55 million abortions / 40 years roe vs wade

did you see that video with the sexy black man with his whiskey and roses carrying on the celebration of murdering million of black babies? That's the best thing the liberals have come up with in 40 years. It's on you tube.
Interesting how Republicans complain about wanting a smaller, less-obtrusive government, yet then turn around and demand that the government get involved with the most private of matters between couples.
Such would mean that all women of child-bearing age must be monitored, especially if they were to travel overseas, where they could get abortions. Pregnancy confirmation testing would be mandatory when leaving and re-entering the United States. A clear violation of their privacy.
Any woman who is found to be pregnant would have to be monitored to ensure birth compliance and forced to raise the child whether they want it or not.
Home pregnancy tests would have to be banned, otherwise the person could be pregnant but then seek out a back-ally abortionist, which could be done anyway, if they are determined to get rid of it.
The bottom line is that the federal government taxes should stay out of it as the taxes come from people with different views on the subject, but taxes should be allowed to be paid for abortions in the cases to save the life of the mother. Private agencies should be allowed to perform legitimate abortions from financial donations and patients.
Interesting how Republicans complain about wanting a smaller, less-obtrusive government, yet then turn around and demand that the government get involved with the most private of matters between couples.
Such would mean that all women of child-bearing age must be monitored, especially if they were to travel overseas, where they could get abortions. Pregnancy confirmation testing would be mandatory when leaving and re-entering the United States. A clear violation of their privacy.
Any woeman who is found to be pregnant would have to be monitored to ensure birth compliance and forced to raise the child whether they want it or not.
Home pregnancy tests would have to be banned, otherwise the person could be pregnant but then seek out a back-ally abortionist, which could be done anyway, if they are determined to get rid of it.
The bottom line is that the federal government taxes should stay out of it as the taxes come from people with different views on the subject, but taxes should be allowed to be paid for abortions in the cases to save the life of the mother. Private agencies should be allowed to perform legitimate abortions from financial donations and patients.

:cuckoo: is it time for a checkup?
Considering Hitler killed living humans, and fetuses aren't living.....can't really say Hitler would be proud.

He forbade healthy "Aryan" women from getting abortions while mandating them along with forced sterilization of undesirables. Choice didn't play a big part in Nazi culture, just as Republicans want to limit choice in our culture.
55 million abortions / 40 years rove/wade

Quite an accomplishment Libberhoids
Hitler would be proud

55 million abortions?

What have Conservatives done to cut down on the number of abortions?

I blame Carl Rove and his Rove/Wade
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What does Rove have to do with it? I suppose a woman pregnant with his spawn would want an abortion. Anyway, no need to worry. We won't run out of kids and there are currently over 7 billion people. We'll make more.

No kidding.

We have too many people on this planet as it is.
When I lived in Florida, if you killed a baby sea turtle, the penalty was $1000 fine and a year in jail.

But a woman who got an abortion was celebrated and congratulated as a feminist hero........ :doubt:
There is an upside. That's 55 million fewer democrat voters. Conservatives should just keep having their babies and wait for the liberals to abort themselves into oblivion.
Abortion is a personal choice and should be respected as personal freedom.

Therefore, its no wonder that the hypocritical party of "personal freddom" and it's denizens strive to restrict it at every turn.
The standard Democrat position is that abortions should be safe, legal and RARE.* Pray tell, Libtards, why they should be rare? If an abortions are, as you say, nothing more than removing meaningless tissue, why should they be any more rare than getting a haircut? As usual, none of you will have the intellectual courage or honesty to answer these questions...

*Source: President William Jefferson Clinton
There is an upside. That's 55 million fewer democrat voters. Conservatives should just keep having their babies and wait for the liberals to abort themselves into oblivion.

I just knew there was somebody who recognized the upside to abortion. Cause everyone knows it is only people who would vote Dem that get abortions.

What is it that you rethugs really object to when it is Dems having abortions? Do you think the next great rethug leader is gonna be born to a Demorat? Does it say that in your bible?
Or the book of Mormon?
That's really the issue with you, isn't it warrior? Some secret Rethuglican book makes the case that the next, great Repub leader will be born to a welfare receiving Democrat. And you all are scared your savior will be aborted.

Now I understand.

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