult you are going to find the abuse of children. It began with Nimrod and it continues under the protection of the Roman Catholic Institution. The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. They have no idea what is going on because they were raised in it and led to believe it is a Christian religion. It is not. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It's responsible for more souls going to hell than any other organization on earth.

" The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. "

Even more non-Catholics fail to recognize it for what it is. It is the fulfillment of Revelation 17&18.
Most non-RCs don't know that ... many in denial .... many are in denial because they know the fulfillment confirms truth of Jesus.
To be fair you have to keep in mind that the Roman Catholic Institution forbid their own people from reading the Holy Bible for centuries and that included even their own priests and nuns. To this day they are told to read their own book and not the KJV Holy Bible. Clearly the Vatican does not want the Catholic people to learn the truth because those who do find out leave and become born again Christians.

Lets see, it was in Latin and most could not read. You should thank the RCC for even bringing you the Bible and Christianity.
But the point was, they wanted to keep it that way. Which, they did. Until pope D decided to have it translated for the common man..
No, they are still doing masses in Latin, Harley. It still goes on today.
Well the Catholic Institution is in reality a continuance of the Mystery Babylonian Occult which is why their Latin Masses translate in English to the worship of Lucifer. Anywhere you find the occult you are going to find the abuse of children. It began with Nimrod and it continues under the protection of the Roman Catholic Institution. The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. They have no idea what is going on because they were raised in it and led to believe it is a Christian religion. It is not. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It's responsible for more souls going to hell than any other organization on earth.

" The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. "

Even more non-Catholics fail to recognize it for what it is. It is the fulfillment of Revelation 17&18.
Most non-RCs don't know that ... many in denial .... many are in denial because they know the fulfillment confirms truth of Jesus.
Yes, Ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera covered this in his testimony exposing the Jesuits and Vatican. He was a very high level Jesuit, trained by Cardinal Bea and he (Rivera) answered to the Pope directly. His assignment was to infiltrate Protestant churches in America and destroy their reputations with the help of others who were assigned to go in and make false allegations against the leadership. In other assignments he was used to make sure Catholicism would be legitimized and accepted /validated by the Protestants as a legitimate religion. The Protestant churches / charismatic evangelicals who went along with it were given millions of dollars from the Vatican. TBN was one of them. They even offered rosaries as gifts for offerings on their network. They regularly invited priests and nuns as guests. Kenneth Copeland is another one. The founder of the Full Gospel Businessman's group worldwide was another one - his name was Demas (can't remember his last name) and there were many, many more. Katherine Kuhlman was an agent for the Jesuit General of Rome. They infiltrated everywhere which is why so many churches today are no longer preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

None of which you can prove and Rivera is not credible. if I were the RCC I'd say come out when it happens or no more money.
Rivera is 100% genuine and his testimony has withstood every false accusation the cult of Rome ever threw at him.
Well the Catholic Institution is in reality a continuance of the Mystery Babylonian Occult which is why their Latin Masses translate in English to the worship of Lucifer. Anywhere you find the occult you are going to find the abuse of children. It began with Nimrod and it continues under the protection of the Roman Catholic Institution. The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. They have no idea what is going on because they were raised in it and led to believe it is a Christian religion. It is not. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It's responsible for more souls going to hell than any other organization on earth.

" The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. "

Even more non-Catholics fail to recognize it for what it is. It is the fulfillment of Revelation 17&18.
Most non-RCs don't know that ... many in denial .... many are in denial because they know the fulfillment confirms truth of Jesus.
Yes, Ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera covered this in his testimony exposing the Jesuits and Vatican. He was a very high level Jesuit, trained by Cardinal Bea and he (Rivera) answered to the Pope directly. His assignment was to infiltrate Protestant churches in America and destroy their reputations with the help of others who were assigned to go in and make false allegations against the leadership. In other assignments he was used to make sure Catholicism would be legitimized and accepted /validated by the Protestants as a legitimate religion. The Protestant churches / charismatic evangelicals who went along with it were given millions of dollars from the Vatican. TBN was one of them. They even offered rosaries as gifts for offerings on their network. They regularly invited priests and nuns as guests. Kenneth Copeland is another one. The founder of the Full Gospel Businessman's group worldwide was another one - his name was Demas (can't remember his last name) and there were many, many more. Katherine Kuhlman was an agent for the Jesuit General of Rome. They infiltrated everywhere which is why so many churches today are no longer preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

None of which you can prove and Rivera is not credible. if I were the RCC I'd say come out when it happens or no more money.
Rivera is 100% genuine and his testimony has withstood every false accusation the cult of Rome ever threw at him.

Only in the imagination of Jack Chick.
Well the Catholic Institution is in reality a continuance of the Mystery Babylonian Occult which is why their Latin Masses translate in English to the worship of Lucifer. Anywhere you find the occult you are going to find the abuse of children. It began with Nimrod and it continues under the protection of the Roman Catholic Institution. The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. They have no idea what is going on because they were raised in it and led to believe it is a Christian religion. It is not. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It's responsible for more souls going to hell than any other organization on earth.

