55 million abortions / 40 years roe vs wade

Legalized and available abortions have substantially reduced the crime rate over the last couple of decades. I suspect it has also reduced the number of impoverished people and the amount of welfare payments.

These are facts.
Abortions In America

In the United States, about half of all pregnancies are unintended.
• Of all unintended pregnancies, 4 in 10 are aborted.

There has been a steady decline in abortions since 1980
By age 45, one third of American women will have had at least one abortion.

Women give an average of 3.7 reasons why they are seeking an abortion including the following:

• 21% Inadequate finances
• 21% Not ready for responsibility
• 16% Woman’s life would be changed too much
• 12% Problems with relationships, unmarried
• 11% Too young and/or immature
• 8% Children are grown; she has all she wants
• 3% Baby has possible health problems
&#8226; <1% Pregnancy caused by rape/incest
&#8226; 4% Other

Abortion by Religion
Protestant 42%
Catholic 27%
None 24%
Other 7%
God sez - thou shall not kill.
How ever you Libs want to twist that - good luck.
Don't tell me -

There is no God.

I can trace that fucking Big Mac you're eating to a higher-power assholes.

Try me.
Abortion is a personal choice and should be respected as personal freedom.

Therefore, its no wonder that the hypocritical party of "personal freddom" and it's denizens strive to restrict it at every turn.

This is the point where reality departs from your argument,pro life means just that,life not a personnel freedom. pro life people respect life at any stage,real young or real old matters not.

Crying hypocrisy holds no water,and WTF restrict at every turn?? what is that dribble??
God sez - thou shall not kill.
How ever you Libs want to twist that - good luck.
Don't tell me -

There is no God.

I can trace that fucking Big Mac you're eating to a higher-power assholes.

Try me.

God killed more people than abortion has

Including live cuddly babies
God sez - thou shall not kill.
How ever you Libs want to twist that - good luck.
Don't tell me -

There is no God.

I can trace that fucking Big Mac you're eating to a higher-power assholes.

Try me.

If you want to live according to the tenets of your religion, you're certainly welcome to, and I defend your right to do it.

However, I draw the line at forcing others to live by them, since others may not share your religious views.
Quite an accomplishment Libberhoids
Hitler would be proud

55 million abortions / 40 years roe vs wade

Those abortions would have happened with or without Roe.

Perhaps if social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists participated in finding an actual solution to the problem, rather than making it a partisan issue, the number of abortions might be significantly reduced.

Instead, conservatives sought only to ‘ban’ the practice and walk away, ignoring the underlying social problems that are the root cause of abortion.

This is the consequence of blind adherence to conservative social dogma, not a Supreme Court ruling protecting Americans’ civil liberties.
There's a pretty good chance that those 55 million would have a drain on society anyway.
God killed more people than abortion has

Who had God killed? It's bad enough you fucking Libberhoids blame GW Bush for everything from a hangnail to nuclear holocaust - now God is to blame?

Jesus Christ -

Jump off a fucking building and abort yourself.
God killed more people than abortion has

Who had God killed? It's bad enough you fucking Libberhoids blame GW Bush for everything from a hangnail to nuclear holocaust - now God is to blame?

Jesus Christ -

Jump off a fucking building and abort yourself.

God got pissed off and flooded the earth killing almost every inhabitant including babies, grandmas, puppies and kittens

To prove he hadn't learned he decided to kill all the firstborn of Egypt just to show he could
Quite an accomplishment Libberhoids
Hitler would be proud

Quite a few of these fetuses would be kids now and would be on taxpayer funded children's health program and food stamps, and nothing makes the tea bag right wingers foam at the mouth like an innocent hungry child getting "free stuff".

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