" The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. "

Even more non-Catholics fail to recognize it for what it is. It is the fulfillment of Revelation 17&18.
Most non-RCs don't know that ... many in denial .... many are in denial because they know the fulfillment confirms truth of Jesus.
To be fair you have to keep in mind that the Roman Catholic Institution forbid their own people from reading the Holy Bible for centuries and that included even their own priests and nuns. To this day they are told to read their own book and not the KJV Holy Bible. Clearly the Vatican does not want the Catholic people to learn the truth because those who do find out leave and become born again Christians.

Lets see, it was in Latin and most could not read. You should thank the RCC for even bringing you the Bible and Christianity.
But the point was, they wanted to keep it that way. Which, they did. Until pope D decided to have it translated for the common man..
No, they are still doing masses in Latin, Harley. It still goes on today.
But the people can finally read it. They couldnt before. They knew what they were doing. Thats why its a multinational, multi billion dollar corporation that has survived longer than any other institution.
Well the Catholic Institution is in reality a continuance of the Mystery Babylonian Occult which is why their Latin Masses translate in English to the worship of Lucifer. Anywhere you find the occult you are going to find the abuse of children. It began with Nimrod and it continues under the protection of the Roman Catholic Institution. The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. They have no idea what is going on because they were raised in it and led to believe it is a Christian religion. It is not. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It's responsible for more souls going to hell than any other organization on earth.

" The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. "

Even more non-Catholics fail to recognize it for what it is. It is the fulfillment of Revelation 17&18.
Most non-RCs don't know that ... many in denial .... many are in denial because they know the fulfillment confirms truth of Jesus.
What I find disturbing is that when these stories continue to surface I rarely find any Catholic who is willing to address the horror of what these children suffered. Their first response is always to protect the Roman Catholic Institution. It's clearly a sign of how deeply imbedded the brainwashing effect is on their minds. It's identical to the way Muslims react when they find out their own children have been molested by their Mosque leaders, Islamic teachers, etc. Always denial.

Complete unadulterated BS, I know plenty of Catholics, myself included, who were outraged it happened and the cover up.

Furthermore if you think this is strictly a "Catholic" thing you'd better back the choo choo up and look at all religion, public schools, etc.

You're just using this as another excuse to spew your venom towards the Church
Well the Catholic Institution is in reality a continuance of the Mystery Babylonian Occult which is why their Latin Masses translate in English to the worship of Lucifer. Anywhere you find the occult you are going to find the abuse of children. It began with Nimrod and it continues under the protection of the Roman Catholic Institution. The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. They have no idea what is going on because they were raised in it and led to believe it is a Christian religion. It is not. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It's responsible for more souls going to hell than any other organization on earth.

" The greatest tragedy is that this tradition of men and doctrine of devils is not recognized for what it is by millions of Catholics. "

Even more non-Catholics fail to recognize it for what it is. It is the fulfillment of Revelation 17&18.
Most non-RCs don't know that ... many in denial .... many are in denial because they know the fulfillment confirms truth of Jesus.
To be fair you have to keep in mind that the Roman Catholic Institution forbid their own people from reading the Holy Bible for centuries and that included even their own priests and nuns. To this day they are told to read their own book and not the KJV Holy Bible. Clearly the Vatican does not want the Catholic people to learn the truth because those who do find out leave and become born again Christians.

Lets see, it was in Latin and most could not read. You should thank the RCC for even bringing you the Bible and Christianity.
But the point was, they wanted to keep it that way. Which, they did. Until pope D decided to have it translated for the common man..
No, they are still doing masses in Latin, Harley. It still goes on today.

They have in the missals the wording in the language of the area. No they are doing it in English and some do say it in Latin as some prefer it that way. They were not hiding anything.
Latin mass - read the translation and you can hear the priest singing praises to Lucifer:

I guess you prefer a church that teaches hell and firestorm for an hour and sends you home. Hey do you get grape juice and crackers once a month? Or do you speak in tongues.
Have you ever heard the theory before about having to give someone the truth some 19 times before it finally begins to sink in? I've done it over 19 times on this board and still there are some who refuse to believe what is right in front of them. It's clear to me that these people have been brainwashed and are afraid to think for themselves if it means parting ways with the Roman Catholic Institution. Some know the truth but have decided to put the false doctrines of men above the Written Word of God which means they have chosen to send themselves to hell.
Whats makes it even worse is, this is widespread with the catholic empire.
BTW, Jere, IDK if muller was about to go public with anything about pedophilia. He reinstated a convicted pedophile named peter kramer a few years ago to the CDF
OR the Vatican had the news report the story using Mueller's name. It looks to me like there was a concerted effort going on since Pope Francis replaced Ratzinger to discredit Mueller. What I read about Mueller is that he was quite vocal in opposing much of what Pope Francis has been doing so the motive is certainly there. It didn't escape my attention that they made sure to mention his name in this story. It looks to me like the Vatican is seeking to destroy Cardinal Mueller's reputation which leads me to believe he just might be a decent person who was trying to do the right thing and got punished for it. Anytime the Vatican seeks to destroy someone's reputation - as they did Ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera (who exposed the Jesuit secrets and what was in Vatican archives) who they eventually murdered after trying 6 times.. that person must be a real threat to them.
Muller is also being sued in France for cover up of pedophilia. Dude is a damn pervert man. His reputation is pedophilia. There is nothing to destroy.
I suppose anything is possible but in this case I find it does not make sense, Harley. Pope Francis has consistently given protection, promotions and rewards to the pedophiles working for him. Why did he want to get rid of Mueller if he is part of his pedophile network? I think it might be more likely that they smeared Mueller's name because he wasn't a part of their pedophile network. Birds of a feather flock together. Don't forget that rule. It applies heavily where the pedophile Roman Empire is concerned.
Whats makes it even worse is, this is widespread with the catholic empire.
BTW, Jere, IDK if muller was about to go public with anything about pedophilia. He reinstated a convicted pedophile named peter kramer a few years ago to the CDF
OR the Vatican had the news report the story using Mueller's name. It looks to me like there was a concerted effort going on since Pope Francis replaced Ratzinger to discredit Mueller. What I read about Mueller is that he was quite vocal in opposing much of what Pope Francis has been doing so the motive is certainly there. It didn't escape my attention that they made sure to mention his name in this story. It looks to me like the Vatican is seeking to destroy Cardinal Mueller's reputation which leads me to believe he just might be a decent person who was trying to do the right thing and got punished for it. Anytime the Vatican seeks to destroy someone's reputation - as they did Ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera (who exposed the Jesuit secrets and what was in Vatican archives) who they eventually murdered after trying 6 times.. that person must be a real threat to them.
Muller is also being sued in France for cover up of pedophilia. Dude is a damn pervert man. His reputation is pedophilia. There is nothing to destroy.
I suppose anything is possible but in this case I find it does not make sense, Harley. Pope Francis has consistently given protection, promotions and rewards to the pedophiles working for him. Why did he want to get rid of Mueller if he is part of his pedophile network? I think it might be more likely that they smeared Mueller's name because he wasn't a part of their pedophile network. Birds of a feather flock together. Don't forget that rule. It applies heavily where the pedophile Roman Empire is concerned.
Doesnt matter if it makes sense to you. Its all reality.
Whats makes it even worse is, this is widespread with the catholic empire.
BTW, Jere, IDK if muller was about to go public with anything about pedophilia. He reinstated a convicted pedophile named peter kramer a few years ago to the CDF
OR the Vatican had the news report the story using Mueller's name. It looks to me like there was a concerted effort going on since Pope Francis replaced Ratzinger to discredit Mueller. What I read about Mueller is that he was quite vocal in opposing much of what Pope Francis has been doing so the motive is certainly there. It didn't escape my attention that they made sure to mention his name in this story. It looks to me like the Vatican is seeking to destroy Cardinal Mueller's reputation which leads me to believe he just might be a decent person who was trying to do the right thing and got punished for it. Anytime the Vatican seeks to destroy someone's reputation - as they did Ex-Jesuit Dr. Alberto Rivera (who exposed the Jesuit secrets and what was in Vatican archives) who they eventually murdered after trying 6 times.. that person must be a real threat to them.
Muller is also being sued in France for cover up of pedophilia. Dude is a damn pervert man. His reputation is pedophilia. There is nothing to destroy.
I suppose anything is possible but in this case I find it does not make sense, Harley. Pope Francis has consistently given protection, promotions and rewards to the pedophiles working for him. Why did he want to get rid of Mueller if he is part of his pedophile network? I think it might be more likely that they smeared Mueller's name because he wasn't a part of their pedophile network. Birds of a feather flock together. Don't forget that rule. It applies heavily where the pedophile Roman Empire is concerned.
Doesnt matter if it makes sense to you. Its all reality.
Well the Vatican is known for sacrificing their own so perhaps you are right, Harley. Maybe Mueller was part of their pedophile network but when he publicly opposed Jesuit Pope Francis they decided to expose him. Pope Francis was identified by over 40 victims as a pedophile and murderer and he has yet to be put on trial for it. The Vatican has always protected their most vile criminals and when they die they get 'canonized' as saints. Very sick people. How anyone can call Catholicism Christianity is beyond me. It is the very antithesis of Christianity!
Final word to Catholics here: On the day of judgment not a single one of you will be able to feign ignorance about Catholicism and why you stayed in it after learning the truth. Not a single one of you. You'll remember that you had the opportunity to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation and come out from among them but you refused. It will ultimately be the greatest regret you'll ever have to live with throughout eternity.

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